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采用"二重源解析"技术解析了太原市的各单一源类对城市道路尘(以下简称道路尘)的贡献值和分担率;各单一源类和道路尘对城市扬尘的贡献值和分担率;同时解析了各单一源类、道路尘和城市扬尘对环境空气颗粒物的贡献值和分担率。各源类对PM10的贡献率分别是:城市扬尘,27%;道路尘,20%;土壤风沙尘,10%;煤烟尘,13%;建筑水泥尘,10%;机动车尾气尘,11%;钢铁尘,1%;其他,8%。  相似文献   

太原市环境空气中TSP和PM_(10)来源解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年到2002年,在太原市5个采样点分别采集了环境空气中的总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)和可吸入颗粒物(PM10)。用化学质量平衡模型和二重源解析技术解析了TSP和PM10的来源,结果表明,各主要源类对TSP的分担率依次为燃煤尘28%、扬尘24%、建筑水泥尘14%、硫酸盐10%、机动车尾气尘10%、土壤风沙尘5%、钢铁尘4%、硝酸盐4%、其它1%;对PM10的分担率依次为扬尘30%、燃煤尘18%、机动车尾气尘15%、硫酸盐11%、土壤风沙尘9%、建筑水泥尘7%、硝酸盐4%、其它1%。  相似文献   

本文结合实例介绍了大气颗粒物来源解析最常用的模型-化学质量平衡的原理,有效方差最小二乘解法及诊断检验技术,并用MPIN矩阵检验了拟合源的灵敏度,奇异值分解法鉴别了共线源,得出天津市经济技术开发区的TSP主要来源为风沙,扬尘,其次为燃煤飞灰和木灰。  相似文献   

本文结合实例介绍了大气颗粒物来源解析最常用的模型-化学质量平衡(CMB)的原理、有效方差最小二乘解法及诊断检验技术,并用MPIN矩阵检验了拟合元素对拟合源的灵敏度,奇异值分解法(SVD)鉴别了共线源,得出天津市经济技术开发区(TEDA)的TSP主要来源为风沙、扬尘,其次为燃煤飞灰和木灰。  相似文献   

张毅 《环境化学》2020,39(6):1699-1708
采集了2017—2018年秋冬季长治市审计局站、监测站、清华站等3个监测站点的大气PM_(2.5)样品,分析了其元素、水溶性离子及碳质组分特征,并利用化学质量平衡模型(CMB)对PM_(2.5)进行来源解析.结果表明,采样期间长治市PM_(2.5)浓度为67.9μg·m~(-3),其中审计局站PM_(2.5)浓度最高(70.6μg·m~(-3)),其次为监测站(70.0μg·m~(-3))和清华站(63.0μg·m~(-3));二次无机离子(SO_4~(2-)、NO~-_3、NH~+_4)平均浓度(20.7μg·m~(-3))占PM_(2.5)浓度的30.5%,与大量排放到大气中的SO_2、NO_2二次生成有关;OC(12.6μg·m~(-3))和EC(6.6μg·m~(-3))分别占PM_(2.5)的18.6%和9.7%;OC/EC为2.06,且SOC(5.9μg·m~(-3))在OC中占比高达63.1%,表明长治市秋冬季二次污染较重;典型地壳元素Si和Ca占元素组分平均浓度的29.8%和22.8%,说明扬尘污染对长治市PM_(2.5)的有一定影响;源解析结果表明,长治市秋冬季PM_(2.5)主要来源为:机动车源17.0%、燃煤源16.5%、扬尘源14.6%、二次硝酸盐13.9%、二次硫酸盐11.0%、二次有机气溶胶10.8%、工艺过程源9.3%、生物质燃烧源1.9%、其他源5.0%.因此,为进一步降低长治市环境空气中PM_(2.5)的污染,需在加强管控机动车,燃煤和扬尘等一次排放源的基础上,降低一次污染物SO_2、NO_2等的排放,从而实现对二次污染源前体物的控制.  相似文献   

济南市和石家庄市扬尘的化学组成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐明了扬尘的含义,采集了济南市和石家庄市的扬尘源样品,研究了两城市粗粒子(粒径≤100μm)和细粒子(粒径≤10μm)扬尘源的化学组成特点,并对不同城市、不同粒径的扬尘源成分谱进行了比较。结果表明扬尘主要由地壳元素组成,一些微量元素在扬尘中富集说明一个地区的扬尘与该地区人类的生产、消费等活动密切相关。同一地区两种粒径的扬尘成分谱无明显差异;不同地区、同样粒径的扬尘的成分谱存在着显著差异。  相似文献   

孝感市开放源扬尘重金属污染特征、来源及健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解开放扬尘源重金属成分谱特征,对孝感市孝南区道路扬尘、土壤扬尘、城市降尘、建筑扬尘和堆场扬尘进行调查取样,利用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法分析扬尘中重金属的含量,并通过地累积指数法、相关分析、聚类分析和人体健康风险评价法对扬尘重金属污染程度和人体健康风险进行评价.结果 表明,扬尘中Mn、Cr、Zn、Cu、Co和Pb的...  相似文献   

应用UNMIX模型解析长春市大气中PM10来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气中可吸入颗粒物(PM10)是影响大气能见度、气候变化以及人体健康的重要污染物,研究大气中PM10的污染来源对于了解城市中大气的污染状况和制定大气污染物防治措施具有重要的意义。选择长春市的净月公园、劳动公园、君子兰公园、体育学院、儿童公园、客车医院、工商学院和邮电学院作为受体采样点,于2011年9月至2012年2月期间,采用KC-120型中流量PM10/TSP采样器(青岛崂山应用研究所)进行大气中可吸入颗粒物PM10的采样,共采集40个受体样品。样品经预处理后,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法分析了样品中的Be、V、Cr、Mn、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Mo、Ag、Cd、Sb、Ba、Tl、Pb、Na、Mg、K、Ca共19种无机元素,将经过标准化后的760个数据代入EPA UNMIX6.0软件对长春市大气中PM10进行源解析研究,其中,Min Rsq=0.89(89%的数据方差可由该模型解释),Min Sig/Noise=2.50。结果表明:长春市大气中的PM10主要有3个来源:源1为燃煤尘或工业扬尘,贡献率为19.5%;源2为机动车尾气或土壤风沙尘,贡献率为13.1%,源3为城市综合扬尘和其他未知尘源,贡献率为67.4%。对这3个源进行相关性分析,3个源间的相关系数并不是理论值0,而是在-0.553~0.345间变化;源1和源3间相关性最大,相关系数为0.553;其次是源1与源2,为0.345。由此说明,长春市的PM10污染是多种因素综合作用的结果。将UNMIX模型的解析值与测量值进行回归分析,发现总物种的解析值与测量值间具有良好的线性正相关关系(r2=0.98),每个物种的解析值与测量值间的相关系数为0.713~0.980,相关性强,二者拟合效果较好。  相似文献   

大气中可吸入颗粒物(PM10)是影响大气能见度、气候变化以及人体健康的重要污染物,研究大气中PM10的污染来源对于了解城市中大气的污染状况和制定大气污染物防治措施具有重要的意义。选择长春市的净月公园、劳动公园、君子兰公园、体育学院、儿童公园、客车医院、工商学院和邮电学院作为受体采样点,于2011年9月至2012年2月期间,采用KC-120型中流量PM10/TSP采样器(青岛崂山应用研究所)进行大气中可吸入颗粒物PM10的采样,共采集40个受体样品。样品经预处理后,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法分析了样品中的Be、V、Cr、Mn、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Mo、Ag、Cd、Sb、Ba、Tl、Pb、Na、Mg、K、Ca共19种无机元素,将经过标准化后的760个数据代入EPA UNMIX6.0软件对长春市大气中PM10进行源解析研究,其中,Min Rsq=0.89(89%的数据方差可由该模型解释),Min Sig/Noise=2.50。结果表明:长春市大气中的PM10主要有3个来源:源1为燃煤尘或工业扬尘,贡献率为19.5%;源2为机动车尾气或土壤风沙尘,贡献率为13.1%,源3为城市综合扬尘和其他未知尘源,贡献率为67.4%。对这3个源进行相关性分析,3个源间的相关系数并不是理论值0,而是在-0.553~0.345间变化;源1和源3间相关性最大,相关系数为0.553;其次是源1与源2,为0.345。由此说明,长春市的PM10污染是多种因素综合作用的结果。将UNMIX模型的解析值与测量值进行回归分析,发现总物种的解析值与测量值间具有良好的线性正相关关系(r2=0.98),每个物种的解析值与测量值间的相关系数为0.713~0.980,相关性强,二者拟合效果较好。  相似文献   

城市化是20世纪以来的一个全球性进程,与此同时,城市化对环境的影响也日益明显,并逐渐成为社会各界关注的焦点之一。文章在简单介绍热力学原理的基础理论、城市化概念特别是城市化对环境影响的基础上,从系统的角度深入分析了城市化对环境的影响与热力学熵原理的相似性。由此提出在城市化环境影响评价研究中借鉴热力学方法,提出了城市化环境影响评价的新概念和新方法——"城市环境熵"模型。最后,以珠江三角洲经济区城市化河水质量影响评价为例,运用"城市环境熵"模型进行了具体计算,结果表明,用此模型的评价结果与用均值化综合污染指数法的评价结果基本一致,相对误差为6.67%。可以认为用城市环境熵模型法来评价城市化对城市环境的影响是可行的。  相似文献   

根据数理统计的原理,将环境质量标准,平均值,标准偏差以及样本容量综合进行考虑,提出了污染分界线的计算公式,并以表格形式给出了不同显著性水平下,不同的相对标准偏差和样本容量所对应的污染分界线,对污染分界线与样本容量及相对标准的偏差的关系进行了讨论,指出提高监测精度和适当增加监测数据个数,可以使污染分界线接近评价标准。  相似文献   

Initial values and windows of competence together with a biological test system are introduced to identify soil contaminations. Theinitial values are defined as the amount of extract equivalent to a defined amount of soil (gramm soil equivalent) and the same amount of test medium. This is equivalent to a complete replacement of the test medium with the soil being tested. Theeffect limits should be at least the double standard deviation of the blank values. Based on the values found when testing uncontaminated soils, a higher threshold value has to be established for some test systems. Should no relationship be found to a standard test medium (e.g. agar as a matrix in the Ames assay), the so-calledwindow of competence is defined. Within this window no natural response is found when ex amining uncontaminated soil. For mutagenicity tests, the double spontaneous reversion rate (reversion coefficient of 2) as related o the blank sample is evaluated as the effect limit.  相似文献   

Estimation of design power requires knowledge of treatment effect size and error variance, which are often unavailable for ecological studies. In the absence of prior information on these parameters, investigators can compare an alternative to a reference design for the same treatment(s) in terms of its precision at equal sensitivity. This measure of relative performance calculates the fractional error variance allowed of the alternative for it to just match the power of the reference. Although first suggested as a design tool in the 1950s, it has received little analysis and no uptake by environmental scientists or ecologists. We calibrate relative performance against the better known criterion of relative efficiency, in order to reveal its unique advantage in controlling sensitivity when considering the precision of estimates. The two measures differ strongly for designs with low replication. For any given design, relative performance at least doubles with each doubling of effective sample size. We show that relative performance is robustly approximated by the ratio of reference to alternative $\alpha $ quantiles of the $F$ distribution, multiplied by the ratio of alternative to reference effective sample sizes. The proxy is easy to calculate, and consistent with exact measures. Approximate or exact measurement of relative performance serves a useful purpose in enumerating trade-offs between error variance and error degrees of freedom when considering whether to block random variation or to sample from a more or less restricted domain.  相似文献   

田树盛  薛凤兰 《环境化学》1996,15(2):160-164
本文提出水中痕星二乙三胺(DETA)的气相色谱分析方法,应用甲基化试剂,将水中的二乙三胺直接转化成N,N,N‘,N’,N“-五甲基二乙三胺(MDETQA),萃取后经FID检测,最低检测限可达1ppm,以1,6-已胺HDA为内标物对二乙三胺进行定量,相对偏差小于10%。  相似文献   

ASD—ICP—MS联合快速测定土壤中部分金属元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤环境质量例行监测正在全国展开,如何准确快速分析土壤中的金属含量成为当务之急。采用HNO3-HCl-HF—HClO4体系在全自动消解仪(ASD)上对土壤进行前处理,以50.0μg/L的铑作内标,电感耦合等离子体-质谱仪同时测定《土壤环境质量标准》的7种元素:Cd、As、Cu、Ph、Cr、Zn、Ni。各元素的方法检出限为0.003~0.40mg/kg,相对标准偏差小于6.0%,土壤标样的测定值与标准值吻合。该方法简便快捷、灵敏度高、重现性好,为大批量土壤重金属元素含量的快速测定提供了可靠地消解-分析方法。  相似文献   

用微生物传感器测定BOD的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本研究选用性能优良的微生物,采用夹层法制备微生物并解决了其菌体易流失的问题,与氧电极组装成BOD传感器。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSolid phasemicro extraction (SPME)asasimpleandrapidextractiontechniqueiswidelyusedinvariousareasforextractingdiluteanalytesfromliquid ,gaseousandsolidsamplesbecauseofitshighextractionefficiency[1 ].Recently ,astirbarsorptiveextraction (SBSE…  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

The influence of the measurement uncertainty on the outcomes of statistical evaluations is shown.


Examplarily using data from the Environmental Specimen Bank the influence of measurement uncertainties on results of trned analyses (Mann Kendall test and Theil estimator) was tested. Both, the simple and the double measurement uncertainty were tested, as well as the standard deviation of repeated measurements.


Considering measurement uncertainty means that not points but intervals are used. A value yj is then considered larger [smaller] than yi if applies: yj-u(yj>yi+u(yi) [yj+u(yj)<yi-u(yj)], where u(yj) and u(yi) are measurement uncertainties of yj and yi. Mann Kendall test of trend will react more conservatively (in sense of the maintenance of null hypothesis: no trend), when measurement uncertainties are considered. Thus, the resulting trend statements will be safer.


For future application a decision is neccessary about the kind of the measurement uncertainty to be used (none, simple, double, standard deviation). Part 2 will deal with weighting of the data.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of digital photographic materials has fueled efforts by agencies and organizations to generate land cover maps for states, regions, and the United States as a whole. Regardless of the information sources and classification methods used, land cover maps are subject to numerous sources of error. In order to understand the quality of the information contained in these maps, it is desirable to generate statistically valid estimates of accuracy rates describing misclassification errors. We explored a full sample survey framework for creating accuracy assessment study designs that balance statistical and operational considerations in relation to study objectives for a regional assessment of GAP land cover maps. We focused not only on appropriate sample designs and estimation approaches, but on aspects of the data collection process, such as gaining cooperation of land owners and using pixel clusters as an observation unit. The approach was tested in a pilot study to assess the accuracy of Iowa GAP land cover maps. A stratified two-stage cluster sampling design addressed sample size requirements for land covers and the need for geographic spread while minimizing operational effort. Recruitment methods used for private land owners yielded high response rates, minimizing a source of nonresponse error. Collecting data for a 9-pixel cluster centered on the sampled pixel was simple to implement, and provided better information on rarer vegetation classes as well as substantial gains in precision relative to observing data at a single-pixel.  相似文献   

A brief review of the use of stable lead isotope ratio measurements to identify and apportion sources of lead in human tissue is followed by examples of the use of inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometry for such studies. Inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has only recently been used for measurements of coupled ratios in body tissues and fluids and in environmental sources of lead. Generally, the inaccuracy of these measurements is about −0.2% and the imprecision less than 0.5%. This analytical performance is sufficient to detect the much larger changes in206Pb:207Pb ratios of −2% or higher, seen in environmental lead exposure and in childhood lead poisoning. Measurements of lead isotope ratios by ICP-MS have been used to identify specific sources of childhood lead poisoning and to indicate the relative importance of environmental sources, such as drinking water and lead from petrol. Populations in the United Kingdom with low lead uptake usually have206:Pb207Pb ratios in body tissues within the range 1.13 ± 0.01. Significant deviations from this range have been seen in response to increased uptake from lead in: drinking water in parts of Scotland (source ratio ∼1.18 and petrol lead in inner London (source ratio ∼1.07). The dominant source for some Scottish subjects with high concentrations of lead in blood or in teeth was water, which contributed approximately 60% to body lead. Petrol lead was shown to be a significant contributor (30–40%) to the body lead of inner London children.  相似文献   

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