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辽河流域工业废水污染物排放的时空变化规律研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苏丹  王彤  刘兰岚  白琳 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2953-2959
采用等标污染负荷法,针对改革开放和产业结构大调整前后的5个典型年份,从工业污染源空间特征出发分析了辽宁省辽河流域工业废水污染物排放的变化趋势,并讨论了重点污染物排放的时空变化规律。结果表明:辽河流域工业污染源主要分布在辽宁中部城市群及沿海地区,且有不断集中的趋势;工业废水排放总量以及污染物排放总量都呈不断减少的趋势;辽河流域主要污染物为COD、氨氮、挥发酚和石油类,有机污染物排放量高于无机污染物;重金属类污染物变化较大,1985—1999年重金属类以汞为主,2002—2005年期间重金属类以镉、铅和六价铬为主,2008年重金属类以铅、砷和六价铬为主;氨氮、COD的主要排放区域变化不大,挥发酚、石油类、铅、砷的主要排放区域变化很大,污染物排放区域转移趋势明显。  相似文献   

燃煤汞排放是主要的人为大气汞排放源,且煤炭消耗量巨大,全球因燃煤向大气排放的汞量已不容忽视[1].我国作为世界能源消费大国,现今及今后50年仍将以煤炭燃烧作为主要的能源[2].内蒙古自治区地区煤炭资源储量极其丰富,煤炭预测资源总量约为1.4万亿吨,位居全国第二.因此,确定内蒙古自治区原煤中汞含量及空间分布、估算各行业燃煤大气汞排放量对于完善我国煤炭汞资料、评估燃煤汞排放的环境风险具有重要指导意义.1材料和方法根据内蒙古自治区地区煤矿分布情况,在赤峰、大雁、霍林河、锡林郭勒旗、鄂尔多斯、榆林(内蒙和陕西交界处)、伊  相似文献   

基于焦作市各类挥发性有机物(VOCs)的活动水平数据,采用排放系数法,编制了焦作市2016年人为源挥发性有机物排放清单.结果表明,2016年焦作市人为源VOCs排放总量为28804.80 t,其中,工艺过程源、溶剂使用源、化石燃料燃烧源、移动源和生物质燃烧源分别占排放总量的36.19%、25.48%、14.38%、13.72%、10.23%.2016年焦作市VOCs的重点排放二级源是非金属矿物制品业、表面涂装业、道路移动源、生物质露天燃烧、工业燃烧,其排放量之和共占排放总量的72.47%.在焦作市各区县中,博爱县、孟州市、武陟县和马村区的排放量较高,4个县区的VOCs排放量均超过3000 t,其排放量之和占排放总量的54.26%.  相似文献   

西北四城镇大气粉尘重金属元素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
受自然环境和人为因素影响,我国西北地区城市大气中含有较多粉尘、粉尘听 重金属元素被人体吸收后,可导致一系列疾病,通过对四典型城镇的降尘采样,发现工业发达,人口稠密城市的粉尘有毒重金属元素含量高;工业不发达的小城镇粉尘有毒重金属元素含量低。西北城镇粉尘主要有毒重金属元素是铅与砷。机动车、燃煤烟尘及工业粉尘是西北城镇大气粉尘有毒重金属元素的主要来源。  相似文献   

对1990年江浙沪地区人为氨排放进行了统计计算,结果表明江浙沪地区人为氨排放总量为769.30kt,主要的氨来源为化肥的使用、家畜以及能源的消耗,其中家畜占300%、化肥使用占250%、能源消耗占258%。江浙沪地区单位面积排放强度为3.65t/km2,而人均排放量为626kg/人。  相似文献   

江浙沪地区人为NH3排放量的估算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对1990年江浙沪地区人为氨排放进行了统计计算,结果表明江浙沪地我人为氨排放总量为769.30kt,主要的氨来源为化肥的使用,家畜以及能源的消耗,其中家畜占30.0%,化肥使用占25.0%,能源消耗占25.8%,江浙沪地区单位面积排放强度为3.65t/km^2,而人均排放量为6.26kg/人。  相似文献   

基于工业燃煤、机动车尾气、民用供暖燃煤锅炉三个主要污染源,估算了辽宁省蒽的年排放总量,并采用多介质逸度模型,解释了蒽的多介质环境行为。研究结果表明:(1)辽宁省蒽的年排放总量为17.0t,其中工业燃煤排放蒽11.9t/a,占年排放总量的69.9%,是辽宁省蒽的主要来源;机动车尾气排放蒽0.3t/a,民用供暖锅炉燃煤排放蒽4.8t/a。(2)蒽的多介质环境三级模型计算结果显示,辽宁省排放到环境中的蒽绝大部分存留在土壤中,而在大气和水体中的存留量很少。蒽的主要输出途径是大气水平流动,主要的损失途径是土壤降解和大气光解,气-土间的相间迁移通量最大。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾是一种成分复杂的混合废物,其中含有数量相当可观的重金属,采用焚烧法处理城市生活垃圾时,会有大量重金属因为高温而挥发进入烟气,一部分富集于焚烧飞灰中,而有少部分重金属因其挥发性较大而排放于大气中,最终随大气及雨水沉降而进入土壤和植被中,从而会对焚烧厂周边生态环境造成严重的危害。为了了解焚烧源挥发性重金属(汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)和砷(As))的排放对焚烧厂周边土壤和植被生态环境的污染状况,对近年来国内外学者在相关方面的研究状况进行了详细的文献综述,结果发现:国内学者对于焚烧源挥发性重金属的研究多限于焚烧中挥发性Hg对焚烧厂周边土壤的污染的调查研究,而对于焚烧源Cd、Pb、As对周边土壤和植被污染的调查研究相对较少;而国外学者已有的关于垃圾焚烧源重金属(Hg、Cd、Pb、As)对土壤和植被的污染研究只停留在重金属在土壤中的总的浓度和存在形态的研究,而对于挥发性重金属在焚烧源周边土壤和植被中的迁移转化规律方面的研究很缺乏,对于重金属污染物在土壤和植被中的蓄积及迁移转化规律研究较少。文章指出今后的研究应加强对挥发性重金属在焚烧厂周边土壤中的污染特征及其在土壤层以及植被中的蓄积总量和迁移转化机理的研究,这对于焚烧源挥发性重金属的污染防治以及对已被挥发性重金属污染的土壤和植被的生态修复具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

为探究安阳市燃煤源排放特征,基于实地调研、抽样调查和部门座谈等方法,利用排放因子法自下而上的估算了2016年安阳市燃煤源颗粒物和碳组分排放清单,利用经纬度坐标和所属乡镇信息,进行了全市PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1、EC和OC排放空间分配,并通过对2017年燃煤源相关政策的搜集整理,结合2016年调研情况,对2017年安阳市主要燃煤相关政策颗粒物减排效果进行了估算。结果表明:安阳市2016年燃煤源PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1、EC和OC排放总量分别为5 735.03、2 986.61、1 049.40、718.05和385.29 t;散煤燃烧源是PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1、EC和OC的主要贡献源,分别贡献了各污染物的70.71%、76.98%、91.81%、85.14%和71.83%;从空间分布来看,排放主要集中在林州市的河顺镇、龙安区的东风乡以及殷都区的纱厂路街道,而排放强度较高的乡镇(街道)主要集中在市区的纱厂路街道、北大街街道、洹北街道、豆腐营街道和东风乡;通过对2017年燃煤源相关政策的搜集整理,结合2016年调研情况,估算2017年燃煤源PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和PM_1减排量分别为2 735.15、1 410.08和457.61t,分别占2016年燃煤源排放总量的47.69%、47.21%和43.61%。研究显示,2016年安阳市燃煤源颗粒物排放量较大,2017年安阳市采取的燃煤相关政策措施对安阳市燃煤源颗粒物减排效果显著。  相似文献   

长三角区域背景地区降水化学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解临安降水的化学特征及主要致酸组分,2008年5-11月在临安区域大气本底站采集了35个降水样品,分析其化学组分.结果表明,临安地区降水中无机阴阳离子体积加权平均浓度比我国城市地区低,但个别降水中无机离子浓度总量会很高;降水中Cl-和K+主要来自海洋源的贡献;SO42-,Ca2+和Mg2+主要来自非海洋源;燃煤排放产生的SO42-仍然是临安地区降水酸化的主要无机致酸组分,35场降水中,平均占到无机阴离子总量的52%,NO3-对临安降水酸化具有重要贡献,反映出长三角区域快速城市化过程中机动车数量快速增长对区域大气环境的影响在增强.  相似文献   

人类活动使得大量的重金属向水环境中排放,导致了城市湖泊严重的重金属污染.为了研究中国的工业化、城市化发展对城市水体重金属污染的影响,以武汉墨水湖为例,测定了沉积物中几种常见痕量重金属Zn、Pb、Ni、Cu、Cr的含量和富集系数,并运用主成分分析对重金属的污染来源进行了初步探讨.结果表明,墨水湖表层沉积物重金属污染程度较重,主要受人为输入的影响;5种重金属在全湖区域上具有比较高的富集系数,尤以排污口为甚,排污口是重金属富集的主要区域.主成分分析表明,Pb可能主要来自于暴雨径流面源,而Cr可能主要来自于工矿企业的点源排放,其他3种金属则有着大小相当的点、面源输入贡献。以上结果表明,城市化和工业化进程已经给城市湖泊带来了很高的重金属污染负荷.  相似文献   

This paper examines the flow of cadmium through the global economy, with the aim of quantifying emissions of cadmium into the environment as a result of anthropogenic activities. First, a materials balance methodology is presented as the most appropriate means of assessing cadmium emissions from a wide range of anthropogenic sources. This is then applied to the best available data, from a variety of sources, to arrive at estimated flows of cadmium. Results are presented for 10 geo-political world regions and for a range of economic activities including non-ferrous metals production, iron and steel production, combustion of fossil fuels, fertilizer manufacture and use, cement production and the manufacture, use and disposal of cadmium containing products. Initially, this analysis partitions the total flow of cadmium into three major categories: atmospheric emissions, water-borne effluents and solid or bulked waste arisings. the paper then suggests a probable further partition of the initial emissions into different environmental media.  相似文献   

This paper examines the flow of cadmium through the global economy, with the aim of quantifying emissions of cadmium into the environment as a result of anthropogenic activities. First, a materials balance methodology is presented as the most appropriate means of assessing cadmium emissions from a wide range of anthropogenic sources. This is then applied to the best available data, from a variety of sources, to arrive at estimated flows of cadmium. Results are presented for 10 geo-political world regions and for a range of economic activities including non-ferrous metals production, iron and steel production, combustion of fossil fuels, fertilizer manufacture and use, cement production and the manufacture, use and disposal of cadmium containing products. Initially, this analysis partitions the total flow of cadmium into three major categories: atmospheric emissions, water-borne effluents and solid or bulked waste arisings. the paper then suggests a probable further partition of the initial emissions into different environmental media.  相似文献   

Twenty trace elements in fine particulate matters (i.e., PM2.5) at urban Chengdu, a southwest megacity of China, were determined to study the characteristics, sources and human health risk of particulate toxic heavy metals. This work mainly focused on eight toxic heavy metal elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn). The average concentration of PM2.5 was 165.1 ± 84.7 µg m?3 during the study period, significantly exceeding the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (35 µg m?3 in annual average). The particulate heavy metal pollution was very serious in which Cd and As concentrations in PM2.5 significantly surpassed the WHO standard. The enrichment factor values of heavy metals were typically higher than 10, suggesting that they were mainly influenced by anthropogenic sources. More specifically, the Cr, Mn and Ni were slightly enriched, Cu was highly enriched, while As, Cd, Pb and Zn were severely enriched. The results of correlation analysis showed that Cd may come from metallurgy and mechanical manufacturing emissions, and the other metals were predominately influenced by traffic emissions and coal combustion. The results of health risk assessment indicated that As, Mn and Cd would pose a significant non-carcinogenic health risk to both children and adults, while Cr would cause carcinogenic risk. Other toxic heavy metals were within a safe level.  相似文献   

污染源解析是城市大气环境精准防治的重要基础。为探究典型工业城市大气降尘中重金属污染分布特征和污染源解析,本研究在济南市域内采集了35个大气降尘样品,分析了样品中重金属浓度及其空间分布特征,采用正定矩阵因子分析模型(Positive Matrix Factorization,PMF)解析降尘中重金属来源。研究结果表明,降尘中Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As和Pb浓度平均值分别为501.4、29884.6、8.2、24.8、44.3、153.9、12.5、40.1 mg·kg-1,其中Zn、Cu和Pb的地累积指数(Geoaccumulation Index,Igeo)分别为1.17、1.06和1.01,属于中度污染;钢铁冶炼较为发达的钢城区降尘中Mn、Fe、Co、Cu和As浓度显著高于其他区县,其浓度平均值分别为1172.4、73577.3、17.0、139.7、32.3 mg·kg-1,而Zn和Pb在历下区、槐荫区等人口密集区域最高浓度可达351.5 mg·kg-1和114.0 mg·kg-1;PMF分析结果表明,济南市降尘重金属主要存在4个贡献源,分别为土壤源、工业源、交通源和混合源,贡献率分别为46.8%、26.6%、15.2%和11.4%。其中,重金属Co、Cu、Fe主要来自土壤源,Mn主要来自于土壤源和工业源的贡献,Ni主要来自于土壤源和混合源,交通源对降尘中Pb和Zn的贡献率较高,As则主要来自于工业源。本研究结果可为济南市大气环境精准防控政策的制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Sediments of the Tamagawa River in central Japan were studied to explain the spatial variation, to identify the sources of heavy metals, and to evaluate the anthropogenic influence on these pollutants in the river. Sediment samples were collected from 20 sites along the river (five upstream, four midstream, and 11 downstream). Heavy metal concentrations, viz. chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, and molybdenum, in the samples were measured using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy. The chemical speciations of heavy metals in the sediments were identified by the widely used five-step Hall method. Lead isotopes were analyzed to identify what portion is contributed by anthropogenic sources. The total heavy metal concentrations were compared with global averages for continental crust (shale) and average values for Japanese river sediments. The mean heavy metal concentrations were higher in downstream sediments than in upstream and midstream samples, and the concentrations in the silt samples were higher than those in the sand samples. Speciation results demonstrate that, for chromium and nickel, the residual fractions were dominant. These findings imply that the influence of anthropogenic chromium and nickel contamination is negligible, while copper, zinc, and lead were mostly extracted in the non-residual fraction (metals in adsorbed/exchangeable/carbonate forms or bound to amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides, crystalline Fe oxides, or organic matter), indicating that these elements have high chemical mobility. The proportion of lead (Pb) isotopes in the downstream silt samples indicates that Pb accumulation is primarily derived from anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

Sediments of the Tamagawa River in central Japan were studied to explain the spatial variation, to identify the sources of heavy metals, and to evaluate the anthropogenic influence on these pollutants in the river. Sediment samples were collected from 20 sites along the river (five upstream, four midstream, and 11 downstream). Heavy metal concentrations, viz. chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, and molybdenum, in the samples were measured using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy. The chemical speciations of heavy metals in the sediments were identified by the widely used five-step Hall method. Lead isotopes were analyzed to identify what portion is contributed by anthropogenic sources. The total heavy metal concentrations were compared with global averages for continental crust (shale) and average values for Japanese river sediments. The mean heavy metal concentrations were higher in downstream sediments than in upstream and midstream samples, and the concentrations in the silt samples were higher than those in the sand samples. Speciation results demonstrate that, for chromium and nickel, the residual fractions were dominant. These findings imply that the influence of anthropogenic chromium and nickel contamination is negligible, while copper, zinc, and lead were mostly extracted in the non-residual fraction (metals in adsorbed/exchangeable/carbonate forms or bound to amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides, crystalline Fe oxides, or organic matter), indicating that these elements have high chemical mobility. The proportion of lead (Pb) isotopes in the downstream silt samples indicates that Pb accumulation is primarily derived from anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

The atmospheric particulates from the Caracus Valley in Venezuela and the fluvial particulates transported by the Tuy River into the Caribbean sea have been evaluated for Pb, Cu and Zn with the purpose of determining the contamination levels in the study area. The atmospheric particulate samples were collected in the city of Caracas using a low volume sampler whereas the fluvial particulate were collected at the mouth of the Tuy River. The particulate samples were analysed by flame or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry depending upon the concentration levels of the heavy metal under study. The results obtained for the fluvial particulates enabled estimates to be made of the total anthropogenic flux of Cu (383 ton year–1), Pb (528 ton year–1) and Zn (865 ton year–1). These results yield annual per capita inputs for Cu (96 g),Pb (132 g) and Zn (216 g) which greatly exceed those from global anthropogenic emissions. The weighted average concentration of Pb (1.13 %) found in the atmospheric particulates was much higher than those for Cu (140 mg kg–1) and Zn (200 mg kg–1) and reflects the high motor car traffic in the Caracas Valley. The anthropogenic/natural ratios estimated in this study were as follows: 2.6 for Pb; 1.5 for Cu and 1.5 for Zn. This indicates that anthropogenic inputs for Cu, Pb, and Zn in the study area exceed those from natural sources, cars being the major source for Pb and industrial activities the major sources for Cu and Zn.  相似文献   

Atmospheric heavy metals, (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn), PAHs, and PCBs, depositions were monitored in scots pine needles during a monitoring network programme (Monitoring Programme Natural Budget Berlin and Environs) in 1991 in the city of Berlin, and the surrounding rural areas of Brandenburg (Germany). The total area of the network covered 3,000 km2. The passive monitoring technique is based on the fact that the concentrations of heavy metals, PAH’s and PCB’s in the needles are closely correlated to atmospheric depositions/emissions. The objectives of the project were to characterize qualitatively and quantitatively the regional atmospheric deposition patterns of heavy metals, PAH’s and PCB’s in rural and polluted urban areas of Berlin and Brandenburg. The indication of the locations which could be characterized as heavy metals, PAH and PCB pollution sources was also targetted in this investigation. After conclusion, comparison with similar studies conducted in different parts of Germany and Europe would be possible. The regional background deposition levels showed different distribution patterns. The lead and PAH concentrations in the pine needles were closely correlated to the locations of combustion sources petrol, oil, brown coal and heavy traffic activities. The PCB and cadmium concentration levels in the pine needles represented a more ubiquitous distribution pattern.  相似文献   

汞(Hg)是唯一以气态形式存在于大气环境中的有毒重金属污染物,对人体健康和生态系统具有多方面的潜在危害。本文首先描述了我国长春、兰州、北京、上海、武汉、广州、贵阳和重庆等一些典型城市的大气Hg时空分布特征、浓度水平以及季节变化规律;之后,就我国大气Hg的主要污染源进行了分析,指出:煤燃烧是我国大气Hg最主要的污染源,有色金属熔炼以及水泥和钢铁的生产也是重要的污染源;最后,通过分析大气Hg直接和间接暴露途径,阐述了大气Hg对人体的心血管和生殖系统等以及通过水生或陆生食物链的蓄积和放大作用对人体健康可能产生的不良影响。  相似文献   

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