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土壤有机质对镉在土壤中吸附-解吸行为的影响   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
研究了Cd^2+在红壤、黄泥土、乌栅土及去除有机质后的三种土壤中的吸附-解吸行为.结果表明,有机质的去除显著降低了三种土壤体系Cd^2+吸附-解吸平衡液的pH值,ApH范围为0.51到3.05.三种土壤中Cd^2+的吸附量大小为:乌栅土〉黄泥土〉〉红壤,与土壤有机质含量的顺序一致;去除有机质后土壤对Cd^2+的吸附量均明显下降,尤其是有机质含量高的黄泥土和乌栅土;三种土壤有机质对Cd^2+吸附的贡献率平均值分别为红壤43.75%、黄泥土544.77%、乌栅土993.76%.Cd^2+在所有土壤中的吸附均可用Freundlich方程来描述,相关系数均大于0.991,吸附亲和力的变化与吸附量大小的变化一致,n值在0.350到0.975之间变化.三种土壤中Cd^2+解吸量依次减少,红壤中Cd^2+解吸率均在50%以上,而黄泥土和乌栅土中解吸率最高为42%和19%;去除有机质后解吸率均在50%以上,且解吸量相差不大.  相似文献   

镉在土壤上的吸附和解吸特性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文研究了土壤对镉的吸附及其解吸特性,结果表明:红壤、黄棕壤、黄红壤吸附镉的等温线符合Langmuir方程。吸附常数K为:黄红壤>黄棕壤>红壤,与土壤基本性质(pH、有机质和无定型铁、锰含量)呈正相关;土壤吸附镉的MgCl_2解吸率为:红壤(50.7—91.9%)>黄棕壤(72.2—80.8%)>黄红壤(63.4—65.5%)>黄潮土(39.0—46.5%),Cu(OAc)_2为:黄潮土(30.0—40.0%)>黄红壤(11.7—22.2%)>黄棕壤(6.9—12.6%)>红壤(2.1—8.0%)。土壤对镉的吸附以离子交换为主,兼有络合或沉淀。如果添加石灰、树脂及葡萄糖,会显著影响土壤对Cd的吸附和解吸状况。  相似文献   

土壤中铅的吸附-解吸行为研究进展   总被引:39,自引:4,他引:39  
铅是重要的土壤重金属污染元素之一,了解铅在土壤中的物理化学行为,有利于预防和修复土壤的铅污染。土壤中铅的吸附-解吸行为,依吸附机理的不同,分为专性吸附和非专性吸附。土壤铅吸附的机理还存在不同的观点,如水解吸附/非水解吸附机理,单分子吸附/双分子吸附机理等。影响土壤中铅吸附-解吸行为的主要因素,有土壤矿物组成、土壤有机质、pH、温度、竞争离子等。文章最后对描述土壤铅吸附过程的主要数学方程(Langmuir方程、Freundlich方程和Temkin方程)作了论述。  相似文献   

淹水还原作用下土壤镉的吸附与解吸特征的初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用黄棕壤发育的水稻土(pH6.53),设置6个不同处理恒温(25±0.1)℃培养20d,初步探讨了3种还原强度土壤对Cd的吸附和解吸特征。试验数据显示:强度还原土壤,Eh和pH降低并稳定在-474mV和5.02水平,Cd吸附率由开始时的99.96%下降到94.70%,Cd解吸率平均为90.01%;中度还原土壤,Eh下降至-90mV左右,pH略有上升,Cd吸附率和解吸率平均分别为99.96%和66.09%;氧化态土壤的Eh、pH和Cd解吸率变化都比较小,平均分别为400.4mV、6.11和46.78%。此结果表明,处于不同还原状况下的土壤表面对Cd吸附和解吸有所差别;强度还原土壤对外源Cd的吸附率小于中度还原土壤对外源Cd的吸附率;土壤吸附外源Cd的解吸率,由大到小的次序依次为强度还原土壤,中度还原土壤,氧化状态土壤;还原程度越强,土壤对Cd的吸附率越低,Cd的解吸率也越高;还原条件下土壤Eh、pH、交换性亚铁和水溶性有机质含量是影响土壤Cd吸附和解吸的主要因素。  相似文献   

就国内外有关磷酸盐在土壤中的吸附与解吸的研究进行了简要的综述,重点是关于磷酸盐的吸附研究包括磷酸盐在土壤中吸附的数学模拟、土壤吸附磷酸盐的机制、影响磷酸盐吸附的土壤组分、磷酸盐在土壤中解吸及其与吸附的关系以及有机无机土壤改良剂对磷酸盐吸附的影响,并提出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

菜园土壤铜吸附—解吸特性的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了菜园土壤铜的吸附-解吸特性。结果表明,3种菜园土壤吸附Cu^2+的量均随平衡液中Cu^2+浓度的增加而增大,可用Langmuir方程和Freundlich方程来描述,由Langmuir方程求得的菜园土壤对Cu^2+的最大吸附量和最大缓冲容量的大小顺序为:黄松土〉江涂土〉粉泥土,菜园土壤对Cu^2+的解吸量和解吸率均随其吸附量的增加而增加,吸附量与解吸量之间呈显著或极显著线性正相关。  相似文献   

三峡水库消落区土壤汞吸附解吸动力学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对三峡水库消落区5种土壤进行了汞的吸附-解吸试验,用不同的等温吸附方程和化学反应动力学方程进行了模拟比较,结果显示,不同土壤对汞的吸附解吸动力学规律相类似,吸附速率和解吸速率均与土壤pH值呈显著(r=0.933,p<0.05)和极显著相关性(r=0.962,p<0.01),但吸附量和解吸量各不相同,其中,紫色潮土对汞的吸附量最大,酸性紫色土最小;灰棕潮土对汞的解吸量最大,黄壤最小,其它类型土壤介于它们之间.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地土壤磷的吸附与解吸研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用恒温培养法研究了三江平原典型沼泽湿地表层土壤中磷的吸附与解吸行为及其动力学过程。结果表明:湿地土壤对磷的自然释放量有限(1.89~13.25mg·kg-1),对磷酸盐具有较强的吸附能力,吸附量与土壤本身理化性质及水中磷酸盐初始质量浓度有关,其吸附/解吸平衡浓度(EPC0)在0.034~0.161mg·L-1之间。研究区域湿地表层土壤磷的吸附解吸特征趋于一致,吸附过程表现为快慢两种反应。六种动力学方程都能很好的拟合土壤磷吸附动力学过程,其中以langmuir型方程的拟合性最好,Evolich方程次之。  相似文献   

菜园土壤铜吸附--解吸特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了菜园土壤铜的吸附—解吸特性。结果表明 ,3种菜园土壤吸附 Cu2 的量均随平衡液中Cu2 浓度的增加而增大 ,可用 L angmuir方程和 Freundlich方程来描述。由 Langmuir方程求得的菜园土壤对 Cu2 的最大吸附量和最大缓冲容量的大小顺序为 :黄松土 >江涂土 >粉泥土 ,菜园土壤对 Cu2 的解吸量和解吸率均随其吸附量的增加而增加 ,吸附量与解吸量之间呈显著或极显著线性正相关。  相似文献   

钾离子在土壤中吸附和解吸动力学研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
就国内外有关钾离子在土壤中的吸附、解吸动力学的研究进行了简要的综述。主要论述的内容包括土壤钾离子吸附、解吸动力学常用数学模型。土壤吸附、解吸钾离子的机理,以及影响土壤对钾离子吸附、解吸的因素。最后提出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Pymetrozine is a selective insecticide with a unique chemical structure and mode to control hemipteran and homopteran. While pymetrozine has brought great benefits to crop production by killing insects, its residues in soil may have a detrimental effect on environment. Therefore, it is of great importance to investigate its behaviors in soil. In this study, the sorption and desorption of pymetrozine on six Chinese soils were investigated using a batch equilibrium approach to understand its mobile behavior in the soils. Both sorption and desorption isotherms of pymetrozine were in good agreement with the Freundlich model. The sorption coefficient KF varied between 3.37 and 58.32 mL∙g−1 and the sorption isotherms were nonlinear, with 1/n ranging from 0.57 to 0.91. A regression equation was proposed to predict the sorption of pymetrozine on six different soil samples: log KF = 4.3708 − 4.5709 × log (pH in 0.01mol·L−1 CaCl2) + 0.4700 × log OC% + 0.0057 × sand (%) + 0.0022 × CEC(clay), with R2 = 0.9982. The organic carbon content of soil positively affected the sorption of pymetrozine, but soil pH had a negative effect on the sorption. Additionally, effects of CaCl2 concentration, soil to solution ratio and pesticide form were investigated. The sorption was promoted with an increase in soil to solution ratio and a decrease in CaCl2 concentration. The possible variation of the five formulated products of pymetrozine was also investigated.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of malic, tartaric, oxalic, and citric acid on the adsorption and desorption characteristics of Cd by two typical anthropic soils (lou soil and irrigation-silted soil) in North-west China. Cadmium adsorption and desorption were studied under a range of temperatures (25°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C), organic acid concentrations (0.5–5.0 mmol·L-1), and pH values (2–8). The results showed that the Cd adsorption capacity of the lou soil was significantly greater than that of the irrigation-silted soil. Generally, Cd adsorption increased as the temperature increased. In the presence of NaNO3, the adsorption of Cd was endothermic with ΔH values of 31.365 kJ·mol-1 for lou soil and 28.278?kJ·mol-1 for irrigation-silted soil. The endothermic reaction indicated that H bonds were the main driving force for Cd adsorption in both soils. However, different concentrations of organic acids showed various influences on the two soils. In the presence of citric acid, chemical adsorption and van der Waals interactions were the main driving forces for Cd adsorption rather than H bonds. Although the types of organic acids and soil properties were different, the effects of the organic acids on the adsorption and desorption of Cd were similar in the two soils. The adsorption percentage of Cd generally decreased as organic acid concentrations increased. In contrast, the adsorption percentage increased as the pH of the initial solution increased. The exception was that adsorption percentage of Cd increased slightly as oxalic acid concentrations increased. In contrast, the desorption percentage of Cd increased with increasing concentrations of organic acids but decreased as the initial solution pH increased.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the contribution of various black carbon (BC) contents to nonlinearity of sorption and desorption isotherms for acetochlor on sediment, equilibrium sorption and desorption isotherms were determined to measure sorption and desorption of acetochlor in sediment amended with various amounts of BC. In this paper, two types of BC referred to as BC400 and BC500 were prepared at 400°C and 500°C, respectively. Higher preparation temperature facilitated the formation of micropores on BC to enhance its sorption capacity. Increase of the BC content obviously increased the sorption amount and reduced the desorption amount for acetochlor. When the BC500 contents in total organic carbon (TOC) increased from 0 to 60%, Freundlich sorption coefficient (K f) increased from 4.07 to 35.74, and desorption hysteresis became gradually obvious.When the content of BC in TOC was lower than 23%, the sorption isotherm had a significant linear correlation (p = 50.05). In case of desorption, a significant nonlinear change could be observed when the content of BC was up to 13%. Increase of BC content in the sediment would result in shifting the sorption-desorption isotherms from linearity to nonlinearity, which indicated that contribution of BC to nonlinear adsorption fraction became gradually remarkable.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to understand the mechanisms governing P-sorption and desorption by calcareous soils (up to 48% CaCO 3). Batch experiments with KCl as background were carried out by adding varying amount of P up to 100 mgP.L?1. The desorption percentage (%DES) results show that little P was released from the adsorbed phase. Principal component analysis was applied to evaluate the combined influence of soil components on P sorption. The complex P sorption process can be related to specific soil components by the following equation: P? sorption=?2.20 (CaCO 3% )?0.04 (Fe? oxide)+0.04 (pHe)+11.02 (sand % )+3.35 (silt)?10.73 (clay)?1.24 (EC)?0.22 (OM)?0.81 (CEC)?1.93 (P? Olsen) (R2=0.9941, SSE=380). Sand% and clay% are the most significant variables for modelling P sorption data. The derived equation could be applied to predict P sorption in other soils that have similar compositions to those investigated herein. The degree of P saturation (DPS) threshold level for all soils was less than 3% except in the soil with the lowest iron oxide. All of the studied soils have exceeded the environmentally unacceptable P concentration except the soil with the lowest iron oxide content.  相似文献   

Adsorption and desorption of di-n-butyltin (IV) (DBT), tetramethyllead (TML), and tetraethyllead (TEL) on four types of soil were studied. Although, all K d values for desorption are higher than the K d values for adsorptions, which shows that the adsorption process is reversible, the lower percentages of desorption indicate that very low concentration of these organometallic compounds can be more easily leached from the soil. The adsorption ranging between 48.8% and 88.3% for DBT, between 9.1% and 38.3% for TEL, and between 24.9% and 44.2% for TML was measured. The desorption was obtained between 9.4% and 23.7% for DBT, between 19.3% and 38.9% for TEL, and between 21.5% and 32.7% for TML. These results show that the nonpolar (TML, TEL) organometallic compounds can be easier leached than the ionic forms (DBT). Adsorption kinetics and adsorption as a function of pH were also evaluated. DBT and tetraalkyllead adsorption equilibrium were reached after 12 and 24 h, respectively. The tetraalkyllead is strongly adsorbed at pH 7–8 and DBT at pH 6.  相似文献   

刘佳丽  王祖伟  张辉 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1974-1978
采用人工模拟方式,试验研究了不同pH值的降水对碱性盐化土壤中镉的连续淋滤效果,分析了淋洗后土壤中镉的形态变化特征。结果表明,在不同pH值降水对土壤中镉的淋滤过程中,12h内基本上达到高峰,12h后镉的淋滤量较低,随着时间的延续镉的淋洗量基本保持不变;降水有利于土壤中的镉释放,且pH值越低,镉的释放量越高。土壤盐化对降水淋洗镉的效果有一定影响,氯化物的存在,有利于镉的淋滤,淋滤量增加值在18%~94%之间,随着淋洗液pH值的增加,镉的淋滤量增加幅度减少;与对照组土壤样品相比,淋洗液pH降低利于增大硫酸盐型盐化土壤中镉的淋滤量,当pH值为中性时,镉的淋滤量减少;苏打型盐化土壤镉的淋洗效果与硫酸盐型土壤相似。模拟降水淋洗后,土壤中镉的形态发生明显变化,与淋洗前相比,土壤中镉的可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、有机结合态的质量分数降低,随着淋洗液酸性的增加,降低幅度增大;镉的铁锰氧化态相对质量分数在淋洗后有所增加。  相似文献   

采用室内模拟酸雨淋溶土柱的方法,研究了酸雨对2种红壤镉释放的影响。结果表明,酸雨加速了红壤中镉的释放。在pH4.5的酸雨作用下,镉的平均释放水平是对照的1.6~1.7倍,在pH3.5的酸雨作用下,镉的平均释放水平是对照的2.0~6.5倍。经过相当于9150~10650mm降水量的淋溶后,pH4.5的酸雨使红壤镉的累积释放量提高63.0%~80.0%,pH3.5的酸雨使其提高102.7%~630.6%。红壤镉的释放与铝、铁的释放具有极显著或显著相关性。酸雨对镉释放的影响可增加水体中镉的负荷,从而加重镉对人类的直接或潜在危害。  相似文献   

Batch sorption experiments were conducted to evaluate the sorption behavior of tetracycline (TC, H3L) on sediments and soils in the presence and absence of cadmium (Cd), as affected by pH and properties of sediments and soils. The results indicated stronger nonlinearity and higher capacity of TC sorption on sediments than on soils. Sorption of TC also strongly depended on environmental factors and sediment/soil properties. Lower pH facilitated TC sorption through a cation exchange mechanism, which also took place at pH values above 5.5, where TC existed as a zwitterion (H2L0) or anions (HL- and L2-). When pH was above 7, however, ligand-promoted dissolution of TC might occur due to TC weakening the Al-O bond of aluminum oxide and the Fe-O bond of iron oxide. Natural organic matter (NOM) plays a more important role in TC sorption than cation exchange capacity (CEC) and clay contents. The presence of Cd (II) increased TC sorption on both sediments and soils, which resulted from the decrease of equilibrium solution pH caused by Cd2+ exchange with H+ ions of sediment/soil surfaces. The increase of TC sorption was also related to the formation of TC-Cd complexes, where Cd2+ acted as a bridge between the sediment/soil and TC.  相似文献   

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