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文章以太湖流域污水处理设施尾水为例,研究出"水质水量调节—垂直潜流人工湿地—水平潜流人工湿地"的尾水深度脱氮除磷工艺,在人工湿地中使用铝污泥复合填料,研究成果可为太湖流域污水处理设施的深度处理及提标改造提供关键技术支持。  相似文献   

潜流人工湿地在城镇污水处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了潜流人工湿地的特点,着重分析了现有潜流人工湿地处理系统存在的问题,并提出了解决方法.特别指出免淤塞型潜流人工湿地适合城镇水污染治理,并具有建设和运行费用低、管理维护简单、处理效率高和出水水质稳定的优势.  相似文献   

结合中国石油吐哈油田公司葡北站的实际情况及对该站生活污水水质进行分析,并对几种常用的污水生化处理工艺进行比较,确定选用三级潜流型人工湿地处理该站生活污水。文章介绍了三级潜流型人工湿地污水处理系统的工艺特点、运行、维护及效果。经分析论证,利用人工湿地处理分散站的小排量生活污水,十分经济且有效,以较低的成本,实现了生活污水的优质处理,产生较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

城镇景观水体水质控制技术分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对上海城镇小型景观水体水质污染特征,分析了充氧曝气、人工湿地、曝气生物滤池等工艺技术在小型景观水体水质净化中的应用,提出各种小型景观水体水质控制技术的特点和适用范围,为2010年上海世博会园区内景观水体水质控制方法提供参考,也为其他小型景观水体的建设和运行提供借鉴。  相似文献   

潜流湿地处理旅游区生活污水生产试验:以COD为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某大型潜流人工湿地污水处理工程为实验基地,对潜流人工湿地工艺进行生产研究,本文介绍其对COD的去除性能。该工程COD进水平均98mg/L,出水平均38mg/L,达到GB18918-2002中一级A排放标准。当单级湿地进水COD浓度小于80mg/L,两级串联湿地进水COD浓度小于100mg/L时,可使湿地出水浓度小于50mg/L。工艺类型上,下行流湿地优点突出、最为全面,优势明显。不同植物配置上,本生产实验条件下,一级湿地种植芦苇和芦竹去处效果接近,二级湿地不同植物优劣排序:灯芯草〉美人蕉〉香蒲〉水竹〉香根草。  相似文献   

从潜流式人工湿地设计谈提高氮去除率方法的途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从相关文献与实际工程来看,潜流式人工湿地对含氮污染物的去除效果与含碳污染物的去除比相对较弱。参考国内外大量文献资料,根据潜流式人工湿地的常规工艺和脱氮机理,本文总结并提出了一些提高污水氮去除率的方法。指出应根据具体的情况选择合适的植物和基质、通过工程措施和工艺组合、优化工艺设计及其他一些方法来创造脱氮所需环境,从而达到提高潜流式人工湿地氮去除率的目的。  相似文献   

依据西溪湿地水质监测资料及水体检测数据,对其水质状况进行了评价,阐述了水体污染特征和程度,同时,根据西溪湿地的水质状况和城市湿地的功能要求,提出了人工湿地、健康养殖、生态浮岛等生物一生态治理对策,并在其区域内鱼塘进行了相应试验。从监测结果分析,处理水体各项指标均有不同程度的改善,净化效果明显。  相似文献   

低温影响人工湿地污水的处理效果,限制了人工湿地在寒冷地区的推广应用。文章综合分析了影响寒冷地区人工湿地污水处理效果的因素,提出:潜流式的人工湿地具有一定的保温特点,在潜流湿地土壤上面铺盖一定厚度的覆盖物可以提高保温效果,再选择科学合理的工艺流程——复合垂直流等可提高人工湿地的污水处理效率。有关实例也证明:通过合理的设计,人工湿地可以在寒冷地区成功越冬。  相似文献   

针对青藏高原高寒缺氧气候条件下人工湿地污水处理技术应用与示范,文章分析了夏季不同温度条件下,潜流-表流型结构人工湿地污水处理中总氮和氨氮的去除效果及其影响因素。结果表明:7~9月,总氮去除率随时间推移先逐渐上升后逐渐下降,氨氮去除率随时间推移逐渐下降;潜流人工湿地单元总氮去除率与日平均气温显著正相关(p0.05),表面流人工湿地单元总氮去除率与日温差存在负相关性;表面流人工湿地单元及人工湿地系统氨氮去除率均与日最低气温和周平均气温显著正相关(p0.05)。  相似文献   

Monod模型在潜流式人工湿地中的应用探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖艳  叶旌  杨敦 《环境技术》2003,21(2):21-25
本文对一阶模型和零阶模型进行了比较,提出将Monod模型用于潜流式人工湿地的设计和运行之中。通过模型的动力学分析,表明负荷率和零阶去除率常数是决定潜流式人工湿地去除效果的基本参数,特别是在应用Monod模型时,可以得出湿地的最大去除率,从而避免在设计时引起尺寸过小。这有很重要的意义,说明湿地的负荷率有一个上限(这在一阶模型中是得不到的)。另外,本文还引进了一个新的无量纲参数无量钢参数Ω——湿地去除效率因子,作为比较湿地运行效果的有效方式。  相似文献   

The emission of methane from two constructed wetlands [a free water surface flow system (FWS) and a subsurface flow system (SF)], constructed for the treatment of waste water, was evaluated at different sites inhabited by reeds (Phragmites communis), to test the effects of plant harvest. High methane emission was recorded immediately after harvesting in both wetlands. Several days after harvesting, the emission decreased in the FWS but remained high in the SF. The variation was significantly influenced by temperature, with lower emission and higher dissolved CH(4) in water occurring at lower temperatures. Both the emission and concentration of dissolved CH(4) were also influenced significantly by water quality, wetland design, level of stalk butt left above the water level, etc. The methane flux was explained on the basis of rizhospheric methanogenic and methanotrophic microbial populations. FISH analysis indicated the presence of Type A and Type B methanotrophs in both wetlands, and the methane flux was directly influenced by the quantitative variation in methanogenic and methanotrophic bacteria in both wetlands.  相似文献   

人工湿地塘床系统净化地表水的试验研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
成都市活水公园人工湿地塘床系统对枯水期府河水中的CODcr,BOD5,TN,TP,oil,LAS,Ar-OH,NH3,S^2-等污染物的去除率在85%以上,总大肠菌群的去除率达99.9%以上,其净化效果能够满足净化地表水或污水深度处理的需要。由此可见,人工湿地塘床系统是一种生态滤池。  相似文献   

本文根据西岭雪山风景区的生态、环境特征和水质标准,选择了8个评价指标,对8个采样带和全游览景区的水体质量,运用模糊数学方法进行了综合评价研究  相似文献   

Industrial and agricultural activities often impose significant pressures to the groundwater quality and consequently degrade wetland ecosystems that depend mostly on subsurface water flow. Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping is a widely used approach to assess the natural protection of aquifers and the associated pollution potential from human activities. In the particular study, the relatively new Pan-European methodology (COP method) has been applied in a highly industrialized peri-urban wetland catchment, located close to Athens city, to map the intrinsic vulnerability of the aquifer and evaluate the risk potential originating from local land uses. Groundwater analysis results for various parameters, including Phenols, PCBs and nutrients, have been used to validate the vulnerability and risk estimations while a biological assessment occurred to associate the mapping results with the wetland's ecological status. The results indicated that even though the natural protection of the aquifer is relatively high due to the dominant hydrogeologic and geomorphologic conditions, the groundwater pollution risk is considerable, mainly because of the existing hazardous land uses. The water quality of the groundwater accredited these findings and the ecological status of this peri-urban wetland also indicated significant impacts from industrial effluents.  相似文献   

针对农村生活污水污染问题已成为影响我国农村水环境的主要因素以及目前黑灰分离收集处理与现状不相符合,本文对崇明县某村的污水排放特征以及水量水质进行调研,并对硝化预处理系统结合人工湿地反硝化以及脱氮预处理结合人工湿地深度处理两种运行模式进行了深入探讨并分析了其去除机理,结果显示,硝化预处理系统结合人工湿地反硝化由于后续反硝化需要投加大量碳源从经济管理方面而言变得不可行;脱氮预处理结合人工湿地深度处理在预处理系统以进水3h、曝气2h、沉淀0.5h、排水0.5h、气水比40∶1的模式运行、人工湿地水力停留时间为48h条件下出水可满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)的二级要求,且因氨氮指标的降低大幅缩短了人工湿地的水力停留时间而减小占地面积。  相似文献   

刘西茹 《四川环境》2014,(1):144-149
人工湿地系统具有高效、节能、基建和运行费用低、操作与维护简单等优点,是一种高效的污水生态处理技术,其去除机理错综复杂。本文综述了人工湿地的系统构造、分类和净化机理,并通过其影响因素的分析,提出了人工湿地污水处理系统在设计、建设和运行管理中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Karst terrane provides a linkage between surface water and ground water regimes by means of caves, sinkholes and swallets, and sinking streams, and facilitates the inter‐watershed transfer of water and contaminants through these subsurface systems. The goal of this study was to develop procedures to identify the sources of degradation of a creek situated in a complex karst‐water system. The study approach consisted of using dye tracing technique to determine subsurface flow paths through the karst system, a water‐sampling network to identify and characterize pollution sources within the surface watershed and subsurface flow regime, and evaluation of analytical data for several water quality parameters. The results of this study provide an interesting perspective of water and contaminant movement in karst‐water systems and pinpoint the sources of stream contamination for a case study site in southwest Virginia where two springs supply water to a contaminated freshwater stream.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), various water supply projects have been proposed in a region located between the Miami metropolitan area and the extensive regional wetland systems that are part of the Everglades or remnant Everglades. A ground water flow model of the surficial aquifer within northern Miami‐Dade County was constructed using MODFLOW to evaluate the effects of these projects on water levels in the wetlands and the underlying surficial aquifer. The new Wetlands package was used to conjunctively simulate overland flow through these wetlands and the shallow ground water system. Comparisons of simulated to measured ground water levels and wetland stages were very satisfactory, where computed and measured water levels agreed within 0.5 ft over most of the period of record at nearly all of the monitoring sites. Temporal trends in water levels were also replicated. It was concluded that the assumptions and methodologies inherent to the Wetlands package were suitable for simulating regional wetland hydrology within the Everglades area.  相似文献   

西藏高寒湿地在生态平衡、生态建设和经济社会发展中发挥着重要作用。本文以西藏拉萨河流域内各个典型高寒湿地为研究对象,通过系统聚类法和综合污染指数法,对流域内各项水质指标进行综合分析和评价。结果表明:各个湿地的总N、Cu元素含量都超出了Ⅰ类水质标准;总P、Zn没有超标;Mn元素含量除了塘嘎郭湿地超标3倍外,其他均小于国家标准;Fe元素含量除了塘嘎郭湿地超标7倍外,其他均小于标准。总N、总P、pH值、Cu、Fe等因子对拉萨河流域内各个高寒湿地水质污染贡献最大。拉萨河水体有机污染较重,其余各个湿地有水体富营养化的趋势,同时流域内湿地独特的自然因素造成该流域内重金属污染偏高。对策建议包括应加大对城市污水的治理,加强流域内及周边矿藏资源的开发管理等。  相似文献   

人工湿地处理系统的运行管理与维护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工湿地作为一种新型的处理技术,在水环境保护中具有重要的意义和广阔的应用前最。随着人工湿地处理工程数量的增多,迫切地需要建立科学的管理制度和维护方法,以充分发挥其美化水环境和提升人文环境的双重作用。本文对人工湿地处理系统中水位控制、进出水装置维护、护堤维护、植物管理、气味控制、蚊蝇控制和野生动物管理等方面进行了分析探讨,系统论述了人工湿地处理系统在运行管理和维护中需要考虑的主要事项。对将来建立完善的人工湿地处理系统的管理体系具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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