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通过对四姑娘山自然保护区四川红杉林、岷江冷杉林、中国沙棘林3种典型植被类型林下枯落物的实验分析,四姑娘山自然保护区内四川红杉林、岷江冷杉林、中国沙棘林林下枯落物数量、持水能力要高于一般的针叶林和阔叶林,四川红杉林、岷江冷杉林、中国沙棘林林下枯落物最大持水率差异不显著(P=0.080)。LSD多重比较结果可知,中国沙棘林最大持水率显著高于岷江冷杉林、四川红杉林,而岷江冷杉林、四川红杉林间最大持水率差异不显著。  相似文献   

四川小金四姑娘山国家级自然保护区于1996年依法建立,以保护高山生态系统和生物多样性为重点,总面积560km2。四姑娘山国家级自然保护区管理局始终把加强生态保护作为实现旅游经济可持续发展的核心。坚持在严格保护中开发和发展,在开发和发展中加强保护,以开发促进保护,  相似文献   

本文采用材积源生物量法和土壤剖面分析方法,以四川彭州为典型案例,对栽植17年的人工柳杉、杉木、水杉、桦木、桤木、喜树林的碳聚积效应进行了研究.结果表明:不同树种的生物量积累规律为:柳杉>桦木>喜树>水杉>杉木>桤木,每公顷柳杉、桦木、喜树、水杉、杉木、桤木的生物量分别为172t、162t、157t、126t、124t、111t.柳杉的生物量比桦木、喜树、水杉、杉木、桤木增加5.81%、8.72%、26.7%、27.9%、35.5%;不同树种的林分碳贮量为柳杉>桦木>喜树>水杉>杉木>桤木,柳杉、桦木、喜树、水杉、杉木、桤木林分的碳贮量分别为86.0、81.0、7&5、63.0、62.0、55.5tC/hm2,表明柳杉比其它树种具有更强的生长能力和固碳能力;林下土壤的有机碳含量,在不同土层中的分布规律为:0~10cm>10~30cm>30~50cm>50~70cm,土壤有机碳集中分布于0~50cm土层内;不同树种林下土壤的碳贮量均高于同期的林分碳贮量,表明土壤碳库是林分碳库的补充和延续,且具有更大的固碳潜力.  相似文献   

柽柳属植物的生物量研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对中科院吐鲁番沙漠植物园4种柽柳的生物量进行了测定和研究。按“标准木法”分别调查高度,基径和冠幅,按“收割法’测定其各器官的生物量及凋落物。调查数据,应用“相对生长法’健立了估测柽柳整株和各器生物量的回归模型,相关系数均达到显著水平。结果表明:柽柳地上部分生物量分别为;甘蒙柽柳25.85t/hm2,刚毛任柳27.17/hm2,白花柽柳35.46t/hm2,长穗柽柳52.29t/hm2。生物量回归模型分别为W(甘)=0.3643(D2H)1.0001,w(刚)=O.3156(D2H)1.0000,w(白)。0.5839(D2H)0.9999,w(长)。0.5035(D2H)0.9987  相似文献   

在动物界中.土壤动物是相当重要的.它们村植物凋落物和动物尸体的粉碎、分解以及物质转化和土壤形成与熟化具有十分重要的作用‘-。ig96年·作者对泰山油松林上壤动物及其垂直分层进行了初步调查研究。1研究方法我们在泰山北坡油松林布点进j--J-J一采样调查。油松林分布的海拔高度为1000m,油松生长旺盛、郁闭度大,林下阴湿,灌草茂盛。土壤为山地暗棕壤,有机质含量丰富,呈黑褐色,pH值为60。)~6·25,呈微酸性。在油松林内选取3个典型样地.按5\SX4cm‘分3层垂直取样,即残落物层A。(0~二。。。)、腐殖质层AI(5~10CC…  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷甜樱桃发展优势及栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岷江上游干旱河谷特有的生态环境条件适宜发展优质特色水果.甜樱桃作为该区域新兴特色水果之一,近5年来发展面积已超过了400hm2.甜樱桃的引种和规模化栽培表明,岷江上游干旱河谷区发展优质、高产甜樱桃具有独特的优势.总结了岷江干旱河谷栽培甜樱桃的成熟技术和管理措施,探讨了发展甜樱桃的巨大潜力,同时对存在的问题进行了分析,以期为汶川地震灾害农业产业的恢复重建和结构调整提出新的思路.  相似文献   

迄今,有关大渡河的饵料生物资源仅有零星记述,尚无系统的报道。近年我们对大渡河中、下游江段进行了调查,现将情况报道如下。 1 大渡河流域概况大渡河为岷江最大支流,发源于青海省果洛山南麓,由北向南流经四川省境内,于草鞋渡与青衣江汇合,在乐山城南注入岷江,干流全长1062km,流域面积7.74万km~2,约占岷江流域总面积的59%。石棉以上森林覆盖良好,多年平均流量为1570m~3/s,多  相似文献   

近年来,崂山风景区酸雨频率虽然呈降低趋势,但酸沉降对景区生态环境仍存在潜在的威胁。本文基于不同标准,应用简单质量平衡(SMB)法,确定了崂山土壤的酸沉降临界负荷。结果表明:崂山的酸度临界负荷、潜在酸度临界负荷、氮临界负荷、硫临界负荷和地表水酸度临界负荷分别为1.53 keq/(hm2.a),0.32 keq/(hm2.a),0.47 keq/(hm2.a),2.84 keq/(hm2.a),0.44 keq/(hm2.a),确定了风景区生态环境对酸沉降的最大允许负荷,从而为控制酸性物质的排放量提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

以云南省西双版纳勐腊县的茶树林、次生季雨林和不同林龄橡胶林为研究对象,比较土壤物理性质之间的差异,热带雨林转变成人工林后土壤水源涵养能力的变化。结果表明:次生季雨林和不同林龄橡胶林的土壤密度较接近,且远远大于茶树林;次生季雨林的土壤非毛管孔隙度最大,为14.23%,是茶树林的1.94倍。不同林龄橡胶林的土壤非毛管孔隙度处于中间值,变化范围为10.86%—13.96%,且土壤非毛管孔隙度随着橡胶林林龄的增大而递增,相应不同覆被下的土壤最大持水量也呈相同的变化趋势。在0—70cm土层深度上,茶树林、次生季雨林和不同林龄橡胶林土壤密度、土壤总孔隙度和土壤最大持水量变化情况均随着土层加厚表现出一致性,各树种的土壤有效持水量随着土层深度加深表现出起伏不定的变化趋势,但这种趋势有一定规律,相对较稳定,可一定程度上反映其水源涵养能力。  相似文献   

一、河流的基本情况金沙江、岷江、沱江、嘉陵江和乌江是长江上游的几条主要河流。其中金沙江的流域面积最大,达48余万km~2,流域内大部分面积为高原和山地;流域内的降水主要来自印度洋,年降水量约750mm,河水除大部分为降雨径流直接补给外,还有少部分冰雪融水补给。岷江是长江上游产水量最大的一级支  相似文献   

海南东寨港红树林湿地面积变化及其驱动力分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文分析了海南省东寨港红树林湿地的面积变化及其驱动力。结合早期地形图和实地调查数据,利用3个时相的TM遥感图片,计算出1959年、1989年、1996年、2002年4个时相的红树林面积分别为3213.8hm^2、1657.8hm^2、2018.8hm^2和1552.6hm^2。在过去的近50年里,有近50%的天然红树林被毁掉,红树林湿地被转换为经济林种植田、水产养殖塘、城镇基础设施建设用地等。自1980年成立红树林自然保护区以来,红树林得到了一定程度的保护,1989年到1996年图像对比上红树林面积增加了361.0hm^2。近年来,旅游业的开发对红树林生态系统存在一定程度的干扰。2002年,红树林面积相对于1996年减少了566.2hm^2。此外,红树林斑块的空间格局和树种的构成发生了变化,红树林群落植物多样性明显减弱。在综合分析基础上,根据生态系统综合管理的思想。提出了建立高水平的管理研究队伍,采用先进的管理技术和手段,综合管理红树林生态系统。  相似文献   

Community-based co-management (CBCM) has been applied in some communities near natural reserves in China. This paper uses Gansu Baishuijiang National Natural Reserve in China as a case study for livelihood improvements under CBCM projects. We demonstrate change from 2006 to 2010 in five classes of livelihood capital (social, human, natural, physical and financial capitals), illustrating the effectiveness of CBCM projects. Specifically, there are increases in mean family income and improvements in forest conservation. However, some problems in the design and implementation of CBCM projects remain, including the complicated social and political relationship between government and community, social exclusion and uneven application of benefits within communities, and the lack of integration of indigenous cultures and traditional beliefs. Attention for special groups in community and improving the design of CBCM Projects. Study shows that under the cooperation of government, CBCM projects and local community residents, the harmonious development of sustainable livelihood improvement and forest resources conservation will be an important trend in the future.  相似文献   

The BOSAWAS Natural Resource Reserve of Nicaragua was established in 1991, to protect a portion of the remaining tropical rain forest and to promote the sustainable use of the region's resources. Information required to effectively manage the reserve includes the extents and locations of present land-cover types and recent land-cover changes in the management use zones that were delineated by local indigenous communities. These zones include areas designated for conservation, limited resource extraction, agriculture, and watershed protection. Land-cover for 1986 and 1995 was identified for three of the communities from remotely sensed images and then input into a geographic information system database to identify land-cover types within these management use zones. For both dates of the analysis, advanced forest was the dominant land cover, with the conservation zones entirely forested. The amount of both agricultural land and scrub/early secondary forest increased between the two dates, with much of these land-cover classes occurring in the agriculture zones. Conflicts between the land-cover present and designated use were identified in some of the limited-use buffer and watershed protection zones. Changes between 1986 and 1995 were identified by overlaying the two land-cover data sets. Three change processes were identified as occurring: deforestation, reforestation, and reconversion. Changes were concentrated in the agriculture zones but were found to occur in every type of zone, except for conservation. The results of this study will establish baseline information for the future management of the BOSAWAS Reserve, an important component in uniting conservation areas along the Central American isthmus.  相似文献   

喀纳斯自然保护区生态旅游开发与环境保护   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
喀纳斯湖位于新疆阿尔泰山西部,是国家级自然保护区的中心,以其美、奇、静原始的秀丽风景及湖中的大“水怪”闻名于世,近年来,旅游迅速发展、不合理的开发建设,在一定程度上破坏了保护区的生态环境。为保护生态系统,持续发展该地的旅游业,需采取多项严格环境管理措施,向外迁移近湖边建筑群,限制湖面旅游活动范围,保护原始景观风貌,修建生态道路,保护珍稀动植物等,使生态旅游健康发展。  相似文献   

水土保持对维持良好的水库水生态环境具有重要的影响.生态修复技术作为一种新的水土保持措施,可实现受损水库生态环境的修复.围绕水库消落带、水库涵养林、库区耕地和水库水环境等方面来研究生态修复技术在水库水土保持中的应用情况.  相似文献   

We evaluated the conservation attitudes of the local villagers living adjacent to the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve in southern India 6 years after implementation of a World Bank funded eco-development project. We assessed attitudes towards three facets of conservation: the tiger, an emblematic species signifying India's commitment to wildlife conservation; the forest, a principle source of fuel-wood and other products; and the Forest Department, which manages the forest. More specifically we predicted that (i) attitudes would be an effective predictor of resource use interest in the forest and (ii) benefits obtained from the EDP would create more favorable attitudes towards conservation and the protected area employees. Twelve villages located within 3 km from the reserve boundary were chosen and 2-3% of the households interviewed with regard to their attitudes towards these three facets of conservation, their household resource use patterns, wealth, sex, age and length of residency. We found significant associations between wealth, sex, age and both tiger and forest conservation. Providing benefits has not changed the underlying attitudes of the communities. The poorer sections of society, whether receiving benefits or not, tended to support tiger conservation because conserving wildlife did not affect their livelihood in any way, whereas both the rich and poor had misgivings about forest conservation due to dependency on forest products. We conclude that the eco-development project has not effectively addressed the most important of the local concerns.  相似文献   

本文应用多层次、二型Fuzzy综台评判方法,对祁连山水源涵养林区的青海云杉林、祁连圆柏林、灌木林和牧坡草地4个不同植被类型进行了森林水文效应的多因子综合评判。结果表明:青海云杉林是该林区涵养水源效应最佳的林型,祁连圆柏林和灌木林次之,牧坡草地不仅蓄水能力差,且有水土流失发生;并提出了各植被类型合理经营的对策,为祁连山水源涵养林的保护、发展和综合利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Forestland application of poultry manure offers an alternative to the conventional practice of pastureland application. Before such a practice is considered viable, however, it must be demonstrated that the forest ecosystem is capable of absorbing the nutrients contained in poultry manure, especially nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). From the forestry perspective, it must also be demonstrated that tree growth is not diminished. We investigated these questions using loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands growing in central Mississippi in an area of high poultry production. Stockpiled broiler litter was applied to newly thinned, 8-yr-old stands at 0, 4.6, and 18.6 dry Mg ha-1, supplying 0, 200, and 800 kg N ha-1 and 0, 92, and 370 kg P ha-1, respectively. Levels of nitrate in soil water, monitored at a 50-cm depth with porous cup tension lysimeters, exceeded 10 mg N L-1 during the first two years after application in the 18.6 Mg ha-1 rate but only on two occasions in the first year for the lower rate of application. Phosphate was largely absent from lysimeter water in all treatments. Other macronutrients (K, Ca, Mg, S) were elevated in lysimeter water in proportion to litter application rates. Soil extractable nitrate showed similar trends to lysimeter water, with substantial elevation during the first year following application for the 18.6 Mg ha-1 rate. Mehlich III-extractable phosphate peaked in excess of 100 microg P g-1 soil during the third year of the study for the 18.6 Mg ha-1 rate. The 4.6 Mg ha-1 rate did not affect extractable soil P. Tree growth was increased by the poultry litter. Total stem cross-sectional area, or basal area, was approximately 20% greater after 2 yr for both rates of litter application. Overall, the nutrients supplied by the 4.6 Mg ha-1 rate were contained by the pine forest and resulted in favorable increases in tree growth. The higher rate, by contrast, did pose some risk to water quality through the mobilization of nitrate. These results show that, under the conditions of this study, application of poultry litter at moderate rates of approximately 5 Mg ha-1 to young stands of loblolly pine offers an alternative disposal option with minimal impacts to water quality and potential increases in tree growth.  相似文献   

以《临沂统计年鉴》与临沂市国土资源局提供的数据为依据,计算分析了临沂市近10年来的生态足迹和生态承载力。研究结果表明,1999-2008年临沂市的平均生态足迹为2.4056hm^2/cap,平均生态承载力为1.5828hm^2/cap,平均赤字0.8228hm^2/cap,生态处于不可持续发展状态。此外,临沂市万元GDP生态足迹值总体上呈下降趋势,表明临沂市资源利用效率的提高和经济增长方式的良性转变。  相似文献   

浅谈三江源区隆务河流域水资源现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对三江源自然保护区的重要河流——隆务河流域的水环境污染源、污染物及其排放状况进行了现场全方位调查,选取pH、Cr6+、DO、COD等为监测项目,调查结果表明该地区水资源已经达不到国家地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838—2002)要求。本文还分析其污染源沿河流呈零星分布的特点,阐述了污染物对环境造成的危害,为三江源的水环境可持续发展提供保障。  相似文献   

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