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不同结构形状的街道峡谷内污染物扩散   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对不同的城市街道峡谷结构形状,通过求解二维不可压缩N-S方程和K-ε湍流模型方程及污染物对流扩散方程,数值模拟了街道峡谷内的流场及机动车排放污染物浓度场,从而说明了街道峡谷的结构是影响街道峡谷内污染气体扩散的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

在上海某典型街道峡谷内按一定的空间布点,在一定时段内同时对各布点进行采样并做一氧化碳浓度分析,同时记录车辆种类、车流量、气象条件等,分析街道峡谷内污染物浓度的分布.运用风向频率加权(WDFW)方法,结合大气流动和污染物扩散的CFD模型进行数值模拟计算.结果表明,数值模拟结果和现场观测结果较吻合,建筑物低的一侧污染物浓度远高于建筑物高的一侧污染物浓度,两侧的污染物浓度随着高度的增加而降低.  相似文献   

北京采暖期空气污染较非采暖期严重得多,但目前针对采暖期北京城市上风向、下风向、中心区和主干道路等典型人类活动区域的主要污染物浓度特征及其受气象条件变化影响的研究还比较缺乏,为了摸清北京市采暖期不同典型区域大气污染特征,更有针对性地制定环境空气污染防治对策,利用2014年采暖期首月(11月15日—12月14日)北京市北郊(八达岭)、南郊(永乐店)、城市中心区(天坛)、城市交通干道(永定门内大街)等典型区域的PM_(2.5)、SO_2、NO_x、O_3质量浓度监测数据和气象数据,分析4类代表性区域的环境空气污染特征和时空变化情况。结果表明,PM_(2.5)是各区域冬季主要污染物,日均质量浓度在61.75~143.81μg?m-3,总体空间分布状况为南郊最严重、城市交通干道和城市中心区次之、北郊的PM_(2.5)污染最轻,除北郊外其余监测点ρ(PM_(2.5))均超过二级标准限值。各区域的主要污染物略有不同,其中北郊ρ(SO_2)较其他区域高,白天12:00时最低(29.09μg?m-3),夜晚18:00—次日01:00持续居高(58.8~63.19μg?m-3),这与燃煤采暖等人类活动规律一致;南郊以PM_(2.5)、NO_x混合型污染为主;城市交通干道附近ρ(NO_x)和ρ(O_3)较高,表明局地光化学反应NO_x-O_3生消机制作用明显,污染物浓度变化与人类出行时间一致。气象条件对不同污染物浓度的影响存在差异,微风无持续风向、大气扩散条件较差时,PM_(2.5)呈现不断累积状态,SO_2、NO_x和O_3累积效应不明显,但其单日质量浓度峰值显著增加;北风和微风反复交替、大气扩散条件总体较好时,各监测点的SO_2、NO_x受地区性污染源排放影响波动不大,随扩散条件转差南郊ρ(PM_(2.5))会迅速增加。城市交通干道机动车排放典型污染物ρ(NO_x)及其二次污染物ρ(O_3)随着气象条件变化其峰值在日内变化显著。  相似文献   

论述了随着城市机动车保有量的急剧增长,机动车排放污染物对城市大气环境的影响也越来越大。分析了城市机动车排放污染的状况及影响因素,特别重点讨论了机动车车型和汽车城市道路运行工况对机动车排放污染物的影响。为了改善城市大气环境,推动城市全面、协调、可持续发展,提出了若干措施,供城市规划、城市交通管理部门参考。  相似文献   

依据城市机动车空气污染评价方法确立了天津市空气污染物机动车污染的评价体系。该评价体系具有准确性、先进性和实用性,采用科学的方法估算天津市城区机动车排气污染物的排放浓度及总量对环境空气污染的分担率。科学地给出了天津市现阶段机动车污染的现状及发展趋势,为环境保护决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

影响街区峡谷浓度扩散的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对街区峡谷内污染扩散规律的研究是城市空气质量预测的主要内容之一。应用现代流体力学数值模拟方法进行大量算例的计算和分析,研究了城市街区峡谷污染物二维扩散的规律。在分析二维街区峡谷内浓度扩散的规律时,发现对街区峡谷浓度扩散的两个影响因素,其中定量分析了湍流脉动对浓度扩散的影响,与层流时得到的浓度扩散进行了通量积分的比较;此外,定性分析了不同类型的街区峡谷对扩散的影响。  相似文献   

机动车污染已成为大气污染的重要来源,对机动车污染排放控制策略的研究已经成为中国空气污染防治最重要的工作之一。选取长三角城市群为研究区域,研究未来长三角城市群机动车污染排放控制措施的减排效果。应用COPERT Ⅳ模型构建1999—2015年长三角城市群机动车污染物CO、NMVOC、NO_x、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、CO_2、CH_4、N_2O、NH_3和SO_2排放清单,以2015年为基准年,设置8种减排情景评估2025年各情景下的机动车污染物减排效果,并对新能源车推广情景采用GREET模型从生命周期的角度进行研究。结果表明,长三角城市群1999—2015年间不同机动车污染物排放趋势存在差异,除污染物CO_2和NH_3排放增长趋势显著外,其余污染物排放近年来均呈现下降趋势;与基准情景相比,不同情景设置下的机动车污染物减排效果不同,淘汰高排放车辆情景对污染物NO_x、PM_(2.5)和CH_4削减效果较为显著,削减率分别为14.41%、16.65%和12.49%;实施激进新能源车推广情景对污染物CO、NMVOC、PM_(10)、CO_2、N_2O和NH_3减排效果较为明显,削减率分别为13.66%、20.03%、15.48%、20.56%、18.31%和21.46%;提升燃油品质情景对污染物SO_2减排效果最为明显,削减率为93.64%;激进综合情景综合所有削减控制措施并对污染物CO、NMVOC、NO_x、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、CO_2、N_2O和NH_3达到最大的削减效果,表明长三角城市群未来控制机动车污染物排放需结合多种污染减排措施,以达到最佳减排效果。  相似文献   

街区污染物扩散的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对街区峡谷内交通污染扩散规律的研究是城市空气质量预测的主要内容之一。应用现代流体力学数值模拟方法进行大量算例的计算和分析,研究了城市街区峡谷污染物二维扩散的规律。包括比较各种条件下污染物的扩散浓度,考察来流风速、街区特征比例和日照等因素对扩散的影响,通过研究流场及湍流强度分析其扩散的动力学原因,为改进工程预测模式提供依据。  相似文献   

应用统计学和GIS对2014年3月─2015年2月期间190个监测城市的NO2、PM10、PM2.5和SO2的监测数据进行时空特征分布分析,结果表明,中国大气污染主要来源于采暖排放、机动车排放、工业排放与风沙天气。各污染物呈明显的区域性分布。污染物浓度总体趋势是北方地区高于南方地区。河北南部以及山东东部等重工业密集且人口密度大的地区污染较为严重。而中西部及东南部等工业发展相对落后人口较为稀少的地区污染较轻。PM10污染呈明显的季节变化,采暖期PM10主要来源于燃煤排放和机动车尾气排放,非采暖期受风沙天气影响显著,且在春、秋的风沙时期保持较高的值。采暖期PM2.5、SO2和NO2的浓度上升明显,其中SO2受到采暖期的影响最为显著。NO2主要来源于工业排放以及汽车尾气排放,因而工业布局密集且交通发达的城市污染较为严重。采暖期与非采暖期NO2、PM10、PM2.5和SO2的浓度对比变化显著,采暖期燃煤对空气质量的影响巨大。  相似文献   

近年来随着机动车保有量的快速增长,其排放的污染物已成为区域大气污染的重要来源之一,关系到人类身体健康和社会经济发展。基于COPERT模型构建成渝城市群多年尺度的机动车污染物CO、NMVOC、NO_x、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、CO_2、CH_4、N_2O、NH_3和SO_2排放清单,分析其时空排放特征及主要贡献车型,在此基础上设置9种污染物减排情景,评估不同减排措施下各污染物未来年的减排效果。结果表明,成渝城市群不同机动车污染物时间变化趋势存在差异,污染物CO、NMVOC、CH_4和SO_2排放量近几年下降趋势明显,而污染物NO_x、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和N_2O排放却呈相反趋势,特别是CO_2和NH_3排放量在整个研究期间增长趋势明显;轻型客车为污染物CO、NMVOC、CO_2、CH_4、N_2O和NH_3的主要贡献车型,而污染物NO_x、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和SO_2则主要来源于重型货车与重型客车的排放;污染物空间分布主要集中在成都与重庆市城市中心区域,随着路网逐渐向外延伸,排放量逐渐变小;研究期间污染物(CO、NO_x、CO_2和NH_3)排放量与GDP表现出较好的相关性;与基准情景相比,各减排情景控制下的减排效果差异明显,实施淘汰高排放车情景对污染物NO_x、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和CH_4的减排效果较好,实施激进新能源车推广情景对污染物NMVOC、CO_2、N_2O和NH_3的减排效果较好,而综合所有减排措施的激进综合情景的整体减排效果则最为显著。  相似文献   

Duan  G.  Jackson  J. G.  Ngan  K. 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2019,19(4):911-939

The scalar dynamics within a unit-aspect-ratio street canyon are studied using large-eddy simulation. The key processes of ventilation and mixing are analysed with the canyon-averaged concentration, mean tracer age and variance. The results are sensitive to the source location and can be classified according to the streamline geometry. The canyon-averaged concentrations for the corner vortices, vortex sea and central vortex do not converge to the same value at large times, though the mean decay rates do. The variance measured with respect to the canyon average shows two distinct decay regimes: the early regime reflects large-scale straining and enhanced diffusion across streamlines, while the late regime is associated with escape from the canyon, i.e., ventilation. Analytical predictions for the variance-decay or mixing time scales are verified for the early regime. It is argued that the presence of an open boundary at the roof level suppresses rapid mixing of the scalar field and is responsible for differences with respect to scalar dynamics within closed domains.


Niu  Honghong  Wang  Baoqing  Liu  Bowei  Liu  Yuhong  Liu  Jianfeng  Wang  Zebei 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2018,18(4):829-847

To explore the effect of traffic emissions on air quality within street canyon, the wind flow and pollutant dispersion distribution in urban street canyons of different H/W, building gap and wind direction are studied and discussed by 3D computational fluid dynamics simulations. The largest PM2.5 concentrations are 46.4, 37.5, 28.4 µg/m3 when x = ? 88, ? 19.3, ? 19.3 m in 1.5 m above the ground level and the ratio of H/W is 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1, respectively. The flow around the top of the building and clearance flow between the buildings in street canyon influence by different H/W, which affected the diffusion of fine particulate matters. The largest PM2.5 concentrations are 88.1, 31.6 and 33.7 µg/m3 when x = 148.0, ? 92.3 and ? 186.7 m above the ground level of 1.5 m height and the building gap of 0, 20 and 40%, respectively. The air flows are cut by the clearance in the street canyons, and present the segmental characteristics. The largest PM2.5 concentrations are 10.6, 11.2 and 16.0 µg/m3 when x = 165.3 m, x = 58.0 and 1.5 m above the ground level of 1.5 m height and wind direction of the parallel to the street, perpendicular to the street and southwest, respectively. Modelled PM2.5 concentrations are basic agreement with measured PM2.5 concentrations for southwest wind direction. These results can help analyze the difussion of PM2.5 concentration in street canyons and urban planning.


城市街道空气质量与道路绿化型式的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对街区中茂密行道树对空气污染物扩散的利弊进行理论分析的基础上,以CO为自然示踪气体,对西安市几个典型街道中的气态污染物浓度分布做了实测。实测结果指出,道路车流量的大小是行道树树冠的净化功能和对污染物扩散的阻碍作用所占权重的主要影响因素,行道树对污染物扩散的阻碍作用主要受控于树木郁闭度而非绿量,指出城市道路绿化不应盲目追求绿量的提高,并据此提出在街道绿化中应根据车流量的大小采取不同绿化方案的建议。  相似文献   

The strong fluctuating component in the measured concentration time series of a dispersing gaseous pollutant in the atmospheric boundary layer, and the hazard level associated to short-term concentration levels, demonstrate the necessity of calculating the magnitude of turbulent fluctuations of concentration using computational simulation models. Moreover the computation of concentration fluctuations in cases of dispersion in realistic situations, such as built-up areas or street canyons, is of special practical interest for hazard assessment purposes. In this paper, the formulation and evaluation of a model for concentration fluctuations, based on a transport equation, are presented. The model is applicable in cases of complex geometry. It is included in the framework of a computational code, developed for simulating the dispersion of buoyant pollutants over complex geometries. The experimental data used for the model evaluation concerned the dispersion of a passive gas in a street canyon between 4 identical rectangular buildings performed in a wind tunnel. The experimental concentration fluctuations data have been derived from measured high frequency concentrations. The concentration fluctuations model is evaluated by comparing the model's predictions with the observations in the form of scatter plots, quantile-quantile plots, contour plots and statistical indices as the fractional bias, the geometrical mean variance and the factor-of-two percentage. From the above comparisons it is concluded that the overall model performance in the present complex geometry case is satisfactory. The discrepancies between model predictions and observations are attributed to inaccuracies in prescribing the actual wind tunnel boundary conditions to the computational code.  相似文献   

街谷地区CO污染现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了典型街谷地区CO污染的现状及其浓度的垂直分布和水平分布的变化情景。由监测结果可知,街谷地区CO浓度是较高的,而且峰值出现在采暖期。  相似文献   

The modelling of pollutant dispersion at the street scale in an urban environment requires the knowledge of turbulence generated by the traffic motion in streets. In this paper, a theoretical framework to estimate mechanical turbulence induced by traffic in street canyons at low wind speed conditions is established. The standard deviation of the velocity fluctuations is adopted as a measure of traffic-produced turbulence (TPT). Based on the balance between turbulent kinetic energy production and dissipation, three different parameterisations for TPT suitable for different traffic flow conditions are derived and discussed. These formulae rely on the calculations of constants that need to be estimated on the basis of experimental data. One such estimate has been made with the help of a wind tunnel data set corresponding to intermediate traffic densities, which is the most common regime, with interacting vehicle wakes.  相似文献   

选择福州市中心城区3种典型的行道树结构作为研究对象,以CO为交通污染物的示踪气体,分别对绿化带两侧,即道路中央和人行道上CO浓度的时空变化进行了测定,分析了道路中央CO浓度与人行道上CO浓度的差值ΔC。研究结果表明:不同结构的行道树对交通污染物扩散有显著影响。主干道低覆盖度结构,最有利于交通污染物扩散;主干道高覆盖度结构和支路结构,则不利于交通污染物的扩散,使大量污染物涌入人行道,对行人健康构成危害。交通污染物的扩散效果取决于树冠结构,通过对各道路树冠结构的研究发现,疏透度与覆盖度均较小时,扩散效果最好;疏透度较大、覆盖度也较大时,扩散效果最差。  相似文献   

Studying urban air-transport phenomena is highly complex, because of the heterogenous flow patterns that can arise. The main reason for these is the variable topology of urban areas, however, there is a large number of influencing variables such as meteorological conditions (e.g., wind situation, temperature) and anthropogenic factors such as traffic emissions. During a one-year CO2 measurement campaign in the city of Basel, Switzerland, steep CO2 gradients were measured around a large building. The concentration differences showed a strong dependency on the local flow regimes. Analysis of the field data alone did not provide a complete explanation for the mechanisms underlying the observed phenomena. The key numerical parameters were defined and the influence of turbulent kinetic energy dependency on the time interval for the Reynolds decomposition was studied. A Reynolds-Average Navier-Stokes Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach was applied in the study area and the CO2 concentrations were simulated for six significant meteorological situations and compared to the measured data. Two flow regimes dependent on the wind situation, which either enhanced or suppressed the concentration of CO2 in the street canyon, were identified. The enhancement of CO2 in the street canyon led to a large difference in CO2 concentration between the backyard- and street-sides of a building forming the one wall of the canyon. The specific characteristics of the flow patterns led to the identification of the processes determining the observed differences in CO2 concentrations. The combined analysis of measurement and modeling showed the importance of reliable field measurements and CFD simulations with a high spatial resolution to assess transport mechanisms in urban areas.  相似文献   

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