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区域建设项目的污染物排放总量控制方法框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前还缺乏可操作的建设项目环境管理实施污染物排放总量控制(以下简称总量控制)的方法,基于郑州市环境保护局在建设项目环境管理实施总量控制方面的多年实践与经验,探讨了对总量已超出区域环境容量的地区如何对建设项目实施总量控制,如何确定区域污染减排和综合整治总量控制目标的确定,如何构建新、老污染源之间良性互动机制以及制定建设项目实施总量控制的政策、制度和管理措施保障,为区域建设项目环境管理实施总量控制提供了理论和方法框架。  相似文献   

建设项目环境影响评价中污染物排放总量控制评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了在建设项目环境影响评价中关于污染物排放总量控制评价所应包含的内容,介绍了清洁生产纳入环评中的方法,确定了在技术经济合理,污染物排放满足环境质量与排放标准前提下的排放总量,并对其合理性论证方法做了介绍,提出总量控制目标实现的对策。  相似文献   

本文研究了测定酸雨中游离甲醛和络合甲醛总量的方法,在液相中HCHO与S(Ⅳ)络合生成HMSA,通过加入I2丙酮溶液使甲醛游离出,再使用NaSh试剂(乙酰丙酮和铵)在60℃水浴中显色30min后在415nm光度测定,甲醛总量的检出率≥97%。1992年夏季用该方法测定北京市雨水,其络合甲醛和游离甲醛各占50%左右。测定甲醛总量时,雨样的最佳保护剂是NaHSO3。测定游离甲醛时,雨样的最佳保护剂是Hg  相似文献   

总量控制在环境管理中应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
实施大气污染总量控制是法律的要求和市场经济发展的需要,指出容量总量控制是环境质量管理的必然趋势,总量控制研究的核心内容是确定区域允许排放量和制订区域污染综合治理方案,论述了实施总量控制的技术方法和原则,讨论了实施总量控制在社会经济发展中的作用。  相似文献   

广东集约化养猪业的环境影响及其防治对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析和评价了广东省养猪场粪尿废水排放总量、污染物排放强度和废水治理现状,指出集约化养猪业对地表水、地下水、空气污染的严重性。养猪业排放的团体废弃物总量超过生活垃圾与了业固体废物总量;COD排放总量与生活废水及工业废水排放COD总量接近,并已排放大量的N、P、K等营养盐。养猪业已成为主要的有机污染源和N等营养盐污染源,分析厂养猪业污染防治中存在的问题,提出采用综合防治的方法解决广东省集约化养猪场污染问题。  相似文献   

本文以保护水域为目标,阐述了点源排污总量的控制方法.根据水域污染物的输入、控制总量,反馈到点源的相应关系,确定点源排污总量、分配负荷.对需要消减污染负荷的受控点源,采用价值系数排列法,优化筛选治理方案.  相似文献   

稻田甲烷排放量估算和减缓技术选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据中国不同生态类型地区的稻田甲烷排放通量,估算了中国稻田甲烷排放总量。结果表明,1990年中国稻田甲烷排放总量为11.335Tg。提出了一些减缓稻田甲烷排放措施,包括:(1)使用稻田甲烷抑制剂;(2)肥料管理;(3)水分管理;(4)筛选低排放率、高产的水稻品种。  相似文献   

水域污染物排放总量控制,是对给定水域,按特定污染指标的最高允许负荷总量向各有关的污染源合理分摊污染负荷量,伴随着相应的技术措施,分期地削减允许排放量,直至达到环境容量为止的控制方法。也就是控制和调整各污染源排出的污染物总量不超过环境容量(或接近环境容量的环境目标值)的方法。总量控制的目的就是要达到环境是  相似文献   

在颗粒物源解析的基础上,把环境空气中颗粒物的源类分为有组织排放源、二次粒子、开放源及其它,提出了全面的颗粒物目标容量总量控制方法。该方法依据各颗粒物源类的现状贡献值及目标年的允许贡献值制定颗粒物目标容量总量控制方案,实现通过目标容量总量控制使环境空气质量达标的目的。  相似文献   

水污染物总量初始分配方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结目前常用的总量分配方法,基于环境—经济系统综合考虑原则,提出水污染物总量分配方法的新思路,包括采用基尼系数法进行区域分配,采用优化排放绩效法对排污单位分配,并建立了优化排放绩效法的线性规划模型,分析了两种方法与其他常用分配方法的差异,以及在实际应用中需要注意的问题和根据废污水排放去向修订分配方案的方法。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用于治理发展中国家城市大气污染的规划方法。它通过对城市大气污染的现状进行定量分析,确定主要污染分担源。用基础削减量、平权削减量、源强和经济优化削减量综合确定城市削减排放总量以及分配排放量的削减方案和筹集削减排放量的经费。  相似文献   

天津市大气主要污染物总量控制允许排放量实施方案   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文采用环境质量总量控制技术路线。在天津市建立了18个总量控制区,利用箱扩散模型(A值法)测算了各总控区二氧化硫的允许排放量。利用P值法将区域允排量分配到源。本文还将化学质量受体平衡(CMB)模型纳入A-P值模型,形成AP-CMB模型,用以测算烟尘和工业粉尘的区域允排量将将分配到源。由此构成天津市大气主要污染物总量控制允排量实施方案。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a Leontief-type dynamic input-output analysis for total emission control of pollution. A dynamic input-output model can be described as a linear programming problem. In this paper an objective function to be minimized is chosen as the sum of pollutants emitted in a regional area throughout the planning period. It is assumed that consumption grows with a constant growth rate throughout the planning period. With this model, we can tell how to assign the elimination rate of pollutants to each production sector, under the constraint that the total emission standard is satisfied in each term of the planning period.  相似文献   

本文介绍了甲烷主要人为排放源及各排放源的排放通量,甲烷在大气中的浓度及对温室效应的贡献,估算了上海市各人为排放源的甲烷排放通量。  相似文献   

在城市污水处理厂汇水区实行污染源总量控制,应该避免与城市污水处理厂重复治理.针对这个问题,提出难降解有机物控制的多目标准则指标,建立了多目标优化模型.  相似文献   

反刍动物甲烷排放研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反刍动物甲烷排放是大气中甲烷的主要排放源之一,本文简述了国内外反刍动物甲烷排放总量研究概况,及甲烷排放研究尚存在的问题和初步结论。  相似文献   

Secondary copper production is one of the key polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) emission sources in China, but research and data on this issue are rare. In 2004, when the Stockholm Convention entered into force in China, PCDD/Fs emissions from secondary copper production contributed to 32.2% of the total release. In this paper, PCDD/Fs emission dynamics from secondary copper industry were discussed and cumulative risks were characterized. From 2004 to 2009, industrial policies played an indirect role in PCDD/Fs reduction, but its effects are still limited. The Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and central regions were among the top three of dioxin emissions from secondary copper production in China. Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi had comparatively higher accumulated risk and were recommended as the priority regions for promoting PCDD/Fs emission control in China. From 2009 to 2015, the PCDD/Fs emission dynamics in the secondary copper industry were presented through simulation. PCDD/Fs emission equations were established, resulting in the recommendation of control technology conversion rate at 30% for small scale smelters and 51%–57% for large and medium-sized enterprises in 2015. In conclusion, both indirect policy and direct control technology retrofitting should be integrated for more effective PCDD/Fs emission reduction in secondary copper industry.  相似文献   

飞灰残炭分形特征对汞吸附反应的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在残炭汞吸附模拟试验的基础上,采用分形理论,研究了飞灰残炭物理结构的分形特征及其对残炭汞吸附反应的影响,残炭的比表面积与残炭及其炉前煤的分形维数大致呈正相关关系.汞的吸附量不仅同其比表面积相关,而且与分形维数有关.  相似文献   

• Quantification of efficiency and fairness of abatement allocation are optimized. • Allocation results are refined to the different abatement measures of enterprises. • Optimized allocation results reduce abatement costs and tap the abatement space. • Abatement suggestions are given to enterprises with different abatement quotas. For achieving air pollutant emission reduction targets, total pollutant amount control is being continuously promoted in China. However, the traditional pattern of pollutant emission reduction allocation regardless of economic cost often results in unreasonable emission reduction pathways, and industrial enterprises as the main implementers have to pay excessively high costs. Therefore, this study adopted economic efficiency as its main consideration, used specific emission reduction measures (ERMs) of industrial enterprises as minimum allocation units, and constructed an enterprise-level pollutant emission reduction allocation (EPERA) model with minimization of the total abatement cost (TAC) as the objective function, and fairness and feasibility as constraints for emission reduction allocation. Taking City M in China as an example, the EPERA model was used to construct a Pareto optimal frontier and obtain the optimal trade-off result. Results showed that under basic and strict emission reduction regulations, the TAC of the optimal trade-off point was reduced by 46.40% and 45.77%, respectively, in comparison with that achieved when only considering fairness, and the Gini coefficient was 0.26 and 0.31, respectively. The abatement target was attained with controllable cost and relatively fair and reasonable allocation. In addition, enterprises allocated different emission reduction quotas under different ERMs had specific characteristics that required targeted optimization of technology and equipment to enable them to achieve optimal emission reduction effects for the same abatement cost.  相似文献   

减少农业甲烷排放的技术选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章总结了温室气体甲烷的最新研究进展,包括:甲烷对全球变暖的贡献,甲烷的排放机理以及优先研究的领域;估算了我国农业甲烷排放的贡献:中国约占世界人工源甲烷排放量的10.48%,其中农业排放占一半以上;根据实验结果,提出了筛选低排放水稻品种、水分管理、施肥管理、改进饲料、使用添加剂和生长调节剂、改进遗传、促进繁育等减少稻田和反刍家畜甲烷排放的若干技术选择。  相似文献   

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