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环境多介质空间分异模型能够对持久性有机污染物(POPs)在环境多个介质中空间尺度上的迁移转化和分配过程进行准确、细致和接近真实的描述,是进行POPs的环境多介质归趋模拟和环境风险评价的重要工具.将环境多介质空间分异模型分为环境多介质质量平衡空间区划模型和大气化学传输模型,对目前几种常用的环境多介质空间分异模型GLOBO...  相似文献   

李彤彤  谢淑雅  刘颖 《环境化学》2020,39(4):891-899
持久性有机污染物(POPs)在植物与空气两相界面之间存在动态交换过程,一方面,植物叶片吸附、吸收空气中的POPs,净化了空气,并将其转移到食物链和土壤等其它环境介质中;另一方面,植物叶片通过挥发使其吸附的POPs重新回到空气中,最终对全球范围内POPs的循环和环境归趋产生重要影响.本文综述了植物与空气中POPs的动态交换过程,分析了影响植物吸附和挥发POPs的主要因素,包括POPs的理化性质、植物特征和环境条件.同时,就城市绿地对空气中POPs浓度水平的影响展开讨论,由于该过程受多种因素共同影响,植被清除的POPs是否足以改善空气质量仍有争议,其中影响机制有待深入研究.此外,本文总结了植物中POPs的检测技术,传统检测技术灵敏性和准确性高,而原位检测技术可以直接观察活体植物中POPs的吸收、迁移、存储等环境行为.最后,本文探讨了现有研究的不足和未来发展的方向,以期为今后研究植物-空气界面过程以及POPs多介质环境行为提供理论和技术参考.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)由于在环境中难降解,可沿食物链累积放大,可以长距离迁移至世界各地且具有很高的毒性,是一类对环境和人类生存威胁最大的化学污染物.POPs的甄别、环境过程、健康影响与污染控制是二十一世纪环境科学领域的重大科学问题.为避免环境和人类健康受到POPs危害,国际社会于2001年5月共同通过了《关于持久性有机污  相似文献   

南亚排放的持久性有机污染物(POPs)可随大气传输到青藏高原,然而POPs在高原多介质间的迁移与分配尚不清晰。本研究利用三级逸度模型对4种POPs(六六六α-HCH,滴滴涕p,p'-DDT,菲Phe和苯并芘Ba P)在纳木错流域的迁移与归趋进行了模拟。结果表明,大气沉降是该区域污染物的主要输入过程,而降解损失则是主要的输出途径。就最终归趋而言,土壤是POPs在纳木错流域的重要储库,其存储了大于50%的POPs。此外,湖水和沉积物分别对α-HCH和PAHs具有较强的存储能力。灵敏度分析的结果表明,环境温度、大气中POPs的浓度及其理化性质是影响POPs在环境中分布的关键参数。本研究明确了纳木错流域不同POPs的迁移方向和归趋特征,这将为青藏高原生态安全评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

借助环境模型模拟污染物在多介质间的迁移、归趋行为和生物积累放大,既是生态和健康风险的评估基础,又是研究污染物环境过程的一种重要的方法和手段。利用生物积累模型研究持久性有机污染物(POPs)在食物链中的生物富集和生物积累放大对于生态及健康风险评价具有重要意义。重点介绍了国内外关于POPs在陆生食物链中的各类生物积累模型及应用,包括原理、模型的特点和优势及不足之处,并对模型的改进提出了相应的建议。基础环境参数不足、实验数据缺乏和物种特异性是制约此类模型发展的主要原因。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)由于具有致癌性、致畸性和致突变效应的"三致性",近年来已经越来越受到人们的关注.本文综合分析了有机氯农药(OCPs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、二英类(PCDD/Fs)、多环芳烃(PAHs)及多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)等几种典型土壤持久性有机污染物的空间分布特征.同时,对土壤POPs的挥发作用、吸附/解吸、迁移、生物降解、化学降解等环境行为进行了深入分析,并指出了这些环境行为的影响因素,包括POPs的物质属性、土壤理化性质及周围环境等共性影响因素及其它因素.此外,针对国内外研究现状中存在的问题,提出了相关建议,指出控制土壤POPs污染的根本手段在于管理措施的完善.  相似文献   

珠三角地区POPs农药的污染现状及控制对策   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
概述了中国及国际社会对持久性有机污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,POPs)的关注情况。并通过对POPs农药在珠江三角洲地区(Pearl River Delta Area,PRD)使用情况的调查,以及对珠江三角洲地区POPs农药在各环境介质中的污染现状的文献综述,结合环境污染数据以及POPs农药污染调查工作中得到的数据和信息,对该地区POPs污染的可能原因和环境中可能存在的新近污染源进行了初步探讨。同时也指出了当前珠江三角洲地区在POPs农药削减与淘汰工作中所遭遇到的缺乏完善的管理体系等困难,并针对问题提出了包括加大科研投入,加强基础研究,掌握污染物来源和去向,加强替代药物的研究,建立和实施更严格的环境法规以及标准,加强环境监测能力建设,建立POPs农药污染的信息公开机制等一系列的控制对策。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物在食物链中积累与放大研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究持久性有机污染物(Persistent organic pollutants,POPs)在食物链中的积累与放大是进行环境风险评估和有效污染控制的生态学基础.本文综述了POPs的基本特征,POPs在食物链中的生物积累与放大的机制、影响因素以及POPs在食物链中积累与放大的模型等的研究进展.国外学者对POPs在水生食物链的积累与放大方面研究较多,并提出了较为完善的预测模型,而有关POPs在陆生食物链中的生物积累与放大的研究报道较少.大部分学者并未对完整食物链进行过系统而完整的研究.与国外相比,国内学者对POPs在水生陆生食物链中的生物积累、生物放大和预测模型探讨较少.目前POPs对环境和人体健康危害越来越严重,开展对POPs在食物链中积累、放大及相关预测模型更深入更完整的研究,已成为当前生态学和环境科学研究的重点课题和前沿领域.  相似文献   

大气持久性有机污染物分析研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近年来大气持久性有机污染物(POPs)研究中的新污染物、采样方法、检测方法、评价方法进行了扼要的综述,概括总结了大气POPs研究中人们所关注和需要解决的热点问题.  相似文献   

过去30年,随着工农业的不断发展,由持久性有机污染物(POPs)导致的癌症患者不断增加.目前POPs已广泛存在于水生态系统中,对水生动物的生长发育、种群繁衍、群落结构等产生重要影响.虽然POPs对水生动物的毒理机制非常复杂,但研究表明其毒理机制主要通过芳香烃受体通道(Ah Rpathway)来进行调控.为全面理解水生动物AhR通道中每一个基因在毒理调控过程中的作用,论文从水生动物芳香烃通道的角度详细阐述了POPs的毒理机制,同时对水生动物中POPs的早期监测进行了讨论,最后提出了未来POPs毒理机制研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

综述了持久性有机污染物(POPs)的生物降解途径,以及国内外在外生菌根真菌降解POPs方面的研究进展,阐述了其机制与优势.根据作用的微生物和环境条件的不同,POPs如PCBs、DDT等可以通过脱氯或开环等途径生物降解.外生菌根真菌能降解多种POPs,具有较大的潜力.图2表2参30  相似文献   

Addressing the environmental risk of persistent organic pollutants in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was adopted in 2001. This year is the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention. Until now, 22 chemicals or chemical categories have been listed as POPs in the Stockholm Convention. The POPs Research Center was established in Tsinghua University in the same year when the Convention was adopted. In the last ten years, much work has been done by Chinese researchers to understand the environmental risk of POPs in China. This article aims to review the recent research progress of our POPs Research Center and some other Chinese researchers?? studies in addressing the environmental risk of POPs, including the priority screening and inventory study of POPs, monitoring and modeling of POPs pollution and exposure, and environmental risk assessment and modeling of POPs. Although great advances in addressing the environmental risk of POPs have been made in recent years, we are still facing quite a few problems, such as data scarcity and uncertainty in environmental risk assessment of POPs. The study on the effect of POPs mixtures is in its infancy and currently POPs are usually assessed from legal perspective by risk assessment of single chemicals. These problems should be well addressed by further efforts. Further studies should also be taken in future to study environment risk of POPs by considering aspects of coupled dynamics between climate processes and POPs. Such sound scientific, riskbased information can support decision-making aiming to effectively minimize the risk level of POPs.  相似文献   


Background, Aim and Scope

Many environmental pollutants are slowly degrading (persistent) and very mobile. They are semivolatile, i.e. they are partitioned between the environmental media of soil, water and air, and undergo long-range transport. The combined action of climate and substance properties determines the distributions and fate of these substances, among them as the persistent organic pollutants (POPs), other pesticides and industrial chemicals.

Main Features

Multicompartment chemistry-transport models are under development in order to study environmental exposure models.


The investigation of transport and fate of some POPs on the global scale has emphasized the significance of historically explicit and geo-referenced simulations for substance distributions, persistence and long-range transport potential. Apart from the substance properties, it is the regional climate which is most important. This was illustrated by studies into the regional cycling of DDT and γ-HCH in selected tropical and extra-tropical regions.


The isolation of individual steps of subsequent cycles of emission, transport and deposition (a so-called grasshopper effect) in model experiments shows the potential to elucidate the complex superposition of substance properties and environmental conditions, variable in time and space.


The results suggest that the grasshopper effect enhances the long-range transport potential, but is not required to explain an accumulation in polar regions (at least for γ-HCH).


A number of relevant scientific questions should be addressed by exposure modelling.  相似文献   

POPs (persistent organic pollutants) associated with aquatic sediments can pose a risk to aquatic food chains, since they can be re-introduced to the food web. One major pathway is the bioaccumulation of POPs by endobenthic, sedimentingesting invertebrates (especially tubificid oligochaetes). These worms serve as food for benthivorous fish, which thereby ingest the sediment-borne chemicals and may accumulate contaminant concentrations far higher than from water exposure alone, and consequently transfer them to organisms of higher trophic levels. In order to evaluate such a potential biomagnification, a laboratory test was developed. It consisted of a two-step food chain including the sediment dwelling freshwater oligochaete Tubifex tubifex (Müller) and the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus, Linné), a small teleost fish which often feeds primarily on benthic invertebrates. Artificial sediment and reconstituted water were used. To examine the influence of benthic prey on the bioaccumulation of a POP in the predator, fish were exposed to 14C-labelled hexachlorobenzene via spiked water, spiked sediment, pre-contaminated prey organisms, and to combinations of these exposure routes. Summarising the results of these experiments, it could be shown that the exposure to HCB via different routes resulted in a significantly higher accumulation in fish than an exposure to single pathways. It was concluded that the major uptake routes for fish were the overlying water and the food, whereas the contribution of spiked sediment itself was relatively small. HCB was biomagnified in the rested laboratory food chain. Therefore, concerning secondary poisoning, the environmental risk assessment of POPs like HCB should not be based on existing bioaccumulation tests alone, since they focus only on exposure via the water pathway. Instead, the influence of food and sediment as exposure routes should be considered as well, using comprehensive food chain modelling and/or laboratory studies.  相似文献   

黄艺  姜学艳  陶澍 《生态环境》2002,11(3):221-226
利用土壤真菌和植物的结合体菌根真菌修复土壤,尤其是修复有机污染的根际土壤.正作为一个新的研究方向开始受到广泛关注。菌根真菌作为土壤真菌的一种,与放线菌和细菌等微生物相比,对土壤中有机污染具有更大的忍耐能力.并且能将许多持久性有机污染物(POPs)做为碳源来获取能量。文章通过总结近20年菌根真菌与土壤有机污染物关系的研究,列出了43种能分解POPs的菌根真菌,并探讨了菌根真菌通过直接分解和共代谢的方式降解土壤有机污染物的可能性,为进一步研究菌根真菌生物降解土壤中持久性有机污染物,利用菌根植物生物修复有机污染土壤提供信息。  相似文献   

戴国华  刘新会 《环境化学》2011,30(1):224-230
沉积物-水界面是自然水体在物理、化学和生物特征等方面差异性最显著的环境边界,界面及附近发生的物理和化学反应,如吸附和解吸、迁移和转化、扩散和掩埋以及生物扰动等作用是控制和调节水体和沉积物之间物质输送和交换的重要途径.持久性有机污染物由于其具有致癌、致畸、致突变及内分泌干扰作用而受到人们的广泛关注,它们在沉积物-水界面的...  相似文献   

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