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光合细菌在水产养殖中的应用[综述]   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
光合细菌(PhotosyntheticBacteria,以下简称PSB)是地球上最早出现的一大类能以光作为能源,以CO2和有机物作为光合作用碳源,以有机物、氢气或硫化物为供氢体而营养繁殖的原核生物的总称;除蓝细菌外都能在厌氧光照条件下进行不产氧的光合作用.PSB分布广泛(见表1),类型多样,根据《伯杰细菌鉴定手册》(第九版)PSB可分为六个类群,27个属(见表2).其中的红色非硫细菌由于其分解利用有机物能力强、营养丰富,因而得到广泛的应用.表1 各种环境下PSB数量(n(PSB)/g-1)Tab…  相似文献   

光合细菌促菠菜生长机理初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对光合细菌( P S B) 菌液经稀释后喷施叶面可促进菠菜生长的机理进行了初步研究,发现施用 P S B 菌液后,可使菠菜叶中叶绿素含量增加10 .55 % ,使 C O2 的吸收率和光合强度分别提高61 .99 % 、13 .8 % ,使二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶( R U B P) 活力增强34 倍. P S B菌液还可改变地壤中微生物菌群的组成:细菌、固氮菌、放线菌数量增多,真菌量减少.提示:光合细菌是通过提高菠菜自身的光合效率及增加土壤肥力来起到促生长作用的.  相似文献   

三株分别属于光合细菌三个主要类群(紫无硫细菌、紫硫细菌和绿硫细菌)的菌种和两种产甲烷细菌进行了混合培养试验,结果表明,自养生长的光合细菌减少了产甲烷菌有CH4生成,而异养生长时紫无硫细菌Rhodopseulomous palustris能利用乙酸放出CO2供产甲烷菌利用。在光照厌氧条件下,三株光合细菌的生长培养物和静止细胞都能利用有机酸产氢,有时还伴随着CO2产出。同时试验了不同pH值、温度和光照  相似文献   

南洋楹根瘤菌株分离和应用的研究初报潘超美,杨风,李幼菊(广东省土壤研究所,广州510650)PreliminaryStudyonIsolationandApplicationofNoduleBacteriaStrainsofAlbiziaFalcat...  相似文献   

粪便污水的光合细菌液肥化及其应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用光合细菌(PSB)对高浓度粪便污水进行了液肥化处理。经分析化验和农田蔬菜种植试验,证明粪便污水经PSB液肥化处理后可以全部转化为含有大量PSB的安全、卫生、优质、高效的有机肥料。  相似文献   

几株光合细菌的表型特征及DNA-NDA同源性分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对5株新分离的光合细菌从形态、生理生化及DNA-DNA同源性等方面进行了研究.结果表明,菌株8与深红红螺菌(Phodospirillumrubrum)的模式菌株ATCC11170的DNA-DNA同源性为97%,菌株37与沼泽红假单胞菌(Rhodopseudomonaspalustris)的模式菌株ATCC17001的DNA-DNA同源性为80%;菌株55与球形红杆菌(Rhodobactersphaeroides)的模式菌株ATCC17023的DNA-DNA同源性为71%;菌株40和52分别为另外两个DNA同源群.根据各菌株形态、生理生化等表型特征以及DNAG+Cmol%和DNA-DNA同源性分析结果,确定了几株光合细菌的分类地位.  相似文献   

脂肪腈化物的微生物降解   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从长期被腈化物污染的土壤中,筛选到3株对腈化物化物降解能力很强的细菌,分别为霍夫曼棒杆菌(Corynebacterium hoffmanii B-21)、微黄色节杆菌(Arthrobacter flavescens B-22)和克雷伯氏杆菌(Klebsiella sp.P-21)。该菌可将乙腈(Acetonitrile)、丙腈(Propionitrile)、丁腈(Butyronitrile)和丙烯  相似文献   

光合细菌生物制氢反应器研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光合细菌生物制氢技术,是将太阳能利用和环境治理结合起来的可再生能源生产技术,具有良好的环境效益、社会效益和经济效益.光合细菌制氢反应器研究是将该技术引向产业化的关键步骤.本文列举了目前光合细菌制氢研究中典型的反应器型式,分析了各自的优缺点;总结了反应器高效产氢所必需保证的运行操作条件,如光照强度、温度、pH值等,指出了目前研究中存在的不足;给出了规模化光合细菌生物制氢时需要用到的反应器性能评价指标.并针对目前反应器的研究现状,提出了后续研究应当遵循的方向.  相似文献   

一种由质粒编码的葡萄球菌素的特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从58株具不同质粒谱的抗生素抗药性金黄色葡萄球菌中经筛选得菌株85041.它所产生的抗菌活性物质能抗热75~80℃1h;对蛋白分解酶敏感,包括胰蛋白酶、蛋白酶E、蛋白酶B.P,抗DNase及RNase;抗菌谱显示,在4株葡萄球菌类中只对金黄色葡萄球菌209P有抗菌活性,而对4株肠道菌及枯草芽胞杆菌无作用.据此认为,该抗菌物质属细菌素(葡萄球菌素).用SDS及43℃处理产细菌素菌株,进行质粒消除试验及其质粒DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳,证明菌株85041有一个Mr≈24.4×106的产细菌素质检.  相似文献   

用73株慢生根瘤菌B.Japonicum,B.elkanii和B.“intermedium”为对照,对22株花生根瘤菌的生长速度,产碱能力和细胞脂肪酸组成进行了测定,结果表明,花生根瘤菌慢生根瘤菌属(Bradyrhizobiumsp.arachis),除花生根瘤菌含有比大豆根瘤菌(B.japonicum)较高的脂肪酸,16:1w5c(16个碳原子1个双键的脂肪酸)而外,花生根瘤菌与大豆根瘤菌相似,  相似文献   

● SMX promotes hydrogen production from dark anaerobic sludge fermentation. ● SMX significantly enhances the hydrolysis and acidification processes. ● SMX suppresses the methanogenesis process in order to reduce hydrogen consumption. ● SMX enhances the relative abundance of hydrogen-VFAs producers. ● SMX brings possible environmental risks due to the enrichment of ARGs. The impact of antibiotics on the environmental protection and sludge treatment fields has been widely studied. The recovery of hydrogen from waste activated sludge (WAS) has become an issue of great interest. Nevertheless, few studies have focused on the impact of antibiotics present in WAS on hydrogen production during dark anaerobic fermentation. To explore the mechanisms, sulfamethoxazole (SMX) was chosen as a representative antibiotic to evaluate how SMX influenced hydrogen production during dark anaerobic fermentation of WAS. The results demonstrated SMX promoted hydrogen production. With increasing additions of SMX from 0 to 500 mg/kg TSS, the cumulative hydrogen production elevated from 8.07 ± 0.37 to 11.89 ± 0.19 mL/g VSS. A modified Gompertz model further verified that both the maximum potential of hydrogen production (Pm) and the maximum rate of hydrogen production (Rm) were promoted. SMX did not affected sludge solubilization, but promoted hydrolysis and acidification processes to produce more hydrogen. Moreover, the methanogenesis process was inhibited so that hydrogen consumption was reduced. Microbial community analysis further demonstrated that the introduction of SMX improved the abundance of hydrolysis bacteria and hydrogen-volatile fatty acids (VFAs) producers. SMX synergistically influenced hydrolysis, acidification and acetogenesis to facilitate the hydrogen production.  相似文献   

采用分批培养研究了从高浓度厌氧产氢活性污泥中筛选的优势菌种Clostridium papyrosolvens的发酵产氢能力.结果表明:该菌有较强的高糖耐受性和耐酸性,当葡萄糖浓度为30 g/L、pH阶段性控制在4.5时,发酵44 h葡萄糖消耗率为83.7%,总产气量达到3 081.3 mL/L,最高产气率为187.5 mL L-1 h-1,氢气含量为67.5%,比产氢率达1.06 mol(H2)/mol(葡萄糖).研究中选用了廉价的发酵产氢培养基,以玉米浆为氮源,以还原铁粉作氧化还原电位控制剂,省去了牛肉膏、蛋白胨等昂贵氮源以及L-半胱氨酸、维生素、无机离子等高成本组分,显著降低了纯菌发酵的培养基成本,获得了较好的产氢效果.图5表2参23  相似文献   

In this paper selected references about experience gained with photosynthetic bacteria in anaerobic process for either water treatment or hydrogen production are given. In particular experimental data about the hydrogen evolution rate, hydrogen yield and substrate efficiency in relationship to the nutrient conditions as well as about the behavior of some different species are presented. The limiting role of the nitrogen source is being discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is an indispensable energy carrier for the sustainable development of human society. Nevertheless, its storage, transportation, and in situ generation still face significant challenges. Methanol can be used as an intermediate carrier for hydrogen supplies, providing hydrogen energy through instant methanol conversion. In this study, a sorption-enhanced, chemical-looping, oxidative steam methanol-reforming (SECL-OSRM) process is proposed using CuO–MgO for the on-board hydrogen supply, which could be a promising method for safe and efficient hydrogen production. Aspen Plus software was used for feasibility verification and parameter optimization of the SECL-OSRM process. The effects of CuO/CH3OH, MgO/CH3OH, and H2O/CH3OH mole ratios and of temperature on H2 production rate, H utilization efficiency, CH3OH conversion, CO concentration, and system heat balance are discussed thoroughly. The results indicate that the system can be operated in auto-thermal conditions with high-purity hydrogen (99.50 vol%) and ultra-low-concentration CO (<50 ppm) generation, which confirms the pos-sibility of integrating low-temperature proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (LT-PEFMCs) with the SECL-OSRM process. The simulation results indicate that the CO can be modulated in a lower concentration by reducing the temperature and by improving the H2O/CH3OH and MgO/CH3OH mole ratios.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrate on fermentative hydrogen production and soluble metabolites from mixed cultures were investigated by varying nitrate concentrations from 0 to 10 g N/L at 35°C with an initial pH of 7.0. The results showed that the substrate degradation rate, hydrogen production potential, hydrogen yield, and average hydrogen production rate initially increased with increasing nitrate concentrations from 0 to 0.1 g N/L, while they decreased with increasing nitrate concentrations from 0.1 to 10 g N/L. The maximum hydrogen production potential of 305.0 mL, maximum hydrogen yield of 313.1 mL/g glucose, and maximum average hydrogen production rate of 13.3 mL/h were obtained at a nitrate concentration of 0.1 g N/L. The soluble metabolites produced by the mixed cultures contained only ethanol and acetic acid (HAc) without propionic acid (HPr) and butyric acid (HBu). This study used the Modified Logistic model to describe the progress of cumulative hydrogen production in batch tests. A concise model was proposed to describe the effects of nitrate concentration on average hydrogen production rate.  相似文献   

为了提高能源回收效率,采用大米、土豆、生菜、瘦肉、花生油和榕树叶作为实验原料,模拟有机垃圾中普遍存在的淀粉、膳食纤维、蛋白质、脂肪和木质纤维类成分,进行厌氧发酵产氢以及对其剩余物厌氧发酵产甲烷.结果表明.在厌氧发酵产氢阶段,整个过程没有甲烷生成,大米、土豆、生菜、瘦肉、花生油和榕树叶的氢气产率分别为125、103、35、0、5和0 mL g-1(VS),能源回收效率分别为7.9%、6.8%、1.9%、0、0.1%和0.大米、土豆和生菜的氢气浓度分别为34%~59%、41%~56%和37%~70%,整个产氢阶段没有甲烷生成.在厌氧发酵产甲烷阶段,上述原料的甲烷产率分别为232、237、148、278、866和50 mL g-1(VS),生物气中甲烷含量分别为42%~70%、57%~71%、73%~77%、59%~73%、68%~80%和54%~74%.厌氧发酵联产氢气和甲烷整个过程上述原料的能源回收效率分别为56.3%、58.4%、28.8%、39.2%、81.2%和8.8%,总COD去除率分别为72.30%、81.70%、32.63%、47.59%、97.46%和11.29%.图4表5参35  相似文献   

生物产氢技术研究进展   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
由于矿物资源的日益枯竭 ,寻找清洁的替代能源已成为一项迫切的课题 .氢被普遍认为是一种最有吸引力的替代能源 .这是因为氢是宇宙间最简单同时也是最为丰富的元素 ,它的热值高达 118.4kJ/g ,是甲烷的 2 .3倍 ;氢又是一种十分清洁的能源 ,它燃烧后只生成水 ;氢还能够比较容易地储存在一些特殊的金属间化合物或纳米非金属材料中 ,并能快速释放 ,这样 ,在运输和使用上比较方便 .氢除了作为优异的能源外 ,它还是一种工业上必不可少的原材料[1] .然而 ,氢气在地球表面的浓度小于 1mg/L ,仅占地球表面大气的极小部分 .在自然界中大部分的氢…  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of illumination on the fermentative hydrogen production system, the hydrogen production efficiencies of two kinds of anaerobic activated sludge (floc and granule) from an anaerobic baffled reactor were detected under visible light, dark and light-dark, respectively. The 10 mL floc sludge or granular sludge was respectively inoculated to 100 mL diluted molasses (chemical oxygen demand of 8000 mg·L-1) in a 250 mL serum bottle, and cultured for 24 h at 37°C under different illumination conditions. The results showed that the floc was more sensitive to illumination than the granule. A hydrogen yield of 19.8 mL was obtained in the dark with a specific hydrogen production rate of 3.52 mol·kg-1MLVSS·d-1 (floc), which was the highest among the three illumination conditions. Under dark condition, the hydrogen yield of floc sludge reached the highest with the specific hydrogen production rate of 3.52 mol·kg-1MLVSS·d-1, and under light-dark, light, the specific hydrogen production rate was 3.11 and 2.21 mol·kg-1MLVSS·d-1, respectively. The results demonstrated that the illumination may affect the dehydrogenase activity of sludge as well as the activity of hydrogen-producing acetogens and then impact hydrogen production capacity.  相似文献   

生物制氢最新研究进展与发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
氢能具有清洁、高效、可再生的特点,是一种最具发展潜力的化石燃料替代能源.与传统的热化学和电化学制氢技术相比,生物制氢具有低能耗、少污染等优势.近年来,生物制氢技术在发酵菌株筛选、产氢机制、制氢工艺等方面取得了较大进展.暗发酵和光发酵结合制氢技术是一种新技术,具有较高的氢气产量.以厌氧细菌和光合细菌为发酵菌种,以富含碳水化合物的工农业废弃物为原料,进行暗发酵和光发酵结合制氢,具有广阔发展前途前景.本文综述了国内外生物制氢技术研究进展,展望了未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

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