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1985年10月8日至11日在美国纽约召开了“近污染源大气中的非均相过程”学术会议,参加会议的有美国、加拿大、西德、中国、荷兰、、奥地利,南斯拉夫,芬兰等国的学者,以色列也派人出席了会议。 会议是在全世界能源消耗逐年增多、大气污染及酸化程度日益严重的情况下召开的。会议上宣读论文45篇,其中包括气溶胶颗粒物和降水中的二次污染物的来源。大气和云雾中的SO_2和有机物的化学转化、SO_2转化的模拟实验、金属化合物和烟炱对非均相过程的催化作用,大气中O_3的来源以及颗粒物和云雾的采样和分析技术。 由于燃煤和柴油机排旋出烟炱,SO_2和有机物,烟炱本身即是固体有机物又是气体污染物的载体,同时还对污  相似文献   

柴油机排放黑烟颗粒物的催化燃烧   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为降低柴油机排放的黑烟颗粒物,对催化滤烟器的催化剂组成进行了研究.采用差热,热重分析方法,比较了非贵金属盐类及稀土钙钛矿催化剂的活性.指出铜盐系列催化剂对烟炱燃烧有较好的催化活性,其起燃温度比无催化剂时约下降200℃.对DCF-1型过滤器进行了柴油机上排气滤烟的初步试验.  相似文献   

在地球水生态系统中,颗粒态黑碳(particulate black carbon,PBC)是颗粒有机碳(particulate organic carbon,POC)的重要组成部分.采用热光反射法对黄石磁湖POC、PBC及其组分(焦炭和烟炱)的含量水平、空间分布特征及可能来源进行了研究.结果表明,磁湖水体中POC、PBC、焦炭(char)和烟炱(soot)含量变化范围分别为2899.38—5622.80、 235.01—800.08、 24.41—310.23、 130.09—544.72μg·L-1,平均含量分别为3903.84、377.25、155.52、272.65μg·L-1,呈现较大的空间分布差异.PBC/POC的变化范围在6.89%—18.32%之间,平均值为10.92%,说明城市湖泊水体中PBC对POC含量积累的贡献较大. soot/PBC的变化范围为45.92%—89.61%,平均值为63.95%. PBC、char与soot含量和PBC/POC比值的空间变异性与环湖周边区域的道路交通和工业布局有关,且南半湖受交通污染和工业排...  相似文献   

氮是大气气溶胶的重要组成部分.气溶胶中的氮组分参与大气中的光化学反应,进而改变大气组成,影响气候变化与人类健康.同时,大气中过量的颗粒氮改变了氮素的自然循环,当它们沉降到地表时对陆地和水生生态系统产生深远的影响.本文综述了近年来气溶胶氮组分的研究进展,按其化学形态分别阐述了气溶胶中无机氮和有机氮的来源及其相关大气化学过程等,同时探讨了气溶胶中氮的同位素特征,指出该研究领域的薄弱环节并对其研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

马鑫  马嫣  郑军  黄聪聪 《环境化学》2019,38(10):2237-2246
借助烟炱(soot)燃烧炉、扫描电迁移率粒径谱仪(SMPS)、气溶胶质量分析仪(APM)、三波段光声黑碳仪(PASS-3)探究不同燃料当量比(φ)条件下soot形态及光吸收增强效应.结果显示,随着燃料当量比(φ)从1.98升高至2.43,产生的soot颗粒物中非黑碳物质(nonrefractory particulate matter, NR-PM)的质量占比(R_(BC))从0.07升高至1.03,soot颗粒物和BC核的形状因子越低,表明soot结构更紧凑,同时BC核的形变更为显著,并且少量非黑碳物质(NR-PM)包裹即可导致BC核的明显形变.受透镜效应的影响,黑碳的光吸收增强与R_(BC)呈正相关,当R_(BC)从0.07增加至1.03时,相应光吸收增强从1.05增加至1.52(781 nm下);此外,棕色碳(BrC)对405 nm和532 nm下的吸光增强也有贡献,其贡献率随着R_(BC)的增加而增大.同时,soot自身的形态对黑碳光吸收增强也存在影响,结构越紧实的soot,其黑碳光吸收增强越明显,并且越接近核-壳模型下的理论计算值.本研究表明,黑碳的形变对于其光吸收增强的影响不容忽视.  相似文献   

二次有机气溶胶(SOA)是大气颗粒物的重要组成部分,准确评估其在大气环境中的产生,是全面认识气溶胶的环境、气候与健康效应的关键所在.随着研究的进展,人们发现曾经被忽略的低挥发性有机物(LVOCs)的大气氧化反应,可能是二次有机气溶胶的重要来源,因此逐渐引起人们的广泛关注.基于国内外近年来相关研究的进展,本文对低挥发性有机物的大气氧化反应及SOA的形成研究现状进行了总结.从LVOCs在大气中的基本氧化机制出发,较为详尽地展示了迄今为止关于LVOCs的实验室定性与定量研究、场地观测研究以及理论模式研究.鉴于LVOCs研究面临的困难,如LVOCs的难以探测性、其在大气中反应的复杂性和环境的多变性、以及理论模拟中多参数化等,本文提出了未来深入研究面临的挑战和可能的研究方向,有望为将来相关研究工作的开展提供借鉴,同时也将为国内二次有机气溶胶污染的防控减排提供科学参考.  相似文献   

大气气溶胶研究新动向   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
本文概述了近年大气气溶胶研究的四个主要方面:大气气溶胶的表征、大气化学过程与气候变化、健康效应等的概况.阐明了当今大气气溶胶研究的趋向,主要着重于PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)细颗粒(可吸入颗粒物或二次颗粒物)的物理化学特性与环境行为、生态效应,更重视气溶胶的非均相化学反应过程;其研究范围,从平流层向对流层发展,并密切结合气候变化、健康影响等有关的一些实际问题,进行深层次的综合性研究.大气气溶胶化学已成为当今大气化学研究最前沿的领域.  相似文献   

为研究黑碳气溶胶粒子在附着三甘醇后形态结构的变化,本文通过采用甲烷和洁净空气燃烧制取黑碳气溶胶,并运用自主搭建的串联式差分电迁移率分析系统对黑碳气溶胶进行粒径筛选、热消解和三甘醇附着,同时结合扫描电镜仪和气溶胶质量分析仪观察分析黑碳气溶胶附着三甘醇后形态结构和质量的变化.通过筛选得到粒径为100 nm、200 nm和300 nm米的黑碳气溶胶粒子进行三甘醇附着模拟实验.由于黑碳气溶胶颗粒的特殊链状小球结构,使用热溶蚀器去除非元素碳物质后的黑碳气溶胶附着上三甘醇,发现粒径越大的黑碳气溶胶粒子越容易发生形态结构的变化,并且少量的三甘醇附着就能够显著促进这一形变过程的发生.因而,大气中存在的三甘醇能够在一定程度上促进黑碳气溶胶物理特性的改变,进而改变黑碳气溶胶对大气环境的影响.  相似文献   

降水是对大气污染物的一个快速有效的净化过程.降水的化学成分取决于云团的净化过程,以及大气中的气相气溶胶和颗粒物气溶胶.由于汽车尾气以及工业污染,导致气溶胶成分的复杂性,从而增加了降水化学成分的复杂性.为了了解一个城市的空气污染情况,必需深入地研究它的降水.尽管我国南方的SO2和NOX排放量小于北方,但是我国南方的酸雨状况明显比北方严重,特别是华东地区和西南地区.常州市地处长三角的中心地带.长三角区域内各个城市降水化学的研究报道多集中于上海和南京等大城市.  相似文献   

为研究武汉市道路尘中碳组分污染特征及来源,于2018年5月在武汉市青山区采集道路尘样品,用热光碳分析仪测定样品中有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)、烟炱(soot)和焦炭(char)含量,并使用特征比值法、相关分析及主成分分析法对道路尘碳组分污染特征和来源进行探讨分析.结果表明,道路尘中OC、EC、soot和char含量平均值分别为1.29、2.21、2.04、0.17 g·kg-1,说明不同碳组分含量存在较大的空间变异性.相关性分析表明OC和EC的来源存在一定差异,且EC主要贡献来源是soot.OC;EC和char;soot比值和主成分分析结果表明,武汉市青山区道路尘中碳组分主要来源于机动车尾气和燃煤排放,也可能受到生物质燃烧的影响.  相似文献   

生物气溶胶研究进展:环境与气候效应   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
祁建华  高会旺 《生态环境》2006,15(4):854-861
生物气溶胶是大气气溶胶的一个重要组成部分,在大气中的扩散、传播会引发人类的急慢性疾病以及动植物疾病。生物气溶胶还可以间接影响全球气候变化,并对大气化学和物理过程有着潜在的重要影响。相关研究已成为国际研究的热点,也逐渐得到更广泛的关注。生物气溶胶中的几类生物体(如真菌、细菌和藻类)都被鉴别出是有效的云凝结核(CCN),并在以活性CCN的形式存在。当生物气溶胶与有机物(OC)碰撞接触时可以改变大气中OC的化学组成并改变其CCN特性,从而影响云量并间接影响全球气候变化。空气中的微生物也是影响空气质量的重要因素之一,相关研究主要集中于室内空气细菌、病毒、真菌等生物体的监测及来源调查。而对生物气溶胶的准确测定依赖于采样的有效性,为了减少采样中的误差和活性损失,近年来开发了一些具有应用前景的在线采集、分析技术,如自动拉曼光谱、时间飞行质谱等。分布在大气中的生物气溶胶同样可以遵从传输路线进行长距离传输,而且不同类型的生物气溶胶在大气中具有不同的浓度和时空分布模式。文章对国内外学者近年来在大气生物气溶胶环境效应、样品采集、监测分析以及分布和传输方面的研究进展作了较系统的综述。  相似文献   

Tao  Miaomiao  Xu  Ying  Liu  Qingyang  Liu  Yanju  Tian  Shili  Schauer  James J. 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2023,21(3):1281-1286
Environmental Chemistry Letters - Plants remove efficiently atmospheric pollution by soot particles, yet the mechanisms used by leaves to capture soot particles are unclear. Here, we studied the...  相似文献   

Dust and Sand Storms (DSS) originating in deserts in arid and semi-arid regions are events raising global public concern. An important component of atmospheric aerosols, dust aerosols play a key role in climatic and environmental changes at the regional and the global scale. Deserts and semi-deserts are the main source of dust and sand, but regions that undergo vegetation deterioration and desertification due to climate change and human activities also contribute significantly to DSS. Dust aerosols are mainly composed of dust particles with an average diameter of 2 mm, which can be transported over thousands of kilometers. Dust aerosols influence the radiation budget of the earthatmosphere system by scattering solar short-wave radiation and absorbing surface long-wave radiation. They can also change albedo and rainfall patterns because they can act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) or ice nuclei (IN). Dust deposition is an important source of both marine nutrients and contaminants. Dust aerosols that enter marine ecosystems after long-distance transport influence phytoplankton biomass in the oceans, and thus global climate by altering the amount of CO2 absorbed by phytoplankton. In addition, the carbonates carried by dust aerosols are an important source of carbon for the alkaline carbon pool, which can buffer atmospheric acidity and increase the alkalinity of seawater. DSS have both positive and negative impacts on human society: they can exert adverse impacts on human’s living environment, but can also contribute to the mitigation of global warming and the reduction of atmospheric acidity.

The atmospheric chemical composition is affected by the interaction mechanisms among gases and particulate matter through a wide range of chemical reactions that can occur with the aid of particulate matter (e.g. particles act as reacting or absorbing surfaces) or be influenced by the presence of particulate matter in the atmosphere (photochemical reactions). Physical and chemical processes are also bonded in an interactive way that often leads to the influence of the radiation budget, cloud physics and the warming or cooling of the lower atmospheric levels. The Euro-Mediterranean region is a key-sensitive area due to the unique climatic and air quality characteristics associated with the regional climatic patterns, geomorphology (land and water contrast) and coexistence of pollutants from different origin. Focusing on this region, the gas-aerosol interactions are studied using state-of-the-art atmospheric and chemical transport modeling tools following the necessary development in the chemical transport model CAMx. Sensitivity and large-scale simulations have shown significant responses of the modeling system to the inclusion of natural species emissions, the direct shading effect of dust particles on photochemical processes and the formation of new types of aerosols through heterogeneous uptake of gases on dust particles. Including such interactions in the chemical transport model often led to the improvement of the model performance compared with available measurements in the region.  相似文献   

青岛地区大气气溶胶中微量金属的时空分布   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
于 2 0 0 1年 4月— 2 0 0 2年 5月在青岛近海三个采样点采集了 1 0 0多个大气气溶胶样品 ,用ICP AES测定了Al,Fe ,Mn ,Cu ,Pb和Zn的浓度 ,讨论了这几种元素的时空分布特征及其来源 .结果表明 ,六种元素浓度的时空分布特征为 :沧口 >八关山 >仰口 ,TSP(总体悬浮颗粒物 )与Al,Fe ,Mn的浓度呈明显的季节变化 :春季 >冬季 >秋季 >夏季 ,而Cu ,Pb ,Zn的季节变化比较复杂 .六种元素中Al,Fe,Mn主要由自然过程输入 ,而Cu ,Pb ,Zn主要是人为来源 .  相似文献   

南京市大气气溶胶中酞酸酯的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王平  陈文亮  蔡维维 《环境化学》2004,23(4):447-450
利用分级采样器采样 ,高效液相色谱检测 ,研究了南京市春夏秋冬四季六大功能区 (工业区 ,交通区 ,文化区 ,商业区 ,园林风景区和居民生活区 )大气气溶胶中的酞酸酯 .结果表明 :南京市大气气溶胶中检出的酞酸酯有 :邻苯二甲酸二甲酯 (DMP)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 (DBP)和邻苯二甲酸二辛酯 (DEHP) ,其含量随功能区和季节而变化 ,平均浓度具有工业区 >居民区 >交通区 >商业区 >文化区 >园林风景区和秋、冬季浓度高于春、夏季的分布特征  相似文献   

Atmospheric particulate matter is altering climate. For instance marine biogenic particles are cooling climate. Organic markers are major tools to elucidate the sources of atmospheric particulate matter. Formate is commonly used as a marker of continental aerosols, whereas methanesulphonate is used as tracer of biogenic marine aerosols. However, transformation processes during aerosol transport may modify their relative concentrations and, in turn, introduce a bias in the assessment of particle sources. Actually very little is known about the transformation of formate and methanesulphonate in aerosols. Therefore, we irradiated formate and methanesulphonate in the presence of nitrate and haematite. Nitrate and haematite are aerosol photosensitisers, producing reactive species that degrade organic compounds. The time evolution of formate and methanesulphonate was monitored by ion chromatography. Our results show that formate is transformed from 1.6 to 4.1 times faster than methanesulphonate. This trend is partly due to higher reactivity with the hydroxyl radical and partly due to additional reaction with other transients such as nitrogen dioxide. Such results strongly suggest faster formate transformation during particle transport. Therefore, when formate and methanesulphonate are used as particle tracers, an overestimation of marine biogenic versus continental particle sources is expected. This bias has major implications for climate prediction models, because marine biogenic particles have a cooling effect on climate.  相似文献   

A mechanism of formation of small-scale inhomogeneities in spatial distributions of aerosols and droplets associated with clustering instability in the atmospheric turbulent flow is discussed. The particle clustering is a consequence of a spontaneous breakdown of their homogeneous space distribution due to the clustering instability, and is caused by a combined effect of the particle inertia and a finite correlation time of the turbulent velocity field. In this paper a theoretical approach proposed in Elperin et al. (2002) Phys Rev E 66:036302 is further developed and applied to investigate the mechanisms of formation of small-scale aerosol inhomogeneities in the atmospheric turbulent flow. The theory of the particle clustering instability is extended to the case when the particle Stokes time is larger than the Kolmogorov time scale, but is much smaller than the correlation time at the integral scale of turbulence. We determined the criterion of the clustering instability for the Stokes number larger than 1. We discussed applications of the analyzed effects to the dynamics of aerosols and droplets in the atmospheric turbulent flow.  相似文献   

Bags of S. auriculatum and a low‐volume aerosol sampler with filters were exposed, in parallel, to the urban atmosphere of Oporto at four sampling points and for about two months periods, between 1991 and 1994. The levels of lead in the moss (weekly samples) and in the filters (daily samples) were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and the results were compared. In dry weather periods (relative humidity ≤ 76%) the rate of lead uptake by moss was approximately constant and proportional to the levels of the metal in atmospheric aerosols. A converting factor (CF = lPbmoss l (μg/g.day)/ l Pbair l (μg/m3)) allowed conversion of the lead levels in S. auriculatum to those in the atmospheric aerosols. Because the moss fixed lead from gas, aerosol and particulated matter, the rate of sorption depends markedly on the distance to the lead sources (traffic) and on surrounding obstacles which retain particles. Therefore, specific calibration by mechanic monitoring at each point of sampling is required when moss bag samplers are used to provide quantitative information about lead levels in the atmosphere. In wet weather periods, higher but irregular rate of lead uptake was observed. In contrast, the lead levels in atmospheric aerosols decreased when the humidity increased due to wet deposition. Therefore, no proportionality between the lead levels in the moss and in the air were found.  相似文献   

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