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杀虫双农药在土壤中行为的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文研究了杀虫双的降解、吸附和田间淋溶情况。结果表明:杀虫双在pH3—9范围内的水解反应极为缓慢,杀虫双在土壤中的降解主要是微生物作用下的生物降解过程,杀虫双和沙蚕毒素在太阳光下的降解作用很快。土壤对杀虫双的吸附量很少,而沙蚕毒素较易被土壤所吸附。田间试验结果证实了杀虫双具有很大的淋溶趋势,应对该农药的地下水污染予以重视。  相似文献   

卤代芴是近年发现的新型环境污染物,目前尚无其生态毒理学研究的报道。以~(125)I-2-碘芴(~(125)I-2-IFlu)作为2-碘芴(2-IFlu)的放射性示踪剂,研究了2-IFlu在鲮鱼(Cirrhina molitorella)中的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄过程;同时,以2-溴芴(2-Br Flu)作为2-IFlu的质谱示踪剂,进一步对2-IFlu在鲮鱼体内的生物转化产物进行结构表征。结果表明,鲮鱼对2-IFlu的积累表现为波浪式增长,浓集系数在积累7 d时达到1 251.13。2-IFlu及其代谢产物主要积累在鲮鱼的胆囊部位,峰值时所占比例超过生物总吸收量的60%,此时胆囊的浓集系数达78.85×103。鲮鱼对2-IFlu的排泄具有清晰的快、慢两个排泄阶段,排泄实验开始后短时间内拥有较快排泄速度,残留率降至19.20%,之后转入慢速排泄。快排泄期2-IFlu及其代谢物仍主要分布于胆囊部位,慢排泄期时分布于其余内脏和剩余组织中。对胆汁的甲醇提取物进行薄层层析-放射自显影分析发现,积累4 d时鲮鱼胆汁中的2-IFlu全部以其代谢物形式存在,主代谢产物为3种大极性物质。经质谱确认,鲮鱼胆汁中的2-IFlu代谢主产物为2-IFlu-硫酸酯、2-IFlu-(OH)-硫酸酯、2-IFlu-葡萄糖醛酸和2-IFlu-(OH)-葡萄糖醛酸。表明2-IFlu进入鲮鱼体内后,很快被转化为一相代谢氧化产物,随之发生后续的二相代谢过程进一步转化为极性基团加合的代谢产物,最终排出体外。  相似文献   

农药杀虫双的光解和挥发研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了农药杀虫双及其降解产物沙蚕毒的光解和挥发,结果表明:杀虫双在水溶液中、沙蚕毒在甲醇溶液中的光解为一级动力学过程。在450W中压汞灯下的光解速率常数分别为0.33min~(-1)和0.15min~(-1),半衰期分别为2.10min和4.70min。在阳光下的光解速率常数分别为0.00308min~(-1)和0.033min~(-1),半衰期分别为3.75h和21.0min。它们在365nm波长下的光解量子产率分别为255.9相36.6。经初步测定,杀虫双、沙蚕毒在25℃时的饱和蒸气压分别为2.6×10~(-6)mm Hg和4.6×10~(-5)mm Hg。  相似文献   

铜绿假单孢菌AS1.860对紫杉醇的微生物转化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从32株微生物中筛选出对紫杉醇1具有转化能力的4个菌株,并从中挑选出铜绿假单孢菌AS1.860进行放大实验,投入100mg紫杉醇,分离出3个产物,并通过核磁共振谱鉴定了结构,分别为baccatin Ⅲ2、baccatin V3和10—去乙酰baccatin Ⅲ4,其中2和3也是人体代谢的产物。  相似文献   

单甲脒在大鼠体内的吸收,代谢和排出的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜秀英  安凤春 《环境化学》1995,14(3):230-233
大鼠经口灌喂单甲脒后,通过测定实验动物不同时间的血、尿及内脏中单甲脒和代谢产物2,4-二甲基苯胺的含量,研究了单甲脒在大鼠体内的呼收、代谢和排出的变化规律。单甲脒经消化道被迅速吸收,48h内90%在肝脏代谢转化。72h内90%以代谢产物的形式随尿液排出体外。  相似文献   

为了研究纳米颗粒通过眼部暴露后进入体内的路径及在体内的分布和代谢情况,实验采用近红外长余辉纳米探针作为示踪剂,对小鼠进行眼部暴露,随后利用活体成像技术观察其进入小鼠体内的过程及分布情况,于暴露第4天收集代谢产物,第7天取重要脏器和血液,并检测纳米探针的存在情况.结果显示纳米探针可由眼经口腔进入胃肠道中,并且纳米颗粒暴露4天后在小鼠的粪便中检测到强荧光信号,而尿液中的荧光信号较弱,暴露7 d后在小鼠的眼睑结膜、胃及眼球中检测到强荧光信号,而其余器官的荧光信号较弱.这表明通过眼部暴露后,纳米颗粒主要分布在眼和消化系统中,最后大部分经消化系统代谢.  相似文献   

甲基一六○五降解菌J5的分离及其降解性状研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从农药厂污水处理系统中分离到1株降解甲基一六○五(0,0-二甲基-0-对硝基苯基-硫代磷酸酯,简称MP)的芽胞杆菌,初步鉴定为蜡状芽胞杆菌(Bacillus cereus)J5。J5能够高效降解MP,但它不能利用MP作为唯一碳源生长,其代谢方式可能共代谢。在有葡萄糖作为碳源的条件下,J5可以高效转化MP,其转化效率可达95%以上。用薄层层析、紫外扫描和液相色谱法初步研究了J5对MP的降解性能及相关解产物。  相似文献   

微囊藻毒素在土壤中的环境行为及污染风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微囊藻毒素(Microcystins,MCs)是富营养化水体中发生蓝藻水华时所产生的一类肝毒素,在环境中大量出现时将对生态系统带来冲击并可通过食物链进入人体进而危害人类健康.关于微囊藻毒素的环境行为和污染风险近年来已成为研究热点.论文基于地表物质循环原理,分析了水体中微囊藻毒素经土壤进入人体的途径,指出了土壤在微囊藻毒素迁移转化链条中的位置,概述了微囊藻毒素在土壤中的环境化学行为、农作物的吸收特性及其生态毒理效应等方面的研究进展,提出了在微囊藻毒素迁移转化过程中土壤的净化和传递两大功能,并在此基础上展望了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

本文应用模拟生态实验装置和同位素示踪技术研究了~(35)S-杀虫双农药在模拟水生生态系统中的生物吸收和消失。在水—芜萍(Wolffia arrhiza wimm)—草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)—螺生态系统中,为期20d的蓄积试验表明,芜萍生物积聚率达24.65≥螺(肉1.67)>鱼(肉0.52);鱼体内脏因含未排出的芜萍而其积聚率(4.01)>鳃(1.66)>骨(0.95)>肉(0.52);转入洁水后,鱼体内的~(35)S-杀虫双可因排泄、代谢等原因而消失,残留消失半减期约10d,无生物浓缩。  相似文献   

抗生素因具有抗菌谱广、杀菌性强等特点使其被广泛应用于人类医药、畜牧业、农业和水产养殖业。其进入水生生物体内后,会在药物代谢酶的作用下发生代谢转化,产生生态毒性。本研究采用鲫鱼肝微粒体体外孵育法,探究恩诺沙星细胞色素P450酶作用下的代谢转化过程,并通过代谢抑制实验确定关键的代谢酶。实验结果表明,恩诺沙星体外代谢过程符合一级动力学方程,当恩诺沙星暴露浓度为1 mg·L-1时,其在肝微粒体中的消除速率常数k最大为0.00303 min-1,半衰期t1/2最短为228.8 min,应用HPLC-MS/MS技术,检测到了恩诺沙星脱乙基产物和羟基化产物;代谢抑制实验结果表明,CYP3A4在恩诺沙星代谢过程中起主要作用,是恩诺沙星代谢的关键酶。本研究结果为深入了解恩诺沙星在水生生物体内的代谢转化及其生态风险提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

Biochemical toxicity of benzene   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Human exposure to benzene in work environment is a global occupational health problem. After inhalation or absorption, benzene targets organs viz. liver, kidney, lung, heart and brain etc. It is metabolized mainly in the liver by cytochrome P450 multifunctional oxygenase system. Benzene causes haematotoxicity through its phenolic metabolites that act in concert to produce DNA strand breaks, chromosomal damage, sister chromatid exchange, inhibition of topoisomerase II and damage to mitotic spindle. The carcinogenic and myelotoxic effects of benzene are associated with free radical formation either as benzene metabolites or lipid peroxidation products. Benzene oxide and phenol have been considered as proheptons. Liver microsomes play an important role in biotransformation of benzene whereas in kidney, it produces degenerative intracellular changes. Cohort studies made in different countries suggest that benzene induces multiple myeloma in petrochemical workers. Though extensive studies have been performed on its toxicity, endocrinal disruption caused by benzene remains poorly known. Transgenic cytochrome P450 IIE1 mice may help in understanding further toxic manifestations of benzene.  相似文献   

The potential risks from oral intake of soil antimony (Sb) depends mainly on the amount of metal ingested and its bioavailability. Relative bioavailability may be determined by comparing Sb present in soil to a reference compound, taking into account accumulation in different target tissues or excretion. However, due to the lack of scientific knowledge concerning the fate of Sb in the organism, there is a need to study the absorption and distribution of Sb in order to select target tissues for assessment of bioavailability of Sb in soils. Thus, 45 piglets were exposed to a soluble pentavalent antimony salt (KSb(OH)6), for 15 days at concentrations ranging from 0–1600 µg Sb/kg body weight (BW) per day. Following the exposure period, blood, plasma, liver, spleen, kidneys, hair, bone, bile and urine were obtained to measure Sb concentrations by ICP-MS. Results showed that tissue Sb levels were dose-related. Higher Sb concentrations were found in urine, kidneys, hair, bone and liver. Sb(V) was not detectable in blood and plasma. In the case of highly contaminated soil with soluble forms of Sb in concentrations ranging from 200–1600 µg Sb/kg BW, kidneys, liver and spleen are the most reliable compartments to determine Sb bioavailability from soil. However, for the soils with lower levels of contamination and a low Sb bioaccessibility, urine may serve as a relevant compartment.  相似文献   

Quantitative determination of dimethylselenide and dimethyldiselenide in the breath of mice after addition of different selenium compounds to the drinking water is described. Breath samples are collected with a cryogenic trap and analyzed by gas chromatography with atomic absorption spectrometric detection. Detection limits down to 0.2 ng/100 g body weight are obtained.

The pulmonary excretion of selenium metabolites after oral administration via drinking water or after intraperitoneal injection appears to be negligible. The bioconversion of the different selenium species is discussed.  相似文献   

多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是一类持久性有机污染物(POPs),其作为一种广泛使用的溴化阻燃剂在环境中普遍存在.PBDEs对生物体和人体存在内分泌干扰等毒性危害,正受到人们越来越多的关注.然而目前PBDEs对人体造成的影响都是由动物实验(主要是啮齿类动物)外推而得,因此研究不同的PBDEs同系物在啮齿类动物体内的代谢动力学...  相似文献   

Summary The distributions of mountain hare (Lepus timidus) and European hare (L. europaeus) overlap in central Sweden, but they occupy separate food niches in winter. In Scandinavia, the European hare is mainly a grazer while mountain hare is a predominant browser. Browse contain high amounts of secondary metabolites, such as phenols, compared to grass. This raises the question if the two hare species differ in their metabolic tolerance of plant phenols and that these differences influence their food choice.Phenolic excretion in urine increased significantly with phenolic intake in both species. Excretion of glucuronic acid conjugates, one of the major pathways of elimination of phenols in both hare species, is positively correlated to phenolic intake and excretion. However, the extent of excretion of phenolics by this route was different in the two species of hare. European hares excreted substantially more glucuronic acid per amount of phenolics than mountain hare. The phenols were metabolized to a larger extent in the mountain hare, indicating a higher detoxification capacity. From these results it is likely that European hare have a higher cost for the detoxification of plant phenols compared to mountain hare. This cost and negative effect on sodium balance when feeding on browse may prevent exploitation of forest habitats by European hares, whereas mountain hare are better able to do so.  相似文献   

This paper presents an uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of a pharmacokinetic modeling of inorganic arsenic deposition in rodents for a short‐term exposure. Efforts to develop the pharmacokinetic model are directed towards predicting the kinetic behavior of inorganic arsenic in the body, including tissue and blood concentrations, and especially, the urinary excretion of arsenic and its methylated metabolites. However, the use of the model raises an important question when fixed values of model parameters are used: how is the uncertainty in the model prediction based on the collective uncertainties in the model inputs? This study focuses on an “epistemic”; uncertainty in order to handle this problem. In this case, the uncertainty refers to an input that has a single value which cannot be known with precision due to a lack of knowledge about items or its measurement. The combination of the pharmacokinetic model and the uncertainty analysis would help understand the uncertainties in risk assessment associated with inorganic arsenic.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) are common contaminants found in mine waste materials. For an evidence-based risk assessment, it is important to better understand the potential interaction of mixed contaminants; and this interaction study was investigated in an in vivo rat model. Following co-administration of a fixed dose of AsV as in sodium arsenate and different doses of Pb as lead acetate to Sprague–Dawley rats, blood arsenic concentration and bioavailability decreased. A decrease in As blood concentration when lead was co-administered was observed with increasing lead doses. Pharmacokinetic parameters for As in the blood showed faster absorption and elimination of this metalloid in the presence of Pb. The elimination half-life of As decreased from 67 days in As solo group to 27–30 with doses of Pb. Bioavailability of As was also decreased by 30–43 % in the presence of Pb. Decreased urinary excretion of Pb and tissue accumulation were also observed. It indicates lower absorption of As when co-administered with Pb. A probable explanation for these findings is that As co-administration with Pb could have resulted in the formation of less soluble lead arsenate. However, such an interaction between As and Pb could only explain about one-third of the variation when real mine waste materials containing both of these elements were administered to rats. This suggests that other effects from physical and chemical parameters could contribute to the bioavailability of arsenic in complex real environmental samples.  相似文献   

Oxyhemocyanin (OxyHc), blood protein, glucose, acylglycerol (AG), and lactate of Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles were investigated. Statistical analyses were done on baseline values for each metabolite and on OxyHc from shrimp cultured in outdoor (20-m2 ponds) and indoor (90-l tanks). The values obtained were compared with blood metabolites reported in the literature for L. vannamei maintained under similar conditions. Normal distribution was only found for samples from indoor shrimp. The distribution values for blood metabolites from shrimp cultured in outdoor ponds and indoor tanks were right or left skewed. OxyHc, blood proteins, and glucose levels were higher in shrimp cultured in outdoor ponds than those observed in shrimp maintained in indoor tanks. These differences were attributed to availability of live food in outdoor culture ponds. The OxyHc/protein ratio showed that 60% of blood protein is OxyHc in outdoor-cultured shrimp and was lower than in indoor-cultured shrimp, and this ratio was lower than that found (97%) in indoor-cultured shrimp. The type of food was identified as a dominant factor affecting blood metabolites. AG in outdoor-cultured shrimp was significantly lower than that observed in indoor-maintained shrimp. Blood lactate concentration of shrimp was not affected by the culture conditions. The blood levels for protein, glucose, and lactate reported here are similar to those reported previously for other crustacean species, indicating that these can be used as a reference for evaluating the physiological status of L. vannamei. When we compared the OxyHc, blood protein, glucose, and lactate levels of L. vannamei juveniles with other crustacean species, we observed that crabs, lobsters (low-activity species), and closed-thelycum shrimp species (mean-activity species) had lower values in comparison to those observed in open-thelycum shrimp species, including L. vannamei juveniles. Possibly the blood metabolites and OxyHc could be reflecting the morphological and physiological adaptation of crustaceans, because these metabolites will depend on energetic demands.  相似文献   

人类生产和生活使用各种人工合成的化学品,种类和数量急剧增长,对生态系统和人体健康造成了极大威胁。因此,亟需采用高效的方法对数量巨大的化合物进行毒性评价。对生理毒代动力学(PBTK)模型的建立过程及其在污染物生态毒理研究中的应用进行了综述。PBTK模型,又称生理药代动力学(PBPK)模型,是利用生理学和解剖学等原理,将生物体简化为用血流连接的肝、肾和脂肪等各组织器官房室,模拟化合物在生物体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄过程。模型参数包括生理参数和生化参数2个部分,可用MATLAB等软件进行模拟。模型已应用于数百余种有机污染物在鱼体等水生生物体的毒代动力学模拟。已有模拟结果能够预测化合物在生物体内的有效剂量,对化合物毒性进行评估,并可用于不同物种、不同剂量和不同暴露途径间的外推,有力推进了污染物生态毒理研究工作的开展。  相似文献   

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