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抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)由于其广泛的传播与转移,成为日益严峻的环境问题。污水处理厂(WWTP)被公认为ARGs的主要来源之一。膜生物反应器(MBR)是一种新型污染物去除工艺。在一个具有传统生物处理和膜系统处理的城镇污水处理系统的进水中,检出17种ARGs,并首次检出甲氧苄啶类ARGs。进水中sulΙ基因的绝对丰度最高,随后依次是tet C、sulⅡ、tet W、dfr A1、flo R和dfr A13基因。不同的处理系统去除同一种ARGs效果各不相同,MBR对ARGs去除效果显著优于传统生物处理工艺,同一个处理系统处理不同类ARGs,四环素类ARGs被去除的效果显著优于其他ARGs被去除的效果,绝对丰度下降了3.8个数量级。ARGs没有真正意义上的去除,只是从水体转移到污泥中,污泥中的ARGs不断积累。  相似文献   

冀秀玲  刘芳  沈群辉  刘扬 《生态环境》2011,20(5):927-933
抗生素滥用及其诱导产生的抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)污染已经引起人们的广泛关注。选取上海市某地养殖场作为研究对象,采用高效液相色谱-质谱法和实时荧光定量PCR法,对养殖场污水及附近农田灌溉渠河水中5种四环素及磺胺类抗生素,8种对应的ARGs的含量、特征及相关性进行了研究。研究结果显示,在采集的水样中均含有待检测的5种抗生素,养殖污水中抗生素含量高于农田灌溉河水,各样本中四环素类抗生素含量均略高于磺胺类抗生素,2种四环素抗生素总量为294.0~376.1μg﹒L-1,3种磺胺类抗生素总量为197.7~323.0μg﹒L-1。养殖场污水样本中8种ARGs均有检出,磺胺类抗性基因中sul(A)含量最高,绝对拷贝数为108.4108~1010.3728;四环素类抗性基因中tet(W)含量最高,绝对拷贝数为106.18805~107.8874。农田灌溉渠河水中除tet B(P)外,其它7种ARGs均有检出。样本中ARGs相对表达量总体呈现磺胺类ARGs高于四环素类ARGs的特点。抗生素浓度与ARGs相对表达量的Pearson相关性分析显示,样本中sul(Ⅲ)与磺胺类抗生素浓度存在较明显的正相关性,但其它几种ARGs与抗生素则未见或存在一定负相关性。表明除抗生素外,ARGs在水环境中的丰度可能与ARGs种类及其它环境因子有关。该研究将有助于认识上海地区养殖场废水中抗生素和ARGs污染状况,为进一步开展黄浦江水域抗生素尤其是ARGs的污染研究提供数据基础。  相似文献   

畜牧场土壤中重金属与抗生素抗性基因的分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究畜牧场土壤中重金属和抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的空间分布特点,揭示二者之间的相关性,为后续特色黑土的修复治理提供基础理论依据.结合GIS优化布点,在黑龙江省大庆市杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县某畜牧场园区分别采集内部10 cm和50 cm深度的土壤.采用原子吸收光谱仪和原子荧光分光光度计检测8种重金属含量,用单因子污染指数法和内梅罗综合污染指数法对重金属进行污染评价;通过实时荧光定量 PCR技术检测土壤中的28 种 ARGs,运用 Pearson 分析重金属与ARGs的相关性,同时对二者之间的相似性进行聚类分析. 10 cm和50 cm土壤的单因子污染指数分析显示,As均属于重度污染等级( Pi>3),其他7种元素属于安全等级( Pi≤1),内梅罗综合污染指数均属于重度污染等级( P综>3). 28种ARGs污染分布差异较大,除β-内酰胺类ARGs随土壤深度的增加污染程度呈增大的趋势,其余都呈减小的趋势;50 cm土层中blaTEM的相对丰度较高,约为0.65 拷贝数/16S rRNA基因拷贝数.相关性分析表明,杜蒙园区土壤中sul2与tetX、 tetR、 tetW、 tetC和tet34分别与重金属Cr、As、Pb和Cd存在一定程度的相关性( P<0.05);重金属污染程度较重的As和Cr对ARGs的选择压力相似.畜牧场中重金属污染严重,ARGs污染水平亟待推行评价标准,为后续恢复受污染的特色黑土的生态功能提供依据.  相似文献   

污水处理厂空气介质抗生素抗性基因的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察了污水处理厂空气介质中典型的抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)污染水平和浓度分布,并通过16S r RNA高通量技术对样品进行亲缘性及溯源研究。结果表明,在污水厂空气样品中8种抗生素抗性基因的检出率均超过50%,其中tet C、sul1、sul2和erm B检出率为100%。在曝气池和污泥脱水车间空气样品中8种抗性基因检出率均为100%。对其中的sul1、sul2、tet G和tet X共4种ARGs的定量分析结果表明,以上4种基因的相对浓度范围在102~105copies·ng~(-1)DNA之间,与邻近居民区空气样品抗性基因浓度处于同一水平;空气样品16S r RNA高通量测序聚类分析结果显示,居民区空气与污水厂园区内空气有较高的种群相似度,污水厂处理单元对其邻近区域的空气介质微生物组成影响较大。  相似文献   

何荣  原珂  林里  杨颖  邹世春  栾天罡  陈保卫 《环境化学》2019,38(7):1548-1556
抗生素耐药性是二十一世纪人类面对的最严峻的环境健康问题之一.抗生素耐药基因(Antibiotics resistance genes, ARGs)被认为是一类新型环境污染物.当前针对ARGs的主要研究方法有细菌分离和培养法、聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR)法、和宏基因组法.然而,仅有功能宏基因组方法能发现新型的ARGs.功能宏基因组方法利用新一代测序技术的高通量的特性,结合分子生物学技术和功能筛选构建有关抗生素耐药性的基因库,通过生物信息学分析高效地发现新型ARGs.本文综述了近来利用功能宏基因组技术筛选新型ARGs的相关研究进展,总结了功能宏基因学相关的技术和方法的优势和限制,并展望了功能宏基因学方法进一步发展的方向.  相似文献   

人类肠道菌群是耐药基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)的"储存库",且与人体健康密切相关。目前,抗生素的滥用严重,进一步加剧了耐药基因的传播和扩散。细菌耐药问题严重影响人体健康、食品安全和生态安全,携带耐药基因的致病菌对临床治疗造成巨大威胁。本文结合国内外研究进展,在总结人体肠道耐药基因组研究方法的基础上,探讨了肠道耐药基因的组成、来源、传播和进化,并对未来研究进行了展望,旨在促进公众对肠道耐药基因的认知,并为抗生素的合理使用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

牛粪发酵过程中抗生素耐药基因及相关菌群组成变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着规模化奶牛养殖迅速发展,牛粪带来的环境污染问题日益严重。实验探究牛粪及其堆肥过程中养分变化、抗生素耐药基因消减情况以及细菌群落演替规律,探讨细菌菌群与养分、抗生素耐药基因之间的相关性。采集牛粪及其堆肥过程样品,测定样品中养分、检测抗生素耐药基因相对丰度,采用16S r RNA高通量测序技术研究牛粪堆肥过程细菌群落变化。结果表明,从新鲜牛粪(组FM)到发酵牛粪(组C),样品中有机质含量下降,全氮和全磷含量有不同程度增加,全钾(TK)显著升高(P<0.05)。堆肥发酵后,抗生素耐药基因erm B、tet M、bla CTX-M和aac(6')-Ib-cr的相对丰度呈现不同程度的下降,而基因sul1相对丰度增加。高通量测序结果表明,在门水平,各组均以Firmicutes、Proteobacteria和Bacteroidetes这3个菌门为主,在属水平,各组具有不同的优势物种,其中发现Bacteroides、Paeniclostridium和Pseudomonas等7个潜在病原菌属的相对丰度在堆肥后有效降低。通过相关性分析发现,潜在病原菌属与基因tet M和sul1呈显著正相关(P<0.05),此外,大部分优势菌属与养分TK有显著相关性(P<0.05)。研究结果表明,牛粪经堆肥发酵后,病原菌相对丰度有效降低,抗生素耐药基因相对丰度的下降与细菌菌群结构变化存在相关关系。  相似文献   

胞外抗生素抗性基因是抗性基因的重要存在形式,可能通过转化重新进入细胞表达抗药性.因此其具有严峻却隐蔽的健康风险,且不同形态胞外抗生素抗性基因的风险存在显著差异,然而当前针对胞外抗性基因风险的研究极为稀少.本研究以序批式活性污泥反应器(SBR)为例,考察了污水生物处理过程中结合型和游离型胞外抗性基因产生的时空特征,以及曝气强度和污泥负荷的影响.结果 表明,SBR启动期2种胞外抗性基因均大量产生,且游离型胞外抗性基因的增加倍数和持续时间高于结合型:稳定运行后2种胞外抗性基因的丰度显著下降.从胞内外抗性基因的比重来看,好氧阶段以胞外抗性基因为主,且游离型胞外抗性基因比例达60%以上;厌氧阶段以胞内抗性基因为主,且结合型胞外抗性基因比例升高(7.5%~31.9%);出水中游离型胞外抗性基因占据绝对优势,比例达66.5% ~ 86.9%.曝气强度提高使2种胞外抗性基因丰度显著提高,但游离型胞外抗性基因提高程度(2.2倍~12.2倍)高于结合型(2.1倍~62倍).污泥负荷提高同样导致2种胞外抗性基因丰度提高,但游离型胞外抗性基因提高程度(1.3倍~7.8倍)低于结合型(1.9倍~ 13.3倍).研究表明,大量胞外抗性基因将在污水生物处理过程中产生,并随污水排放至环境中,是水环境中抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的重要来源之一.  相似文献   

海南东寨港海水和沉积物中抗生素抗性基因污染特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素滥用及其诱导产生的抗生素抗性基因(Antibioticresistancegenes,ARGs)污染已经引起各界的广泛关注。东寨港是海南省重要的滩涂养殖基地,其ARGs的产生、传播和富集都可能对人类及生态健康产生危害。采集该区域海水和沉积物样本各10个,利用LC-MS/MS对海水和沉积物中磺胺类、四环素类、氯霉素类和喹诺酮类等4类15种抗生素进行测定,同时采用RT-PCR阐明了相应的12种ARGs(sul1、sul2、dfr A1;tet A、tet C、tet G、tet M;cata1、cata2、cmle1、cmle3;qnr S)及16S rRNA的分布特征,并对抗生素和ARGs的相关性进行分析。结果显示,所测ARGs在各沉积物样品中的检出率均为100%,海水样品中ARGs的检出率在80%-100%之间。其中,qnr S的检出率最高,存在于所有海水和沉积物样品中,而sul2的检出丰度最高。比较海水和沉积物中ARGs的相对丰度,发现沉积物中ARGs的污染程度高于海水。样品中抗生素总体检出率较低,其中沉积物仅有喹诺酮及磺胺类抗生素被检出,海水中除磺胺类抗生素外其他均未检出。与其他研究相比,该区域ARGs检出水平较高,而抗生素检出水平较低,ARGs含量与抗生素浓度相关性较弱(P0.05),这说明由历史背景诱导产生的ARGs可进行自我扩增而持续存在于环境中。该研究结果可为当地抗生素的安全使用和ARGs的环境风险评价提供重要依据。  相似文献   

环境中细菌的耐药性,尤其是对抗生素的耐药性已成为影响生态环境的重要因素.论文采用抗生素抗性平板法调查了北江河水中四环素、红霉素及磺胺类这3类抗生素耐药性细菌的存在,采用定性PCR及荧光定量PCR方法分别研究了该水域sul1和sul2这2种磺胺类抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的存在和含量水平.结果表明,所采集北江水域的9个样品中有5个对四环素有耐药性,7个对红霉素有耐药性,8个对磺胺二甲嘧啶有耐药性;定性PCR实验并经基因测序结果证实,5个样品含有sul1,4个样品含有sul2.进一步的PCR定量分析结果显示,7个样品中均检出sul1和sul2磺胺抗性基因,它们与内对照基因16S-rRNA表达量比值分别在10-2.56~10-0.52及10-3.25~10-1.24范围内,该结果显著高于美国科罗拉多州北部河流的研究结果.此外,数据分析也发现,sul1和sul2磺胺抗性基因的含量水平与该区域水中磺胺含量分布具有一定的相关性,表明外源性抗生素对河流的污染是诱导抗性基因的重要因素.  相似文献   

On the behaviour of the residence time at the bottom of the mixed layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To understand why the findings of Deleersnijder et al. [(2006), Environ Fluid Mech 6: 25–42]—the residence time in the mixed layer in not necessarily zero at the pycnocline—are consistent with those of Delhez and Deleersnijder [(2006), Ocean Dyn 56:139–150]—the residence time in a control domain vanishes at the open boundaries of this control domain—, it is necessary to consider a control domain that includes part of the pycnocline, in which the eddy diffusivity is assumed to be zero. Then, depending on the behaviour of the eddy diffusivity near the bottom of the mixed layer, the residence time may be seen to exhibit a discontinuity at the interface between the mixed layer and the pycnocline. If such a discontinuity exists, the residence time is non-zero in the former and zero in the latter. This is illustrated by analytical solutions obtained under the assumption that the eddy diffusivity is constant in the mixed layer.  相似文献   

The use during settlement of secretions of the 9 different types of gland in the foot of the pediveliger of Ostrea edulis L. was examined experimentally. During settlement, there is a progressive decrease in the crawling speed of the larva and a strengthening of its bond with the substratum. Both changes are related to (a) a change from ciliary to muscular pedal locomotion; (b) the increasing acidity and viscosity of the mucoid secretions used; (c) the secretion of a byssus thread by the glands of the byssus duet; (d) changes in the form and composition of this byssus. At the termination of settlement, the entire contents of 2 types of gland are discharged. Their secretions give rise to the cement which permanently fixes the larva to the substratum. The 9 types of gland are utilised sequentially in a manner closely related to the 6 phases recognised in settlement behaviour.  相似文献   

豪猪消化系统的解剖研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了了解豪猪的消化生理,为豪猪的人工饲养技术研究提供基础依据,以达到高效饲养豪猪的目的,笔者对豪猪的消化器官进行了系统解剖研究.结果表明:豪猪的胃为单室胃.盲肠很发达,这与其能够消化植物纤维有关.豪猪肝脏很发达,其重量为402 g,是其体重的4.59%,肝脏分叶多而明显.  相似文献   

刍议医院资产管理的现状及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院的固定资产和流动资产是医院赖以生存和发展的基础,是一项非经营性国有资产.目前公立医院固定资产、流动资产管理现状不容乐观,针对这种状况,首先分析问题形成的原因,然后提出管理的措施或建议,从而使资产管理工作规范化、制度化、科学化,使有限的卫生资源发挥出最大的社会效益和经济效益.参3.  相似文献   

Our research indicates that, due to the depletion of conventional, and hence cheap, crude oil supplies (i.e. peak oil), increasing the supply of oil in the future would require exploiting lower quality resources (i.e. expensive), and thus will most likely occur only at high prices. This situation creates a system of feedbacks where economic growth, which requires more oil, would require high oil prices that will undermine that economic growth. We conclude that the economic growth of the past 40 years is unlikely to continue unless there is some remarkable change in how we manage our economy.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the effect of transportation (site specific) costs and the effect of mining (depletion) of the forest on the time path of the price and of the net price of timber in two forestry models. The models differ in that one has zero costs and the other has positive costs. The analyses yield the standard mining theory results for certain cases. They also yield extentions of these results for cases with growth of the harvested trees and/or regeneration on the harvested land. The paper concludes, as one would expect, that the theory of the mine is useful in analyzing the time path of the price of timber.  相似文献   

J. Stimson 《Marine Biology》1990,106(2):211-218
A mutualism exists between the xanthid crabs of the genusTrapezia and their host corals,Pocillopora damicornis. It has previously been established that these obligate coral residents benefit the coral hosts by defending them against echinoderm predators and by increasing the survival of polyps located deep between the coral branches. In turn, the corals apparently benefit the crabs by producing lipid-filled structures on which the trapezid crabs feed; these fat bodies may contain some of the lipid which in previous studies of coral metabolism has been termed excess. It was determined by experiments conducted at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology that the presence of crabs in colonies ofP. damicornis stimulates the polyps to produce the lipid-filled fat bodies; removal of crabs causes corals to cease producing fat bodies. A structure very similar to the fat bodies ofP. damicornis has been reported inAcropora durvillei. Both of these coral genera ordinarily possess xanthid-crab mutualists. This association between branching corals and crustaceans may have evolved because corals of these genera provide shelter among their branches and because these shallow-water corals are evidently capable of releasing lipid which is excess to the corals' metabolic needs, but which can be utilized by the crabs.  相似文献   

Animals disperse in space through different movement behaviors, resulting in different displacement distances. This is often described with a displacement kernel where the long-distance dispersers are within the tail of the kernel. A displacement with a large proportion of long-distance dispersers may have impact on different aspects of spatial ecology such as invasion speed, population persistence, and distribution. It is, however, unclear whether the kurtosis of the kernel plays a major role since a fatter tail also influences the variance of the kernel. We modeled displacement in landscapes with different amounts and configurations of habitats and handled kurtosis and variance separately to study how these affected population distribution and transition time. We conclude that kurtosis is not important for any of these aspects of spatial ecology. The variance of the kernel, on the other hand, was of great importance to both population distribution and transition time. We argue that separating variance and kurtosis can cast new light on the way in which long-distance dispersers are important in ecological processes. Consequences for empirical studies are discussed.  相似文献   

三峡库区消落带土壤中铅污染调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈梓云  彭梦侠 《生态环境》2001,10(2):165-166
报道了三峡库区长江干流及小江支流消落带土壤中重金属铅含量背景值的调查结果。结果表明,目前土壤未被重金属铅污染。  相似文献   

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