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水生维管束植物在水污染中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
随着水污染的加剧,高效低耗的水污染处理技术逐渐受到人们的重视,水生维管束植物以其特有的组织和生态功能及易于人工操纵等原因而在净化水体污染、防治富营养化方面发挥了重要的作用。文章对水生维管束植物在水质净化中的作用、影响因素、水生植物的综合利用及其在水污染监测中的作用等方面进行了系统分析,提出多种植物组合比单种植物能更好地实现对水体的净化,通过温度、水深的调控措施可以加强水生维管束植物对水质的净化效果,温度、水深、水质状况以及水生植物的经济价值等是水生植物选择的重要因素。指出了当前水生维管束植物研究中存在的一些问题,认为在人为操纵下,对于水生植物的长效管理是其在水污染应用中的一个重要内容。  相似文献   

植物排放的羰基化合物及其与大气的交换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了植物来源的羰基化合物的研究结果,并着重总结了植物与大气之间羰基化合物的交换研究.羰基化合物在植物与大气之间的交换包括植物本身排放羰基化合物、羰基化合物沉降到植物叶片以及植物对羰基化合物的吸收和代谢3个过程.在植物周围空气中羰基化合物的浓度与交换补偿点的关系决定交换的方向:羰基化合物是被植物排放到大气中,还是沉降到植物叶面.当其在空气中的浓度低于补偿点时,植物排放羰基化合物;而当其在空气中的浓度高于补偿点时,羰基化合物沉降到植物叶面.作者还提出,与人类生活密切相关的景观植物的排放应受到格外的重视.利用植物代谢有害污染物的能力来净化空气,是植物修复技术在大气污染环境中的应用.筛选吸收、代谢污染物强的植物种类,科学搭配种类组成,建立不同类型的人工植物群落,以实现最佳植物净化效果.将环境科学与生态学、遗传学等多学科结合起来,探索更为理想的植物修复方法是未来的主要研究方向.  相似文献   

广州市道路绿化模式环境效益分析   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
在广州市各主要交通道路上选择7个有代表性的道路绿化模式,分别监测它们对NOx、CO和TSP等大气污染物质的净化效果,分析其环境效益,结果表明,绿化模式对大气污染整体净化效果与绿化模式的植物配置方式密切相关,苦植物种类多、乔-灌-草立体结构明显、绿化带宽,则对大气污染的净化效果越显著。  相似文献   

李彤彤  谢淑雅  刘颖 《环境化学》2020,39(4):891-899
持久性有机污染物(POPs)在植物与空气两相界面之间存在动态交换过程,一方面,植物叶片吸附、吸收空气中的POPs,净化了空气,并将其转移到食物链和土壤等其它环境介质中;另一方面,植物叶片通过挥发使其吸附的POPs重新回到空气中,最终对全球范围内POPs的循环和环境归趋产生重要影响.本文综述了植物与空气中POPs的动态交换过程,分析了影响植物吸附和挥发POPs的主要因素,包括POPs的理化性质、植物特征和环境条件.同时,就城市绿地对空气中POPs浓度水平的影响展开讨论,由于该过程受多种因素共同影响,植被清除的POPs是否足以改善空气质量仍有争议,其中影响机制有待深入研究.此外,本文总结了植物中POPs的检测技术,传统检测技术灵敏性和准确性高,而原位检测技术可以直接观察活体植物中POPs的吸收、迁移、存储等环境行为.最后,本文探讨了现有研究的不足和未来发展的方向,以期为今后研究植物-空气界面过程以及POPs多介质环境行为提供理论和技术参考.  相似文献   

兰州市空气污染防治绿化对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
依据植被对大气污染物净化能力和绿化对大气污染扩散条件的改善等研究成果,并结合兰州市自然地理环境和土壤水分条件以及本地小气候特点和实际地表植被状况,从植物对空气污染物的生物净化作用角度出发,探讨了兰州市大气污染治理的最佳绿化方案,以期对兰州市大气污染的综合治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

漂浮栽培美人蕉蕹菜等植物处理化粪池废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用漂浮栽培美人蕉、蕹菜、水稻、野生稻等4种植物进行了处理化粪池废水的静态试验。结果表明,废水中COD、BOD5、总氮、总磷等污染物得到较好的净化,污染物去除率明显高于对照。4种植物的净化能力和净化效果综合评价结果为美人蕉>蕹菜>水稻>野生稻,美人蕉、蕹菜对化粪池废水的净化能力强  相似文献   

采用实验室模拟研究了以盐碱土壤为基质的不同湿地植物人工湿地系统以及对水中低质量浓度氮和磷的去除效率。实验表明,芦苇系统、香蒲系统、车钱草系统和无植物系统均对水中低质量浓度的N具有净化效果。3种植物系统相比,香蒲系统的净化效果较其他二者较佳,芦苇系统与车钱草的净化效果相当;同时实验也表明4种湿地系统对低质量浓度的P不具有净化效果,随着水力停留时间的增加,系统中的P质量浓度反而会有所增加。  相似文献   

漂浮栽培美人蕉蕹菜等植物处理化粪池废水   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
采用漂浮栽培美人蕉、蕹菜、水稻、野生稻等4种植物进行了处理化粪池废水的静态试验。结果表明,废水中COD、BOD5、总氮、总磷等污染物得到较好的净化,污染物去除率明显高于对照。4种植物的净化能力和净化效果综合评价结果为美人蕉〉蕹菜〉水稻〉野生稻。美人蕉,蕹菜对化粪池废水的净化能力强。  相似文献   

大气化学污染的植物净化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶雪琴  卢桂宁  周康群  刘晖  党志 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1546-1550
大气污染是人类面临的严重环境问题之一,植物除了可以监测大气的化学污染外,在近地表大气污染物的清除中起着重要作用。利用植物净化大气化学污染是一种经济、有效、非破坏型的环境污染修复方式,植物净化污染大气的思想及其技术对城市园林绿化、环境规划和生态环境建设等具有直接的指导意义和应用价值。文章简要介绍了大气化学污染植物净化的机理,综述了近年来利用植物净化大气无机污染物和有机污染物的研究成果,并展望了今后需要进一步研究的领域。植物净化化学性大气污染的主要过程是持留和去除:持留过程涉及植物截获、吸附和滞留等,去除过程包括植物吸收、降解、转化、同化和超同化等。利用生物学、化学、农学、土壤科学和环境科学等多学科交叉,筛选高效的净化植物、研究污染物在植物体内的转化机理和影响净化效果的因素、开发联合修复技术、培育转基因净化植物等是未来研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

在广东茂名地区油页岩矿渣土的小区试验表明:香根草、杂交狼尾草、百喜草、钝叶草中铅、镉的浓度与分布均不相同,一般为根系浓度大于茎叶。施肥能使植物体内重金属浓度下降,但由于生物量增加,单位面积吸收量反而可能增大。因此,在选择净化土壤重金属的植物时,不仅要考虑吸收能力强弱,而且更要考虑生物量大小。  相似文献   

天津市区域土壤Cd污染及其对农产品影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了天津市土壤Cd元素区域分布特征,依据本次土壤调查背景参数特征和国家环境质量标准对农田土壤Cd污染进行了分级评价,天津市农田土壤存在不同级别的Cd污染。其中中-重度污染区面积约116km2,占调查面积的1.07%,主要集中在东丽区大毕庄、荒草坨,津南区双港,西青区邓店、楼家院等。在不同污染程度区农产品的调查结果表明,Cd在中-重度污染地区蔬菜中有富集和超标现象,应加强污染区土壤监测和治理工作。  相似文献   

The Ankang black shales in P. R. of China provides an important example of natural geological materials containing toxic elements. This paper presents the results of environmental geochemical research on black shales, soils, waters and edible plants in the Ankang area, Shaanxi Province, P. R. of China. The study area lies in the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform; there are black shales which contains black shale, carbonaceous rocks and coal in the Cambrian Donghe Formation throughout the area. Mean trace element concentrations of the coal were high. Soils derived from these rocks tend to reflect their extreme geochemical composition. Chemical analysis of common plant species in the Ankang area showed a heterogeneous distribution of Se, Mo, and V within a single and among plant species. Selenium was more concentrated in radish than in legumes, and in potato more than in green vegetable. High V concentrations were found in two kinds of Chinese tea. Legume had more Mo in the seed than potato, although Mo concentrations in radish vary. Higher concentrations of Se and Mo are present in the leaf of radish.  相似文献   

Ascendency is an index of activity and organization in living systems calculated in terms of flows. The concern here is with how that quantity behaves when the flows in question are measured in terms of eco-exergy. The storage of eco-exergy has served as a goal function in assessing parameter values for structurally dynamic models, but network magnitudes and topologies can change in response to significant changes in the forcing functions. As storages are relatively insensitive to such changes, it is advisable in such cases to explore how changes in a flow variable, like ascendency, might capture network adaptations. It happens that changes in ascendency calculated in terms of flows of simple energy are small in comparison to corresponding variations in the storages of eco-exergy. But when ascendency is reckoned in terms of flows of eco-exergy, its changes in response to network changes are more comparable to those in the storages. Ascendency seems to be more sensitive to changes in flow topology, however, so that a combination of eco-exergy storage and eco-exergy ascendency would probably be most appropriate for situations where changes in flow topology are significant.  相似文献   

化学农药污染土壤植物修复中的环境化学问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
报道了利用植草修复受DDT,BHC和Dicofol污染的研究,讨论了化学农药污染土壤植物修复中,农药在植物中富集与在土壤中降解以及结合残留等环境化学问题。研究表明,在植物修复的过程中,通过草对农药吸收的途径而去除土壤中污染物的作用所作的贡献很小,植草的作用可能是通过草的根部向土壤释放酶和某些分泌物,从而激发土壤中微生物的活性,并加速农药生物降解作用的结果。草在不同土壤中修复能力的差异,可能与不同土壤中所存土著微生物的差异以及其活性受酶和某些分泌物所激发差异的结果。选择能使根际区产生强烈的生物降解作用的草品种,是利用草作为化学农药污染土壤修复的关键。土壤与植株中农药结合残留的形成可能是土壤中污染物消除的又一个重要因素。  相似文献   

砖红壤磷的有效性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究生长在两种不同母质的砖红壤上的作物的P营养与土壤有效P的关系,以及土壤有效P与Fe、Al、Mn等元素的关系。结果表明,玄武岩砖红壤的全P含量虽比浅海沉积物砖红壤高,但其有效P含量却不如后者高,生长在后种土壤上的香蕉、辣椒、桉树的P含量也高于生长在前种土壤上;玄武岩砖红壤的活性Fe、Al、Mn含量显著高于浅海沉积物砖红壤;同一种母质的土壤其有效P含量随土壤活性Si和交换性Ca、Mg的提高而增加;土壤中活性Fe、Al、Mn含量越高,土壤对磷的固定越强,土壤有效P含量越低。同时,植物体内Fe、Al、Mn含量的增加也抑制了植物对磷的吸收,使植株中P含量降低。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The occurrence of fauna in commercial plantations is often associated with structural complexity. Through a meta-analysis, we tested whether the structural complexity of plantations could enhance bird species assemblages and whether bird assemblages respond differently depending on taxonomic affiliation, body size, and diet. Our analyses included 167 case studies in 31 countries in which bird assemblages in forests and plantations were compared and 42 case studies in 14 countries in which bird assemblages in plantations of different structural complexity were compared. Species richness, but not abundance, was higher in forests than in plantations. Both species richness and abundance were significantly higher in complex than in structurally simple plantations. Taxonomic representation and body size did not differ between forest and plantations, except that there were fewer insectivorous birds in plantations than in forests. In the comparison of simple versus complex plantations, abundance of all taxonomic and dietary groups was higher in complex plantations. Body size did not affect bird species richness or abundance. Independent of the type of plantation, bird richness and abundance were greater in structurally complex plantations. Enhancing the structural complexity of plantations may mitigate their impact and offer habitat for some native species.  相似文献   

Lack of parental experience or differences in reproductive effort may lead to variation in nest defence behaviour among individuals in a prey population. In this experimental study, we analysed nest defence behaviour using a model of an American mink, Mustela vison, a non-native predator, at colonies of arctic terns, Sterna paradisaea, in two large areas where mink had been removed and two comparable control areas with mink in the south-western archipelago of Finland, Baltic Sea, in June 2000. Furthermore, we recorded breeding success of arctic terns in the same four areas during 1998–2001. Arctic terns took higher risks in nest defence in control areas and in a short-term (mink-free for 2 years) removal area than in the long-term (mink-free for 8 years) removal area. Thus, colonies with recent experience of mink were more active in defending their offspring. The breeding success of arctic terns was significantly higher in mink-removal areas than in control areas. We conclude that arctic terns modify their nest defence behaviour in the presence of mink. However, they cannot defend their nests sufficiently against this mainly nocturnal predator, since their breeding success is reduced in areas where mink are present.Communicated by J. Graves  相似文献   

Redox conditions in paddy soils may vary as they are submerged and drained during rice growth. This change may bring about reductive dissolution of iron (Fe) oxides and subsequent formation of secondary Fe-bearing minerals in rice paddies. The mobility and bioavailability of metal contaminants such as cadmium (Cd) in paddy soils are closely related to the chemical behaviors of Fe. Therefore, in this paper, advances in the study of paddy Fe redox transformations and their effects on Cd availability to rice are briefly reviewed. Current concepts presented in this review include the forms of Fe in paddy soils, the reactions involved in Fe oxidation-reduction, chemical factors affecting Fe redox processes, Cd availability to rice and the impacts of Fe transformation on Cd uptake and translocation in rice. Prospects for future research in this area are also discussed.  相似文献   

氯虫苯甲酰胺在甘蓝和土壤中的残留及消解动态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
参照《农药残留试验准则》,采用田间试验方法,研究了济南和杭州两年两地的氯虫苯甲酰胺在甘蓝和土壤中的消解动态和最终残留。结果表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺最终残留在甘蓝、土壤中的质量分数分别是〈0.297 mg.kg-1,〈0.097 mg.kg-1;在甘蓝、土壤中的降解均符合一级动力学方程,降解半衰期分别为7.2~8.9 d和6.9~10.7 d;统计分析表明,两地区甘蓝中的残留消解行为无显著性差异,土壤中的残留消解行为差异性显著,土壤性质的不同是影响消解过程的主要因素。文章为制定该农药在甘蓝上最大残留限量标准和合理使用准则以及风险评估提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

上海市蔬菜地土壤硝态氮状况研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
以上海市郊不同管理方式下菜地表层土壤采样测定土壤硝态氮含量为基础,并以水稻土等土壤作为对照,以期了解上海蔬菜地土壤硝态氮的现状,为菜地的合理施肥提出科学依据。结果表明,由于管理方式不同,土壤的硝态氮的NO3--N质量分数差异明显。大棚蔬菜地土壤中NO3--N明显高于其它其他用地管理方式下的土壤,依次为:w(大棚蔬菜地)>w(露天蔬菜地)>w(传统自留地),而且土壤硝态氮的积累是全剖面性的,而非仅在表层,如在80~100cm土层,大棚土壤硝态氮也为农田的好几倍。而且,大棚蔬菜地土壤盐渍化明显,主要特点之一是硝态氮积累,盐分高的土壤一般硝态氮也高。此外,长期大量的N肥投入引起了土壤酸化。土壤pH与土壤NO3--N质量分数呈线性负相关,经统计检验相关性达极显著水平。  相似文献   

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