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The cadmium (Cd) content of rice grain grown in metal-contaminated paddy soils near abandoned metal mines in South Korea was found to exceed safety guidelines (0.2 mg Cd kg?1) set by the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). However, current remediation technologies for heavy metal-contaminated soils have limited application with respect to rice paddy soils. Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to assess the effects of amending contaminated rice paddy soils with zerovalent iron (ZVI), lime, humus, compost, and combinations of these compounds to immobilize Cd and inhibit Cd translocation to rice grain. Sequential extraction analysis revealed that treatment with the ameliorants induced a 50-90% decrease in the bioavailable Cd fractions when compared to the untreated control soil. When compared to the control, Cd uptake by rice was decreased in response to treatment with ZVI + humus (69%), lime (65%), ZVI + compost (61%), compost (46%), ZVI (42%), and humus (14%). In addition, ameliorants did not influence rice yield when compared to that of the control. Overall, the results of this study indicated that remediation technologies using ameliorants effectively reduce Cd bioavailability and uptake in contaminated rice paddy soils.  相似文献   

脱硫石膏改良中度苏打盐渍土施用量的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采用盆栽试验和田间试验相结合的方法,通过种植油葵(Helianthus annus),进行了脱硫石膏施用量的试验.结果表明,施用脱硫石膏能够有效降低土壤碱化度、总碱度和pH值,但却增加了土壤全盐量;施用脱硫石膏可显著提高油葵出苗率和产量,但施用量过高会抑制油葵的生长发育.施用11 250 kg·hm-2脱硫石膏对中度苏打盐渍土改良效果最佳,最有利于油葵的生长发育,耕作层土壤碱化度、总碱度和pH值分别降至6%、0.2 cmol·kg-1和8.5以下,油葵出苗率达到70%以上,田间试验中油葵产量高达2 031 kg·hm-2,与不施脱硫石膏处理相比,增产率达到16.2%.  相似文献   

A study on soil reclamation for cultivation of Mauritius grass was conducted on soils obtained from abandoned shrimp ponds at Ranote District, Songkhla Province, southern Thailand. A glass house experiment on the reclamation of the soils included desalination by leaching soils using various amounts of deionised water, rice husk, plant nutrients and gypsum as well as an omission pot trial experiment. The result showed that Mauritius grass survived in the treatment with 15 L of water, 2% of rice husk with gypsum added or 8% of rice husk without gypsum added. The yield of Mauritius grass increased with increases in the amounts of water for desalination and rice husk. Thus, the highest yield of grass with a height of 148.3 cm, 12.7 tillers/pot and dry weight of 46.43 g/pot was observed in the gypsum added treatment with the highest amount of water and rice husk (25 L of water and 8% by weight of rice husk). Therefore, salinity and unfavourable structure of the abandoned pond soils were major factors governing the survival ability and growth of the grass. The omission pot trial experiment revealed that growth of the grass responded to the application of P, Ca, Mg and S, though existing amounts of such plant nutrient elements in the soils were adequate for plant growth. The anomalous characteristics were probably explained by soil pH, salinity and imbalance of plant nutrient elements.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲稻田土壤砷及其向水稻籽粒迁移特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采集珠江三角洲区域水稻(Oryze sativa L.)植株的根系、秸秆、稻谷和对应的耕层土壤(0~15锄)样品,分析土壤和水稻植株中砷含量,初步研究土壤砷与土壤基本理化性质的关系及砷在土壤-水稻系统中的迁移规律.结果表明,土壤砷含量在1.83~18.14 mg·kg~(-1)之间,土壤砷与土壤有机质、砂粒含量呈显著负相关,与土壤粉粒含量呈显著正相关.糙米中的砷含量在0.21~0.43mg·kg~(-1)之间,均未超过国家食品卫生标准(0.7mg·kg~(-1)),砷在水稻植株中的分布规律为根>秸秆>颖壳>糙米.糙米砷含量与秸秆砷含量呈极显著正相关,与秸秆中P/As、Si/As摩尔比呈极显著负相关,因此,降低秸秆中As的积累、增加秸秆中P、Si的积累可降低水稻籽粒中的砷含量.  相似文献   

秸秆还田下改良剂对水稻生长和Cd吸收积累的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤中的镉(Cd)易在水稻中积累而威胁人体健康,秸秆还田下不同化学改良剂对水稻Cd 吸收累积特性的影响效应值得关注.选取成都平原德阳市旌阳区Cd 污染稻田为研究对象,开展小区试验,研究秸秆(油菜、小麦)直接还田下添加石灰、钙镁磷肥、海泡石3 种改良剂对水稻生长和Cd 吸收累积的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,油菜秸秆+钙镁磷肥和小麦秸秆+海泡石处理均能增加水稻株高、分蘖数和产量,其中产量提高了6.34%和12.64%,达显著水平(P〈0.05).秸秆还田下,配施改良剂(石灰、钙镁磷肥、海泡石)均能显著降低(P〈0.05)水稻糙米Cd 含量,较对照降幅分别为21.65%-36.75%(油菜秸秆还田)和21.11%-33.87%(小麦秸秆还田).油菜秸秆+改良剂(石灰、钙镁磷肥、海泡石)促进了土壤Cd 向茎叶的累积,较对照增加1.31-2.41 倍,这对水稻秸秆(茎叶)还田利用有不利影响.小麦秸秆+石灰或海泡石处理均显著降低了茎秆、谷壳Cd 积累,较对照降幅为6.28%-19.63%和70.16%-78.68%.综合水稻产量及其对土壤Cd 吸收累积效应,油菜秸秆配合改良剂(海泡石、石灰和钙镁磷肥)、小麦秸秆+海泡石是较为理想的秸秆还田与改良剂配合处理技术.  相似文献   

陈琼贤  彭志平 《生态环境》2002,11(4):373-375
探讨了营养型土壤改良剂(简称改良剂)对水稻产量、土壤酸度、土壤养分、土壤肥力和土壤物理性能的效应。连续2年4造水稻试验结果表明,施用改良剂比对照稻谷产量增加8.6%~11.3%(平均10.3%),增产达极显著水平,并且有良好后效。施用土壤改良剂具有提高pH,降低活性Al,增加N、P、K有效养分和代换性K、Ca和Mg的效果。  相似文献   

脱硫石膏改良碱化土壤种植水稻施用量研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
选择具有典型代表性的宁夏西大滩碱化土壤,采用拉丁方田间试验设计进行脱硫石膏改良碱化土壤种植水稻(Oryza sativa)的施用量研究.试验研究表明施用脱硫石膏能够降低土壤碱化度、总碱度和pH值,提高水稻的出苗率和产量.但是,脱硫石膏施用量不同,土壤碱化度、总碱度和pH值降低的值不同.根据脱硫石膏施用量与土壤碱化度、总碱度、pH值降低的模拟曲线关系,当脱硫石膏施用量为2.8~3.1kg·m~(-2)时,土壤碱化度、总碱度、pH值降低的值达到最大.同时,根据脱硫石膏施用量与水稻出苗率和产量的模拟曲线关系,当脱硫石膏施用量为2.86kg·m~(-2),水稻出苗率达到最大,为84.7%;当脱硫石膏施用量为2.79kg·m~(-2)时,水稻产量达到最大,为0.75kg·m~(-2).因此,建议脱硫石膏改良碱化土壤种植水稻的施用量为2.8~3.1kg·m~(-2).  相似文献   

采用盆栽实验的方法研究了在Cd胁迫下As污染物对水稻(Oryze sativa L.)、大豆(Glycine mdx L .)生长发育及重金属吸收积累的影响,As-Cd污染土壤采用不同改性剂对农产品安全性的影响研究.研究结果表明:单元素As处理与对照相比水稻株高降低了10.3锄、产量下降了9.8%,而大豆株高、产量分别增加了6 cm、36.9%,在实验设计污染物浓度范围内,As对大豆生长发育有刺激作用.As-Cd处理与对照相比水稻的株高、产量分别下降了2.3 cm、1.75%,而大豆株高、产量下降了12 cm、5.6%,As-Cd污染处理抑制了作物的生长发育;As-Cd处理比单元素As处理其水稻籽实、茎叶、根中As含量分别多4.2倍、1.14倍、1.7倍,As-Cd处理比单元素As处理大豆籽实、茎叶、根中As含量分别多4.63倍、2.82倍、1.85倍,Cd元素的存在对水稻、大豆吸收As具有协同作用;采用腐殖酸4%、pH4处理改性措施使土壤中有效态As含量降低,降低了As对农作物的健康风险.  相似文献   

粉煤灰结合施肥对土壤微生物和酶活性的效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在以前对粉煤灰改良石灰性土壤对其理化性质和养分效应研究的基础上,分析了小麦不同生育期土壤中微生物数量和几种重要的土壤酶的活性,旨在探讨石灰性褐土施用粉煤灰配合有机肥对土壤环境生物质量的效应。结果表明,每公顷施用粉煤灰150t以上显著提高了土壤中各种微生物的数量,对土壤酶活性也有显著的作用,尤其是对小麦灌浆期脲酶的活性有显著的促进作用。因此,施用粉煤灰可以改善土壤的生物活性,从而达到保护和治理土壤环境的效果。  相似文献   

在缺硫土壤上以石膏、硫磺、硫酸钾镁(SPM)作为流源进行硫肥水稻试验,并设置与石膏等钙量、与SPM等镁量的石灰、MgCl3处理,结果显示,增施硫、钙、镁,水稻均有显著增产,其中硫的增产效果最好;在3个硫肥品种中,以施石膏增产最大、施硫磺效益最佳。讨论了施硫对水稻生长发育、营养状况及对稻谷品质的影响。  相似文献   

土壤调理剂对稻米中镉含量及其品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来土壤调理剂被大量投入到重金属污染农田治理修复中,大部分产品使用后可以达到农产品质量安全的效果,但对农产品品质影响方面关注较少。选取市面上销量较大的4种(A、B、C、D)土壤调理剂,通过早、晚两造水稻大田验证试验结果来评价调理剂对水稻生长的影响,对指导实际安全生产具有重要的意义。结果表明,施用土壤调理剂可以增加水稻产量,增幅在2%—6%之间;使稻米的镉含量降低18%—48%,调理剂的增产控Cd效果表现为早稻均优于晚稻。稻米中直链淀粉含量有不同程度的增加,晚稻效果更加明显,含量均处于国家优质米直链淀粉含量(14%—20%)之间。各处理稻米蛋白质含量均有提高,晚稻稻米中蛋白质含量整体高于早稻。施用调理剂可以增加稻米矿物质元素Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn在稻米中的积累,其中调理剂C对提高早稻稻米Ca、Cu、Zn含量效果最好;调理剂B对提高早稻稻米Mg、Fe、Mn含量效果最好,且也有利于提高晚稻稻米Fe含量;调理剂A对提高晚稻Ca、Mg、Zn、Mn效果最好;调理剂D对提高晚稻稻米铜元素含量效果最好。相关性分析结果表明,稻米中6种矿物质元素Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn均与稻米中Cd含量呈现负相关关系,并达到显著或极显著水平,说明提高稻米中矿物质元素含量能有效抑制镉向稻米中转移。  相似文献   

We investigated N cycling and denitrification rates following five years of N and dolomite amendments to whole-tree harvested forest plots at the long-term soil productivity experiment in the Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia, USA. We hypothesized that changes in soil chemistry and nutrient cycling induced by N fertilization would increase denitrification rates and the N2O:N2 ratio. Soils from the fertilized plots had a lower pH (2.96) than control plots (3.22) and plots that received fertilizer and dolomite (3.41). There were no significant differences in soil %C or %N between treatments. Chloroform-labile microbial biomass carbon was lower in fertilized plots compared to control plots, though this trend was not significant. Extractable soil NO3- was elevated in fertilized plots on each sample date. Soil-extractable NH4+, NO3-, pH, microbial biomass carbon, and %C varied significantly by sample date suggesting important seasonal patterns in soil chemistry and N cycling. In particular, the steep decline in extractable NH4+ during the growing season is consistent with the high N demands of a regenerating forest. Net N mineralization and nitrification also varied by date but were not affected by the fertilization and dolomite treatments. In a laboratory experiment, denitrification was stimulated by NO3- additions in soils collected from all field plots, but this effect was stronger in soils from the unfertilized control plots, suggesting that chronic N fertilization has partially alleviated a NO3- limitation on denitrification rates. Dextrose stimulated denitrification only in the whole-tree-harvest soils. Denitrification enzyme activity varied by sample date and was elevated in fertilized plots for soil collected in July 2000 and June 2001. There were no detectable treatment effects on N2O or N2 flux from soils under anaerobic conditions, though there was strong temporal variation. These results suggest that whole-tree harvesting has altered the N status of these soils so they are less prone to N saturation than more mature forests. It is likely that N losses associated with the initial harvest and high N demand by aggrading vegetation is minimizing, at least temporarily, the amount of inorganic N available for nitrification and denitrification, even in the fertilized plots in this experiment.  相似文献   

在温室条件下,利用盆栽实验研究了三种土壤改良剂(骨炭、活性炭、泥炭)对荧蒽和苯并[k]荧蒽的提取和黑麦草吸收的影响.结果表明,添加骨炭、活性炭和泥炭后,土壤中可提取态荧蒽和苯并[k]荧蒽的量比对照处理分别降低了43.1%-63.8%和35.2%-57.6%,在高剂量骨炭、活性炭和泥炭处理的土壤中,可提取态荧蒽和苯并[k]荧蒽的量降低幅度均比相应低剂量处理的降低幅度大,并且各处理的效果与对照相比均达到了显著差异(p<0.05);骨炭、活性炭和泥炭减少了荧蒽和苯并[k]荧蒽在黑麦草地下部分和地上部分的累积量,并且荧蒽和苯并[k]荧蒽在黑麦草地下部分和地上部分的累积量随着骨炭、活性炭和泥炭添加量的增加呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,通过添加粉煤灰和牛粪对煤矸石污染土壤进行改良,并研究了不同改良措施对大豆生长、光合特性和产量的影响。结果表明,添加粉煤灰0.07 kg.kg-1(T1)、添加牛粪0.07 kg.kg-1(T2)、添加粉煤灰和牛粪各0.07 kg.kg-1(T3)3种土壤改良措施对大豆的株高、叶面积和单株根瘤数均有显著影响,不同生育期株高、叶面积和单株根瘤数均表现为T3>T2>T1>CK。在花期和鼓粒期,3种土壤改良措施下大豆的叶绿素含量和光合速率均显著高于对照,且T3处理显著高于T2和T1。与对照相比,不同土壤改良措施对大豆的单株荚数、百粒重、单株粒重和产量均有显著影响,T3、T2和T1处理的大豆产量较对照分别提高68.47%、40.99%和30.63%。  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) has been widely adopted for phytomanagement of cadmium (Cd)-contaminated soils due to its high biomass production and Cd accumulation capacity. This paper reviewed the toxic effects of Cd and its management by maize plants. Maize could tolerate a certain level of Cd in soil while higher Cd stress can decrease seed germination, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis and growth/yields. Toxicity response of maize to Cd varies with cultivar/varieties, growth medium and stress duration/extent. Exogenous application of organic and inorganic amendments has been used for enhancing Cd tolerance of maize. The selection of Cd-tolerant maize cultivar, crop rotation, soil type, and exogenous application of microbes is a representative agronomic practice to enhance Cd tolerance in maize. Proper selection of cultivar and agronomic practices combined with amendments might be successful for the remediation of Cd-contaminated soils with maize. However, there might be the risk of food chain contamination by maize grains obtained from the Cd-contaminated soils. Thus, maize cultivation could be an option for the management of low- and medium-grade Cd-contaminated soils if grain yield is required. On the other hand, maize can be grown on Cd-polluted soils only if biomass is required for energy production purposes. Long-term field trials are required, including risks and benefit analysis for various management strategies aiming Cd phytomanagement with maize.  相似文献   

用蒙脱石、稻草、鸡粪作为改良剂 ,研究不同改良剂对铜矿尾矿砂与菜园土混合土壤pH、有效态重金属含量、脲酶和磷酸酶活性以及混合土壤上种植的黑麦草生长的影响。结果表明 :添加蒙脱石对不同生长期黑麦草的生长量没有显著影响 ;使用稻草和鸡粪处理尽管在开始阶段不利于黑麦草 (第 1茬和第 2茬 )的生长 ,但随时间延长 ,黑麦草的生物量 (第 3茬和第 4茬 )明显增加 ,表现出很好的后效。黑麦草的根重与鸡粪的添加量关系显著 ,施用稻草的纯尾矿砂处理组 (处理 2 2 )根重最大 ,而且蚯蚓只能在使用适量稻草的处理条件下才能在混合土壤中生长。土壤酶的分析发现 ,磷酸酶的活性除了在蚯蚓能够生长的处理组表现出较高外 ,其它处理之间无明显差异 ,但脲酶的活性则随着稻草和鸡粪施用量的增加而显著提高。各处理之间土壤的 pH值变化不大。添加稻草减少了土壤中有效态重金属的含量 ,而使用鸡粪处理明显增加了土壤中包括铜、铅和锌等有效态重金属的含量 ,说明在施用含有重金属的畜禽粪便时务必小心谨慎 ,以防二次污染。  相似文献   

Five medicinal plants viz. Abelmoschatus moschatus Linn., Clitoria tematea L., Plumbagozeylanica L., Psorolea corylifolia L. and Withania sominifera L. were grown in a polypot experiment in five soils representing coal mine soil, coppermine soil, fly ash, skeletal soil and forest soil with and without mycorrhizal inoculations in a completely randomized block design. Dry matter yield and mycorrhizal root colonization of plants varied both in uninoculated and inoculated conditions. The forest soil rendered highest dry matter due to higher yield of A. moschatus, P. zeylanica and P corylifolia while fly ash showed lowest dry matter without any inoculants. P. cematea were best in coalmine soil and W. sominifera in copper mine soil without mycorrhizal inoculation. The mycorrhiza was found to enhance the dry matter yield. This contributed minimum 0.19% to maximum up to 422.0% in different soils as compared to uninoculated plants. The mycorrhizal dependency was noticed maximum in plants grown in fly ash followed by coal mine soil, copper mine soil, skeletal soil and forest soil. The mycorrhizal response was increased maximum in W. sominifera due to survival in fly ash after inoculation followed by P corylifolia and P cematea. Percent root colonization in inoculated plant was increased minimum of 1.10 fold to maximum of 12.0 folds in comparison to un-inoculated plants . The native mycorrhiza fungi were also observed to colonize 4.0 to 32.0% roots in plants understudy. This study suggests that mycorrhizal inoculation increased the dry matter yield of medicinal plants in all soils under study. It also helps in survival of W. sominifera in fly ash.  相似文献   

采用盆栽实验,研究了海泡石、酸改性海泡石以及二者与磷酸盐联合使用对镉铅复合污染稻田土壤的钝化修复效果,并通过培养实验和重金属形态分析探讨了不同钝化剂处理的作用机理。结果表明:添加海泡石可以显著提高污染土壤pH值,而磷酸盐和改性海泡石则对土壤pH值无显著影响。钝化处理能显著降低土壤TCLP提取态Cd、Pb的质量分数,最大降低率分别可达23.3%和47.2%,钝化剂复配处理对土壤TCLP提取态重金属的抑制效果优于单一处理。施用海泡石和磷酸盐,通过提高土壤pH值、物理化学吸附以及生成矿物沉淀等作用,可以促进污染土壤中的Cd、Pb由活性高的交换态向活性低的残渣态转化,从而显著降低Cd、Pb的生物有效性和迁移能力。添加钝化剂可以显著提高水稻各部位的产量,稻谷和稻草的最大增产率分别为34.3%和26.6%;钝化剂复配处理对水稻的增产作用明显优于单一处理。施用钝化剂可以显著降低水稻各部位的Cd、Pb质量分数,最大可使精米的Cd、Pb质量分数分别降低35.8%和40.9%,钝化剂复配处理对水稻吸收Cd、Pb的抑制作用明显优于单一处理,海泡石和磷酸盐复配处理中精米的Cd、Pb质量分数符合国家食品卫生标准要求。综合分析不同钝化处理的增产作用、降低作物Cd、Pb吸收以及土壤Cd、Pb可迁移性的作用可知,海泡石与磷酸盐复配处理对稻田土壤Cd、Pb复合污染的钝化修复效果最佳。  相似文献   

水稻灌浆期臭氧暴露对产量形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用田间原位开顶式气室(Open-topchamber,OTC)研究了长江三角洲地区水稻灌浆期臭氧(O3)暴露对其产量形成的影响,从而确定灌浆期臭氧胁迫对水稻产量的影响.实验设计4种臭氧水平,即过滤空气(CF,O3浓度10nL·L-1);自然大气(NF,O3浓度40nL·L-1);臭氧动态1(O1,O3梯度为50、100、150nL·L-1,平均浓度70nL·L-1);臭氧动态2(O2,O3梯度为75、150、300nL·L-1,平均浓度170nL·L-1).结果表明,随着臭氧浓度的升高,水稻的株高、穗长、分支、穗粒数及水稻生物量和产量等指标均有下降的趋势,但4种处理间均无显著性差异(p>0.05).在试验浓度下,水稻灌浆期短期高浓度O3暴露对其产量没有显著影响,不会造成明显的产量损失,但与全生育期相比,水稻产量对灌浆期的高臭氧浓度更为敏感.  相似文献   

We investigated the extractability of nickel (Ni) in serpentine soils collected from rice paddy fields in eastern Taiwan to evaluate the bioavailability of Ni in the soils as well as for demonstrating the health risks of Ni in rice. Total Ni concentrations in the soils ranged were 70.2–2730 mg/kg (mean, 472 mg/kg), greatly exceeding the natural background content and soil control standard in Taiwan. Available Ni concentration only accounts for <10% of total soil Ni content; 0.1 N HCl-extractable Ni was the more suitable index for Ni bioavailability in the soil to rice than was diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Ni. The accumulation ability of rice roots was much higher than that of its shoots; however, compared with those reported previously, our brown and polished rice samples contained much higher Ni concentrations, within the ranges of 1.50–4.53 and 2.45–5.54 mg/kg, respectively. On the basis of the provisional tolerable Ni intake for adults recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), daily consumption of this rice can result in an excessive Ni intake.  相似文献   

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