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介绍了采用在线SPEMS/MS技术的Waters(R)UPLC(R)用于水样分析的方法.该平台具有诸多优点,简化了实验室工作流程,减少了手工操作,提高了工作效率,最大限度地减少了操作人员误差,提高了结果的置信度,加快了样品的周转,提高了实验室效能.本系统既可用作完整的UPLC在线SPE系统,也可用作日常的LC-MS系统,从而加快周转速度.  相似文献   

仪征市可持续发展指标体系研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文采用了隶属度函数及可持续发展的阶段连续性方程,建立了评价可持续发展的复合指标体系,给出了持续发展的水平及揭示了不同时态持续发展的类型,并以此为基础分析了仪征市近,无期的可持续发展状况,提出了调控的措施。  相似文献   

磷素营养对春小麦抗旱性的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在盆栽条件下研究了磷素营养与春小麦抗旱性之间的关系结果表明:施用磷肥由于对根系生长的促进,明显改善了春小麦的水分供应状况,同时,增加了束缚水含量,提高了膜稳定性和叶片耐脱水能力,且由于提高了渗透调节能力,维持了生长过程的正常进行,明显提高了春小麦的生物量和籽粒产量.虽然气孔导度的增大增加了作物的耗水,但由于施磷对失水的促进小于对产量的促进作用,因而明显提高了春小麦的水分利用效率综合分析表明:施磷可明显改善春小麦的抗旱性.  相似文献   

余训民  余勇 《环境化学》2000,19(3):215-219
运用分子拓扑理论探讨了芳香烃在简单盐水溶液中盐效应常数ks与芳香烃和盐结构之间的定量关系,提出了新的拓扑指数,给出了新的计算方法,也计算了盐效应常数ks 的各种理论值,并与实验值进行了比较,证实了新方法的计算值最接近实际.  相似文献   

我国自1999年开始实施旅游黄金周政策以来,出现了前所未有的假日旅游热,与旅游相关的休闲产业也得到了迅速的发展.扩大了内需,刺激了经济的增长.初步形成了以旅游为主导的假日经济,成为我国社会经济文化的一个新现象,也使人民开始了各种新颖的休闲方式.然而在推动休闲产业迅速发展的同时也暴露出许多问题引起了各方的关注.当前,我国的休假制度做出了重大改革,取消了“五一”黄金周,继而出现了一系列的黄金短假期.该文主要分析了黄金周对休闲产业的贡献与冲击,提出了我国发展休闲产业可采取的一些对策。参5.  相似文献   

从生态监测的发展出发,总结了目前江苏省城市主要的生态问题,并从城市生态系统原理的角度,分析了江苏城市问题的生态学实质。根据生态检测指标体系制定的目的性,以生态系统理论为基础,提出了构建思路和构建原则,最后进行了生态监测指标体系的构建,并指出了构建意义。  相似文献   

共凝聚气浮反应器的设计及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
费庆志  高丽  姚驰 《环境化学》2005,24(2):134-137
根据气泡与絮体的粘附理论和紊流气浮理论,设计了共凝聚气浮反应器的试验装置,并通过对洗衣废水进行试验,确定运行参数,考察设备性能,对设备进行改进.混凝剂与原水在输水管线中混合,混凝过程在气浮反应池中进行.溶气水释放的微气泡在微絮体的空隙内释放长大,与微絮体形成共聚复合体,在上浮过程中起到了“核”的作用,提高了絮体的上浮速度,使气浮达到了最优的去除效果.该设备采用了气液混合泵溶气,取代了传统气浮装置中的空压机、溶气罐和释放器,减小了占地面积,节省了投资费用.  相似文献   

在中国推广清洁生产:综述与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文回顾了中国的清洁生产实践,总结了中央,地方政府的清洁生产政策和活动清洁生产的国际合作活动分析了推广清洁生产已取得的进展,并且讨论了各种挑战,为在中国更为广泛实现清洁生产,提出了10条建议。  相似文献   

铝矿赤泥强化聚合氯化铝混凝除磷试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈静  栾兆坤  何绪文 《环境化学》2007,26(5):638-641
对聚合氯化铝(PAC)投加赤泥前后的除磷效果及絮体进行了研究.结果表明,赤泥对PO3-4有吸附作用;投加一定量赤泥,提高了实验室模拟废水和实际污水中磷的去除率;与单用PAC相比,赤泥的加入增强了絮体的持磷性,增加了絮体的密实度,缩小了底泥的体积,强化了PAC的除磷性能.  相似文献   

徐荃  袁秀顺 《环境化学》1992,11(4):52-55
本文研究了嘉陵江水系Mo水环境背景值,将嘉陵江水系分成四个环境背景单元并比较了其背景值,本文还研究了采样点的合理布置,进行了异常值取舍,Mo背景值和分布类型的计算,最后探讨了季节变化对Mo背景的的影响。  相似文献   

The Danjiangkou reservoir was selected to provide the source water for the middle routes of the South to North Water Transfer Project, which has provoked many environmental concerns. To date, investigations of water contamination of the source water of the Danjiangkou reservoir with organic micro-pollutants have been limited. This study was conducted to identify and rank organic contaminants that pose risks in the Danjiangkou reservoir. To this end, the Chemical Hazard Evaluation and Manage- ment Strategies (CHEMS-1) approach was adapted to integrate the deconvolution technology of qualitative identifying contaminants for site-specific environmental matrices. The samples were screened for the presence of 1093 contaminants using deconvolution technologies and the hazard values of the identified contaminants were calculated using the adapted CHEMS-1 approach accord- ing to their hazardous properties and occurrence in source water. The results showed that 46 contaminants from 1093 targets were present in Danjiangkou water, 23 of which appeared at frequencies higher than 50%, and 15 of which were identified as priorities. Over half (53%) of the high- ranked contaminants were polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- bons (PAHs), with chrysene ranked highest on the list. Health risk assessment of the top-ranked PAHs was conducted and revealed that cancer risks of PAHs detected in the source water of Danjiangkou to different populations ranged from 10-7 to 104, indicating a low cancer risk to consumers. The results of this study indicated that the adapted CHEMS-1 approach was feasible for site-specific screening of organic contaminants to identify and rank potential priority pollutants.  相似文献   

王亚  焦赳赳  陈建耀 《生态环境》2013,(12):1909-1915
珠江三角洲第四纪底部含水层当中的天异常高然铵,来自于第四纪沉积当中的有机质在厌氧条件下的矿化。珠江三角洲第四纪晚期的沉积序列,主要包括两层海相沉积层(M1和 M2),以及两层陆相沉积层(T1和 T2)。然而,截至目前,上述地层对天然铵的生成与存储作用,尚不明确。从三角洲的内陆到近岸,选取重点钻孔BJ8、SD1、SD14和MZ4,利用准确的定年数据,以及钻孔剖面各类铵以及总有机碳等数据,探讨与比较了珠江三角洲第四纪各地层生成与储存天然铵的能力。结果表明:全新世时期的海相沉积层(M1),具有高达17.4 g·kg-1的沉积有机质质量分数。对 SD14钻孔剖面上高精度的有机碳分析表明,M1、M2层平均有机质质量分数分别为11.7和10.1 g·kg-1。因此,相对于晚更新世时期的海相沉积层(M2)来说,全新世海相沉积层M1具备生成更多铵的能力。对SD14钻孔剖面上各类铵的分析表明,M1和M2总铵质量分数的平均值分别为0.41和0.31 g·kg-1;M1、M2和T2各地层单位面积所储存铵的平均值分别为28.6、11.25和0.34 kg·m-2。而不同地层铵含量的差异,在该研究关注的其他钻孔 BJ8,SD1和 MZ4也非常明显。因此得出结论,全新世海相沉积层M1,是主要的储铵层,而M2则是次要的储铵层。两个陆相沉积层T1和T2,不论在生铵和储铵的功能上,远远小于两个海相沉积层。在 M1层中,铵的量呈现随深度增加而升高的趋势,原因在于铵不断生成累积,并通过扩散作用向下运移。而M2层中铵的含量呈现由上至下递减的趋势,说明M2层中的铵主要来自于上部M1层的扩散,其本身生成铵的量比M1少。M1层在珠江三角洲广泛发育,M2层经过长期的风化和剥蚀,在珠江三角洲许多地方已缺失。珠江三角洲底部含水层中天然高铵的浓度,主要由M1层生成与存储的铵的总量所决定。  相似文献   

谢晓丽 《生态环境》2002,11(4):352-355
对广州市的荔枝、龙眼和香蕉三大类水果产品质量和生产环境进行了质量监测和评价。结果表明,这三类水果的生产环境均遭受一定程度的污染;水果质量广泛受到氟污染,部分受到Pb、Cd污染;荔枝对镉的吸收富集作用较强。  相似文献   

The biodiversity and distributional ecology of amphipod crustaceans were analysed from benthic surveys in 1985 and 1986 along the coast of Portugal, from the Tagus canyon to the coast of Minho, in order to determine their role in the ecosystem of the Portuguese continental self. In samples obtained from different types of substrate between 18 and 545 m, we identified 113 species belonging to 51 genera of 24 families. Seventeen of these species were new records for the Portuguese coast. The relative frequencies and number of individuals of all species were analysed. The genus Ampelisca clearly dominated the group of the most frequent and abundant species, which also exhibited a large range of vertical distribution. Most of the 113 species were found only down to 150 m depth, corresponding roughly to the lower limit of the continental shelf. Fifteen species exhibited clear bathyal traits, being consistently found deeper than 100 m, especially in the Tagus canyon and the upper zone of the continental slope. The most frequent and abundant species were found predominatly or in large numbers in medium to fine sand bottoms. This type of substrate also contained the highest number of species. The granulometric structure of the habitat could constitute the most important factor controlling both biodiversity and development of large amphipod populations, since oxygen level, water exchange, number of available shelters, and probably the quantity and quality of nutritional resources all vary as a function of substrate texture. Because of their dominance in both frequency and abundance, several Ampelisca species may constitute an important food source for many secondary consumers of the shelf sediments, especially for demersal fishes.  相似文献   

During the end of the phytoplankton spring bloom, about 100 water samples were taken at 23 stations in the Baltic Sea. The samples were analyzed for particulate Cu, Fe, Zn, Cd, and Pb by atomic absorption as well as for chlorophyll and seston. Further subsamples were counted with an inverted microscope, and phytoplankton carbon content was calculated. The hydrographical-biological state of the Baltic Sea during spring is described. Two different water masses could be differentiated and these were separated by the halocline. The concentrations of particulate metals are in accordance with those published by other authors. No significant differences could be calculated between mean values of particulate metal concentrations in the two water bodies. Correlations between particulate metal concentrations and chlorophyll, seston, phytoplankton carbon and cell-count were calculated for both photic layer and deeper waters. Significant correlations were found only in the photic layer. The importance of standing crop for metal accumulation in seston is discussed.  相似文献   

C. Conand 《Marine Biology》1993,116(3):439-450
The reproductive biology of nine species of aspidochirote holothurians from the major communities of the New Caledonian lagoon has been analysed. The data were obtained from monthly sampling from 1978 to 1982 of their populations on reef slopes and passes for Holothuria nobilis, H. fuscogilva, H. fuscopunctata and Thelenota ananas, in the inner lagoon for Stichopus variegatus, H. scabra and H. scabra versicolor and on reef flats for Actinopyga mauritiana, A. echinites and H. atra. The morphology and anatomy of the gonads and their annual cycle are described. The reproductive cycles, composed of the five phases of gonad growth, maturing, spawning, post-spawning and resting, were determined from the changes in the sexual stages, the gonad indices and the percentage of indeterminate sex. Three main reproductive patterns are recognized, annual cycles with spawning occurring during the warm season or during the cool season and a semiannual cycle. Other population parameters, such as the size of the mature oocytes, the mean size of the individuals at first sexual maturity, and absolute and relative fecundities were calculated and related to the mean size of the species, the taxonomy and the ecology. The reproductive strategies of the species show a gradient that is probably related to the stability of the biotopes, with smaller species living in the more intrable outer reef flats and larger species in deeper lagoon floors.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, I detected the presence of female choice for larger males in the treefrog Hyla chrysoscelis. Mated males were larger than unmated males at the scales females could have assessed males: local groups (males found within 2 meters of a mated pair) and the nightly chorus. In addition, females were observed to initiate amplexus with the larger males in local groups. Mated males were larger than unmated males for two of the four seasons studied. Seasonal mating success was also analyzed with a multiple regression model that included size and chorus attendance (nights spent at the breeding site). The partial selection coefficients, which represent the relative magnitude of directional selection, were significant for size in only one season and for chorus attendance in all four seasons. Therefore, there are two possible advantages to being a large male: increased likelihood of obtaining a mate due to female preference, and increased likelihood of mating even if no female preference because of a greater number of opportunities to obtain a mating if matings occurred at random.  相似文献   

The biochemical composition of juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, exposed to sublethal concentrations of the water-soluble fraction of South Louisiana crude oil (0 to 2 504 ppb) for 21 d were examined. Although growth took place in all crabs, tissue content varied inversely with exposure concentration while percentage tissue water varied directly with exposure concentration. Total protein, lipid and RNA content of crabs exposed to crude oil were significantly less than that of control crabs by Day 21. DNA content was not significantly different from that of control crabs, suggesting that the difference in tissue content was due to differences in cell volume and not cell number. There were no consistent differences in the concentration of the major biochemical components, indicating that the relative contribution of each of the components remained stable during the period of sublethal stress. Ratios of RNA:DNA and protein:DNA decreased in exposed crabs and were positively correlated with scope for growth and observed growth. The ratios may be useful as indirect indicators of physiological condition. Analysis of lipid classes indicated that structural lipids in stressed crabs were less affected than were lipids used for energy storage. The changes in biochemical composition suggest that the pattern of energy utilization was altered in crabs exposed to crude oil. Growth in size without comparable growth in tissue resulted in decreased tissue content. Available energy was used for growth, with little being stored in lipid reserves.  相似文献   

An index system for evaluation of technologies for urban river rehabilitation was proposed and discussed. The index system includes indicators of cost, resources, environmental improvement, and social effects. The calculation method for an objective value of each index based on its attributes and weights was presented. The Foshan Channel, which is a seriously polluted, black and malodorous urban river in Foshan City, China, was selected as a case study. The values of the attributes and the weights of the indices for the Foshan Channel were determined. The technologies for the rehabilitation of the Foshan Channel were evaluated based on this index system. Finally, a rehabilitation scheme for the Foshan Channel was proposed.  相似文献   


Very important in adsorption processes is the preparation of material sorbents and from this reason, the impact of washing agent of raw sorbent was analysed. The adsorption capacity was studied in relation to the function of the equilibrium time, the amount of biosorbent and the initial metal(II) ions concentration. In this research for the sake of comparison, the sorptive properties of out-of-date coffee were compared to coffee washed with different agents (mineral acids and water). The scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to characterise the biosorbents and to identify the functional groups that participated in metal(II) ions bonding. The obtained results clearly indicate that the out-of-date coffee are effective biosorbent for cadmium(II) and nickel(II) ions from aqueous solution. However, for metal(II) ions removal efficiency could influence sorbent preparation and nickel(II) ions were best adsorbed on coffee washed with water, but cadmium(II) ions on raw biosorbent (out-of-date coffee). The best results of sorption were achieved after the contact time of 30 and 60?min, respectively for cadmium(II) and nickel(II) ions.  相似文献   

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