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皖南茶区土壤硒含量及其与茶叶中硒的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集皖南泾县茶区7个主要茶园和安徽茶树良种场土壤和茶叶样品,分析土壤-茶叶间硒分配与分布的特点以及茶叶中硒含量与土壤和茶树品种的关系。结果表明,皖南泾县茶区土壤硒平均含量为( 0. 413±0. 146 )mg·kg-1,高于我国土壤表层硒平均含量背景值,在我国自然茶园中属正常偏高水平。硒在土壤剖面的分布受生物富集性、土壤pH值、土壤有机质含量等因素的影响。春茶含硒量高于秋茶,春茶含硒量为0. 096 ~0. 216mg·kg-1,多数属中等含硒水平。茶叶含硒量是土壤含硒量、茶叶采摘季节、茶树品种等因素共同影响的结果。因此通过选育硒富集力强的良种茶树、合理配施硒肥、调节土壤pH值及养分状况以及适时采摘茶叶等措施,可以实现富硒绿茶生产。  相似文献   

云南部分蔬菜中氟积累特征及其成因初步分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何锋  段昌群  侯永平 《生态环境》2004,13(3):327-329
对云南蔬菜产区部分蔬菜进行了分析,发现氟残留量普遍超过了1 mg/kg。在所检测的蔬菜中,菠菜的水溶性氟平均含量最高,为13.18 mg/kg。就叶菜类不同组织器官来看,氟的分布是:叶中的氟残留量>根中的氟残留量>茎中的氟残留量(以干质量计算);就不同叶位来看,从老叶到幼叶氟残留量有逐渐下降的趋势。结合蔬菜产地的土壤分析结果,认为蔬菜中氟残留量不仅与土壤氟含量有关,而且还可能与施肥状况、蔬菜类别有关。文章还提出了减少蔬菜中氟残留量的对策。  相似文献   

间作杉木对茶园土壤及茶树叶片重金属含量与分布的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以单作茶园和杉木—茶间作茶园为研究对象,测定间作杉木对茶园土壤及茶树叶片重金属元素含量及分布的影响。结果表明:(1)间作杉木可降低茶园土壤Pb、Ni、Mn、Zn元素含量,尤其对Mn有较强吸收能力,其次为Ni、Pb、Zn;(2)间作茶园茶树叶片Pb、Mn、Cu、Zn含量均显著低于单作茶园,说明间作杉木对减少茶叶中4种重金属含量,改善茶叶品质可起到明显作用。  相似文献   

采集不同苦丁茶树的根、茎、叶及对应的土壤样品,经过清洗、烘干、研磨等预处理后,采用高压密封罐加热消解,加入磷酸氢二铵作为基体改进剂,通过氘灯扣除背景,以石墨炉原子吸收光谱法(GF-AAS)测定样品中的铅,铅浓度在0.000—60.000ng.ml-1时与吸光度呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数r=0.9999,检出限为0.200ng.ml-1,方法精密度RSD5%,回收率93%—107%.用上述方法研究土壤-苦丁茶树系统中铅的分布表明,各种苦丁茶树及土壤中铅的分布具有类似规律,即土壤中铅含量远高于茶树中,茶树的地下部分含量分布为:吸收根主根,地上部分为:枯叶茎老叶嫩叶,其中嫩叶中铅含量远低于限量指标(Pb≤5.0μg.g-1),对茶叶服用的安全性有利.  相似文献   

喷施叶面阻控剂和施用土壤调理剂是目前污染稻田治理的主要措施,针对不同污染类型、污染程度稻田研发效果较好的叶面阻控剂及土壤调理剂是研究重点。文章通过2019年的田间试验研究无机硅叶面肥及土壤调理剂对中重度铅镉复合污染稻田水稻铅镉阻控效果。共设3个处理:常规施肥处理(CK)、常规施肥+喷施无机硅叶面肥处理(L-Si)、常规施肥+施用无机硅土壤调理剂处理(S-Si)。结果表明:L-Si处理土壤中铅质量分数较对照(116.00±4.35)mg·kg-1高18.97%;S-Si处理较对照(5.51±0.06)能够显著提高稻田土壤pH值0.73,土壤中铅和镉分别较对照(116.00±4.35)、(1.89±0.03)mg·kg-1高12.07%和14.81%。L-Si处理下铅在根、叶片、稻米中富集较对照分别减少11.69%、12.40%和38.46%;镉在叶片、稻壳、稻米中较对照显著减少了18.10%、5.84%和40.84%。而S-Si处理中铅在根、茎、叶、稻壳、稻米中富集量较对照显著减少11.69%、36.93%、15.16%、23.47%和51.28%;镉在根、茎、叶、稻壳、稻米中富集量显著降低12.93%、42.28%、61.75%、59.85%和49.21%。L-Si及S-Si处理水稻产量较对照(7052.27±95.07)kg·hm^-2分别提高3.24%和4.09%。综上所述,无机硅经叶面吸收后,在减少叶片中铅富集的同时减少了根系对土壤铅的吸收,将经根系吸收的铅富集于茎和稻壳中;而在减少叶片中镉富集的同时并未减少根系对镉吸收,将经根系吸收的镉富集于根和茎中。无机硅土壤调理剂在将土壤中铅和镉固定于土壤中的同时阻隔了水稻根系对铅和镉下吸收,因此水稻根、茎、叶、稻壳、稻米中铅和镉的含量均显著降低。  相似文献   

采用火焰原子吸收光谱(FAAS)技术,测定出苦丁茶冬青(Ilex kudingcha C.J.Tseng)的根、茎、叶及其栖息土壤中Cu的含量,并对土壤.苦丁茶树系统中Cu的分布特征进行了研究,以探讨苦丁茶树对Cu的富集规律。结果表明:栖息土壤中Cu的含量不同时,苦丁茶树巾Cu的含量表现出吸收根〉嫩叶〉茎〉主根;茶树对Cu的吸收存在饱和特性,表现为随土壤Cu含量升高,茶树对Cu的富集系数和传输效率降低,使得根际土壤中Cu含量高于非根际土壤。同时对土壤剖面不同深度Cu含量研究表明:苦丁茶栖息土壤中Cu含量呈现出随土层深度增加而增加的垂直分布趋势。本研究旨在认清Cu迁移到苦丁茶树的内在规律,以利于进一步研究其迁移的调控,使苦丁茶产品中元素处在安全有效的利用范围内。  相似文献   

采用典型设点调查法对嘉兴市北部化工区污染源正西方向上3条样带(分别距污染源100、600和1 200 m)和无污染区(距污染源8 000 m)的土壤、28种绿化树种叶片和空气进行取样分析,以明确该区域土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)硫、氟含量在水平方向上的变异特征。结果表明:土壤硫质量分数随水平距离增加而减少,而土壤氟质量分数先增加后减少;表层土壤硫质量分数最高(0.036%),而20 cm深处土壤氟质量分数最高(35.7 mg?kg~(-1))。乔木、小乔木和灌木叶片硫浓度均随水平距离增加而降低,但叶片氟浓度先增加后降低;各样带上乔木叶片硫浓度均高于小乔木和灌木,而氟浓度则比较接近,灌木叶片硫、氟浓度在水平方向上的变异均大于乔木和小乔木。空气中SO_2质量浓度峰值(0.176 mg?m~(-3))出现在100 m样带上,随水平距离增加而持续减小,但HF质量浓度的峰值(1.487μg?m~(-3))出现在600 m样带上,二者浓度呈现不同的水平变异特征。对土壤、树木叶片和空气硫、氟含量的相关性分析表明:空气中的SO2和HF可能是土壤中的硫和氟的主要来源,凋落物的贡献次之。总体上,研究区SPAC系统硫、氟含量水平变异特征是统一的,3种介质通过相互作用共同调节SPAC系统硫、氟的动态平衡。对于SPAC系统硫、氟含量水平变异特征的认识有利于更好地控制城市工业区硫、氟污染,采取相应的土壤和植物修复措施,营造更加美好的城市生态人居环境。  相似文献   

田间试验和化学分析结果表明,串叶松香草两个品种4个生育期的茎、叶产量均以A型>B型,在3a内串叶松香草产量随生长年限增加,且以A型品种产量高.串叶松香草3个生育期叶片氨基酸和蛋白质含量高于茎,并以A型品种现蕾期为最高;两个品种氨基酸组分以Asp、Glu、Leu和Lys含量高,各生育期氨基酸组分含量变化规律不同.串叶松香草的粗脂肪、Ca、P和灰分含量以叶>茎,而粗纤维和可溶性糖含量却以茎中较高.除粗纤维外,其余饲用成分含量均随生育期的出现而呈递降之趋势.串叶松香草现蕾期N、K含量和莲座期P含量达最高.种植3a后串叶松香草明显改善土壤物理性质,提高土壤酶活性,明显降低土壤有效N、P和K含量  相似文献   

福建省安溪县茶园土壤酸化对茶树产量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示茶树根际土壤酸化对茶叶产量、品质的影响,以福建省安溪县9个乡镇茶园为研究对象,分析不同树龄茶树根际土壤的pH值、茶树鲜叶的产量和品质指标含量并分析土壤酸度与茶树树龄、茶树鲜叶的产量和品质的关系.结果表明,安溪县9个乡镇茶园中,37.67%的土壤已经酸化,10.03%的土壤适宜种植茶树.茶树树龄与其根际土壤pH值呈极显著负相关,即随着茶树树龄的增加,其根际土壤pH值呈现下降趋势.其次,9个乡镇茶园春茶、秋茶产量均与茶树根际土壤pH值呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.912-0.952和0.898-0.973.此外,9个乡镇茶园茶叶品质指标——茶多酚、茶氨酸、咖啡碱均与茶树根际土壤pH值呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别在0.897-0.959、0.908-0.974和0.907-0.975之间.综上表明,随着茶树树龄的增加,茶树根际土壤酸度加剧,茶叶产量降低,茶叶品质呈现下降趋势.  相似文献   

鲁照玲  陈建敏 《环境化学》2011,30(11):1963-1964
日益严重的环境污染,使得茶叶中多种重金属含量严重超标.茶叶中的矿物质来自茶树生长的土壤,虽然茶叶富含人体必需的有益微量元素,但也同时含有多种毒性较大的重金属,茶叶中重金属的含量水平直接影响到饮茶人群的健康安全.茶叶基体比较复杂,含有3.5%—7.0%的无机物和93%—96.5%的有机物[1],对茶叶中痕量元素定量分析最...  相似文献   

The present project aims to investigate the possible contamination of teas with the trace metals: Al, Cu and Zn. Tea bushes sampled from two tea plantations in the northern part of Guangdong Province accumulated higher concentrations of Cu and Zn in young leaves, and of Al in old leaves. The analysis of the three metals in tea produced in different provinces indicated higher Al levels in those obtained from Guangdong and Yunnan Provinces, which may be due to the lower soil pH in these areas. Green tea had the lowest Al concentration among the four types of tea studied, as only the bud and two young leaves are used, whereas older leaves are used for other types of tea (black, Oolong and Puerh tea). The transfer of Al, Cu and Zn from soil to different parts of tea bushes was low in general, except for Zn at Lechang tea plantation which next to a Pb/Zn mine, where a higher transfer was observed from young leaves to tea products, indicating possible metal contamination during tea processing. However, low concentrations of Cu and Zn (less than 0.07 mg Cu L-1 and 0.17 mg Zn L-1), and moderate amounts of Al (2.1-2.5 mg L-1) were obtained in the tea liquor (1% hot water extracts).  相似文献   

本试验比较了三种不同N/K2O的有机无机复肥和进口复肥在赤红壤茶园上的施用效果.结果表明,施用有机无机复肥能促进茶树生长,增大茶芽密度.提高茶叶产量,增加茶叶的茶多酚和氨基酸含量;且能增加土壤有机质含量,平衡土壤养分.有机无机复肥中的N/K2O对其肥效的发挥有重要作用,N/k2O值以4.5为宜.  相似文献   

The present project aims to investigate aluminium (Al) and fluoride (F) contents in teas (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Three different commercial tea varieties: Assam variety and two China sub-varieties, a large leafed variety and small leafed variety, were collected in two tea gardens of Lantau Island tea plantation of Hong Kong. In general, high concentrations of Al and F were accumulated in the mature leaves (15.3 and of 2.07 g kg–1 respectively). Among the three varieties, the small leafed variety exhibited the highest Al and F contents followed by the large leafed variety whereas the Assam variety had the lowest Al and F concentrations in its tea bushes. Tea products from a plantation were also analysed and it was noted that black tea had higher Al and F concentrations than green tea. The amount of Al and F released into tea liquor was also tested and the results showed that higher concentrations of Al and F were released into tea liquor under repeated infusion method than continuous infusion method.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂氟污染与治理对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以一个包含干湿两种除尘系统的高氟煤源的电厂为例,研究了电厂的氟迁移转化规律和氟污染源对周围环境的影响。并提出了综合治理电厂氟污染的对策。研究表明:湿法除尘系统的氟污染物主要是渣氟、水氟,而干法除尘系统主要是渣氟和气氟;小麦氟含量与大气中氟显著相关;灰场附近的地表水受到灰水的氟污染,部分潜水井受到了灰场渗水的污染,部分灰场土壤受到大气氟污染。  相似文献   

The tea bush (Comellia sinensis) is grown commercially in a large number of countries. Tea is a beverage, which consists of processed and dried tea leaves and is one of the most popular global drinks. Tea contains some heavy metals, such as Pb and Cd, which exert adverse effects on human health. The aim of this study was to determine the Pb and Cd levels in tea leaves and in the solution following dissolution in boiling water. In order to assess Pb and Cd in Iranian consumed tea, 10 tea samples were analyzed for metal concentration in tea leaves and boiled water solutions. For tea leaf analysis, the samples (5 g) were oven dried, ash dried in a cold oven, cooled at room temperature and then 2 mL nitric acid were added to the samples and the acid were evaporated on hot plate. For tea solution analysis, tea (5 g) was added to 250 mL of boiling distilled water and after filtering, the liquid was collected as tea solution. The results show that the average concentration of Pb and Cd in Iranian tea leaves was 9.73 and 0.67 mg kg?1 and in foreign tea leaves 2.5 and 0.53 mg kg?1, respectively. Shariat and Golkis representing Iranian, and Red Shahrzad and Ahmad representing foreign tea, showed the highest and lowest concentration respectively of Pb. Bamdad and Shariat representing Iranian, and Black Sedaghat and Ahmad representing foreign tea, showed the highest and lowest levels of Cd, respectively. The results showed that the longer the time of dissolution of the tea, the higher concentration of Pb and Cd in tea solution. In order to control Pb and Cd levels in tea, the type of water used in agriculture and quality of soil needs to be regulated.  相似文献   

安徽省长江以北地区土壤水溶性氟含量及分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采集安徽省长江以北地区有代表性土壤样品347个,测定了其水溶性氟含量。结果表明,土壤水溶性氟含量范围038~1269mg/kg,平均为238mg/kg。地区分布是南低北高,以淮北宿州和阜阳地区为最高,平均含量在3mg/kg以上。主要土壤类型土壤水溶性氟含量顺序是砂姜黑土、潮土>黄棕壤、紫色土>水稻土>石灰土、粗骨土。不同母质土壤水溶性氟含量顺序是古黄土性河湖相沉积物>黄泛冲积物>紫色砂岩>下蜀黄土>石灰岩>酸性结晶岩风化物>河流冲积物。土壤水溶性氟含量与土壤pH呈正相关。pH高的黄泛冲积物和古黄土性河湖相沉积物母质土壤含水溶性氟多,该土壤地区发生氟中毒可能性较大。  相似文献   

High levels of fluoride in tea plants pose a potential health risk to humans who drink tea. It has been demonstrated that tea plant fluoride is closely related to the available fluoride in soil. But approaches that could be used to regulate the availability of fluoride in soil have been rarely seen. This study aims to investigate how the addition of charcoal and bamboo charcoal affected soil fluoride availability and bioaccumulation of fluoride in tea plants. In a microcosm experiment, tea plants were grown in the tea garden soil mixed with different amounts of charcoal and bamboo charcoal [that is, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0?% (w/w)]. Soil-fluoride fractions and fluoride accumulated in tea plants were determined using the sequential extraction and ion selective electrode method. Obtained results showed that both charcoal and bamboo charcoal additions significantly enhanced the concentrations of Fe/Mn oxide-bound fluoride, but significantly reduced the concentrations of water-soluble and exchangeable fluoride (p?相似文献   

干旱胁迫对香蒲生长和叶绿素荧光参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用野外调查方法,研究了不同土壤含水量条件下香蒲植株的形态、生物量、叶绿素含量和叶绿素荧光参数的变化。结果表明:(1)土壤含水量对香蒲株高影响显著,轻度、中度和重度干旱处理香蒲株高分别下降为对照(土壤水分始终饱和)的90.90%、68.19%和63.64%。(2)香蒲茎直径、叶长、叶宽和叶绿素含量均随土壤含水量的降低而呈递减趋势,枯叶率却明显增加。(3)不同土壤含水量条件下香蒲密度和生物量差异均达显著水平(P〈0.05)。轻度、中度和重度干旱组香蒲密度分别比对照下降41.67%、53.33%和66.67%;而对照香蒲单株生物量分别为轻度、中度和重度干旱组的2.25、5.54和7.45倍。(4)香蒲叶片最大光量子产量(Fv/Fm)和最大相对电子传递速率(Re,t,max)随土壤含水量的减少而明显降低。干旱降低了香蒲叶片光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)的光化学效率,抑制了香蒲的生长。  相似文献   

Samples of young shoot, mature leaf, twig, root, and litter were taken from four recently bred varieties Zhe-nong 113, Zhe-nong 121, Zi-sun, and Bi-feng grown at two tea plantations located at Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces. The results showed that the concentrations of F and Al in tea plants were significantly different among the four varieties. It is therefore possible that F and Al concentrations in tea products can be reduced through variety selection. The results also revealed that old leaves would be the major contribution to the high levels of F and Al in brick tea since it is produced mainly for old leaves. Therefore, in order to eliminate the hazard of over-exposure to F and Al derived from tea, younger shoot should be used for making tea products while mature leaves should be avoided.  相似文献   

茶园土壤的有机质含量、腐殖质组成、有机碳的循环与平衡特点、酶活性及其在施肥条件下的变化情况与土壤肥力密切相关.试验结果表明:亚热带茶园土壤有机质含量水平较低,腐殖质组成中以富里酸为主,HA/FA比、酶活性均比起源土壤略低;高产茶园土壤有机碳库的循环水平较高,在不施有机肥的情况下仍能保持平衡;低产茶园土壤有机碳库的循环水平较低,输出大于输入,施用有机肥可以较快地提高茶园土壤有机质含量和酶活性水平.增施有机肥和实行茶林复合是培肥茶园土壤、提高茶园生产力的有效措施.  相似文献   

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