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叶文玲 《生态环境》2003,12(1):125-126
古人云:“万物土中生。”人类的生存和发展离不开食物、衣物等基本物质,这些基本物质主要来源于农业生产。这种农业生产不是一次性就可以满足人类生存需要的,而是日复一日、年复一年地进行着。只要人类存在,这种生产就必须时时存在。这种生产需要各种因素互相配合、协调发展。人类生存离不开需要各种因素互相配合与协调的农业。而持续地发展农业,在目前来说,对广东省的经济发展有着举足轻重的地位。 中国是一个耕地面积只有1.3亿hm2,却要养活13亿人口的国家。而广东人平耕地不足0.033 hm2,不但要养活全省人口,还要养活大量的外来人…  相似文献   

城市水污染的原因,简单地讲,是城市人口与工业增长的后果,必须从城市生态角度出发,研究城市人口—工业增长—水环境系统的相互关系和相互影响,才能有效地制订控制水污染的对策,制订出切实可行的整体规划.而系统模拟是规划的基本手段,规划的目的是从宏观上协调社会发展、经济发展和水环境保护三者间的关系,寻求最有效的城市发展策略.污染控制规划的基本任务在于如何确保环境建设与城市建设得  相似文献   

把注意力集中在清洁生产技术的技术方面可以提高工业和政府的效率,使功能最佳化并且避免产生废物,鉴于当前对于与可持续的生产和消费系统有关的成就的挑战,必须把更广泛的社会和工作质量评价结合进目前的清洁生产概念中去,为了使可持续发展性成为可能,必须强调一系列的挑战.例如,在关注职业安全、环境和社会责任的同时,把清洁生产和生命周期方法结合进正在出现的生产技术.  相似文献   

把注意力集中在清洁生产技术的技术方面可以提高工业和政府的效率,使功能最佳化并且避免产生废物,鉴于当前对于与可持续的生产和消费系统有关的成就的挑战,必须把更广泛的社会和工作质量评价结合进目前的清洁生产概念中去,为了使可持续发展性成为可能,必须强调一系列的挑战.例如,在关注职业安全、环境和社会责任的同时,把清洁生产和生命周期方法结合进正在出现的生产技术.  相似文献   

把注意力集中在清洁生产技术的技术方面可以提高工业和政府的效率,使功能最佳化并且避免产生废物,鉴于当前对于与可持续的生产和消费系统有关的成就的挑战,必须把更广泛的社会和工作质量评价结合进目前的清洁生产概念中去,为了使可持续发展性成为可能,必须强调一系列的挑战.例如,在关注职业安全、环境和社会责任的同时,把清洁生产和生命周期方法结合进正在出现的生产技术.  相似文献   

资源性供给紧约束条件下的消费理论研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许进杰 《生态环境》2010,19(7):1739-1743
通过对国内外关于资源性供给紧约束条件下的消费理论研究的文献回顾,认为在资源环境问题日益严峻的现代社会,深入分析和探寻人与自然和谐共处的居民消费行为,客观上要求我国必须从伦理学、社会学、生态学和法学等多学科领域进行探讨和研究,而不能仅局限于经济学学科研究领域。加快构建生态文明型消费模式,不仅是目前消费理论创新研究的重要方向,而且也是我国贯彻落实科学发展观,实现人口消费与社会、经济、资源和环境全面协调可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

城市中高度密集的人口和社会经济活动,使得探讨城市经济的发展必须注重于促使城市的社会经济活动与城市生态环境的协同发展。因此有必要用生态经济学的系统观、价值观、区域观等基本观点注视城市经济发展;以系统科学理论为指导,充分运用定量定性分析手段,对城市生态经济系统的结构功能和组成要素进行分析探讨、模拟优化,并有意识地不断完善研究城市生态经济协同发展的方法论。  相似文献   

对我省的人口发展和粮食生产进行了系统的分析和研究,结果表明广东人口将在2005年底达到8000万人,比过去人口的增长速度明显加快;而粮食生产却不容乐观,到2015年最多只能达到年产2670万t的水平,人均粮食约280 kg,比目前水平略低。从长远来考虑,我省的粮食问题将更显不足,而耕地又逐年减少,故提高土地利用率和生产水平是目前迫切需要解决的实际问题。  相似文献   

KenGeiser   《产业与环境》2003,25(3):75-77
把注意力集中在清洁生产技术的技术方面可以提高工业和政府的效率,使功能最佳化并且避免产生废物,鉴于当前对于与可持续的生产和消费系统有关的成就的挑战,必须把更广泛的社会和工作质量评价结合进目前的清洁生产概念中去,为了使可持续发展性成为可能,必须强调一系列的挑战。例如,在关注职业安全、环境和社会责任的同时,把清洁生产和生命周期方法结合进正在出现的生产技术。  相似文献   

吉林西部土地利用/覆被时空变化驱动力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对吉林两部土地利用/覆被情况,基于TM影像,借助人机交互解译方法,结合1:10万地形图获得1986年、1996年、2000年和2004年的4期土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)矢量数据.利用土地利用动态度模型、土地利用转移矩阵.全面揭示研究区15年的LUCC时空变化特征,结果表明.盐碱地扩张,湿地、水域萎缩和草地退化已经成为吉林西部生态环境恶化的突出表现.结合研究区的实际情况选取总人口数、农业人口数、粮食总产置等12个指标作为LUCC:变化的丰十会经济驱动因子,借助多元线性回归模型,建立主要土地利用类型的驱动力模型.结果表明吉林西部土地利用变化的最主要社会经济因子是农业人口数、农民人均纯收入、农业生产技术(农业机械总动力、化肥施用量)和农村用电量,同时提出相应的生态环境保护和社会经济措施.  相似文献   

Environmental unsustainability is due to both structural features and historically specific characteristics of industrial capitalism resulting in specific patterns of production and consumption, as well as population growth. Sustainability literature criticises the established corporate and political power hegemonies, interested in maintaining economic growth, as well as inability or unwillingness of citizen-consumers to counteract these hegemonic tendencies. Yet, official policies are still targeted at social and economic ‘development’ as a panacea for unsustainability challenges. Instead, renewed accent on social and economic objectives are outlined by a set of sustainable development goals (SDG) that include objectives of fighting poverty, promoting better health, reducing mortality, and stimulating equitable economic growth. What is less commonly critiqued is the underlying morality of unsustainability and ethical questions concerned with the ‘victims of unsustainability’ outside of socioeconomic discourse. The achievement of SDG goals, as will be further elaborated on in this article, is unlikely to lead to greater social equality and economic prosperity, but to a greater spread of unsustainable production and consumption, continuous economic as well as population growth that has caused environmental problems in the first place and further objectification of environment and its elements. This article argues that an invocation of ethical duty toward environment and its elements is required in order to move beyond the current status quo. Such ethical approach to unsustainability can effectively address the shortcomings of the mainstream sustainability discourse that is mainly anthropocentric and therefore fails to identify the correct locus of unsustainability.  相似文献   

Agave is a native plant utilized for mezcal and tequila production. Since 1997, Agave exploitation has been increasing, leading to possible ecological deterioration and without social and economic benefits for the rural population. A sustainability index was developed for 1990–2001, including social, economic and ecological indicators related to Agave exploitation at Zacatecas, Mexico. Increases in the rural population have had a negative effect on Agave sustainability, directly affecting the ecological component of sustainability. Increased Agave exploitation has not improved the socio-economic components and has negatively affected the ecological indicators. All these factors resulted in a low (= 0.6) sustainability index. A lack of appropriate management may have led to the exploitation of native plants, leading to ecological deterioration of the local plant populations, without contributing to socio-economic improvement for the human population. The model using the sustainability index may also be validated for other species within this region.  相似文献   

A good understanding of social factors that lead to marine ecological change is important to developing sustainable global fisheries. We used balanced panel models and conducted cross‐national time‐series analyses (1970–2010) of 122 nations to examine how economic prosperity and population growth affected the sustainability of marine ecosystems. We used catches in economic exclusive zone (EEZ); mean trophic level of fishery landings (MTL); primary production required to sustain catches (expressed as percentage of local primary production [%PPR]); and an index of ecosystem overfishing (i.e., the loss in secondary production index [L index]) as indicators of ecological change in marine ecosystems. The EEZ catch, %PPR, and L index declined gradually after gross domestic product (GDP) per capita reached $15,000, $14,000, and $19,000, respectively, and MTL increased steadily once GDP per capita exceeded $20,000. These relationships suggest that economic growth and biodiversity conservation are compatible goals. However, increasing human populations would degrade marine ecosystems. Specifically, a doubling of human population caused an increase in the %PPR of 17.1% and in the L index of 0.0254 and a decline in the MTL of 0.176. A 1% increase in human population resulted in a 0.744% increase in EEZ catch. These results highlight the importance of considering social and economic factors in developing sustainable fisheries management policy.  相似文献   

通过对清洁生产与绿色产业的阐述以及临安市社会经济发展现状的分析,指出临安市工业经济发展面临一次必然的选择,即以清洁生产与绿色产业为发展目标,并提出相应的一些设想和措施。  相似文献   

This study reports an overview of the economic, social and environmental performance of the main South American countries (SAC) as measured by the Sustainable Society Index. This is a well-known composite indicator, composed of 21 indicators, grouped in seven categories, covering environmental, social and economic wellbeing dimensions. Thirteen European countries recently incorporated into the European Union (NEUC) are considered as a reference. The study covers the period 2006–2016. The South American Region features significant natural resources and plays an important role in the global economy. However, there is concern about the long-term sustainability of social and economic development, given the high rate of economic growth based on the production of low added-value primary products. Sustainable development requires reasonable balance between economic, social and environmental performance, as well as a sustained and balanced increase in performance associated with those fundamental dimensions. Moreover, it is important to agree on minimum performance levels for all performance indicators, taking into account particular social, economic and environmental realities. SAC feature a clear imbalance in some categories affecting the economic, social and environmental wellbeing dimensions, showing either stagnation or significant decrease in recent years. It can be concluded that in the light of findings reported here, South American countries are far from being on the pathway towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

利用多元统计分析方法,对青海湖地区历年人口和种群的统计数据进行分析,并建立在环境约束下人口和种群持续增长模型,对区域人口适度规模、畜群最大环境容纳量和最大持续产量进行了估算和分析。通过估算得出:青海湖地区牦牛环境容纳量为51.9327万头,最大可持续产量为12.9831万头;藏羊环境容纳量为231.203万只,最大可持续产量为57.8007万只。在此分析的基础上,利用建立的相关模型以5a为时间段对青海湖地区未来25a的人口和牲畜数量进行了预测。最后,针对性地提出了大力改善草地生态环境、提高草地利用率和增加草地面积、采取人为措施调节牲畜出栏率、改变草畜生态环境等高原牧区人口、资源与环境可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   


The notion of sustainable development in the context of water resources is discussed. Facing the increasing pressures — population growth with consequences for settlements and production of food and fibre, and human aspirations to better living standards — the business-as-usual approach to water development and management cannot he globally sustainable. The need for curbing water demands and for ‘doing more with less’ are gaining growing recognition in our increasingly thirsty planet. An integrated approach to freshwater resources is needed, based on the perception of water as a natural resource, part of the ecosystem, and an economic and social good. It is discussed how hydrological extremes jeopardize sustainable development. Sustainability-related properties of drought and flood preparedness and mitigation measures are reviewed. Even if the term ‘sustainable development’ has been typically used in a qualitative sense, in order to compare how different options (e.g. flood protection alternatives) fare with regard to sustainable development, one needs at least rough quantitative measures. A sample of relevant indices is reviewed. It is advocated that hydrological observations should be recognized as an essential component of sustainable development and management of water resources.  相似文献   

Desertification is the spread of desert-like conditions in arid and semi-arid conditions. It is a result of pressure from both climatic and human factors. Desertification in the Sudan has been accelerating at a faster rate over the last two decades, leading to marginalization and the loss of arable land. The main factors contributing to desertification include drought, population growth, the spread of extensive agriculture, deforestation, rapid urbanization, the erosion of local political power, the lack of economic institutions and the absence of social institutions which have tended to reduce the capacity of the local people to cope with the resource degradation problem. Initiatives to arrest the desert encroachment must include improved cultivation methods, proper grazing management, reforestation and integration of livestock and crop production systems, coupled with good linkages to light processing industries.

This paper identifies the causal factors of desert encroachment, assesses its impact on the environment and humanity and concludes by recommending specific strategies to control the desert encroachment problem.  相似文献   


This paper examines how remote-sensing data and regional social and economic data can be used together to identify changes in land-use patterns in particular regions. Study of the spatiotemporal dynamics of remote-sensing data can identify trends in competing uses of land, water and other natural resources for agriculture, industrial development and urban settlements. When combined with information on trends in industrial production, population, agricultural production, pollutant releases, water usage and natural forest coverage, these data reveal patterns of anthropogenic disturbance that can provide early signals of problems in resource decline or land-use management. This study focuses on land-cover changes in southern Jiangsu Province of the People's Republic of China between 1976 and 1984. This region, to the west of Shanghai and to the south of the Yangtze River, experienced unprecedented economic growth after the end of the Cultural Revolution. Remote-sensing imagery reveals the rapid growth of urban centres, commensurate declines in surface water area, and changing patterns of agriculture. The observed changes cast doubt on the ability of the region to sustain such rapid and intense land-use conflicts over a long period.  相似文献   

孙兆刚 《生态环境》2012,(3):590-594
生态经济是在生态系统承载能力范围内,运用系统工程方法和生态经济学原理改变生产和消费方式,挖掘资源的潜力,建设体制合理与社会和谐环境的经济形态。生态经济的以资源为基础,以政策与制度为导向,以技术创新为支撑,是制度、技术、资源等重要影响变量协同作用的结果,制度变迁、技术创新、资源利用三者共同作用于生态经济运行过程都呈现出了典型的非线性特征;将制度、技术、资源分别视为生态经济系统的高层、中层和低层子系统,以逻辑斯蒂(Logistic)曲线为基础,建构了生态经济发展的非线性动力学模型;最后以系统论的观点分析了制度、技术、资源与生态经济发展、科学发展观贯彻、和谐社会构建之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

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