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外来入侵物种是造成全球生物多样性丧失的主要威胁因素,我国是世界上受外来入侵物种危害最严重的国家之一。外来入侵物种的界定是一个富有争议的话题,准确界定外来入侵物种,明确防控对象,是开展外来入侵物种防控的首要条件。综合分析了各类国际公约以及不同国家和地区对外来入侵物种的定义方法,并从表述方式、空间范围、时间范围、影响和层次性5个角度分析界定了外来入侵物种的相关主要问题。通过辨析外来入侵物种的概念与内涵,探讨外来入侵物种的相关重要问题,为我国未来制定外来入侵物种的专门性法规提供新的参考思路。  相似文献   

吉林省外来物种入侵特征的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过大量的野外实地调查和文献资料分析,总结了吉林省外来物种入侵的主要特征。研究表明,目前对吉林省造成危害的外来物种共计51种,分别为外来杂草38种、外来害虫10种和外来病菌3种。其中危害性较强的丰要有7种,分别为稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus)、美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sativae)、日本松干蚧(Matsucoccrs matsumurae)、栗山天牛(Mallambyx raddei)、菜豆象(Acanthoscelides obtectus)、松针红斑病菌(Dorhistroma pimi Hulbary)。这些外来物种的传播和扩散速度较快,传播途径多以无意引入为主,对吉林省的经济和生态环境危害严重。外来物种入侵地多为生态系统结构单一的农田或人工林系统;入侵地多为吉林省气候温暖湿润的东中部,且生物多样性比较丰富的地区。  相似文献   

中国生物入侵的现状与趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用文献调研、实地考察与专家咨询相结合的方式,对中国境内森林、湿地、草原、荒漠、内陆水域和海洋等生态系统的外来入侵物种进行调查,共查明488种外来入侵物种并收集其详细信息,包括名称、分类地位、分布、起源、首次发现或引入的地点和时间、入侵途径、危害、营养和环境条件等.在这488种外来入侵物种中,植物265种,动物171种,菌物26种,病毒12种,原核生物11种,原生生物3种.对有较明确入侵时间记载的392种外来入侵物种入侵年代的分析结果表明,1850年以前,仅出现31种外来人侵物种,自1850年起,新的外来入侵物种种数总体呈逐步上升趋势,特别是1950年后的60a间,新出现209种.外来入侵物种首次发现的地点集中在沿海地区及云南和新疆等边疆地区,但首次发现地点有逐步北移的趋势.有意引进与无意引进的外来入侵物种种数所占比例十分接近,近年来无意引进成为首要途径.美洲、欧洲和亚洲其他地区是中国外来入侵物种的主要来源地.外来入侵物种的分布呈现由沿海向内陆逐步减少的趋势.  相似文献   

河流滨岸带作为一种典型的开放系统,在受到外界干扰的条件下极易被外来植物所入侵并受到严重影响。以上海青浦区为例,通过对河流滨岸带生态系统入侵植物分布及现状调查,以及对两种入侵植物:白花三叶草(Trifolium repens)和加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)群落的物种多样性及其土壤特性的实证研究,探讨外来植物入侵对河流滨岸带生态系统造成的影响。结果表明:目前该地区河流滨岸带外来入侵植物共有14科24种,其科、种数分别占到该生态系统所有植物的48.3%与26.1%。入侵植物白花三叶草与加拿大一枝黄花在春、秋两季均显著降低了河流滨岸带植物群落的物种多样性。此外,两种人侵植物也对当地河流滨岸及土壤特性造成了不同程度的影响,其中对土壤含水量、pH值的影响最为显著。该研究填补了平原河网地区河流滨岸带生态系统外来植物入侵研究的空白,有助于今后开展对该生态系统的评价、恢复及管理工作。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵机制研究进展与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从植物入侵的内因、外因、驱动力和入侵过程等方面综述了植物入侵机制的研究进展:(1)外来植物由于预适应性较强或由于杂交和多倍体化而具有较强的侵染力:(2)外来植物由于逃脱原生区域的自然天敌,或由于土著种竞争较弱、生物多样性较低、植食动物或疾病较少等导致的生物抵抗力较低,或因良好的资源可获得性及入侵植物的化感作用等造成新栖息地可侵人性的增加;(3)自然或人为引入外来植物及对新栖息地的扰动是植物入侵的驱动力;(4)外来植物可能通过基于事件的入侵、入侵崩溃和协同入侵等人侵过程机制实现其成功入侵,分析了各入侵机制对入侵植物防控、生态学和进化学研究意义以及待解决问题.结果表明,植物入侵机制高度复杂,不同的外来植物种、新柄息地类型及植物入侵的不同阶段,各入侵机制可能单独或共同作用,为针对性地设计植物入侵防控方案提供了理论支撑.最后对植物入侵机制理论及其在植物入侵预测、危险性分区和防控中的应用研究等进行了展望.  相似文献   

外来种豚草入侵的过程与机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物入侵是指生物由原生存地经自然的或人为的途径侵入到另一个新环境,对入侵地的生物多样性、农林牧渔业生产以及人类健康造成经济损失或生态灾难的过程.外来物种的入侵不仅会威胁到当地生物生存,还有可能导致海洋和淡水生态系统的退化.豚草(Ambrosia,artemisiifolia)原产美国西南部和墨西哥北部的索诺兰沙漠地区,是一种严重危害农业、生态和人体健康的外来恶性杂草,研究豚草的入侵过程及入侵机制有重要的意义.综述了国内外有关豚草入侵机制的研究进展,分析了豚草人侵阶段,定居阶段和稳定阶段的特点,并从豚草自身的强大的繁殖特性、种子的休眠特性、遗传性质、种子的传播特性、化感作用、竞争机制及入侵环境的可能性等方面综述分析成功定居在新环境中的豚草成为入侵种的机制,同时预测了豚草成功入侵可能还存在的其它机制,即豚草的适应性进化、协同入侵以及豚草的传粉特性.这几种机制的进一步的研究,将使我们能够洞悉豚草在新人侵地的生态环境下的扩散机制,预测其潜在的入侵区域,发现其适应过程中的薄弱环节,并在此基础上为进一步研究豚草的防治做准备.因此,认识豚草成功成为入侵种的原因对深入研究豚草入侵机制,对预测豚草入侵,采取适当的措施降低豚草物种所造成的危害具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

广东省生态环境现状、存在问题和对策   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:12  
近年来,广东省基本实现土地资源的占补平衡,但部分城市周边土地污染较为严重;森林覆盖率较高,但森林生态系统较为脆弱;大江大河水质良好,但城市江段水质较差,生活污水成为主要的污染源;入海河口和近岸海域受陆源污染,部分海域海水水质变差,赤潮危害有所加剧;红树林面积大幅度减少;外来物种入侵面积较大;农业面源污染日趋严重。总的来说,广东省生态环境现状总体良好,但人为因素等对生态环境所造成的破坏不容忽视,应加强领导和规划,以实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

密码子的使用频率分布能够反映一定的生物特性,因而可作为一种基因签名。本文使用CGR方法来研究外来入侵物种不同组织序列的基因签名及遗传多样性聚类分析,首先得出了刺花莲子草(Alternanthera pungens),紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora),水葫芦(Eichhornia crassipes),微甘菊(Mikania micrantha),土荆芥(Chenopodium ambrosioides),一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)等6种外来入侵植物的31条序列核苷酸字串长k=1到k=6的情况,并选取k=3,即基因序列的密码子,作为生物特性的一个重要表达。并且构造序列间的CGR欧式距离,进而对外来入侵植物序列遗传多样性进行了聚类分析。通过对所获得的6种外来入侵植物的31条序列的基因签名,得出如下结果:CGR是一种简便且计算量小的方法,且基于CGR方法的基因签名,具有典型的生物特性;入侵植物的基因序列在密码子的使用上是非均衡的,且物种亲缘关系近的,则基因签名相似越高;而且基因签名也揭示出了密码子的第三位碱基偏好使用碱基T的现象,与一般物种密码子第三位碱基偏好G/C情况有强烈反差。此外,从获得的6个物种的31条序列聚类谱系图可以直观看出,入侵植物间存在着一定的亲缘关系,遗传多样性较丰富。由于我们所建立的基于CGR方法的基因签名,不仅能够反映植物特性和进化关系,而且能揭示序列中密码子和碱基的偏好使用情况,因而该方法有利于对外来入侵物种的遗传多样性分析、风险评估及预防控制等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

外来物种入侵是当今全球面临的一个重大环境问题,是导致生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一,同时也对生态环境、农林业生产和人类健康造成了巨大危害。外来物种环境风险评估是对外来物种引进、扩散过程中产生的不确定事件进行识别、评估和处理,以最小的成本将其对  相似文献   

刘会玉  林振山  齐相贞  沈竟 《生态环境》2011,20(11):1638-1646
栖息地毁坏和生物入侵被认为是全球物种多样性的两大威胁,也是当前研究的热点。同时,两者的共同作用将比单独作用所带来的物种多样性丧失更大。本文基于竞争-扩散均衡机制,考虑了外来种的不同竞争力,结合景观中性模型和元胞自动机模型,模拟了外来种入侵对栖息地毁坏(栖息地破碎和面积丧失)的响应。研究结果表明:1)外来种入侵成功将首先威胁竞争力与其相邻的弱物种;2)栖息地毁坏与种间竞争共同决定着外来种入侵的成功与否。当栖息地破碎促进了与外来种竞争力相邻的本地强物种时,将会抑制入侵;当其抑制了与外来种竞争力相邻的本地强物种时,则会促进入侵。当栖息地丧失促进了外来种相邻的本地强物种时,将会抑制入侵;当栖息地丧失抑制了外来种相邻的本地强物种,将一定程度地促进入侵,但随着丧失面积的增加,则转为抑制。因此,为了抑制不同竞争力的外来种入侵,应采取不同的栖息地保护策略,并保护和促进其竞争力相邻的本地强物种。  相似文献   

Risk Assessment of Riparian Plant Invasions into Protected Areas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract:  Protected areas are becoming increasingly isolated. River corridors represent crucial links to the surrounding landscape but are also major conduits for invasion of alien species. We developed a framework to assess the risk that alien plants in watersheds adjacent to a protected area will invade the protected area along rivers. The framework combines species- and landscape-level approaches and has five key components: (1) definition of the geographical area of interest, (2) delineation of the domain into ecologically meaningful zones, (3) identification of the appropriate landscape units, (4) categorization of alien species and mapping of their distribution and abundance, and (5) definition of management options. The framework guides the determination of species distribution and abundance through successive, easily followed steps, providing the means for the assessment of areas of concern. We applied the framework to Kruger National Park (KNP) in South Africa. We recorded 231 invasive alien plant species (of which 79 were major invaders) in the domain. The KNP is facing increasing pressure from alien species in the upper regions of the drainage areas of neighboring watersheds. On the basis of the climatic modeling, we showed that most major riparian invaders have the ability to spread across the KNP should they be transported down the rivers. With this information, KNP managers can identify areas for proactive intervention, monitoring, and resource allocation. Even for a very large protected area such as the KNP, sustainable management of biodiversity will depend heavily on the response of land managers upstream managing alien plants. We suggest that this framework is applicable to plants and other passively dispersed species that invade protected areas situated at the end of a drainage basin.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found a higher proportion of alien plant species along the coastal area of the Black Sea. The goals of the present study were to assess the role of two harbours as gateways and reservoirs for alien plant species, to compare the structure and invasion pattern of the alien plants recorded there, and test methods useful for effective monitoring programs. We inventoried 12 sites along the western Black Sea coast from the harbour of Sulina in the north to Cape Kaliakra in the south. Each site was visited at least three times each. A more intensive survey was done in the two harbours targeted by our study: Constanţa and Sulina. The proportion of neophytes was higher in the harbours (representing about one third of the total plant species) and lower in coastal protected areas (with an average proportion of 6.7%). Species accumulation curves and estimators of species richness indicated that while the plant inventory was not complete, invasive alien species (IAS) were adequately inventoried. Harbours act not only as gateways for IAS but also as reservoirs, facilitating their acclimatization and naturalization. The use of species accumulation curves and estimators of species richness are useful tools in designing and evaluating simple monitoring programs based on repeated inventories. Our study has stressed the importance of monitoring not only coastal waters but also green areas in harbours for the early detection of IAS.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We studied 28 alien tree species currently planted for forestry purposes in the Czech Republic to determine the probability of their escape from cultivation and naturalization. Indicators of propagule pressure (number of administrative units in which a species is planted and total planting area) and time of introduction into cultivation were used as explanatory variables in multiple regression models. Fourteen species escaped from cultivation, and 39% of the variance was explained by the number of planting units and the time of introduction, the latter being more important. Species introduced early had a higher probability of escape than those introduced later, with more than 95% probability of escape for those introduced before 1801 and <5% for those introduced after 1892. Probability of naturalization was more difficult to predict, and eight species were misclassified. A model omitting two species with the largest influence on the model yielded similar predictors of naturalization as did the probability of escape. Both phases of invasion therefore appear to be driven by planting and introduction history in a similar way. Our results demonstrate the importance of forestry for recruitment of invasive trees. Six alien forestry trees, classified as invasive in the Czech Republic, are currently reported in nature reserves. In addition, forestry authorities want to increase the diversity of alien species and planting area in the country.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although the destruction of tropical rain forests receives much attention, tropical dry forests are in general far more threatened and endangered. Eliminating grazing ungulates is often considered a key first step toward protecting these ecosystems, but few studies have investigated the long-term effects of this technique. We examined the effects of ungulate exclusion from a 2.3-ha native dry-forest preserve on the island of Hawaii by comparing its present flora to the flora of an adjacent area subjected to continuous grazing since the preserve was fenced over 40 years ago. Relative to this adjacent area, the fenced preserve contained a more diverse flora with substantially greater coverage of native overstory and understory species. Until recently, however, regeneration of native canopy trees within the preserve appears to have been thwarted by a dominant herbaceous cover of alien fountain grass (   Pennisetum setaceum ) and predation by alien rodent species. Our results indicate that although ungulate exclusion may be a necessary and critical first step, it is not sufficient to adequately preserve and maintain Hawaii's remaining tropical dry forest remnants. Our recent efforts to control the dominant alien species within the fenced preserve suggest that this practice may facilitate both the regeneration of native species and the colonization and potential invasion of new alien plants. Comparisons of seedlings of the dominant native canopy tree Diospyros sandwicensis growing in sites both dominated by and free of fountain grass suggested that fountain grass inhibits Diospyros seedling growth and photosynthesis but may increase survival if seedlings are protected from ungulates.  相似文献   

The Control of Biological Invasions in the World's Oceans   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract: The introduction of alien, or nonindigenous, animals and plants has been identified by scientists and policy makers as a major threat to biodiversity in marine ecosystems. Although government agencies have struggled to control alien species on land and freshwater for decades with mixed success, the control of alien marine species is in its infancy. Prevention of introduction and establishment must be the first priority, but many populations of alien marine species are already well established worldwide. National and international policies leave loopholes for additional invasions to occur and provide only general guidance on how to control alien species once they are established. To address this issue, a multinational group of 25 scientists and attorneys convened in 1998 to examine options for controlling established populations of alien marine species. The discussions resulted in a framework for control of alien marine species to provide decision-making guidance to policymakers, managers, scientists, and other stakeholders. The framework consists of seven basic steps: (1) establish the nature and magnitude of the problem, (2) set objectives, (3) consider the full range of alternatives, (4) determine risk, (5) reduce risk, (6) assess benefits versus risks, and ( 7) monitor the situation. This framework can provide guidance for control efforts under the existing patchwork of national laws and can help provide a foundation for international cooperation.  相似文献   

Terauds A  Chown SL  Bergstrom DM 《Ecology》2011,92(7):1436-1447
Although theory underlying the invasion paradox, or the change in the relationship between the richness of alien and indigenous species from negative to positive with increasing spatial scale, is well developed and much empirical work on the subject has been undertaken, most of the latter has concerned plants and to a lesser extent marine invertebrates. Here we therefore examine the extent to which the relationships between indigenous and alien species richness change from the local metacommunity to the interaction neighborhood scales, and the influences of abundance, species identity, and environmental favorability thereon, in springtails, a significant component of the soil fauna. Using a suite of modeling techniques, including generalized least squares and geographically weighted regressions to account for spatial autocorrelation or nonstationarity of the data, we show that the abundance and species richness of both indigenous and alien species at the metacommunity scale respond strongly to declining environmental favorability, represented here by altitude. Consequently, alien and indigenous diversity covary positively at this scale. By contrast, relationships are more complex at the interaction neighborhood scale, with the relationship among alien species richness and/or density and the density of indigenous species varying between habitats, being negative in some, but positive in others. Additional analyses demonstrated a strong influence of species identity, with negative relationships identified at the interaction neighborhood scale involving alien hypogastrurid springtails, a group known from elsewhere to have negative effects on indigenous species in areas where they have been introduced. By contrast, diversity relationships were positive with the other alien species. These results are consistent with both theory and previous empirical findings for other taxa, that interactions among indigenous and alien species change substantially with spatial scale and that environmental favorability may play a key role in explaining the larger scale patterns. However, they also suggest that the interactions may be affected by the identity of the species concerned, especially at the interaction neighborhood scale.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Because dragonflies are very sensitive to alien trees , we assessed their response to large-scale restoration of riparian corridors. We compared three types of disturbance regime—alien invaded , cleared of alien vegetation , and natural vegetation (control)—and recorded data on 22 environmental variables. The most significant variables in determining dragonfly assemblages were percentage of bank cover and tree canopy cover , which indicates the importance of vegetation architecture for these dragonflies. This finding suggests that it is important to restore appropriate marginal vegetation and sunlight conditions. Recovery of dragonfly assemblages after the clearing of alien trees was substantial. Species richness and abundance at restored sites matched those at control sites. Dragonfly assemblage patterns reflected vegetation succession. Thus , initially eurytopic , widespread species were the main beneficiaries of the removal of alien trees , and stenotopic , endemic species appeared after indigenous vegetation recovered over time. Important indicator species were the two national endemics ( Allocnemis leucosticta and Pseudagrion furcigerum ) , which , along with vegetation type , can be used to monitor return of overall integrity of riparian ecology and to make management decisions. Endemic species as a whole responded positively to restoration , which suggests that indigenous vegetation recovery has major benefits for irreplaceable and widespread generalist species .  相似文献   

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