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通过^141Ce^3 同位素示踪法,研究了不同温度(19℃,30℃,40℃)和土壤饱和含水量(25%,37%,50%)条件下Ce^3 在四种土壤中的扩散。通过Fick第二定律推导的扩散系数计算公式,求得Ce^3 在不同条件下不同土壤中的扩散系数,结果表明:Ce^3 在土壤中的扩散系数因土壤类型、温度、土壤水分含量的不同而存在明显的差异。Ce^3 在四种土壤中的扩散系数与温度呈正比,随温度的升高(19℃→40℃),扩散系数逐渐增大;土壤水分含量在一定数量下(小于饱和土壤含水量),扩散系数与土壤水分含量呈明显相关;在相同条件下,Ce^3 在四种土壤中扩散系数的大小顺序为:马肝土>黄土>潮土>黑土。  相似文献   

温度对中国荷斯坦奶牛血液某些生化指标的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以健康荷斯坦黑白花奶牛为试验对象,研究了不同环境温度(θ/℃5,10,15,20,25)对奶牛血清各项生化指标的影响。研究结果表明,肌酸激酶(CK)在血清中的活性随着温度的上升呈波动性下降趋势,特别是在25℃时显著低于其他温度组;乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)在血清中的活性随着温度渐升而呈下降趋势,特别是在15℃以后大幅度下降;γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-GT)的活性从5℃至20℃呈逐渐升高的趋势,而在25℃又回降至5℃水平;天门立氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)在血清中的活性随温度渐升而渐进性升高,特别是在25℃时显著高于5℃时的水平;碱性磷酸酶(ALP)在血清中的活性也是随温度渐升而渐进性升高,但在25℃时下降明显;丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)在血清中的活性随温度上升而呈下降趋势,且下降幅度比较平稳;尿素氮(BUN)在血清中的含量随温度上升而渐进性升高,变化趋势平稳。血清白蛋白(TP)呈波动性变化。无明显规律性。本实验结果说明,北方高寒地区奶牛血清中的某些生化指标可随着环境温变的变化而变化。表2参7  相似文献   

京杭运河淮安段水利防护林群落护堤防蚀效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对京杭运河淮安段水利防护林群落的护堤防蚀效应进行了研究.结果表明,防护林植被可以明显改善地表土壤物理性能,明显增加土壤总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度,降低土壤容重.不同植物群落对地表土壤的护堤防蚀效应明显不同.早熟禾群落和女贞群落可以有效提高土壤有机质含量和土壤通气蓄水效应.有植被分布的地表土壤抗蚀性比裸地显著增强(P<0.05).相对而言,早熟禾群落土壤水稳性指数最大(0.892),其余依次为女贞群落(0.835)、梨树群落(0.791)、桃树群落(0.530)、水杉群落(0.397)和裸地(0.341).植物群落土壤的抗蚀性与植物根系生物量、根数和土壤有机质含量分别呈显著正相关(P<0.01).  相似文献   

对利用矿化垃圾构建生物覆盖层以削减填埋场温室气体的释放问题进行了深入研究,分析了环境因素对CH4释放的作用,考察了作为生物覆盖层材料的矿化垃圾的厚度变化对CH4氧化的影响.结果表明,温度为5~45℃时,矿化垃圾对CH4的氧化速率平均值分别约为黏性土和砂性土的2.35和4.71倍,CH4氧化速率随温度的升高而增加,并在35℃时达到最大值.当含水率w为16% ~ 24%时,纯矿化垃圾覆盖层、半矿化垃圾覆盖层和砂性土覆盖层CH4氧化能力均达到最大.砂性土覆盖层和半矿化垃圾覆盖层CH4释放通量平均值分别为纯矿化垃圾覆盖层的329.8倍(P<0.05)和91.7倍(P<0.05),添加矿化垃圾填料会增加覆盖层N2O释放通量,纯矿化垃圾覆盖层N2O(以N计)释放通量平均值分别为半矿化垃圾覆盖层和砂性土覆盖层的2.1倍(P<0.05)和3.5倍(P<0.05).  相似文献   

地下水中阿特拉津降解菌种的筛选及其降解试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从吉林市农药厂采集的污泥样品中筛选出JLNY01和JLNY02降解阿特拉津(AT)的菌种,模拟地下水环境(pH=7,温度10℃)进行了实验,结果表明,JLNY01在一定时间内驯化,降解率可达83.6%,JLNY02可直接在低温条件下进行降解,其降解率可达81.8%,而在高温(30℃)条件下,JLNY01在6d内可达到对AT的完全降解,而JLNY02的降解率仅为31.5%,证明JLNY01温度愈高降解效果愈好,而JLNY02只适于在低温下降解,可确定为一种嗜冷菌。  相似文献   

海洋苯酚降解菌Candida sp.P5的分离鉴定及其降解特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从海洋沉积物中分离、筛选到一株能以苯酚作为唯一碳源和能源的酵母菌P5.根据菌落特征、菌体形态、生理生化特性和18SrDNA序列分析,确定菌株P5为假丝酵母菌属(Candicla sp.).该菌株最适宜生长和降解苯酚的条件为:温度25℃,pH6.0~7.0,摇床转速100r/min,需氧;菌株P5能在较高浓度的苯酚条件下生长,在72h内可以降解95%以上的苯酚.对苯酚代谢途径和相关酶的研究发现,菌株P5主要在邻苯二酚1,2-双加氧酶作用下通过邻位途径进行苯酚代谢.图7表2参24  相似文献   

在室内条件下研究温度(θ/℃)盐度(ρ/gL^-1)及pH对有毒甲藻塔玛亚历山大藻(大鹏株)的生长及其毒力的影响,实验表明,塔玛亚历山大藻θopt为15-25℃,最大生长率出现在接种后6-8d;在盐度为14-32g/L范围内,该藻均可生长,盐度23-27g/L时生长最佳;在弱酸弱碱下,该藻可较好生长,pHopt=6-7;用小白鼠法测得本藻株c(HCl)=0.1mol/L提液的麻痹性贝毒毒力为0.5  相似文献   

互花米草活性炭对镉的吸附   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了磷酸活化法不同浸渍比(0.5—3.0)及活化温度(400℃—700℃)条件下制备的互花米草活性炭对镉的吸附性能研究,采用静态吸附法,考察不同初始浓度条件下活性炭对镉的平衡吸附量,旨在探索吸附机理、影响因素、除镉吸附剂的最佳制备条件以及活性炭物化性质对镉吸附性能的影响.实验表明,浸渍比和活化温度是影响成品活性炭镉吸...  相似文献   

日光温室主要生态因子变化规律及其对黄瓜光合作用的影响   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
每年11月至翌年5月,晴天条件下日光温室内的光量子通量密度(DPFD/μmolm^-2s^-1)变化范围为110-1068μmolm^-2s^-1,1月最低,5月最高;白天气温(θa)变化范围10-35℃,地温(θs)12-28℃;相对湿度(RH)43%-91%,日光温室中午透光率高于早晨和下午,晴天DPFD、θa,θs先升后降,而RH和CO2浓度则先降后升,峰值和谷值多出现在12-14时,光是影响黄瓜功能叶光合速率(Pn)最重要的环境因子,黄瓜光合作用对光和温度的反应最为敏感,在一定温、光条件下,CO2浓度对其有重要影响,在有机肥充足的情况下无需进行CO2施肥,表观量子效率(VAQY)随θa,θs的升高略有增加;羧化效率(ECE)对θa反映较敏感,θs偏高或高或偏低都导致ECE降低,图5表2参11。  相似文献   

人工控制条件下,初步研究了长江华溪蟹(Sinopotamon yangtsekiense)对Cu^2 的毒性反应,并探讨其作为环境监测生物的可能性。结果表明,随浓度的升高、浸药时间的延长,Cu^2 对长江华溪蟹的毒性增大.Cu^2 的毒性与长江华溪蟹性别也有密切关系,雄性个体对Cu^2 的忍耐度低于雌性个体;对达到性成熟的长江华溪蟹个体,Cu^2 毒性与其大小无明显相关性.温度影响Cu^2 对长江华溪蟹的毒性,较高温度(18℃)下的毒性高于较低温度(14℃)下的毒性.图3表1参16  相似文献   

Abstract:  When sex determination in a species is predominantly genetic but environmentally reversible, exposure to (anthropogenic) changes in the environment can lead to shifts in a population's sex ratio. Such scenarios may be common in many fishes and amphibians, yet their ramifications remain largely unexplored. We used a simple model to study the (short-term) population consequences of environmental sex reversal (ESR). We examined the effects on sex ratios, sex chromosome frequencies, and population growth and persistence after exposure to environmental forces with feminizing or masculinizing tendencies. When environmental feminization was strong, X chromosomes were driven to extinction. Analogously, extinction of normally male-linked genetic factors (e.g., Y chromosomes) was caused by continuous environmental masculinization. Although moderate feminization was beneficial for population growth in the absence of large viability effects, our results suggest that the consequences of ESR are generally negative in terms of population size and the persistence of sex chromosomes. Extreme sex ratios resulting from high rates of ESR also reduced effective population sizes considerably. This may limit any evolutionary response to the deleterious effects of ESR. Our findings suggest that ESR changes population growth and sex ratios in some counter-intuitive ways and can change the predominant factor in sex determination from genetic to fully environmental, often within only a few tens of generations. Populations that lose genetic sex determination may quickly go extinct if the environmental forces that cause sex reversal cease.  相似文献   

In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle, only males brood embryos in specially developed brood pouches, supplying oxygen and nutrients. Laboratory studies have shown that this elaborate paternal care has led to sex-role reversal in this species: males limit female reproductive rate, females are the primary competitors for mates and males exercise greater selectivity in accepting mates. In the first field study of this pipefish, we describe mating behaviour in the wild and test the hypothesis that temporal variations in the operational sex ratio (OSR) determine sex differences in mating behaviour. Our study comprised two reproductive seasons of two sequential mating periods each, the latter separated by a lengthy interval of male brooding. During mating periods, females displayed to all males without wandering and males moved about searching for females, without reacting to all females. The OSR was least female-biased (or even male-biased) at the onset of the breeding season, when most pipefish were simultaneously available to mate, but became strikingly female-biased as males' pouches were filled. The OSR remained substantially female-biased during the second mating period, because few males became available to remate at any one time. As hypothesised, female-biased OSRs resulted in more female-female meetings. As well, females were above the eelgrass more often than brooding males, thus exposing themselves to conspecifics and/ or predators. In the second year, males arrived earlier than females on the breeding site and male pregnancies were shorter, because of higher water temperatures, so rematings occurred earlier. Males met more often during that year than the previous one, but male competitive interactions were still not observed. The field results support laboratory studies and demonstrate that behaviours associated with female-female competition are more prominent when the OSR is more female-biased. Correspondence to: A. Vincent  相似文献   

Social Hymenoptera are general models for the study of parent-offspring conflict over sex ratio, because queens and workers frequently have different reproductive optima. The ant Pheidole pallidula shows a split distribution of sex ratios with most of the colonies producing reproductives of a single sex. Sex ratio specialization is tightly associated with the breeding system, with single-queen (monogynous) colonies producing male-biased brood and multiple-queen (polygynous) colonies female-biased brood. Here, we show that this sex specialization is primarily determined by the queens influence over colony sex ratio. Queens from monogynous colonies produce a significantly more male-biased primary sex ratio than queens from polygynous colonies. Moreover, queens from monogynous colonies produce a significantly lower proportion of diploid eggs that develop into queens and this is associated with lower rate of juvenile hormone (JH) production compared to queens from polygynous colonies. These results indicate that queens regulate colony sex ratio in two complementary ways: by determining the proportion of female eggs laid and by hormonally biasing the development of female eggs into either a worker or reproductive form. This is the first time that such a dual system of queen influence over colony sex ratio is identified in an ant.  相似文献   

鱼类性别分化是在性别决定机制的控制下,鱼类未分化的性腺向卵巢或精巢发育,并出现第2性征的过程,受自身内分泌系统的精确调控。环境内分泌干扰物能通过干扰内源激素的合成、释放、转运、代谢、结合和作用等过程影响鱼类的内分泌机能,从而对鱼类的性别分化产生影响。介绍了鱼类性别分化的模式和过程以及内分泌系统对鱼类性别分化的调控作用,综述了环境内分泌干扰物对鱼类性别比例、配子发生、性腺发育和第2性征的影响,从性类固醇激素的合成以及性别分化相关基因的表达两个方面探讨了环境内分泌干扰物影响鱼类性别分化的作用机制,并展望了该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Stochastic variation of sex ratio has long been appreciated as a potential factor driving small populations to extinction, but it is not the only source of sex-ratio bias in small populations. We examined whether some consequences of sex allocation could affect extinction risk in small populations of size-dimorphic birds such as eagles. We report variations in sex ratio at fledging from a long-term study of a declining population of Spanish Imperial Eagles ( Aquila adalberti ). Nestling sex-ratio deviation apparently was mediated by age of breeders, whereas territory quality had no obvious effect. Adult–adult pairs produced the same proportion of both sexes in high- or low-density situations, but pairs with at least one member in nonadult plumage class produced more males. As the population declined over a period of years, the proportion of breeders with immature plumage increased; consequently, the proportion of fledgling males increased. However, when population density was high, the proportion of breeders with immature plumage decreased and more female offspring were produced. This relationship between population density, composition of breeder age, and fledgling sex ratios allowed us to make predictions of extinction risk due to nonstochastic deviations of sex ratio in small, declining populations. In the study population, on the basis of the Vortex simulation results, an estimated reduction of 42.5% in predicted mean time to extinction was attributed solely to biased sex ratio.  相似文献   

By scoring the chromosome number of developing embryos, we show that the sex ratio bias of the African social spider Stegodyphus dumicola Pocock is the result of an overproduction of female embryos. Only 17% of 585 embryos sexed from 14 egg sacs were male, a significant departure from a 1:1 sex ratio. We also explored the possibility of direct control of the sex of individual offspring in this species by examining the variance in the number of males per sac and the spatial distribution of male and female embryos within the sacs. We postulated that a variance in the number of males per sac lower than binomial (i.e., underdispersed or precise sex ratios) or a non-random distribution of male embryos within the sacs would suggest direct control of the sex of individual offspring. We found that the variance in the number of males per sac was indistinguishable from binomial and significantly larger than expected under exact ratios. Likewise, the spatial distribution of male embryos within three sacs examined was no more clustered than expected by chance. The sex ratio biasing mechanism in this species, therefore, apparently only allows control of the mean sex ratio but not of its variance. We present randomization and Monte Carlo methods that can be applied to test for departures from a random spatial arrangement of male and female embryos in an egg mass and for departures from binomial or exact ratios when not all members of a clutch have been sexed. Received: 21 October 1998 / Received in revised form: 23 March 1999 / Accepted: 26 April 1999  相似文献   

The birth sex ratio of a commercial flock of Suffolk cross sheep, Ovis aries, was studied over nine consecutive lambing seasons. In all data from 2704 lambs were recorded and analysed. The overall (1985–1993) birth sex ratio was 49.96% male lambs. Ewes with single lambs produced significantly more males (53.04%) than ewes with triplets (45.54% male). A significant positive correlation was found between the flock age and the birth sex ratio (1985–1992). As the flock aged the birth sex ratio changed from female biased to male biased, remained male biased for a number of years, and then became female biased again. This pattern is evident first in single, then in twin and later in triplet births. Among like sex twins (males and females) (1985–1993) more males (53.88%) were born in the first half and more females (45.57% males) in the second half of the lambing season. The difference between the two halves is significant.  相似文献   

A number of recent reports have documented offspring sex ratio biases in birds. However, to date the potential mechanisms that have been put forward to explain the proximate basis for these deviations are entirely speculative. Using a captive population of domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica), I tested the hypothesis that mothers in relatively poor physical condition should overproduce daughters by manipulating maternal body condition around the time of egg laying by continuous egg removal and differing feeding regimes. During treatment, females were fed a controlled quantity of food. This, combined with the high energetic costs of repeated egg production caused a significant reduction in maternal body weight. In contrast, during control when food was available ad libitum, maternal body weight did not decline, despite repeated egg production. No significant deviation from parity was evident in the sex ratio of either the first or second eggs during control, whereas during treatment a significant female bias was evident in not only the first egg, but also in the second egg. The absence of single-egg clutches, the rarity of infertile eggs and the lack of laying delays between eggs strongly suggests that the mechanism of sex ratio adjustment in pigeons occurs prior to ovulation. The highly skewed sex-distribution within the two-egg clutches and the unexpectedly large amount of variation in the yolk weight of eggs produced during treatment (but not control) are consistent with the expectations of pre-ovulatory selective resorption of wrong sex ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

In katydids such as Kawanaphilanartee, a female bias in the operational sex ratio (OSR) results in female competition for mates and male choice of mates. Previous work showed that the excess of sexually active females occurs when food availability is low, in part because less food increases the propensity of females to mate as they forage for the large edible spermatophores produced by males. In this study with K.nartee, a pollen-feeding species, we estimate natural variation in numbers of sexually active males and females by assessing male calling activity and the propensity of females to respond to experimental calling males. We found an excess of sexually active males at a site with many flowers and an excess of sexually active females at a site with few flowers about 900 m away. Between-site differences in gut masses of calling males were consistent with the hypothesis that pollen availability controls OSR. Finally, at a third site where flowers were at first scarce, we found that the initial excess in sexually active females changed to an excess of sexually active males after a clump of grass-trees flowered. The mean gut mass of all sampled males from this site increased after flowering. The large variation in OSR that we document for K. nartee highlights the importance of identifying the appropriate spatial and temporal scales over which OSRs are measured in studies of factors controlling sexual selection. Received: 13 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1997  相似文献   

环境内分泌干扰物对鱼类性别决定的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水体中的环境内分泌干扰物能够影响鱼类性别决定过程,对鱼类产生明显的雌、雄性化效应.为深入研究环境内分泌干扰物对鱼类性别决定的影响及其机制,论文介绍了鱼类性别决定基因SRY和DMY基因在鱼类性别决定中的作用,以及Sox、DMRT、CYP和Vasa、Dax1、Foxl2等鱼类性别决定相关基因对鱼类性别决定的调控作用,综述了各类环境内分泌干扰物引起的鱼类雌、雄性化效应的最新研究进展,在此基础上探讨了环境内分泌干扰物影响鱼类性别决定的作用机制,并展望了该领域今后的重点研究方向.  相似文献   

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