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沉水植物对水-沉积物界面各形态氮含量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在室内模拟条件下研究沉水植物对水-沉积物界面的上覆水、不同层次的间隙水和沉积物中不同形态氮含量的影响.结果表明:总体上,上覆水和间隙水中不同形态氮含量的顺序为有机氮>氨氮>硝态氮;沉积物中可交换态无机氮以氨氮为主,沉水植物的存在并没有改变这一格局.不同处理不同层次的间隙水中,各形态氮含量均为下层>中层>上层,但沉积物中氨氮和硝态氮含量变化规律不明显.水-沉积物界面氨氮和硝态氮含量呈现明显季节性变化.总之,水-沉积物界面氨氮是沉积物向上覆水扩散的主要氮组分,沉水植物降低了氨氮和硝态氮的扩散通量.  相似文献   

为探究冶炼废渣中钒(V)和铬(Cr)对周边环境的影响,采集渣场周边土壤、沉积物、鱼塘底泥、鱼塘水和河水样品,分析V和Cr的浓度、赋存形态,并采用富集因子法、地质累积指数法和潜在生态风险指数法对V和Cr的污染状况和生态风险进行评价。结果表明,研究区土壤中V和Cr平均含量分别约为四川省背景值的2.6和4.0倍,富集程度分别为轻微和中度富集;沉积物中V、Cr平均含量分别约为对照沉积物的5.0和3.2倍,底泥中V、Cr平均含量分别约为对照沉积物的5.5和1.4倍,V和Cr富集程度均为中度和轻微富集;水样表现为V污染,鱼塘水和河水V平均浓度分别约为金沙江水样的17.6和1.8倍。研究区V和Cr主要以残渣态形式存在于土壤中,其占比分别为57.1%和89.4%,沉积物和底泥中V和Cr残渣态占比分别为20.1%和74.9%,各环境介质中V的生物可利用率及迁移率要远高于Cr;结合V和Cr地球化学性质分析,研究区环境介质中V和Cr可能主要以V5+和Cr3+形式存在。污染评价结果表明,土壤中V、Cr污染程度分别为轻微和中度污染,沉积物与底泥中V、Cr污染程度分别为...  相似文献   

金沙江重金属在颗粒物中的分布及其基本特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了探讨重金属在金沙江水的污染及迁移转化规律,并对江水的自净能力及对下游水域可能带来的危害提供科学依据,必须对金沙江颗粒物(悬浮物及表层沉积物)的组成、特征及存在形态等进行深入研究。 本文着重研究测定颗粒物的组成、粒度分布、有机质含量、pH值、比表面积、动电性质等特征。计算了颗粒物对重金属Fe、Mn、Co、Ni、V、Ti、Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd的分配系数及年让移显。同时对颗粒物中重金属的存在形态进行分离分析。  相似文献   

北京市西城区雨水管道沉积物中重金属特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在对北京市西城区部分排水管道调研的基础上,对几个典型雨水检查井连接雨水管道沉积物中赋存的主要重金属污染物污染水平及形态分布进行了研究,分析了沉积物粒径及有机质含量对重金属污染物赋存水平的影响.结果表明,排水管道沉积物中:Cr主要以残渣态存在;Cu和Zn以具有活性潜力的铁锰氧化物形态及碳酸盐结合态两种形态为主;Pb的残渣态含量平均值达到了56.4%;Ni的可交换态和碳酸盐结合态含量相对较大;可交换态Cd占其总量的比例最高值达22.4%,而残渣态的Cd含量极小.  相似文献   

黄河(内蒙古段)水体及悬浮物中砷的形态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白乌云  赛音 《环境化学》2007,26(1):76-78
以系统形态分析结合上浮水和悬浮物中砷的总量及形态分布特征,评价了黄河(内蒙古段)水体中砷的潜在危害程度.结果表明,水和悬浮物中砷的总含量出现了比较一致的沿河变化趋势,说明水中的砷主要是泥沙携带的砷,水中含砷量的高低取决于水中悬浮物即泥沙的含量.悬浮物中的砷以Ca-As为主,O-As次之,其它三种形态砷的含量均很低,与黄土中各形态砷的含量比较接近,进一步说明了黄河水体中的砷主要来源于自然界.  相似文献   

采样测定了天津地区2典型鱼塘鲫鱼、鲢鱼、水、悬浮物、沉积物和鱼塘周边表土中的DDT及其代谢产物含量。结果发现,2鱼塘各主要介质以及鱼体肌肉和器官中都富集了较高浓度的DDT。鲫鱼和鲢鱼肌肉中DDT的含量分别为(66.4±2.7)ng·g-1和(24.3±23.4)ng·g-1。肝胰脏、肠和鱼鳃中DDT含量一般高于肌肉,其中肠的富集量最大,是肌肉的3倍以上。生物富集系数(lgBCF)分别为3.7和3.3。2鱼塘鱼体和各相含量有较大差别,鱼塘介质中悬浮物富集浓度最高。表土污染相对严重地区的鱼塘中各介质和鱼体DDT含量均高于另一污染较轻的鱼塘。污染严重鱼塘的DDE/ΣDDT含量比值也相对较高,反映早期污染残留的重要特征。尽管如此,仍然较高的DDT含量以及悬浮物中很低的DDE/ΣDDT含量比值说明很可能还有污染源存在。  相似文献   

重金属污染已经成为水环境污染防治的重要内容.研究表明,进入水体中的重金属大部分与悬浮物结合,在水流缓慢时,悬浮物逐渐沉积下来,大大降低了水中重金属元素的浓度.在特定的环境地球化学条件下,水库沉积物中重金属可通过一系列物理、化学和生物过程而释放出来,导致水环境"二次污染",严重威胁水库生态环境安全.因此,研究沉积物中重金属的含量变化规律,评价重金属污染的潜在生态风险,探讨其在水体中的迁移转化过程,对于保护区域水环境质量和防治重金属污染具有重要意义.本实验通过采集小浪底水库表层沉积物样品,对水库沉积物中重金属的含量与分布进行研究,并对其潜在的生态  相似文献   

乌梁素海内源污染源底泥释放的重金属对其水生态环境影响较大,为探索沉积物重金属在不同盐度条件下的释放规律以及沉积物中重金属总量、形态含量、迁移性大小及自身性质、沉积物理化性质对沉积物中重金属释放的影响,于2010-2016年每年8月采集18个水体样品,现场测定水体盐度,并在2016年8月采集10个表层沉积物样品测定沉积物重金属总量,采用BCR逐级提取法对沉积物中重金属Cu、Pb、Zn和Cr的4种形态进行提取,并进行静态释放试验以分析其在不同盐度浓度条件下的释放特征,监测和实验结果表明,乌梁素海水体盐度在2010-2016年8月期间逐年增大,呈现出由淡水湖向微咸水湖转变的趋势。重金属的总量、形态含量及其迁移性大小影响沉积物中重金属的释放量,沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn和Cr的形态含量均以残渣态为主,其中Pb的残渣态含量最多,总量和释放量均最少,重金属酸可提取态含量较少,重金属迁移性的大小为ZnCuPbCr,而Zn的释放量大小与其在沉积物中的迁移活性及总量呈正相关关系。同时沉积物有机质含量、p H及含水率也均可影响沉积物重金属的释放,其中Pb的金属性最弱,溶解度相应较低,释放量最少。随着盐度的增加,沉积物中Zn、Cu和Pb释放量增加,Cr的释放量则先增大后减小,虽然4种重金属释放量虽然均较小,但其释放量增幅变化很大,存在较大的湖泊水生态环境风险。  相似文献   

王立志  王国祥 《生态环境》2012,(6):1096-1101
采用富营养化水体底泥培育苦草Vallisneria natans,构建密度0、20、40、100、300、450、600株·m-2的沉水植物苦草,模拟一次大风浪扰动过程扰动24 h,然后静置126 h。监测扰动和静置过程中不同密度苦草条件下水体中各形态磷含量的变化,及水体浊度的变化规律和水体中悬浮颗粒物结构。实验结果表明:苦草密度为0、20和40株·m-2的实验组扰动初浊度和水体中各形态磷含量迅速升高,并在第10 h左右达到最大值,随后下降。当苦草密度大于100株·m-2时,水体中浊度和各形态磷含量扰动前后无明显变化。随着沉水植物密度的增加,扰动所引起沉积物磷释放总量呈指数曲线降低。不同密度的苦草水体悬浮物的中值粒径在扰动后3 h达到最大值,但是在扰动后期,中值粒径开始下降,并且在实验第36 h达到最小值。数学模拟表明水体中各形态磷的含量与扰动实验时间和苦草密度的关系函数模拟均达到极显著水平。本实验研究说明:沉水植物密度的增加能显著抑制沉积物中磷的释放,并且当苦草密度大于100株·m-2时扰动所引起的沉积物磷释放影响不显著。扰动所引起的悬浮物的粒度变小,比表面积增大,对磷的吸附能力就越强,是水体扰动后期磷含量降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

使用淡水沉积物磷形态的标准测试程序SMT法,分析了太湖西部湖区沉积物中磷的空间分异和成因。结果表明,该湖区沉积物各形态磷含量整体上呈现自表层向下递减的趋势,显示出磷污染在表层聚集的特征;不同采样点沉积物中总磷(TP)含量和各形态磷分布特征存在空间差异,西南湖区由于近期磷污染减少,表层磷含量呈缓慢降低趋势;受盛行风向、湖区位置和周边环境影响,太湖西北部沉积物中磷污染水平整体上高于西南部。西部湖区TP含量为337. 27~1 081. 87 mg·kg~(-1),无机磷(IP)是构成沉积物TP的主要部分,占TP含量的55. 27%~97. 93%;钙结合态磷(Ca-P)是IP的主要组成部分,占IP的44. 14%~89. 30%。TP和IP、IP和Ca-P含量的相关关系最为显著,表明IP含量影响TP含量;TP和Fe/Al-P含量的相关关系显著,表明人类活动产生的外源污染是沉积物中磷污染的主要来源。  相似文献   

太湖流域水源地多氯联苯分布特征与污染水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为系统了解太湖流域主要水源地多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染现状,于2012年3月和6月分别采集水相、悬浮颗粒物和沉积物样品,并利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对PCBs的浓度进行了分析。结果表明,3月水相、悬浮颗粒物和沉积物中均未检测出PCBs类物质。6月水相中PCBs质量浓度在ND~1.04 ng·L~(-1)之间,平均值为0.57 ng·L~(-1),悬浮颗粒物和沉积物中PCBs质量浓度分别在0.96~2.72 ng·g-1和0.47~1.29 ng·g-1之间。Aroclor 1016和Aroclor 1260在3种介质中均有检出,且Aroclor1016浓度均为最高。与国内外研究相比较,太湖流域主要水源地PCBs污染水平较低。水相中PCBs浓度水平低于我国地表水环境质量标准;悬浮颗粒物和沉积物中PCBs浓度水平均低于加拿大保护水生环境沉积物化学品风险评价标准的LEL值,说明各样点PCBs对底栖动物无毒性影响。  相似文献   

Water samples from 20 locations on rivers in the Tongzhou District of Beijing were collected four times from July 2005 to March 2006. In addition, sediment samples were collected in July 2005. All samples were analyzed for 16 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) priority pollutants polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The concentration, distribution, seasonal variation, and sources of the 16 PAH compounds identified in the water samples, suspended particles, and surface sediments were then evaluated. The concentrations of PAHs in the water and suspended particle and surface sediment samples ranged from 87.3 to 1,890 ng l−1, 1,330 to 27,700 ng g−1, and 156 to 8,650 ng g−1, respectively. These results demonstrated that rivers in the Tongzhou District of Beijing had a high level of PAH pollution, especially in the suspended particles. The highest and lowest concentrations of PAHs in the water samples were observed in summer and spring. However, the seasonal variations in the concentration of PAHs in the suspended particles were more complicated. The dominant compounds in the water, suspended particle, and surface sediment samples were two-, three- and four-ring PAH compounds, respectively. Ratio analysis illustrated that fuel-burning was the primary source of PAHs in the study area. Gasoline, diesel, coal, and coke oven sources were identified and the contributions of the different fuel-burning sources were then calculated using factor analysis and multiple linear regression. These analyses revealed that coal combustion, gasoline combustion plus coke oven emission, and diesel combustion accounted for 38.8%, 38.5%, and 22.7% of the PAHs in suspended particles, respectively.  相似文献   

乌梁素海叶绿素a与理化因子的统计分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2008年6月—10月乌梁素海水体叶绿素a浓度与环境理化因子的测定结果,分析了叶绿素a的时空分布特征.运用分层聚类分析法将乌梁素海现有的20个测点分成四类,找出各类测点及总测点中与叶绿素a显著相关的理化因子,建立了多元逐步回归方程.2008年乌梁素海各测点叶绿素a的平均值为6.31 mg.m-3,变幅1.54—26.87 mg.m-3;夏季最高,秋季居中,春季最低,整个区域呈现较明显的东北高西南低的分布趋势.应用SPSS统计分析软件进行相关分析的结果表明叶绿素a与BOD5、悬浮物、浊度、总磷都呈极显著相关,与透明度呈极显著负相关,与pH值和溶氧呈显著负相关.综合逐步回归方程表明,影响乌梁素海叶绿素a的理化因子因不同类型的测点各有所不同,但主要的影响因子有浊度、悬浮物、总磷、总氮、硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮.  相似文献   

泥沙沉降对长江水体富营养化相关因素的影响初探   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对三峡库区重庆段蓄水后,泥沙沉降对长江水体富营养化相关因素的影响进行了研究。三峡库区含沙量大,泥沙对水环境的影响不容忽视。为准确预测成库后三峡库区重庆段富营养化的发生,文章通过泥沙沉降对水质影响静态模拟试验,研究了长江原水的泥沙沉降对水体中叶绿素a、透明度、溶解性总磷、溶解性总氮、浊度等指标的影响。结果表明:三峡成库后泥沙更易沉降,引起水体浊度降低、透明度增大,这可能利于藻类的生长,导致叶绿素a的质量浓度增加,同时,泥沙沉降也使水体的溶解性氮磷比增大,对富营养化发生有抑制作用。  相似文献   

郁建栓  戴树桂 《环境化学》1997,16(4):359-363
本文利用自制的玻璃板表面微层水采样器采集并分析了天津水上公园湖水表面微层中砷的四种不同形态:亚砷酸盐、砷酸盐、一甲基刖酸盐、二甲基刖酸盐,以及溶解态总磷、总磷、县浮颗粒物和藻类的富集情况,初步探讨了它们在湖水表面微层富集的原因,结果表明,它们在湖水表面微层中均有不同程度的富集现象,其中以总磷、悬浮颗粒物和藻类尤为明显,它们在湖水表面微层的富集除了也大气物理运动过程的生物活动有关外,还与采样站位有关  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to compare Anyang River bed sediments with water chemical composition and to assess the anthropogenic chemical inputs into the river system. Eight sampling locations were chosen along the river channel. Bed and suspended river sediments and water samples were collected, and analyzed for their chemical and physical composition. Data revealed that trace element concentrations in the river water were generally below world average, except for As, Mn, Ni and Cr. Among the three phases: water, bed and suspended sediment, more than 99% of the trace elements was associated with the bed sediment. Concentrations of trace elements in the sediment were a function a particle size distribution and organic content. The calculated degrees of enrichment based on the least influenced sample (ASD 1) indicated the river sediments were enriched with respect to background. The enrichment factors for Pb, Zn and As were relatively lower than for Cr, Co, Ni and Zn. The difference in the enrichment seems to reflect the human activities influence in the basin, and specially for Cd. Speciation of the elements in the five different chemical forms in the sediment by sequential extraction indicated that the reducible fraction was predominant for Fe, Zinc and Cu showed an irregular variation among the different fractions; whereas, Cd and Pb were more regular. Zinc and Cu highly existed mostly in exchangeable forms. Acid soluble and reducible forms were also important for most metals. The speciation implies that the metals associated with the sediment are subject to release into water bodies as goechemical variables (pH and Eh) change. Currently, the introduced metals are deposited near the source area and are mostly associated with the sediment, implying that the river bed sediment acts mainly as a sink, rather than a pool. The accumulated and enriched toxic trace elements can pose a potential pollution of river water.  相似文献   

The potential risk of ground-water contamination through the infiltration of contaminants originating from suspended matter and sediments deposited within flood retention areas in the Upper Rhine valley, as well as subsequent problems for drinking water production, were analyzed by means of the bacterial dehydrogenase activity (DHA; sediment contact test) assay with Arthrobacter globiformis and in a prolonged embryo toxicity assay using zebrafish (Danio rerio). Since the direct uptake of contaminants from particle-bound sources has usually been assumed to play only a minor role in bioaccumulation, the availability of organic extracts to biota has generally been regarded as being overestimated. In order to confirm or discard this hypothesis, organic (acetone) extracts of recently suspended, freeze-dried matter, as well as freeze-dried sediments collected from Rhine flood plains (i.e. soil samples) were compared to corresponding native samples in order to screen for the relative availability of particle-bound contaminants. Whereas a significantly higher ecotoxicological burden was observed for some native soil samples, organic extracts of suspended matter proved to be more toxic than corresponding native samples when compared to organic extracts using each test system. With respect to organic extracts, the suspended matter samples were more toxic than soil samples taken from a rarely flooded site. In contrast to the native samples, the rarely flooded soils revealed a higher toxicity than suspended matter. Therefore, organic extracts did not necessarily overestimate the toxicity of soil and suspended matter samples. Moreover, considerable toxicity of particle-bound contaminants to both bacteria and fish embryos, even in native samples, corroborate the hypothesis that particle-bound contaminants may be more readily available than is generally assumed.  相似文献   

水体中悬浮颗粒物对酞酸酯的吸附和解吸特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
迟杰  康江丽 《环境化学》2006,25(4):405-408
选择水体中的悬浮颗粒物(SPM)--沉积颗粒物和浮游植物颗粒(铜绿微囊藻和普通小球藻),研究它们对邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯(DEHP)的吸附和解吸行为.结果表明,SPM对DBP 和DEHP的吸附在很短的时间内即可达到平衡,沉积颗粒物约为2h,浮游植物颗粒约为0.5h;SPM对DEHP的吸附能力明显大于DBP;不同SPM对同一种化合物的吸附能力差异较大,这与颗粒物中有机质的类型和结构有关;在实验浓度范围内,SPM对DBP和DEHP的吸附和解吸等温线具有较好的线性关系,解吸过程存在明显的迟滞现象,且沉积颗粒物比浮游植物颗粒物具有明显的迟滞效应,DBP比DEHP具有较大程度的迟滞效应.  相似文献   

We developed a method for determining 11 abused drugs in water and sediment. METH and EPH were the dominant drugs in water and sediment in Beiyunhe River. Abuse drugs in Beiyunhe River were mainly from hospitals and sewage effluents. Abused drugs in the water would not impair the aquatic ecosystem biologically. This study investigated the presence of 11 abused drugs and their metabolites, including amphetamine, methamphetamine (METH), ketamine, ephedrine (EPH), cocaine, benzoylecgonine, methadone, morphine, heroin, codeine, and methcathinone in the surface water and sediment samples of Beiyunhe River, a typical urban river flowing through Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei provinces in North China. An analytical method of determining these abused drugs and their metabolites in water and sediment was developed and validated prior to sample collection in the study area. Results showed that METH and EPH were predominant in water and sediment samples. The total drug concentrations ranged from 26.6 to 183.0 ng/L in water and from 2.6 to 32.4 ng/g dry weight in sediment, and the drugs mainly originated from hospitals and sewage treatment plants. The average field-based sediment water distribution coefficients of abused drugs were calculated between 149.3 and 1214.0 L/kg and corrected by organic carbon. Quotient method was used to assess the risks. The findings revealed that these drugs and their metabolites at determined concentrations in water samples will not impair the aquatic ecosystem biologically, but their potential harmful effect on the function of the ecosystem and human health should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to study the loss of particles from agricultural fields, and the role of suspended particles in carrying pesticides in surface runoff and drainage water. Propiconazole, a widely used fungicide was applied to experimental fields located at Askim, SE-Norway. Samples from surface runoff and drainage water were collected and analyzed for sediment mass, pesticides, particulate and dissolved organic carbon through a whole year. The surface soil and the runoff material were characterized by its particle size distribution, organic carbon content in size fractions and its ability to bind propiconazole. The results show that (1) particle runoff mostly occurred during the rainfall event shortly after harrowing in autumn. The highest particle concentration observed in the surface runoff water was 4600 mg l(-1), and in the drainage water 1130 mg l(-1); (2) the erosion of surface soil is size selective. The runoff sediment contained finer particle/aggregates rich in organic matter compared to its original surface soil; (3) the distribution coefficient (Kd) of propiconazole was significantly higher in the runoff sediment than in the parent soil. According to our calculation, particle-bound propiconazole can represent up to 23% of the total amount of propiconazole in a water sample with a sediment concentration of 7600 mg l(-1), which will significantly influence the transport behavior of the pesticide.  相似文献   

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