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萌蘖调控对辽东栎再萌生能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同调控措施下辽东栎灌丛再萌生株各生长因子的特征,分析了不同的人为调控措施对辽东栎次生灌丛再萌生能力的影响.结果表明,人为调控对辽东栎再萌生株的发生与生长有着重大影响.调控强度大,再萌生株的数量、高度较小,基径、单株生物量较大;调控强度小,再萌生株的数量、高度较大,基径、单株生物量较小.在辽东栎种群的更新过程中,幼苗与幼树问存在着明显的瓶颈现象,经过激烈的竞争生长,只有少数才能进入下一个生长季.生长季前清除所有再萌生株后,由于当年生长季调控措施的不同,再萌生能力出现差异.调控后,辽东栎灌丛再萌生株的总生物量主要与其高度有关.图2表3参31  相似文献   

采用5种低光处理(100、200、400、600、1000 lx)研究了小叶章和芦苇幼苗成活和生长对低光胁迫的响应.两种湿地植物幼苗的成活率均随着光照强度的升高而显著增大,小叶章和芦苇幼苗全部成活的光照强度下限分别为400、1 000 lx.两种植物幼苗生长参数(根重、茎重、叶重、总生物量、绝对生长速率、相对生长速率、净同化速率)都随光照强度的升高显著增大,而叶生物量比和形态学参数(叶面积比、比叶面积)随光照强度的升高显著降低.可见,小叶章和芦苇幼苗生长明显受到光照的影响,幼苗可通过增大光合器官的投入适应低光环境.相对芦苇而言,小叶章幼苗在低光胁迫下形态可塑性大,小叶章更低的存活光强下限及更强的形态可塑性表明小叶章幼苗适应低光胁迫的能力大于芦苇,这可能是小叶章能成为三江平原典型草甸、湿草甸和沼泽群落的优势种,而芦苇只能成为伴生种的主要原因之一.图6表1参31  相似文献   

选取盐城滨海湿地典型滩地(互花米草与碱蓬交错区、碱蓬滩)互花米草斑块,研究互花米草和本地种的生长特征、斑块微生境变化和互花米草与本地种的相对竞争力。结果表明:①和本地土著种碱蓬Suaeda salsa、芦苇Phragmites australis相比,入侵种互花米草Spartina alterniflora能更有效地改善微生境,其发达根系能够提高土壤含水量,互花米草的耐盐特性和泌盐作用能够使得互花米草在高盐度环境中生存,并有效的降低土壤盐度;②在互花米草与碱蓬交错区,从互花米草斑块边缘到中心,碱蓬的长势显著变弱,互花米草的长势显著增强,互花米草与碱蓬的相对竞争力为1.94±0.94,互花米草的竞争能力明显强于碱蓬;③在碱蓬滩,从互花米草斑块边缘到中心,碱蓬、芦苇的长势显著变弱,互花米草的长势显著增强,互花米草与碱蓬的相对竞争力为0.87±0.30,互花米草与碱蓬之间的竞争相对平衡;④因此,互花米草可能通过种间竞争不断侵蚀碱蓬生境,从而取代当地土著植被碱蓬和芦苇。  相似文献   

不同林分类型土壤对铜的吸附及其影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
测定了浙江安吉6种林分类型(茶园、毛竹林、湿地松林、灌木林、落叶栎林、常绿苦槠-青冈混交林)、4个层次(0—10、10—20、20—40、40—60 cm)土壤对Cu2 的吸附量,并探求土壤有机质含量、CEC、pH值及颗粒组成与Cu2 吸附量之间的关系。结果表明,落叶栎林对Cu2 的吸附量最大,灌木林次之,茶林与常绿苦槠-青冈混交林居中,毛竹林与湿地松林吸附量最小;不同层次土壤对Cu2 的吸附量随土层深度增加而减少。土壤有机质含量和CEC是影响供试土壤Cu2 吸附量的主要因素。建立了土壤有机质含量和CEC与土壤Cu2 吸附量的关系模型。  相似文献   

三江平原小叶章和芦苇幼苗生长对低光胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用5种低光处理000、200、400、600、1000lx)研究了小叶章和芦苇幼苗成活和生长对低光胁迫的响应.两种湿地植物幼苗的成活率均随着光照强度的升高而显著增大,小叶章和芦苇幼苗全部成活的光照强度下限分别为400、1000lx.两种植物幼苗生长参数(根重、茎重、叶重、总生物量、绝对生长速率、相对生长速率、净同化速率)都随光照强度的升高显著增大,而叶生物量比和形态学参数(叶面积比、比叶面积)随光照强度的升高显著降低.可见,小叶章和芦苇幼苗生长明显受到光照的影响,幼苗可通过增大光合器官的投入适应低光环境.相对芦苇而言,小叶章幼苗在低光胁迫下形态可塑性大,小叶章更低的存活光强下限及更强的形态可塑性表明小叶章幼苗适应低光胁迫的能力大于芦苇,这可能是小叶章能成为三江平原典型草甸、湿草甸和沼泽群落的优势种,而芦苇只能成为伴生种的主要原因之一.图6表1参31  相似文献   

为揭示厚朴(Houpo9a officinalis)种群实生更新方式和影响因素,在遂昌县桂洋林场内选择针叶林、针阔混交林和阔叶林3个不同生境,设置种皮和铁丝网罩交叉处理试验,研究不同生境内厚朴种子萌发和幼苗生长特征。结果显示,不同生境和不同处理间厚朴种子萌发率均有显著差异(P0. 05),在针叶林内去除假种皮且罩铁丝网时厚朴种子萌发率最高,而保留假种皮时厚朴种子萌发率均为0。厚朴在幼苗前期(4~8周)死亡率最大,之后趋于稳定,在针叶林内幼苗存活率最高,但不同生境间差异未达到显著水平。不同生境内厚朴幼苗苗高与地径生长均表现出显著差异(P0. 05),表现为针叶林针阔混交林阔叶林。林中空气温度、湿度、光照强度和枯枝落叶厚度对厚朴种子野外萌发有显著影响,其中温度、光照强度、土壤水分和养分对厚朴幼苗生长影响最大。针叶林最适合厚朴种子萌发和幼苗生长,假种皮、动物取食和生境异质性是造成厚朴种子野外萌发率低和死亡率高的主要原因。  相似文献   

研究了在紫外线 (UV -B)辐射增强条件下与自然光下生长的玉米种子的发芽和幼苗生长特性以及对UV -B反应的变化。结果表明 :与自然光下生长的玉米种子相比 ,UV -B辐射增强条件下生长的玉米种子的发芽率和幼苗生长指标有不同程度的下降 ,但在连续两年UV -B强度增加条件下 ,其种子发芽和幼苗生长指标受高强度UV -B影响的程度显著下降。在连续两年UV -B辐射增强条件下生长的玉米种子萌发的幼苗叶片类黄酮含量显著高于在自然光下生长的玉米种子萌发的幼苗 ,这可能是在UV -B辐射增强条件下生长的玉米对UV -B辐射增强产生适应性的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

石墨烯对高等植物幼苗的毒性及机理探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着石墨烯产品的广泛应用和潜在的环境释放,其对生态环境的影响已引起广泛关注。为探讨石墨烯对高等植物生长的影响,探究了其对黄瓜幼苗和玉米幼苗生长的影响及其致毒机理。结果表明,水培条件下,不同浓度的石墨烯(10、50、100、500、1 000和2 000 mg·L~(-1))处理植物幼苗15 d后,对植物幼苗的生长具有抑制作用。且随着处理时间和石墨烯浓度的增加,植物幼苗生长的所有指标,包括根/地上部鲜重和干重、根长、根尖数、株高和叶面积均相应降低。另外,黄瓜幼苗比玉米幼苗对石墨烯更加的敏感。进一步研究发现,石墨烯与黄瓜幼苗根部直接接触导致的物理损伤、氧化损伤,以及营养耗竭是其致毒机理。而石墨烯对玉米幼苗的致毒机理包括物理损伤和营养耗竭。本研究为石墨烯的环境风险评价提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

盐胁迫下弗吉尼亚栎生长和生理生化变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
弗吉尼亚栎(Quercus virginiana)是美国沿海地区重要的绿化树种,具有较强的耐盐性.文章采用Hoagland溶液水培方法,研究了美国引进树种-弗吉尼亚栎(简称弗栎)在3.0 g·L-1、5.0 g·L-1和7.0 g·L-1 NaCl胁迫下的生长状况以及叶片脯氨酸含量和对Na 、K 选择性吸收的动态变化.结果发现,在经过不同质量质量浓度NaCl处理21 d后,随着NaCl质量质量浓度的增加,弗栎植株生长受到抑制,其中茎叶生物量减少的幅度较根系大,表明弗栎地上部生长比地下部对盐胁迫更加敏感,从而导致根冠比增加.同时发现,盐胁迫处理不同时期对叶片脯氨酸含量和Na 、K 含量的影响各不相同,在处理7 d和21 d时,叶片对Na 和K 的吸收量均有增加,使K /Na 维持相对稳定的比值,而脯氨酸含量随NaCl质量质量浓度的增加减少;在处理第14 d时,对Na 吸收增加的同时,抑制了对K 的吸收,导致K /Na 比值随NaCl质量质量浓度的增加而迅速下降,而此时叶片脯氨酸含量随着盐质量质量浓度的增加而迅速增加,表明在盐胁迫早期和晚期,弗栎可能通过增加对K 的吸收以减轻Na 离子毒害效应,而在盐胁迫中期,叶片积累脯氨酸是适应盐胁迫的方式之一.  相似文献   

应用生态系统演替原理,选取青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)、苦槠(Castanopsis sclerophylla)、白栎(Quercus fabri)、麻栎(Quercus acutissima)、小叶栎(Quercus chenii)、榔榆(Ulmus parvifolia)、紫楠(Phoebe sheareri)和薄叶润楠(Machilus leptophylla)8种乡土树种在安徽省马鞍山市南山铁矿排土场进行定植试验.定植后3 a小叶栎高度达(194.89±2.71) cm(平均值±标准误,下同),比移栽时增加119.89 cm,平均年增高39.96 cm,高度最小的紫楠也达(72.67±2.91) cm,比移栽时增加了62.67 cm,平均年增高20.89 cm;地径最大的榔榆已达(3.87±0.11) cm,最小的紫楠也达(1.27±0.15) cm,说明在人工管理条件下,这些植物生长良好.观测结果表明,落叶阔叶树种比常绿阔叶树种定植成活率高,株高和地径增长速度也较快,是该地自然群落恢复的重要候选树种.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition is a key component in ecosystem material cycling that determines (i) forest soil carbon (C) and nutrient content, (ii) release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and (iii) generation and mass transfer of dissolved organic carbon from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we provide simulations of long term forest-floor litter dynamics generated with both (i) an existing forest nutrient cycling and biomass growth model (ForNBM) with a single-pool formulation of forest-floor litter decomposition (Zhu et al., 2003. Ecol. Model. 169, 347-360), and (ii) a revised version of the model produced by substituting the single-pool formulation with a three-pool version of the formulation tested against data from litterbag experiments (FLDM; Zhang et al., 2010. Ecol. Model. 221, 1944-1953). This is done to determine the importance of subdividing the litter mass into categories of rates of decay (i.e., fast, slow, and very slow) on model accuracy. Forest-forest litter dynamics simulated with the two models are subsequently compared against field measurements collected at several northern jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands along a southwest-northeast oriented transect (climate gradient) associated with the Boreal Forest Transect Case Study in northwest Canada. Initial comparison shows that the single-pool formulation underpredicts residual litter mass when forests are <65 years old, largely due to the improper treatment of the very slow decomposing litter component. This underprediction is resolved when the three-pool formulation is used. From a ecosystems-response point of view, the revised ForNBM (with the three-pool formulation) demonstrates that (i) forest-floor litter initially increases with forest growth and reaches a plateau once the forest matures; (ii) the forest floor stores more litter and C at the southern and warmer sites than at the northern sites; and (iii) in a similar climate regime, the forest floor stores more litter and C at productive than at nutrient-poor sites.  相似文献   

森林水文过程中的总有机碳转运对土壤有机碳平衡起着重要的作用,但我们对于水文过程对碳平衡的贡献机理所知甚少.本研究针对鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林演替序列不同森林生态系统(马尾松林、针阔混交林和季风常绿阔叶林(简称季风林))的大气降水、穿透水、树干流、凋落物淋洗水以及地表径流中的总有机碳(TOC)进行了三年(2002年4月-2005年5月)观测,以此来分析水文学过程中TOC的变化规律和水文学过程对不同成熟度森林生态系统土壤有机碳积累的贡献.每场雨后进行水样的采集,采集的水样装入棕色玻璃瓶中,加硫酸至pH值小于2,放置于实验室冰箱冷藏待测.TOC用日本岛津公司生产的5000A型TOC-V分析仪测定.研究结果及推论如下:鼎湖山森林水文学过程中TOC浓度和总量变化呈现规律性的变化.大气降水中的TOC浓度和总量分别为(3.65±0.59)mg·L~(-1)和51.8104 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),大气降水是鼎湖山森林生态系统水文循环过程中TOC的主要来源.穿透水(DTF)中TOC浓度和总量均为:松林>混交林>季风林,其中季风林TOC浓度显著低于其他两种林型.松林树干流的TOC浓度显著高于混交林和季风林.凋落物淋洗水TOC浓度和总量大小依次均为:松林>混交林>季风林,且三林型间存在显著差异(p<0.05).径流中TOC浓度和总量均较小,且无明显差异.在湿季5月份,穿透水、树干流、凋落物淋洗水的TOC浓度呈现下降趋势.干季(10月)开始以后,穿透水、树干流、凋落物淋洗水中的TOC浓度又逐步回升.地表径流中TOC浓度干湿季变化趋势不明显.干季中各水文学分量TOC浓度大于湿季,但TOC总量呈现相反趋势.在森林水文学过程中,凋落物淋洗水所携带的有机碳量是土壤有机碳输入的最大项,季风林、混交林、松林中TOC总量分别为246.983 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),255.187kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)和261.876kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1);其次是直接到达土壤表面的穿透水,季风林、混交林、松林中TOC总量分别为28.152kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),37.410kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)和43.176kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1);树干流中有机碳浓度虽高,但总量很微小,季风林、混交林、松林中TOC总量分别为4.663kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),5.910kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)和4.566kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),所以对土壤有机碳收入贡献不大.径流所携带的TOC总量很小,季风林、混交林、松林中分别为8.707kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),9.318kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),7.220kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1).由此可知,水文过程输入土壤的TOC总量远大于径流所带走的TOC总量,导致了水文过程中的TOC存留在土壤中,对土壤有机碳(SOC)的积累起着重要作用.季风林、混交林和马尾松林土壤每年通过水文学过程净输入的有机碳量分别为(27.1+1.65)g·m~(-2),(28.9±2.79)g·m~(-2)和(30.2±2.65)g·m~(-2).水文学过程中的这部分有机碳由于占总有机碳比例较小往往被忽视,但是正是由于水分在土壤中的下渗使得有机碳的分布趋于均匀,这将更加利于SOC的积累和保存.  相似文献   

The forest litter decomposition model (FLDM) described in this paper provides an important basis for assessing the impacts of forest management on seasonal stream water quality and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). By definition, models with annual time steps are unable to capture seasonal, within-year variation. In order to simulate seasonal variation in litter decomposition and DOC production and export, we have modified an existing annual FLDM to account for monthly dynamics of decomposition and residual mass in experimental litterbags placed in 21 different forests across Canada.The original annual FLDM was formulated with three main litter pools (fast, slow, and very slow decomposing litter) to address the fact that forest litter is naturally composed of a mixture of organic compounds that decompose at different rates. The annual FLDM was shown to provide better simulations than more complex models like CENTURY and SOMM.The revised monthly model retains the original structure of the annual FLDM, but separates litter decomposition from nitrogen (N) mineralization. In the model, monthly soil temperature, soil moisture, and mean January soil temperature are shown to be the most important controlling variables of within-year variation in decomposition. Use of the three variables in a process-based definition of litter decomposition is a significant departure from the empirical definition in the annual model. The revised model is shown to give similar calculations of residual mass and N concentration as the annual model (r2 = 0.91, 0.78), despite producing very different timeseries of decomposition over six years. It is shown from a modelling perspective that (i) forest litter decomposition is independent of N mineralization, whereas N mineralization is dependent on litter decomposition, and (ii) mean January soil temperature defines litter decomposition in the summer because of winter-temperatures’ role in modifying forest-floor microorganism community composition and functioning in the following summer.  相似文献   

全球变化和森林演替可以导致森林地表凋落物数量和质量的变化,从而对森林地表 CO2通量产生影响。本实验对亚热带不同演替阶段的3种,即马尾松林(前期)、混交林(中期)和季风林(后期)进行地表凋落物去除、加倍与置换处理,利用静态箱气相色谱法测定地表CO2通量,并同步测定气温、土壤温度和湿度,分析凋落物质量和数量变化对森林地表CO2通量的影响及其调控机理。结果表明,(1)去除凋落物处理显著降低了不同演替阶段的3种森林地表CO2通量,而加倍凋落物处理可以增加森林地表CO2通量,但不同演替阶段增加的幅度不同,依次为:季风林>马尾松林>混交林。(2)置换凋落物对不同演替阶段的森林地表 CO2通量的影响不同,在演替后期的季风林中,置换混交林和马尾松林凋落物处理均增加地表CO2通量;在演替中期的混交林中,置换季风林和马尾松林凋落物均降低地表CO2通量。在演替前期的马尾松林中,置换季风林凋落物增加地表CO2通量,而置换混交林凋落物降低了地表CO2通量(3)结合测定的土壤温度和水分数据分析得出,凋落物处理引起森林地表 CO2通量的变化是通过处理凋落物质量和数量后改变森林地表水热条件来实现的。(4)3个林型的各种处理,地表 CO2通量与土壤温度均呈显著的指数相关关系,但不同处理不同地改变了森林地表土壤 CO2通量对温度的敏感性,即Q10值。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In large parts of North America and Europe, deer overabundance threatens forest plant diversity. Few researchers have examined its effects on invertebrate assemblages. In a natural experiment on Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada), where Sitka black-tailed deer ( Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis ) were introduced, we compared islands with no deer, with deer for fewer than 20 years, and with deer for more than 50 years. We sampled invertebrates in three habitat categories: forest edge vegetation below the browse line, forest interior vegetation below the browse line, and forest interior litter. In forest edge vegetation, invertebrate abundance and species density decreased with increasing length of browsing history. In forest interior vegetation, decrease was significant only on islands with more than 50 years of browsing. Insect abundance in the vegetation decreased eightfold and species density sixfold on islands browsed for more than 50 years compared with islands without deer. Primary consumers were most affected. Invertebrates from the litter showed little or no variation related to browsing history. We attributed the difference between vegetation-dwelling and litter-dwelling invertebrates to differences in the effect of browsing on their habitat. In the layer below the browse line deer progressively removed the habitat. The extent of litter habitat was not affected, but its quality changed. We recommend more attention be given to the effect of overabundant ungulates on forest invertebrate conservation with a focus on edge and understory vegetation in addition to litter habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract: Little is known about the effects of anthropogenic land‐use change on the amphibians and reptiles of the biodiverse tropical forests of Southeast Asia. We studied a land‐use modification gradient stretching from primary forest, secondary forest, natural‐shade cacao agroforest, planted‐shade cacao agroforest to open areas in central Sulawesi, Indonesia. We determined species richness, abundance, turnover, and community composition in all habitat types and related these to environmental correlates, such as canopy heterogeneity and thickness of leaf litter. Amphibian species richness decreased systematically along the land‐use modification gradient, but reptile richness and abundance peaked in natural‐shade cacao agroforests. Species richness and abundance patterns across the disturbance gradient were best explained by canopy cover and leaf‐litter thickness in amphibians and by canopy heterogeneity and cover in reptiles. Amphibians were more severely affected by forest disturbance in Sulawesi than reptiles. Heterogeneous canopy cover and thick leaf litter should be maintained in cacao plantations to facilitate the conservation value for both groups. For long‐term and sustainable use of plantations, pruned shade trees should be permanently kept to allow rejuvenation of cacao and, thus, to prevent repeated forest encroachment.  相似文献   

小陇山林区主要森林群落凋落物及死木质残体储量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用固定面积样方取样法研究了小陇山林区锐齿栎和油松天然林死木质残体及凋落物的总储量.结果表明:小陇山林区锐齿栎天然林粗死木质残体(Coarse woody debris,简称CWD)和细小木质残体(Fine woody debris,简称FWD)储量分别为29 350.92 kg hm-2和2 298.41 kg hm-2,分别为油松天然林的3.8和1.3倍.油松林CWD组成中枯立木占到85.65%,倒木只占14.35%,而锐齿栎天然林枯立木和倒木所占的比例基本为1.从CWD的径级结构上来说,锐齿栎林内以大径级CWD为主(≥20 cm),占样地CWD总储量的60.81%,天然油松林以小径级(20 cm≥小径级≥10 cm)CWD为主,大、小径级分别占CWD储量的55.33%和44.67%.油松林内凋落物储量为30 472.31 kg hm-2,是天然锐齿栎凋落物储量8 902.29 kg hm-2的3倍以上.凋落物和死木质残体储量的不同是锐齿栎天然林和油松天然林种群结构、林分更新和群落内部竞争状况及凋落物分解状况差异所导致的结果.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of tree species on leaf litter decomposition and forest floor dynamics in a common garden experiment of 14 tree species (Abies alba, Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, Larix decidua, Picea abies, Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus robur, Quercus rubra, and Tilia cordata) in southwestern Poland. We used three simultaneous litter bag experiments to tease apart species effects on decomposition via leaf litter chemistry vs. effects on the decomposition environment. Decomposition rates of litter in its plot of origin were negatively correlated with litter lignin and positively correlated with mean annual soil temperature (MAT(soil)) across species. Likewise, decomposition of a common litter type across all plots was positively associated with MAT(soil), and decomposition of litter from all plots in a common plot was negatively related to litter lignin but positively related to litter Ca. Taken together, these results indicate that tree species influenced microbial decomposition primarily via differences in litter lignin (and secondarily, via differences in litter Ca), with high-lignin (and low-Ca) species decomposing most slowly, and by affecting MAT(soil), with warmer plots exhibiting more rapid decomposition. In addition to litter bag experiments, we examined forest floor dynamics in each plot by mass balance, since earthworms were a known component of these forest stands and their access to litter in litter bags was limited. Forest floor removal rates estimated from mass balance were positively related to leaf litter Ca (and unrelated to decay rates obtained using litter bags). Litter Ca, in turn, was positively related to the abundance of earthworms, particularly Lumbricus terrestris. Thus, while species influence microbially mediated decomposition primarily through differences in litter lignin, differences among species in litter Ca are most important in determining species effects on forest floor leaf litter dynamics among these 14 tree species, apparently because of the influence of litter Ca on earthworm activity. The overall influence of these tree species on leaf litter decomposition via effects on both microbial and faunal processing will only become clear when we can quantify the decay dynamics of litter that is translocated belowground by earthworms.  相似文献   

不同森林恢复类型对土壤生物学特性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
比较研究了南方红壤侵蚀区4种主要森林恢复类型下土壤中有机质、微生物结构与功能以及酶活性.结果表明,不同的森林恢复类型导致了土壤生物学性状的明显差异.4种森林类型的土壤生物学性状均比长期干扰下CK的高.人工林土壤生物学性状相对比天然次生林土壤差.整合上述指标的土壤生物学肥力指数分别为:天然次生林(0.752)、油茶林(0.611)、杉木林(0.422)、湿地松林(0.439)、对照(0.124).在森林恢复初期,采用自然恢复有效地提高了土壤生物学肥力.导致天然次生林土壤生物学活性相对较高的主要因素是较高的凋落物产量和质量、较高的根系生物量、较丰富的植物种类组成、较优越的土壤生态条件和快速的植物生长.在反映土壤生物学活性的指标选择方面,培养基平均颜色变化率(AWCD)、培养基丰富度和培养基Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与反映土壤生物学活性的大部分指标具有较好的相关关系,是反映土壤生物学活性的较好指标.图3表6参68  相似文献   

Afforestation of arid land is a promising countermeasure against global warming. We had previously found, through modeling and mass balance analyses of an arid land afforestation experimental project in Western Australia, that a significant amount of litter could have been physically removed from the floors of natural forests. In order to analyze litter carbon dynamics in depth, we investigated the actual mobility of litter in several natural forests in Sturt Meadows in an arid region of Western Australia, and estimated the difference between the removal rate of leaf and woody (twigs and branches) litter on the forest floor. Then we redeveloped a litter carbon dynamics model by incorporating physical removal of litter to show the different mobilities of leaf and woody litters. We also analyzed carbon balances and the effect of differential litter mobility on litter carbon dynamics. Except for twigs in one plot in a high density forest, 29–100% of leaf litter and 10–100% of woody litter was removed annually, demonstrating the physical removal of litter in these natural forests. The main cause of litter removal was wind, not flooding. Decreases in leaf and woody litters could be approximated as first order decay functions in most plots; first order decay or disappearance rate constants were then determined. Estimated disappearance rate constants of leaf and woody litter ranged from 0.19 to 11 and 0.11–12 year−1, respectively; most of the constants ranged from 0.19 to 2.0 and 0.11–0.74 year−1, respectively. Based on the disappearance rate constant, the mobility of woody litter was estimated to be roughly 20% that of leaf litter, confirming that climatic factors move leaves more easily than twigs. The improved model, which took into account the different mobilities of leaf and woody litters, showed that annual physical removal of litter reached 70–82% of the annual litter fall in Acacia aneura forests, and that roughly 40–60% of the existing litter was removed annually from all sites. Incorporating into the model the difference in mobilities of leaf and woody litters showed that the ratio of annual litter removal to annual litter fall increased about 10% points compared with the assumption of that both litter types had equal mobility.  相似文献   

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