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对福建莆田市老鹰尖植物区系和群落物种多样性的调查与分析,结果表明,老鹰尖植物种类丰富,计有维管束植物181科737属1003种(含变种),其中蕨类植物35科72属89种,裸子植物9科18属19种,被子植物137科647属901种;植物区系成分复杂,联系广泛,以热带亚热带成分为主,属、种分别占55.17%和57.48%,其植被为中亚热带向南亚热带过度类型;11个主要森林群落的物种多样性以米槠林为最高,D_(ah)达3.5109,其次为罗浮栲+丝栗栲林和米槠+栲树林,D_(ah)指数值分别达2.8945和2.7854,而篓竹林群落为最低,D_(ah)指数值仅1.0081,群落各层片物种多样性以灌木层为最高,呈灌木>乔木层>草本>藤本的变化趋势,说明老鹰尖的水热资源较为丰富。  相似文献   

浙江古田山自然保护区青冈林植物物种多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了浙江古田山自然保护区青冈林的植物区系组成和群落物种多样性。结果表明,8个样地中共有维管束植物147种(含变种),隶属51科92属。其中蕨类植物5科7属14种,裸子植物1科1属1种,被子植物45科84属132种。青冈林植物区系成分复杂,具有较高的热带成分比例。群落科、属、种组成多样性较高,植物种类丰富,组成复杂。群落垂直结构中,物种多样性依灌木层→乔木层→草本层的次序递减,乔木层、灌木层的物种多样性指数明显大于草本层。  相似文献   

采用典型样地法,根据当地采沙运沙干扰及河岸带水位变化的影响,将河岸带生境划分河滩地、砾石地、芦苇地、斑茅地、沙坑地5个类型.运用除趋势对应分析(DCA)和冗余分析(RDA)研究不同生境间河岸带草本植物区系成分、群落和环境因子的关系.结果表明:(1)5个类型生境记录草本植物共35科91属109种,以禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)、蓼科(Polygonaceae)植物为主,沙坑地物种数最多,砾石地和河滩地物种数次之,斑茅地和芦苇地物种数最少.(2)属的区系成分较全面地表现了河岸带草本植物的地理分布,金马河温江段草本植物区系主要由世界分布型和泛热带分布型构成.(3)不同生境类型下Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson指数(H’)和Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw)具有特定变化趋势,物种丰富度指数(D)对生境变化响应不显著.(4)河岸带土壤pH呈弱碱性,砾石地和芦苇地的全氮、全钾和有机质含量明显高于其他生境,河滩地和沙坑地土壤含水量、全磷含量较低. DCA和RDA结果表明,含水量、全氮和有机质是影响生境群落分布的主要限制因子,而土壤pH是影响植物区系组成分异的最主要条件.综上所述,经生态改造后的河滩地生境为河岸带最适生境类型.(图3表4参27)  相似文献   

花江峡谷是位于喀斯特地区典型的中亚热带干热河谷。选取花江峡谷区域内的岩生草本植物群落为研究对象,研究不同海拔岩生草本植物群落的群落特征、氮磷化学计量特征及两者之间的关系。结果表明:调查区域内共有岩生草本植物16种,有荩草(Arthraxon hispidus)+显子草(Phaenonperma globosum)草本植物群落、荩草草本植物群落、荩草+白茅草(Imperata cylindrica)草本植物群落和白茅+小颖羊茅草(Festuca parvigluma)草本植物群落4种群落类型。各样地的物种相似度与海拔高度表现为正相关,而物种多样性、替代速率、土壤N、P含量和水热因子与海拔高度表现为负相关,生物量呈单峰型的曲线变化趋势,样地2获取的生物量最大。各样地土壤和植物叶片的N、P含量都极低,叶片N/P比值显示大多数植物的生长表现为缺N限制。物种重要值与植物叶片N/P比值表现为极强的正相关关系,与P含量表现为中等程度的负相关关系,而与N含量的相关性较弱。  相似文献   

基于野外样地调查资料,运用主成分分析(PCA)与冗余分析(RDA)等方法,研究天宝岩国家级自然保护区4种类型泥炭藓沼泽(泥炭藓类型、水竹类型、垂穗石松类型和灯芯草类型)的植被组成、物种多样性特征及其与土壤层和苔藓枯落物层环境因子的相关性.结果表明:研究区内共有植物28科41属44种,4种类型泥炭藓沼泽的物种组成差异性较大,但科属种的分布比较均匀;植物区系分析发现,天宝岩泥炭沼泽植被区系主要由泛热带分布型和北温带分布型2类构成;PCA结果显示,同种类型泥炭藓沼泽各样地的分布较为集中,个别样地分布比较分散,但4种类型泥炭藓沼泽样地之间的差异较大,PCA二维排序图清晰显示了4种类型泥炭藓群落与环境因子之间的相关性;而RDA表明,土壤容重、木本层盖度、土壤自然含水量和苔藓枯落物层最大持水率成为影响其植被组成的主要环境因子,这些因子能够显著解释物种多样性变化的最小组合.本研究结果表明,不同类型泥炭藓沼泽物种组成对环境因子的响应有差异,而环境水分特征是影响其植物组成分异的主要驱动力.  相似文献   

元江流域干热河谷草地植物群落结构特征与相似性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈蕊  张建利  何彪  李峰  张志明  周睿  欧晓昆 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2821-2825
选择元江干热河谷典型草地群落,采用标准样地调查法,对流域上、中、下游干热河谷草地植物群落的分布特征、群落结构、种群习性等特征开展研究,结果表明:(1)元江流域上游祥云和中下游红河干热河谷草地群落中出现的植物种类最多,元江流域干热河谷草地植物群落是以灌木为主、多年生草本为辅的结构类型。(2)元江流域干热河谷草地群落中,扭黄茅(Heteropogon contortus)为优势种群,次优种群随流域环境的改变而不同。(3)元江流域干热河谷草地植物群落之间的相似性系数均在0.00~0.25之间,处于极不相似水平,种群的扩散受流域河谷通道作用影响较小。(4)种群的扩散和定居受海拔高度的影响,随着海拔高度的变化,植物群落的组成也发生变化,形成不同的群落结构。  相似文献   

井冈山猴头杜鹃群落特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓贤兰  吴杨  刘玉成  钟娟 《生态环境》2011,(10):1430-1435
以井冈山猴头杜鹃(Rhododendron simiarum)群落5个样地调查资料为基础,对该群落的物种组成、区系成分、群落结构和物种多样性进行了研究,结果表明:群落有维管植物30科43属50种,其中蕨类植物有5科6属6种,裸子植物4科4属4种,被子植物21科33属40种。区系分析显示该植物区系起源古老,地理成分复杂,以热带性成分为主,温带性成分占有一定的比例。群落为复层异龄结构,猴头杜鹃、甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)、福建柏(Fokienia hodginsii)、台湾松(Pinus taiwanensis)、薯豆(Elaeocarpus japonicus)和白豆杉(Pseudotaxus chienii)为群落的建群种。除Pielou指数外,群落物种多样性指数较低,各样地间多样性指数测值变幅较大;测度猴头杜鹃群落物种多样性时,各种多样性指数基本表现出相同的趋势;总体来看,猴头杜鹃群落物种多样性在群落不同层次的变化规律为:灌木层〉乔木层〉草本层。  相似文献   

大尺度环境条件下物种多样性的响应是植物生态学的热点问题,有关元谋干热河谷内的特殊环境条件如何影响物种多样性以及干热河谷植被的分布上限问题仍然存在争议。以元谋干热河谷10个海拔梯度植物群落为研究对象,采用样方调查法,探讨了植被盖度、物种丰富度、α多样性以及β多样性对不同海拔梯度的响应。结果表明:(1)干热河谷内群落的总盖度与海拔之间呈现非线性变化趋势,随着海拔升高,群落的总盖度总体呈现先减小后增加的趋势,最低值(63%)出现在海拔1 400m处,最高值(89%)出现在海拔2 000m处;灌木层盖度与海拔呈现显著正相关趋势,最低盖度(28%)出现在海拔1 100m处,最高(68%)出现在海拔2 000m处;草本层盖度与海拔呈现出显著负相关趋势,最低盖度(53%)出现在海拔2 000 m处,最高(73%)出现在海拔1 100 m处;(2)丰富度指数(S)总体上呈现出沿着海拔梯度的升高而增强的趋势,变化范围为2~15;Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)及均匀度指数(J)与丰富度指数的变化趋势一致,变化范围分别为0.53~1.06、0.12~0.23;Simpson指数(D)则与之呈现出相反的趋势,变化范围为0.08~0.02;(3)相异性指数SI在海拔1 400~1 500m处达到最大值(0.8),Cody指数较小,为0.5,表明此处β多样性最小,物种更替速率最慢,群落处于较稳定状态。结果表明,干热河谷植被的分布并不随着水分的增加而呈线性增加,且干热河谷植被的分布上限在海拔1 400~1 500m处。研究结果对维持和管理河谷植物多样性,实施生态建设工程,合理开发利用当地资源具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

广州市莲塘村风水林群落特征及植物多样性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
风水林是极具南方地域特色的植被景观与物种储存库,是接近地带性植被特性的一种群落类型.研究风水林,对丰富和发展环境科学、生态科学、林业科学和园林科学,具有重要意义.本研究在广州市莲塘村村后风水林设立了样带、标准地和样方,对其乔木层、灌木层和草本层植物进行详细调查,结果表明,该区共有植物73种,隶属于33个科57个属.其植物种类丰富,以茜草科、樟科、大戟科、壳斗科、莎草科、桃金娘科植物占优势.该群落具有南亚热带常绿阔叶林群落的典型群落结构,垂直结构分层现象明显,层次清晰.文章对树种丰富度、Shannon-Winner指数、Simpson多样性指数、种间相遇机率以及均匀度等多样性指标的研究表明:该群落具有较大的物种丰富度,植物多样性较高,物种分布均匀,不同种之间相遇几率较大,其生物多样性各项指标远远大于尾叶桉人工纯林.该风水林群落是目前广州市保存较完好的具有典型地带特色的少数自然林之一,它的研究成果对以后生态公益林造林有极大的参考价值.  相似文献   

利用样方法进行野外群落调查.共调查了6个样地,每个样地大小为20m×20 m,研究古田山自然保护区针阔叶混交林植物物种多样性特征.结果表明:古田山针阔混交林的科、属、种组成多样性较高,植物种类丰富.组成复杂.群落的属种多样性>科属多样性>科种多样性.从灌木层、乔木层至草本层物种多样性依次递减,乔木层和灌木层的物种多样性指数明显大于草本层物种多样性指数.  相似文献   

In most protected areas of the Indian Himalayan region site/habitat characteristics, community diversity and distribution pattern, vegetation composition (richness of native and endemic species), structural patterns, economic importance of forest communities and community priorities have rarely been studied. Therefore, the present study has focused on these in the buffer zone of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve. Seventy-six woody species (trees: 24; shrubs: 52) and 13 forest communities have been recorded between 2300–3800 m asl. Tree density ranged from 533–1220 ind ha-1, tree basal area from 14.68-80.28 m2ha-1 and shrub density from 1490–6695 ind ha-1. Mean density of trees was significantly lower in temperate forests in comparison to subalpine forests. Richness of trees ranged from 3–18 and shrubs from 5–29. Species diversity (H') of trees ranged from 0.45-2.08 and shrubs from 0.90-3.14. In the temperate zone, species richness and altitude had significant positive correlations whereas in the subalpine zone the two variables were negatively correlated. The native species were high in the area (> 65% species) and in communities (> 70% species), and was highest for the Picea smithiana-Pinus wallichiana mixed community, whereas the maximum numbers of natives and endemic species were recorded in the Pinus wallichiana community. The density and richness of non-natives were found to be significantly lower in comparison to the natives. Economic importance and conservation value of the communities were assessed and communities prioritized. Monitoring of the identified habitats, species, populations and communities, and development of appropriate strategies for their conservation and management are suggested.  相似文献   

三江源区不同建植年代人工草地群落演替与土壤养分变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了了三源区不同建植期人工修复草地在不同演替阶段毒杂草[主要是甘肃马先蒿(Pedicularis kansuensis)]的入侵规律、数量特征,植物群落物种组成、生物苗和草地质最以及土壤养分、微生物活性的变化规律.结果表明,不同建植期人工修复草地植物群落的种类组成、植物功能群组成和群落数量特征存在显著差异.随着演替时间的推移,人工草地群落盖度、高度、物种数、生物最和多样性指数均表现出"V"字型变化规律,杂类草--甘肃马先蒿的数量特征变化尤为明显,在4 a的人工草地群落中开始局部入侵,在5~6 a的人工草地群落中大面积入侵,其入侵速度、入侵面积达到高峰期.土壤的含水量、容重、土壤中有机质、氮素和磷素在演替过程(7 a、9 a草地)中逐渐降低,到一定时期又逐步增加;随着演替的进行,不同建植期人工草地的土壤微牛物生物量碳和酶活性均呈"V"字型,变化.对于退化生态系统的恢复首先是植被恢复,其次是土壤肥力的恢复.土壤有机质等养分的积累、微生物活性的改善不仅能使土壤-植物复合系统的功能得以恢复,同时也能促进物种多样性的形成,有利于人工草地群落稳定性的提高.在试验区尽管植被恢复演替进行得比较缓慢,但从土壤发展的角度看,仍属进展演替.所以,在退化高寒草甸的恢复过程中,若降低和有效控制外界的干扰(如围栏封育),可为退化草地恢复提供繁殖体与土壤环境,实现人工草地逐步向恢复(正向)演替进行.图3表6参34  相似文献   

In order to provide a theoretical reference for the early management of target trees in the low mountain region of eastern Sichuan, and a theoretical basis for the sustainable management of masson pine (Pinus massoniana) plantations, we chose three different kinds of densities (100 target trees per hectare, 150 target trees per hectare, and 200 target trees per hectare) in a 33-year-old masson pine plantation in the low mountain region of eastern Sichuan. We investigated the change patterns of soil physicochemical properties and plant diversity during the early stage of the management of the target trees. The results showed that compared to the control (CK), the early stage of management of P. massoniana plantation target trees dramatically improved the soil physical properties, the pH value, contents of organic matter, and total phosphorus (P < 0.05); however, the available phosphorus and the available nitrogen varied slightly (P > 0.05). Compared to the control (CK), significant (P < 0.05) differences in the richness index were observed between shrubs and herbs (P < 0.05), and in the shrub layer, the dominant position was replaced by others. Simpson, Shannon, and Pielou indexes of shrubs showed no significant difference in the study (P > 0.05). On the contrary, Simpson, Shannon, and Pielou i ndexes of herbs were significantly lower than those for CK (P < 0.05). There were significant correlations between plant species diversity and soil physicochemical properties such as soil pH, contents of total phosphorus, and the available nitrogen. The early stage of management of P. massoniana plantation target trees significantly improved the plant diversity and soil physicochemical properties. Among all the three different treatments, the density of 150 target trees per hectare had the best effect on the soil physicochemical properties and plant diversity. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

通过对祁连山自然保护区青海云杉群落物种组成及α多样性垂直分布格局的研究,结果表明:祁连山自然保护区青海云杉群落内有维管植物25科51属96种,其中乔木4种,灌木29种,草本62种;植物种相对集中分布于海拔2 680~2 890 m的阴坡;随海拔梯度升高,群落内植物种数减少,且相邻样地的共有种数呈不明显的先减少而后增加的趋势,Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数呈降低趋势;不同林型的植物种的丰富度依次为:青海云杉混交林〉草类-青海云杉林〉苔藓-青海云杉林〉灌木-青海云杉林〉马先蒿-青海云杉林。  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems consist of mutually dependent producer and decomposer subsystems, but not much is known on how their interactions are modified by plant diversity and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Factorially manipulating grassland plant species diversity and atmospheric CO2 concentrations for five years, we tested whether high diversity or elevated CO2 sustain larger or more active soil communities, affect soil aggregation, water dynamics, or nutrient cycling, and whether plant diversity and elevated CO2 interact. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pools, symbiotic N2 fixation, plant litter quality, soil moisture, soil physical structure, soil nematode, collembola and acari communities, soil microbial biomass and microflora community structure (phospholipid fatty acid [PLFA] profiles), soil enzyme activities, and rates of C fluxes to soils were measured. No increases in soil C fluxes or the biomass, number, or activity of soil organisms were detected at high plant diversity; soil H2O and aggregation remained unaltered. Elevated CO2 affected the ecosystem primarily by improving plant and soil water status by reducing leaf conductance, whereas changes in C cycling appeared to be of subordinate importance. Slowed-down soil drying cycles resulted in lower soil aggregation under elevated CO2. Collembola benefited from extra soil moisture under elevated CO2, whereas other faunal groups did not respond. Diversity effects and interactions with elevated CO2 may have been absent because soil responses were mainly driven by community-level processes such as rates of organic C input and water use; these drivers were not changed by plant diversity manipulations, possibly because our species diversity gradient did not extend below five species and because functional type composition remained unaltered. Our findings demonstrate that global change can affect soil aggregation, and we advocate that soil aggregation should be considered as a dynamic property that may respond to environmental changes and feed back on other ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

张建利  沈蕊  施雯  柳小康  欧晓昆 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1272-1277
选择金沙江干流及支流小江干热河谷典型草地,采用标准样地调查法,对其上游、中游、下游以及支流干热河谷草地植物分布特征、群落结构、种群习性等开展研究,结果表明:(1)金沙江干热河谷草地植物群落结构自上游至下游,多年生草本植物种类的比例逐渐增加,灌木和一年生草本植物种类比例逐渐减少;金沙江干热河谷草地植物群落是以多年生草本为主灌木为辅的群落结构类型;支流小江干热河谷群落中,多年生草本和灌木植物种类比例相同,一年生草本植物种类比例较低。(2)金沙江流域干热河谷草地群落中,扭黄茅(Heteropogon contortus)为优势种群,次优种群随地理环境的改变而不同。(3)金沙江干热河谷存在种群扩散通道作用,但种群扩散通道作用受扩散距离的影响。(4)金沙江干热河谷草地植物种群的扩散、定居受到经向、纬向的影响。  相似文献   

高原退化湿地纳帕海植物多样性格局特征及其驱动力   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对滇西北纳帕海湿地不同退化演替阶段的植物群落结构特征及多样性格局的研究结果表明:纳帕海共有植物115种,隶属38科、82属,植物群落15个,包括3个沉水植物群落、2个浮叶植物群落、6个挺水植物群落、4个草甸群落。其中原生沼泽有湿地植物25种,隶属16科、17属,3个沉水植物群落、2个浮叶植物群落;沼泽化草甸有湿地植物35种,隶属19科、26属,6个挺水植物群落;草甸有湿地植物64种,隶属28科、55属,4个草甸群落;垦后湿地仅有农作物4种,隶属4科、4属。随着原生沼泽、沼泽化草甸向草甸、垦后湿地的退化演替,植物群落伴生种增多,优势种的优势度明显下降,群落结构逐渐变得复杂;原生沼泽、沼泽化草甸植物群落分布面积萎缩,草甸、垦后湿地面积不断增大;物种丰富度与多样性指数随原生沼泽、沼泽化草甸、草甸的退化演替而逐渐增加,草甸植物物种丰富度、多样性指数最大,而垦后湿地为最低值。纳帕海植物多样性格局特征是对不同人为干扰强度与类型的响应,当前影响植物多样格局的驱动力主要是排水垦殖、无序旅游、过度放牧和周边森林的破坏等人为生产活动。  相似文献   

Indirect effects of trophic interactions on biodiversity can be large and common, even in complex communities. Previous experiments with dominant understory Piper shrubs in a Costa Rican rain forest revealed that increases in herbivore densities on these shrubs caused widespread seedling mortality as a result of herbivores moving from Piper to seedlings of many different plant genera. We tested components of the Janzen-Connell hypothesis by conducting focused studies on the effects of specialist and generalist Piper herbivores on local seedling diversity. Whereas specialist herbivores are predicted to increase mortality to neighboring seedlings that are closely related to the source plant, true generalists moving from source plants may cause density-dependent mortality of many species, and possibly increase richness if new species replace abundant species that have been thinned by herbivores. Therefore, we hypothesized that seedling richness would be greater in understory control plots created in patches of Piper that had normal densities of generalist herbivores compared to plots from which we removed generalist herbivores manually from all Piper shrubs. After 15 months, generalist-herbivore-removal plots had > 40% fewer seedlings, > 40% fewer species, and 40% greater seedling evenness, on average, than control plots with generalist herbivores intact. Using a complementary approach in unmanipulated plots in four forests, we used path analysis to test for a positive association between seedling diversity and herbivore damage on Piper species. In unmanipulated plots, for both generalist and specialist herbivores, our data were significant fits to the causal model that Piper herbivores decrease evenness and increase plant species richness, corroborating the experimental results. Because herbivores changed how individuals were apportioned among the species and families present (lower evenness), one interpretation of these associations between herbivores on Piper shrubs and local seedling richness is that high seedling mortality in dominant families allowed the colonization or survival of less common species. If interspecific or apparent competition allowed for a relative increase in species richness, then the Janzen-Connell hypothesis may extend its predictions to generalist seedling predators. We speculate that apparent competition may explain some of the deviations from neutral model predictions, especially at small scales.  相似文献   

Shrubs and trees are assumed less likely to lose genetic variation in response to habitat fragmentation because they have certain life-history characteristics such as long lifespans and extensive pollen flow. To test this assumption, we conducted a meta-analysis with data on 97 woody plant species derived from 98 studies of habitat fragmentation. We measured the weighted response of four different measures of population-level genetic diversity to habitat fragmentation with Hedge's d and Spearman rank correlation. We tested whether the genetic response to habitat fragmentation was mediated by life-history traits (longevity, pollination mode, and seed dispersal vector) and study characteristics (genetic marker and plant material used). For both tests of effect size habitat fragmentation was associated with a substantial decrease in expected heterozygosity, number of alleles, and percentage of polymorphic loci, whereas the population inbreeding coefficient was not associated with these measures. The largest proportion of variation among effect sizes was explained by pollination mechanism and by the age of the tissue (progeny or adult) that was genotyped. Our primary finding was that wind-pollinated trees and shrubs appeared to be as likely to lose genetic variation as insect-pollinated species, indicating that severe habitat fragmentation may lead to pollen limitation and limited gene flow. In comparison with results of previous meta-analyses on mainly herbaceous species, we found trees and shrubs were as likely to have negative genetic responses to habitat fragmentation as herbaceous species. We also found that the genetic variation in offspring was generally less than that of adult trees, which is evidence of a genetic extinction debt and probably reflects the genetic diversity of the historical, less-fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

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