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入侵种喜旱莲子草对土壤养分的表型可塑性反应   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对外来入侵种喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.)在不同土壤氮养分处理中的表型可塑性反应进行了研究。结果表明:土壤中氮养分水平对喜旱莲子草克隆生长有显著影响,如分枝强度、苇节长度随氮含量升高均有不同程度的增加;氮养分最高的处理中根系生物量投资最小,而茎、叶生物量投资最大,对照处理中则表现山根冠比最大。研究结果表明,在不同土壤养分条件下,喜旱莲子草不同表型结构有可能同时对环境选择作出反应,在种群生存与维持、生长、繁殖等功能方面实现种群个体各器官生物量投资的优化配置来适应多样化的环境,以增强其入侵能力,  相似文献   

喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)是中国危害最严重的入侵物种之一,为有效评估和预测入侵植物喜旱莲子草的危害程度,以喜旱莲子草入侵群落为研究对象,在野外调查的基础上,基于2×2列联表,测定生态位宽度、生态位相似性指数、生态位重叠指数,应用方差比率法(R_v)、χ~2检验、匹配系数Ochiai(I_O)和贡献定律法,对群落中17个主要物种进行生态位、种间联结和群落稳定性分析,以期为喜旱莲子草植物群落的管理提供参考依据。结果表明,(1)群落中共发现草本植物18科38属41种,其中喜旱莲子草的重要值(I_V=18.06)和生态位宽度(B_L=0.80,BS=3.78)最大,占显著优势地位并且与多数物种产生较高的生态位重叠,禾本科(Amaranthaceae)植物狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)、双穗雀稗(Paspalum paspaloides)、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)的优势地位次之。(2)群落整体呈现不显著负联结(R_v=0.92,W=45.82),关联性不显著的种对占95.24%,大部分物种间的联系并不紧密;喜旱莲子草与13个主要物种呈不同程度的负关联,这与其入侵性有关;与双穗雀稗、狗牙根、马唐存在高生态位重叠且紧密正关联,上述种对可能有相似的资源偏好而共存一定时期,另一方面说明其对喜旱莲子草的侵入有一定抵抗性。(3)模型方程与直线方程的交点坐标为(37.62,62.38),目前群落处于非稳定状态,大多数物种趋于独立,但主要物种存在一定的资源争夺。因此,建议考虑双穗雀稗、狗牙根和马唐用于喜旱莲子草群落入侵初期以及清除后的植被恢复。  相似文献   

外来入侵杂草空心莲子草对植物生物多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用样方法调查了南京市空心莲子草(Alternantheraphiloxeroides)生长生境中杂草的种类和分布。结果表明,南京市秋季空心莲子草分布样点有杂草30科101种,其中以禾本科、菊科、蓼科居多。主成分分析表明,影响杂草分布的主要因素是土壤水分条件和人为干扰强度。经Q型分析, 24个样点可划分为3个聚类群:聚类群Ⅰ包括的样点均分布在路边和田边开阔地以及小河、小沟和湖的岸边,以马唐、狗尾草和牛筋草为优势种;聚类群Ⅱ的样点都是农田隔离带如田埂以及农田中的沟壑,以波斯婆婆纳、碎米莎草、野塘蒿和铁苋菜为优势种;聚类群Ⅲ的样点以菜地和果园为主,以马唐、香附子、马齿苋和黄鹌菜为优势种。分析了空心莲子草重要值与物种丰富度之间的关系,当空心莲子草重要值大于1. 5时,样方物种丰富度随重要值的增加而减小。2者之间具有显著相关性,表明空心莲子草的入侵对生物多样性有不利影响。  相似文献   

外来入侵杂草空心莲子草对植物生物多样性的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
利用样方法调查了南京市空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)生长生境中杂草的种类和分布。结果表明,南京市秋季空心莲子草分布样点有杂草30科101种,其中以禾本科、菊科、蓼科居多。主成分分析表明,影响杂草分布的主要因素是土壤水分条件和人为干扰强度。经Q型分析,24个样点可划分为3个聚类群:聚类群Ⅰ包括的样点均分布在路边和田边开阔地以及小河、小沟和湖的岸边,以马唐、狗尾草和牛筋草为优势种;聚类群Ⅱ的样点都是农田隔离带如田埂以及农田中的沟壑,以波斯婆婆纳、碎米莎草、野塘蒿和铁苋菜为优势种;聚类群Ⅲ的样点以菜地和果园为主,以马唐、香附子、马齿苋和黄鹌菜为优势种。分析了空心莲子草重要值与物种丰富度之间的关系,当空心莲子草重要值大于1.5时,样方物种丰富度随重要值的增加而减小。2者之间具有显著相关性,表明空心莲子草的入侵对生物多样性有不利影响。  相似文献   

2,4-D二甲胺盐对莲草直胸跳甲生存和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究除草剂在防治喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)的过程中对其天敌昆虫的影响,采用不同浓度的2,4-D二甲胺盐浸叶处理的喜旱莲子草饲喂莲草直胸跳甲,连续饲喂7d后,考察了莲草直胸跳甲的繁殖、存活和发育情况。结果表明,2,4-D二甲胺盐可显著降低莲草直胸跳甲成虫的取食量,且抑制作用随药剂浓度升高和取食时间延长而显著增强;较高浓度(1.72~3.44g·L~(-1))的2,4-D二甲胺盐还会导致莲草直胸跳甲雌成虫存活率和产卵量的明显降低,卵孵化率、幼虫存活率和蛹羽化率也显著降低。可见,高浓度(1.72~3.44g·L~(-1))的2,4-D二甲胺盐对莲草直胸跳甲的生长发育和繁殖有显著不利影响,在防治喜旱莲子草时,应将2,4-D二甲胺盐的施用浓度控制在0.22~0.86g·L~(-1)内。  相似文献   

本文对凤眼莲与喜旱莲子草对废纸再生纸浆废水的净化效果作了初步探讨。实验表明,水生植物凤眼莲与喜旱莲子草对废水CODcr具较好的净化效果,且能有效地增加废水溶解氧,但对色度和木质素去除不明显。此外,废水中的硫化物对该两种水生植物具较强的毒性。  相似文献   

入侵植物空心莲子草的入侵机制及综合管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)的入侵机制并探讨其防治方法,指出空心莲子草的成功入侵与其自身的生物学特性,如无性繁殖、较强的表观可塑性、广泛的适应性、强大的抗逆性等密切相关,其次与生境的可入侵性、人为干扰等外在因素也息息相关。应将人工防除与化学、生物防除手段相结合,加强区域间管理,适时适地采取最佳防除措施。需加强入侵种空心莲子草与本地种的竞争关系研究,运用本地种防止其入侵。  相似文献   

土壤丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌具有维持植被稳定性和多样性的重要作用.为了解空心莲子草入侵过程中与AM真菌的相互作用,采用脂肪酸甲酯(FAMEs)和基于18S rDNA的PCR-DGGE方法对湖北咸宁、仙桃和武汉三地空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)入侵前后土壤AM真菌的生物量和群落结构进行了比较分析.结果发现,基于FAMEs表征的AM真菌生物量在空心莲子草入侵后变化不大,仅仙桃地区显著增加(P<0.05).尽管DGGE图谱显示咸宁、仙桃和武汉三地AM真菌优势类群的群落结构均发生了明显演替,但群落间物种组成差异的多样性指数βWH在2.55-2.73之间、群落多样性指数H′在1.22-1.38之间,变化均不大.结果表明,空心莲子草入侵所形成的植物更替明显改变了AM真菌优势类群的结构,但对AM真菌的生物量和多样性影响很小.  相似文献   

克隆整合提高了入侵植物空心莲子草对北美车前的竞争力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王宁 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2302-2306
选取北美车前Plantago virginica L.为竞争背景草,以空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.为研究对象,通过切断或保持其先端分株与后端分株间的匍匐茎连接,研究了克隆整合对先端分株生长以及竞争力的影响。结果显示:不管是否存在竞争,克隆整合显著提高了空心莲子草先端分株的生物量、总匍匐茎长度、叶片数目和分株数目,并降低了其对茎的生物量投资。此外,克隆整合显著提高了空心莲子草先端分株对北美车前的竞争力。种间竞争显著降低了空心莲子草的生长,但并没有显著影响其生物量分配。上述结果表明,克隆整合在一定程度上能够促进入侵克隆植物的生长和竞争力,从而可能潜在影响其入侵性。  相似文献   

开展城市外来植物种类构成的研究,可以为城市植物多样性的保护和城市绿地的科学设计提供重要依据。为剖析厦门城市外来植物种类构成的主要特点,规避外来植物对城市环境带来的潜在威胁,采用大样本分层随机抽样调查法结合K-means聚类分析、方差分析、重要值、频数分布等方法进行系统分析。结果显示,(1)记录到厦门市城区外来植物67科174属223种,占各绿地类型植物种数的49.1%~55.2%;其中最常见的优势种类有乔木植物凤凰木(Delonix regia)、垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina),灌木植物黄金榕(Ficus microcarpa‘Golden Leaves’)、矮黄假连翘(Duranta repens),草本植物沟叶结缕草(Zoysia matrella)、喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和小蓬草(Conyza canadensis)。(2)国外外来植物主要来自美洲,占各绿地类型国外外来植物种数的58.4%~70.8%、频数的71.9%~89.0%;其次是来自非洲或亚洲的植物。(3)频数分布图显示,优势种的优势性明显,高频植物种仅占少数。(4)调查到入侵植物7科13属13种,其中小蓬草是出现频数最高的入侵种类,已成为草本植物中的优势种类。文章揭示了外来种在厦门市城市植物中的重要地位和特点,分析了外来植物种类结构的特征,并指出要加强对外来优势植物的进一步研究,相关结果可为厦门市城市绿地的可持续发展和管理监控提供建议和理论参考。  相似文献   

互花米草防治研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
互花米草因其在全球范围内日渐增长的负面影响而受到了极大的关注。对互花米草的入侵性以及防治与控制方面的研究已经成为近年来的一大热点,但始终没有找到彻底有效地控制互花米草扩散的途径。文章对互花米草自身的生物学特性所引起的入侵性以及其目前在世界范围内所带来的危害性进行了概述,从物理法、化学法、生物防治法等方面总结了国内外已有的关于互花米草防治技术的研究,对近期防治研究新成果——特别是利用无瓣海桑对互花米草进行植物替代的方法进行了介绍。进一步提出了现有技术的不足之处,并对如何加强防治互花米草的研究提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Nonindigenous invasive plants pose a major threat to natural communities worldwide. Biological control of weeds via selected introduction of their natural enemies can affect control over large spatial areas but also risk nontarget effects. To maximize effectiveness while minimizing risk, weed biocontrol programs should introduce the minimum number of host-specific natural enemies necessary to control an invasive nonindigenous plant. We used elasticity analysis of a matrix model to help inform biocontrol agent selection for garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara and Grande). The Eurasian biennial A. petiolata is considered one of the most problematic invaders of temperate forests in North America. Four weevil species in the genus Ceutorhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are currently considered potential biocontrol agents. These species attack rosettes (C. scrobicollis), stems (C. roberti, C. alliariae), and seeds (C. constrictus) of A. petiolata. Elasticity analyses using A. petiolata demographic parameters from North America indicated that changes in the rosette-to-flowering-plant transition and changes in fecundity consistently had the greatest impact on population growth rate. These results suggest that attack by the rosette-feeder C. scrobicollis, which reduces overwintering survival, and seed or stem feeders that reduce seed output should be particularly effective. Model outcomes differed greatly as A. petiolata demographic parameters were varied within ranges observed in North America, indicating that successful control of A. petiolata populations may occur under some, but not all, conditions. Using these a priori analyses we predict: (1) rosette mortality and reduction of seed output will be the most important factors determining A. petiolata demography; (2) the root-crown feeder C. scrobicollis will have the most significant impact on A. petiolata demography; (3) releases of single control agents are unlikely to control A. petiolata across its full range of demographic variability; (4) combinations of agents that simultaneously reduce rosette survival and seed production will be required to suppress the most vigorous A. petiolata populations. These predictions can be tested using established long-term monitoring sites coupled with a designed release program. If demographic models can successfully predict biocontrol agent impact on invasive plant populations, a continued dialogue and collaboration between empirical and theoretical approaches may be the key to the development of successful biocontrol tactics for plant invaders in the future.  相似文献   

Biological control (the importation of enemies from an invader's native range) is often considered our best chance of controlling the most widespread invaders. Ideally, the agent reduces invader abundance to some acceptably low level, and the two coexist at low density with the agent providing continuous control over the long-term. But the outcome may be complicated when the agent is attacked by native predators and parasites. We used a spatially explicit, discrete-time, individual-based, coupled plant-seed predator-parasitoid model to estimate the impact of the biocontrol agent Eustenopus villosus (a seed predator) on the invasive, annual weed Centaurea solstitialis, both with and without the generalist parasitoid Pyemotes tritici. We estimated the agent's ability to reduce plant density, spread rate, and population growth rate over 50 years. We used long-term demographic data from two sites in central California, USA, to parameterize the model and assess how populations in different climatic zones might respond differently to the agent and the parasitoid. We found that the biocontrol agent reduced plant density (relative to predictions for an uncontrolled invasion), but its impact on the invader's spread rate was modest and inconsistent. The agent had no long-term impact on population growth rate (lambda). Parasitism caused a trophic cascade, the strength of which varied between sites. At our coastal site, the parasitoid entirely eliminated the impact of the agent on the plant. At our Central Valley site, even when parasitized, the agent significantly reduced plant density and spread rate over several decades (although to a lesser degree than when it was not parasitized), but not invader lambda. Surprisingly, we also found that the length of time the invader was allowed to spread across the landscape prior to introducing the agent (5, 25, or 50 years) had little influence over its ability to control the weed in the long-term. This is encouraging news for land managers attempting to control invasive plants that have already established widespread, high-density populations. Unfortunately, our results also show that attack by the native generalist parasitoid had a larger influence over how effectively the agent reduced invader performance.  相似文献   

飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)是一种入侵性极强的外来杂草,现正在我国南部地区迅速传播,其繁殖特性与种子萌发对环境条件的适应能力是成功入侵扩散的前提。采用野外调查与室内试验相结合的方法,研究了飞机草的繁殖能力与种子的萌发特性。结果表明,飞机草能够进行无性繁殖,但其有性生殖能力更强,成熟植株的种子生产量高,种子质量轻,并且具有冠毛等附属结构。环境因子能够影响飞机草种子的萌发,其萌发的最适温度约为28℃,萌发过程中不需要特别的养分供应,并且能够忍耐一定程度的干旱胁迫。酸性环境能够促进飞机草种子的萌发,但当pH降至2.0时,其发芽率显著降低。掩埋处理能够抑制飞机草种子的萌发,当埋藏深度达3.0 cm时,所有的种子均不能正常萌发与出苗。  相似文献   

Weed control through crop rotation has mainly been studied in a nonspatial context. However, weed seeds are often spread beyond the crop field by a variety of vectors. For weed control to be successful, weed management should thus be evaluated at the landscape level. In this paper we assess how seed dispersal affects the interactions between crop rotation and landscape heterogeneity schemes with regard to weed control. A spatially explicit landscape model was developed to study both short- and long-term weed population dynamics under different management scenarios. We allowed for both two- and three-crop species rotations and three levels of between-field weed seed dispersal. All rotation scenarios and seed dispersal fractions were analyzed for both completely homogeneous landscapes and heterogeneous landscapes in which more than one crop was present. The potential of implementing new weed control methods was also analyzed. The model results suggest that, like crop rotation at the field level, crop rotation implemented at the landscape level has great potential to control weeds, whereby both the number of crop species and the cropping sequence within the crop rotation have significant effects on both the short- and long-term weed population densities. In the absence of seed dispersal, weed populations became extinct when the fraction of each crop in the landscape was randomized. In general, weed seed densities increased in landscapes with increasing similarity in crop proportions, but in these landscapes the level of seed dispersal affected which three-crop species rotation sequence was most efficient at controlling the weed densities. We show that ignoring seed dispersal between fields might lead to the selection of suboptimal tactics and that homogeneous crop field patches that follow a specific crop rotation sequence might be the most sustainable method of weed control. Effective weed control through crop rotation thus requires coordination between farmers with regard to cropping sequences, crop allocation across the landscape, and/ or the fraction of each crop across the landscape.  相似文献   

Many abandoned strip-mine sites in midwestern USA are highly acidic and require a separate layer of low-acidity cover materials for successful revegetation. Economics and logistics often constrain this reclamation to a very thin cover. Twenty-two species of shrubs and trees were tested for 6 years of survival and growth on a thin wedge of silt loess (up to 0.75m thick) emplaced over highly acid spoils, in south-central Iowa. No weed control or maintenance was provided. The performance of 21 of the species could be categorized into 3 groups: Group 1-consistent survival (10 species); Group 2-irregular survival and growth (6 species); Group 3-little suitability for survival (5 species). Mouldy nursery stock precluded evaluation of 1 species. For most species, the most favourable survival and growth was not on the thickest loess cover (0.75 meters) because weeds became too well established. In general, the shrubs survived severe weed competition in dwarfed form until they could break through the weed canopy. But the tree species had to penetrate the weed canopy within their first few years of growth or perish. There is evidence that if weed competition were reduced or eliminated, the species in Group 2 would probably have survival and growth equivalent to those in Group 1. The use of “tubelings” for establishing shrubs and trees on thincover reclamation sites is suggested.  相似文献   

The benefits of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) varieties stem from their presumed ability to improve weed control and reduce its cost, particularly targeting weed beet, a harmful annual weedy form of the genus Beta (i.e. B. vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) frequent in sugar beet fields. As weed beet is totally interfertile with sugar beet, it is thus likely to inherit the herbicide-tolerance transgene through pollen-mediated gene flow. Hence, the foreseeable advent of HT weed beet populations is a serious threat to the sustainability of GM sugar beet cropping systems. For studying and quantifying the long-term effects of cropping system components (crop succession and cultivation techniques) on weed beet population dynamics and gene flow, we developed a biophysical process-based model called GeneSys-Beet in a previous study. In the present paper, the model was employed to identify and rank the weed life-traits as function of their effect on weed beet densities and genotypes, using a global sensitivity analysis to model parameters. Monte Carlo simulations with simultaneous randomization of all life-trait parameters were carried out in three cropping systems contrasting for their risk for infestation by HT weed beets. Simulated weed plants and bolters (i.e. beet plants with flowering and seed-producing stems) were then analysed with regression models as a function of model parameters to rank processes and life-traits and quantify their effects. Key parameters were those determining the timing and success of growth, development, seed maturation and the physiological end of seed production. Timing parameters were usually more important than success parameters, showing for instance that optimal timing of weed management operations is more important than its exact efficacy. The ranking of life-traits though depended on the cropping system and, to a lesser extent, on the target variable (i.e. GM weeds vs. total weed population). For instance, post-emergence parameters were crucial in rotations with frequent sugar beet crops whereas pre-emergence parameters were most important when sugar beet was rare. In the rotations with frequent sugar beet and insufficient weed control, interactions between traits were small, indicating diverse populations with contrasted traits could prosper. Conversely, when sugar beet was rare and weed control optimal, traits had little impact individually, indicating that a small number of optimal combinations of traits would be successful. Based on the analysis of sugar beet parameters and genetic traits, advice for the future selection of sugar beet varieties was also given. In climatic conditions similar to those used here, the priority should be given to limiting the presence of hybrid seeds in seed lots rather than decreasing varietal sensitivity to vernalization.  相似文献   

Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. and Zucc., a traditional Chinese medicine is now a wide-spread invasive neophyte in Europe and America. The novel weapon hypothesis states that some invasive weed species owe part of their success as invaders to allelopathy mediated by some allelochemicals. Previous HPLC/UV/ESI-MS analysis showed that the constituents of the roots of P. cuspidatum from China were obviously different from the species collected in Switzerland (present as an invasive neophyte) with respect to piceatannol glucoside, resveratroloside and some proanthocyanidin. This work isolated these special constituents from the invasive plant and studied their allelopathy effect, as well as the related structures by the seedling and growing model of Lepidium sativum (garden cress, Brassicaceae). The results revealed that stilbenes as piceatannol glucoside, resveratroloside and proanthocyanidins as catechin, epicatechin from this plant were comparatively stronger allelochemicals than the reported allelochemical (−)-catechin, which may partly explain the invasive behavior of this plant in Europe.  相似文献   

城市化影响下北京市外来入侵植物特征及其分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过文献资料分析和实地调查相结合的方法,对北京市外来入侵植物的种类、生活型、起源地、引入途径和分布等特征进行了分析,结果表明:该地区共有48种外来入侵植物,隶属39属19科,其中菊科、禾本科、苋科和大戟科植物为优势科,占到了所有入侵植物总数的60.4%.除火炬树外,其余47种植物均为草本植物,以起源于美洲的居多(70.8%),多为伴随种子苗木运输无意引进.入侵植物分布受城市化水平和人口密度影响显著,城市功能扩展区分布有最多的入侵植物,就入侵种分布密度而言,城市功能拓展区和城市核心区均明显高于近郊区和远郊区.目前北京入侵植物主要分布于农田、绿地、花圃等半人工生态系统,尚处于可控范围之内,但北京的自然地理条件及城市化进程使其仍存在较高的入侵风险,在将来的防治工作中应采取更加严格的检疫措施.  相似文献   

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