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环境生物技术在微污染源水中的应用与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常规水处理难以有效去除微污染源水,以微生物选育、培养技术、遗传基因为基础的环境生物技术在微污染源水中起着重要的作用。分析了环境生物技术在开发基因工程菌、生物修复中的应用及潜力。  相似文献   

论述了天津市核技术的发展与应用,放射性污染源对环境辐射影响,放射性污染源存在的主要问题及原因分析,并就核技术辐射环境管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

近十年来,随着环境科学研究的迅速发展,环境分析测试技术的应用日益广泛,要求分析测试的对象不断增加。但由于环境样品具有种类繁多、成分复杂、非均匀性和不稳定等特点,常用的经典分析方法难以快速得到准确的分析结果,尤其对阴离子的测定缺乏理想的分析方法,因此迫切需要建立一种快速、灵敏、准确的测试技术。对于复杂的环境样品能够快速获得可靠的分析结果,从而能够正确的评价环境质量和制定环境对策,适应环境科研工作的需要。七千年代,离子色谱作为一门新的分析技术问世以  相似文献   

正近年来因农药大面积使用以致农药残留问题日趋严峻,农用环境安全问题备受关注.开展全面、系统的农用环境质量监测工作,特别是农用环境水体中农药的监测,能进一步加强对农药使用的监督管理.因此,建立简便、环保、适宜现场快速分析的农用环境水体农药残留检测方法对农用环境水体监测具有重要意义.拉曼光谱是一种散射光谱,其通过特征频移来反映物质分子结构或成分的信息.随着仪器技术的进步与表面增强技术的应用与发展,表面增强拉曼光谱依靠其快速、准确等特点,在表面科学、分析科学、生物科学和食品安全等领域得到  相似文献   

稳定同位素在污染物溯源与示踪中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于稳定同位素在特定污染源中组成确定,且具有分析结果精确可靠、在污染物迁移与转化过程中不发生显著变化的特点,故已被广泛应用于环境污染事件的仲裁、环境污染物的来源分析与示踪研究中。介绍了稳定同位素分馏对于来源分析的影响以及稳定同位素技术在污染物溯源与示踪中识别大气多环芳烃来源、推测环境中硫和铅的来源、考察甲基叔丁基醚来源与降解过程等方面的应用进展。  相似文献   

流域生态环境“健康”评价指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于流域“健康”的概念,澳在利亚联邦科工组织建立了一套流域可持续发展的环境质量评价指标体系,用10项环境背景指标来分析流域的总体质量或功能水平;用10项环境变化趋势以及9项土地生产力和经济效益指标来分析流域环境质量变化的趋势。本文就指标选择的原则和建立的指标做了详细叙述。  相似文献   

重金属铅的土壤环境基准研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境基准是环境标准制修订的科学依据,同时也是进行环境质量评价、环境风险控制和应急事故管理以及建立整个环境管理体系的科学基础,是国家环境保护和环境管理的基石与根本。从保护人体健康、保护生态安全和保护农产品安全3个方面综合分析了国内外重金属铅土壤环境基准的研究现状和主要技术要点,进一步展望了我国重金属铅土壤环境基准未来发展过程中面临的关键问题,以期为我国重金属铅土壤环境基准研究提出建议。  相似文献   

Kreeb.  M 《产业与环境》1996,18(2):28-31
环境质量基准已一体化为库内特公司(KunertAG,一家针织品公司)在全面质量管理之中,该公司的环境管理系统建立在生态平衡(或寿命周期评价)即对所有物流和能流的一种分析的基础之上,环境损害较小的技术保护了资源,从而节省了公司的资金。  相似文献   

正突发性环境污染事故的发生,对社会稳定和人民生命财产构成了一定的威胁,这就要求不断加强环境应急监测能力建设,使监测结果能更加及时、准确的为处置突发性环境污染事故提供科学依据,把污染事故造成的损失降到最低点。一、当前环境应急监测能力建设中所存在的问题1、缺乏统一的环境应急监测技术规范目前全国没有统一的环境应急监测规范,现行的监测技术规范,主要是针对环境质量监测和工业污染源监测  相似文献   

上一讲我们介绍了乡镇企业环境污染源的调查及评价,然而它只是管理与控制污染源的基础性工作。而污染源的管理与控制才是最大限度减少或者消除企业的环境污染源所要采取的科学方法和手段。 所谓污染源的管理,是指减少或消除污染源所采取的一系列行政性措施及其实施过程;而污染源的控制是指为减少或消除污染源所采取的技术性措施及其实施过程。  相似文献   

空气污染预报污染物排放清单数据库的研究与建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了天津市空气污染预报污染源数据库建立的目的和方法,该数据库不同于常规的污染源数据库,要按模型需要对污染源信息进行了模式化处理,研究结果表明:该数据库应用于空气污染数值预报系统,预报结果达到课题设计的精度要求。  相似文献   

环境标准作为改善环境质量行之有效的手段,是实施污染减排的重要途径。针对天津市地方污染物排放标准的现状及问题,以天津市工业污染源为研究对象,从大气和水两方面入手,采用系统的数据分析方法,甄选出大气、水污染物中贡献率较大的行业以及特征污染因子的典型污染行业,从而提出天津市地方污染物排放标准制定的方向。  相似文献   

By converting rural land into urban land, urbanization impacts on surface water quality, because cities produce more pollutants than farmlands, especially heavy metals. Ways to reduce urbanization impacts on water quality are now being highlighted worldwide. Considering that land use can be a source or sink in pollution runoff, an understanding of the relationship between urbanization and surface water quality, as well as effects of specific land uses on water quality, is crucial. Corresponding management and controlling steps can then be put forward towards non-point source (NPS) pollution control and urban sustainable development. China has experienced rapid urbanization, especially since the 1980s. However, the environmental impacts of this process are not fully investigated. Hanyang, Hubei Province was selected as a typical city to study the impacts of urbanization on lake water quality. Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to elucidate the correlation between different land uses and water quality indicators at both whole lake watershed and small catchment scales. The results indicated that land uses play different roles, either source or sink, in pollution flow processes. Bottomland had a negative and residential land a positive correlation to most water quality indicators, especially heavy metals. These proved to be indicative and crucial land uses in NPS pollution control. Finally, a strategy for regulating urban land uses is proposed for improving surface water quality in cities similar to Hanyang, in southern China.  相似文献   

With the development of rural pollution, its characteristic and institutional factor should be studied for pollution control through economics and sociology. Based on the data gathered from investigations by several government sectors, rural environmental pollution can be divided into two types by its sources: internal source type and external source type. The internal source type is the main component of rural pollution at present, which can be further divided into three types. Research shows that the contributing institutional factors of rural pollution issues and the effectiveness of environmental management system over rural pollution can be summarized as distinctiveness. In essence, the rural pollution issue results from the dualism of rural and urban areas’ inadaptability to rural modernization. In detail, the contributing factors can be summed up on three institutional levels. There are obvious loopholes in rural environmental management system which, in the meantime, is incapable and inadaptable to rural pollution control. There exist similar questions in the related public service system, which are intensified by inappropriate reform which brought about incompatible incentive in the recent years. However, in the eleventh five-year plan period, there are advantageous trends in the three institutional levels.  相似文献   

三峡库区生态环境综合评价与聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三峡库区是我国水土流失比较严重的地区之一 ,面临着生物多样性下降、生态系统功能降低、农业非点源污染加剧、岸边污染带扩大、水质恶化等一系列的环境问题。本文在建立生态环境综合评价指标体系的基础上 ,根据三峡库区不同地区生态环境问题的相似性和差异性 ,进行了聚类分析。依据聚类分析结果可以将该区 19个县市区划分为7类地区  相似文献   

雷州半岛旱地砖红壤非点源氮、磷淋溶损失模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大量施用化学肥料所引起的养分淋失和环境污染正逐渐受到人们的重视。通过土柱模拟氮、磷素养分淋溶试验.研究了不同施肥处理下砖红壤氮、磷素淋溶损失特点。试验结果表明,随着尿素用量的增加,渗漏水中NH4^+-N质量浓度和TN淋失量也相应增加,而NO3^--N的质量浓度变化幅度较大,渗漏水中氮素淋失形态主要是以NO3^--N为主。由于土壤磷素很难移动,所以TP累积淋失量非常少,氮、磷肥混施对非点源氮、磷素的淋失都有影响,其中过量磷肥配合尿素施用可以增加土壤中NH4^+-N、NO3^- -N、TN的淋失程度。  相似文献   

广州市农业环境污染及其对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
慨述了广州市农业环境污染状况,指出工业“三废”和城镇生活污水等外源污染是造成农业环境污染的主要因素,养殖业废水直接排放和频繁使用农用化学品也对农业环境造成一定程度的污染。提出了建立健全农业环境监控管理体系、推行农业生产许可制度、加强面源污染控制、推广无公害农产品生产技术、加大农业生态环境保护执法力度等污染控制对策。  相似文献   

通过建立天津市2002—2004年大气污染源动态数据库,研究了“蓝天工程”实施前、后大气污染源污染物排放变化趋势,得出了“蓝天工程”实施后天津市在燃煤量增加的情况下,烟尘、SO2排放量逐年减少,环境空气质量明显改善的结论。  相似文献   

The pollution of the marine environment caused by land-based sources threatens or impairs the health of the ecosystems and the value of human uses of the coastal waters. the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region agreed to take all appropriate measures to prevent, reduce and control pollution. in the first meeting of the Contracting Parties, the development of a protocol on the control of marine pollution from land-based sources was recommended as a measure to protect the marine environment.

A small group of experts from the Caribbean Region formulated a strategy for controlling land-based sources of marine pollution. Due to the diverse nature, resources and capabilities of the countries comprising the Region, the pollution control strategy suggested by the group of experts included the following techniques or their most appropriate combination: (1) pollution prevention measures, (2) effluent limitations, (3) water quality limitations, (4) environmental planning, and (5) best management practices. the desirable control strategy should be based on a system of discharge permits in the case of point source pollution, which includes effluent and water quality limitations. the technology based effluent limitations could be applied as a short-range strategy to control pollution from industrial and domestic point source discharges. the use of water quality standards could become part of a long-range strategy for controlling point sources. for nonpoint sources, it would be virtually impossible to develop effluent limitations. Thus, the implementation of best management practices and effective environmental planning would be the most reasonable control strategy for non-point sources. However, pollution prevention measures could consist of a “black list” of substances that should be completely banned, and a “grey list” for those that should be strictly limited. These lists should be adopted or appropriately modified for the conditions of the Wider Caribbean Region.

The development of control based on the water quality of the receiving body of water involves the collection and analysis of effluent and ambient data to develop water quality based permit limits and to assess compliance with these permits. Finally, any marine pollution control strategy developed by the countries of the Region should be mutually agreed upon and implemented within a period of ten years from the ratification of a protocol on land-based sources of marine pollution.  相似文献   

文章结合南开区实际情况 ,对天津市大气环境质量现状进行了系统分析 ,详细论述大气污染造成的危害及导致大气污染的原因。从解决煤烟型污染、防止道路施工扬尘、解决风沙尘的侵袭和控制汽车尾气污染四个方面 ,针对性地提出改善天津市大气环境质量的污染防治对策。  相似文献   

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