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菲在不同地质吸附剂上吸附/解吸的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
高媛  孙红文 《环境化学》2008,27(2):158-163
研究了菲在不同土壤和沉积物等天然地质吸附剂上的吸附/解吸行为.结果表明,菲在四种天然地质吸附剂上的吸附和解吸都能较快达到稳态.菲的吸附符合线性吸附等温线,说明菲的吸附是分配作用占主导,吸附系数Kd在24.1-187.5 L·kg-1之间.连续解吸实验表明,菲在天然地质吸附剂上的解吸存在不同程度的滞后现象,吸附剂的有机碳含量和菲的加入浓度是影响菲解吸率和滞后程度的重要因素.当菲加入浓度分别为1mg·1-1和2mg·1-1时,在有机碳含量为2.82%的榆林县土壤上的解吸滞后系数为1.61和0.67;而2mg·1-1的菲在有机碳含量为0.69%的泰达河岸土上的滞后系数为-0.06,吸附几乎完全可逆.  相似文献   

孙可  XING Bao-shan  冉勇 《环境化学》2007,26(6):757-761
采用改进的酸水解方法对土壤和沉积物中的有机质组分进行了分离和提取,用固体13C核磁共振(13CNMR)表征了非水解有机碳(NHC),同时研究了不同有机质组分对菲的吸附行为,结果表明,菲的吸附等温线都呈现出明显的非线性,能很好地拟合Freundlich方程;而且NHC和碳黑(BC)比其原始和去矿样品的吸附容量都有明显提高.这些结果揭示了NHC和BC主要控制着菲在土壤和沉积物中的吸附行为.沉积物及其NHC对菲的吸附容量要高于土壤及其NHC,这与土壤和沉积物中有机质的不同来源有关.  相似文献   

利用淡水单孔蚓Monopylephorus limosus的生物富集实验,研究了黑碳对土壤和沉积物中多环芳烃类有机化合物菲生物可利用性的影响,同时研究了黑碳对菲吸附和解吸行为的影响,并用"双元平衡解吸(DED)模型"对解吸行为进行了预测.结果表明,土壤和沉积物中黑碳的存在直接导致了菲在颤蚓体内的生物累积因子(BSAF)的降低,其原因在于菲在黑碳沉积物样品中的不可逆吸附程度的显著增强.研究发现,土壤和沉积物中菲的生物可利用性与土壤和沉积物中菲的吸附相浓度无关而与孔隙水浓度密切相关.  相似文献   

pH和添加有机物料对3种酸性土壤中磷吸附-解吸的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了pH和添加有机物料对红壤、砖红壤和水稻土中磷吸附-解吸的影响。结果表明,砖红壤和水稻土中磷的吸附量和解吸量均随pH的升高而降低,pH对红壤中磷吸附和解吸的影响很小。土壤阳离子交换量(CEC),铁、铝氧化物含量和有机质含量是影响磷吸附的主要因素。红壤的CEC和有机质含量很低,铁、铝氧化物含量高,因而对磷的吸附量最高。砖红壤和水稻土CEC较高,土壤表面对磷的排斥作用较大,而且较高含量的有机质覆盖了土壤表面的磷吸附位,因此这2种土壤对磷的吸附量低于红壤。添加稻草并进行恒温培养可使红壤和水稻土对磷的吸附量显著减少,但对砖红壤中磷吸附的影响较小。添加稻草使土壤磷的解吸量和解吸率增加,从而增加了土壤中吸附性磷的活性。  相似文献   

多环芳烃在全土及其碱提残余物上的吸附行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以菲和芘为代表性化合物,采用8种有机质含量不同的天然全土样品及其碱提残余物进行吸附实验,并利用不同吸附模型进行数据拟合,藉以探讨有机质含量对土壤吸附行为的影响.结果表明,Freundlich吸附模型的非线性指数n都小于1,显示全土和碱提残余物在多环芳烃的吸附过程中表现出非线性特征.菲和芘的吸附行为随土壤有机质含量不同而变化,碱提残余物的吸附能力强于全土,两者吸附行为的差异主要归因于土壤有机质含量和性状的区别.  相似文献   

菲与吡啶在沉积物及粘土矿物上的吸附行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了菲和吡啶在天然沉积物及粘土矿物(高岭土、蒙脱土)上的吸附行为.结果表明,含有天然有机质的沉积物对菲的吸附最为显著,而高岭土和蒙脱土对菲也能发生一定程度的吸附.菲在3种吸附剂上的吸附行为比较符合线性模型,Kd分别为594.7L·kg-1(沉积物),405.OL·kg-1(高岭土)和286.7L·kg-1(蒙脱土).吡啶在3种吸附剂上吸附的Kd明显低于菲,在沉积物、高岭土和蒙脱土颗粒上分别为1.18,9.03和0.94 L·kg-1.CEC较大的沉积物和蒙脱土上吡啶的吸附量更低,这可能是背景溶液中Na+向此两种吸附剂表面大量聚集所致.总体上溶液pH值对于菲在3种吸附剂上的吸附影响较小,而对于吡啶而言,酸性和碱性条件均较中性条件更有利于其在粘土矿物上的吸附,其在沉积物上的吸附则随溶液pH值的增大而降低.  相似文献   

对硝基苯酚在沉积物上的吸附特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱利中  杨坤 《环境化学》2001,20(5):449-454
研究了沉积物吸附对硝基苯酚的作用机理及影响因素,结果表明,对硝基苯酚在沉积物上的吸附由其中的有机质含量和结构决定,体系的pH值对对硝基苯酚的吸附有较大的影响,其主要原因是体系的pH值控制着沉积物中有机质的溶出量,在实验浓度范围内,分配作用在沉积物吸附对硝基酚中占主导地位。  相似文献   

分子结构在腐殖酸对菲吸附行为中的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
用连续碱提取具有不同结构组成特征的腐殖酸级分,考察了分子结构在腐殖酸对菲吸附行为中的影响,结果表明:随着腐殖酸中元素碳、表观分子量以及脂肪碳含量的增加,腐殖酸对菲的吸附能力和吸附的非线性特征都呈增强趋势;相反,随着腐殖酸中元素氧和芳香碳含量的增加,腐殖酸对菲的吸附能力和吸附的非线性都逐渐减弱,这主要与结构中极性官能团所连位置有关.  相似文献   

松花江沉积物主要组分对汞吸附的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过选择性去除-吸附-统计分析的方法,模拟研究了松花江沉积物中主要组分对汞吸附的能力和贡献.结果表明,Langmuir、Freundlich吸附等温线均能较好地描述萃取前沉积物吸附汞的过程,其中Langmuir吸附等温线拟合效果更好.NH2OH.HCl、Na2S2O4和H2O2等去除剂对沉积物进行选择性去除后的吸附实验显示,Langmuir吸附等温线仍能较好地拟合吸附过程.沉积物各主要组分对汞的吸附能力顺序为锰氧化物铁氧化物有机质.由于沉积物中各组分的含量差异较大,就各组分对汞的吸附贡献而言,铁氧化物和有机质相对于锰氧化物的贡献较大.  相似文献   

用振荡平衡方法,研究了非离子表面活性剂Brij35和Brij30在沉积物上的吸附行为及其对甲基对硫磷在三种沉积物上吸附的影响.结果表明:Brij35的吸附符合Langmuir型吸附等温线;Brij30的吸附符合S型吸附等温线.对于有机质含量高的沉积物,Brij35抑制甲基对硫磷的吸附,Brij30在加入浓度大于CMC时能促进甲基对硫磷的吸附,低于CMC时则抑制甲基对硫磷的吸附.对于有机质含量低的沉积物,Brij35和Brij30均能使甲基对硫磷的吸附量增加.表面活性剂对甲基对硫磷吸附行为的影响机理为吸附态和溶解态的表面活性剂对甲基对硫磷的吸附和增溶共同作用的结果,表面活性剂吸附态对甲基对硫磷吸附的贡献主要来自于吸附并集聚于沉积物表面的表面活性剂,通过分配作用进入沉积物有机质的表面活性剂吸附态贡献率小.  相似文献   

郝晓霞  张耀斌  全燮  梁旗  陈硕 《环境化学》2011,30(2):466-470
采用平衡振荡实验方法,研究了不同浓度的全氟辛烷磺酸盐(PFOS)对两种有机污染物(硝基苯和菲)在沉积物上吸附的影响.结果表明,单组分PFOS在沉积物上是非线性吸附;与其它有机污染物共存时,随着PFOS浓度的升高,硝基苯的吸附量先减少后增加,而菲的吸附量则先增加后减少.PFOS对其它有机污染物吸附的影响规律与有机污染物的...  相似文献   

香港河流沉积物中有机碳对铜的吸附特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用厌氧序列分批滴定装置(ASBT)研究了香港青山湾避风塘和屯门河、城门河、林村河感潮河段沉积物中有机碳对铜的吸附特性。结果表明,在pH16和pH7的条件下,沉积物中有机碳对铜的吸附特性可用Langmuir等温式描述,铜在不同河流沉积物有机碳中的分配系数差别较大,吸附容量差别较小,H^+可以结合沉积物有机碳的重金属结合位点,导致吸附容量和分配系数随pH增大而增大。  相似文献   

黄河沉积物对磷的吸附行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了黄河流域9个沉积物对磷的吸附行为,用修改后的Langmuir等温吸附模型对吸附实验数据进行了拟合,得到最大吸附容量PAC、Langmuir吸附平衡常数k.利用所得拟合参数通过公式计算方法得到EPC_0,以此判断沉积物是磷"源"还是磷"汇",分析了沉积物组成及其理化性质与磷吸附特征的关系.结果表明,各沉积物的吸附,解吸平衡磷浓度EPC_0范围在0.0031~0.109 3 mg/L,,其值也较低,与可解吸的内源磷含量正相关,与地理位置没有表现出相关性.在本研究条件下,在壶口张家湾断面,沉积物对磷表现为"汇";而其他沉积物对磷表现为"源",但释放量和吸附量不大.黄河沉积物对磷的最大吸附容量PAC的范围为0.073~0.454 mg/L,吸附能力较弱,沉积物的最大吸附容量与沉积物的有机质有较好的正相关关系.此外,沉积物对磷的吸附存在明显的固体浓度C_S效应,吸附滞后角随着C_S的增加而增大,随着同体浓度的增加,沉积物对P的吸附量逐渐降低,但EPCC_0值却增大,体现了颗粒物在磷循环中的两性作用.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between methane production in the sediments and pollution of the river and lake, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the water sample, organic matter content and methane production of the sediment were measured. Experimental results indicated that BOD, COD and organic matter contents were low in Bei-tan Lake, the I-lan River and reservoirs; and methane production of these sediments ranged from 0.24 to 1.06 mg L- 1. However, BOD, COD and organic matter contents were high in the Hsin-dan River, Keelung River, drainage river of Taoyuan County, park pond and fishery pond. Methane production of these sediments was between 11.75 and 54.54 mg L-1. Sediments of drain river and fishery pond had high methane production, at 25.41 to 54.54 mg methane L. Methane production of sediments had a good correlation with BOD, COD and organic matter contents. Methane production was proportional to the increment in incubation temperature from 12 to 40C.  相似文献   

Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) have been regarded as the most significant components in sorbing organic contaminants onto natural biofilms. However, few investigations have reported the effects of EPS on the sorption of organic contaminants onto biofilms in different incubation times. Here, pentachlorophenol (PCP), selected as a model organic pollutant, was sorbed by biofilms and EPS-free biofilms cultured for 15, 30, and 45 days, to evaluate the role of EPS in the sorption process. EPS were extracted from biofilms to investigate the binding mechanism of PCP to the fluorescence matters in EPS by fluorescence quenching titration. Results showed that EPS, bound with biofilms or released to water, could increase or decrease the sorption amounts of PCP on biofilms in various incubation times. The presence of bound EPS in biofilms enhanced the sorption amounts of 30-day biofilms (6.0?±?0.11?μmol?g?1) because of the formation of the EPS-PCP complex between PCP and fluorescence matters in EPS, such as protein-like matters. In contrast, the release of PCP-bound EPS in 15- and 45-day biofilms decreased the sorption amounts of PCP on biofilms. All the results suggested that EPS dominated the sorption of PCP onto biofilms.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the contribution of various black carbon (BC) contents to nonlinearity of sorption and desorption isotherms for acetochlor on sediment, equilibrium sorption and desorption isotherms were determined to measure sorption and desorption of acetochlor in sediment amended with various amounts of BC. In this paper, two types of BC referred to as BC400 and BC500 were prepared at 400°C and 500°C, respectively. Higher preparation temperature facilitated the formation of micropores on BC to enhance its sorption capacity. Increase of the BC content obviously increased the sorption amount and reduced the desorption amount for acetochlor. When the BC500 contents in total organic carbon (TOC) increased from 0 to 60%, Freundlich sorption coefficient (K f) increased from 4.07 to 35.74, and desorption hysteresis became gradually obvious.When the content of BC in TOC was lower than 23%, the sorption isotherm had a significant linear correlation (p = 50.05). In case of desorption, a significant nonlinear change could be observed when the content of BC was up to 13%. Increase of BC content in the sediment would result in shifting the sorption-desorption isotherms from linearity to nonlinearity, which indicated that contribution of BC to nonlinear adsorption fraction became gradually remarkable.  相似文献   

The complex capacity of different types of organic matters (OMs) for Cu was quantitatively studied by simulation experiments using different adsorbents prepared from the sediment in Taihu Lake. The free Cu was measured with ion selective electrode (ISE) and complex capacity was calculated using a conditional formation constant model. The result indicated that the complex capacity was 0.048 mmol·g-1, 0.009 and 0.005 mmol.g-1for raw sediment, sediment without DOM, sediment without insoluble organic matters but with DOM and sediment without OM. Insoluble organic matter played a major role in the sorption of Cu in sediment and it can adsorb most Cu from water column. In the solution, Cu mainly existed as a complex with DOM and the DOM-Cu complexation capacity was 327.87 mg. g-1. The change of TOC and pH indicated ion-exchange in the interaction between free Cu and DOM. When the Cu concentration in the experiment reached the complex capacity of DOM, precipitation was the major mechanism to remove Cu from water phase, which was observed from UV absorbance change of DOM, that is, its aromaticity increased while molecular weight decreased. The desorption result indi- cated that DOM was more capable of desorbing Cu from adsorbents without OM than adsorbent with OM. The desorbed quantity with DOM was 1.65, 1.78 and 2.25 times higher than that with water for adsorbents without OM, raw adsorbents (sediment) and adsorbents without DOM.  相似文献   

阿特拉津在天然水体沉积物中的吸附行为   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
陶庆会  汤鸿霄 《环境化学》2004,23(2):145-151
本文研究了阿特拉津在几种水体沉积物中的吸附、解吸规律,并进一步探讨了沉积物浓度、pH值和离子强度对其吸附行为的影响.结果表明,不同沉积物对阿特拉津的吸附程度由沉积物本身的总有机碳、粘土矿物、阳离子交换容量、比表面积以及铁锰氧化物等理化特性综合作用的结果,有机碳不是影响阿特拉津吸附的唯一重要因素.连续吸附实验结果指出,化合物的起始浓度愈大,吸附时间愈长,阿特拉津的最大吸附容量也愈大,且在解吸过程中表现出一定的滞后性(即不可逆吸附).沉积物浓度与其吸附量呈负相关;溶液的pH值增大,沉积物对阿特拉津吸附能力减弱;离子强度愈大,沉积物对阿特拉津吸附能力愈强.  相似文献   

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