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四川泸州天然气化工厂利用一套“直接法”浓硝酸装置,同时生产稀硝酸和浓硝酸的“双硝联产”技术方案,于1987年4月初经过试验考核获得圆满成功.目前,该厂每天可生产浓硝酸约90吨,硝酸铵约100吨.一年可增加收入100万元以上.更重要的是,这项技术革新成果具有十分显著的环境效益,做到了综合利用,变废为室,把“三废”消除在生产过程之中,提高了资源利用率,人们赞誉这是一箭双雕的技术革新.  相似文献   

在分析原简易测试板的基础上,着重研究影响调试与环境试验测试数据的有关因素,并对传统测试方法进行了改进,并通过实验的验证,研制出了可用于生产调试和环境试验的测控盒.  相似文献   

根据《新化学物质环境管理办法》(国家环境保护总局令第17号)第四条,我局负责收录并适时公布已在中华人民共和国境内生产或者进口的化学物质名单。现将我局收录的已在中国境内生产或者进口的化学物质名单予以公布。具体内容可查询:1.国家环境保护总局网站:http://www.zhb.gov.cn2.国家环境保护总局化学品登记中心网站:http://www.crc-sepa.org.cn2003年9月23日国家环保总局关于公布已在中国境内生产或者进口的化学物质名单的公告  相似文献   

北京市延庆县西龙湾村沼气工程根据光-热转换原理,将可利用的太阳能技术同沼气生物技术有机结合起来,利用太阳能为沼气工程加温,解决了寒冷地区冬季沼气生产的问题.  相似文献   

光污染的危害及防治措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光污染会引起人的视觉疲劳和视力下降,导致儿童性早熟,而且也危及野生动植物.光污染给天文学家观察星空造成了很大的困难,给航空和行车也带来了很大的威胁.降低日常生活用灯亮度最高指数,在必需大亮度的生产环境中给作业者配以防眩镜,在汽车上安置双焦防眩照明灯,对光源分布做出合理安排,不安装对空灯光装置等可有效减少光危害.  相似文献   

我国涂料行业高速发展的同时,严峻的行业环境问题严重限制了我国涂料行业的进一步发展.本文进行了涂料行业清洁生产审核实例研究.实践表明,加快我国涂料行业清洁生产技术的研究与开发,推进涂料企业清洁生产审核工作,可有效地减少涂料生产带来的环境污染,对我国涂料行业的可持续发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

微生物法生产生物 可降解塑料 PHB和 PHBHHx1.项目简介   可生物降解塑料—聚-β-羟基丁酸酯( PHB),也称生物塑料,是用微生物在糖蜜中生长时所积累的一种内聚物。在“九五”攻关过程中。清华大学开发了用废糖蜜为原料生产 PHB的工艺,成本得到很大地降低。   生产新型生物塑料—羟基丁酸酯 HB和羟基己酸酯 HHx共聚物 PHBHHx的关键是得到高产的菌种。能合成 PHBHHx的菌种少而又少,“九五”期间通过开发傅立叶红外无损探测技术,清华大学在数千个菌株中筛选得到了一株单胞菌,能满足生产和材料性能的要求。 PHBHHx…  相似文献   

自然资源是指在一定的技术经济条件下,自然界中对人类有用的一切物质和能量,如土、水、气、森林、草原、野生动植物等.自然资源按其用途可分为生产资源、风景资源、科研资源等;按其属性可分为土地资源、水资源、生物资源、矿产资源等;按其能被人利用的时间长短,又分为有限资源和无限资源两大类,前者又可分为可更新资源和不可更新资源.随着技术的进步和经济的发展,自然界中对人无用的物质也可以变成有用的资源.  相似文献   

本方法是一种以幼芽、茎尖和花梗作为外植体的绿芦笋组织培养生产方法,具有时间短、增殖率高和可进行全年生产的优点。绿芦笋的生产可实现大规模的工业生产,不受时间、季节和地理位置的限制。普通的蔬菜技术人员通过学习和培训,完全可以进行培育。绿芦笋在北纬40°可正常生长,在没有大棚的条件下,冬天在冻土中过冬,来年春天照常收割采摘;在长江以北黄河中下游也可种植绿芦笋的组织培养生产法  相似文献   

通过对北京市郊县柳沟村的实证研究,得到乡村旅游生态足迹的特点和构成.研究发现,各类生态系统服务多功能性节约了部分生态足迹,该村60万游客2011年生态足迹为2266.724chm2,平均0.003778chm2/人,是一种生态足迹较小的旅游方式;占用土地类型比例依次是化石能源地45.37%、可耕地44.79%、水域9.69%、建成地0.15%.从旅游环节来看,食宿、交通、游购娱、废弃物处理比例分别为46.06%、27.25%、22.54%、4.15%.由于本地不具备生产条件或生产优势,食物贸易转移了部分生态足迹,目的地发展旅游业可提高生态效率和社会效益.  相似文献   

The premise that, strictly speaking, impact monitoring is impossible, is presented and discussed It is shown that a wide range of published objectives for environmental effects monitoring can be seen as special cases of the basic goal of reducing uncertainty in predictions. Monitoring in environmental-impact situations can only be used as a check on one of the two time series required to define impact. Four approaches to generating the other time series required in the difference calculation of impact are discussed, with the conclusion that the best approach relies on process-based simulation models. Impact analysts are encouraged to consider carefully what can and cannot actually be accomplished with environmental monitoring to assist impact detection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effects of major water management practices on the pumping requirement from the Ogallala aquifer are discussed. Demand on the aquifer may be reduced as much as 15 percent by recycling irrigation runoff, 25 percent by recycling irrigation runoff and irrigating with water from playas, and 29 percent by recycling irrigation water in combination with irrigation from playas and artificial recharge of playa water to the aquifer. Other practices that can result in more efficient use of precipitation and groundwater are limited irrigation, land forming, soil profile modification, and improved irrigation systems, thereby reducing the pumping demand on the Ogallala. Additional water supplies can possibly be obtained by water harvesting, weather modification, and water importation. Conclusions reached were that the overdraft on the aquifer can be reduced by the application of sound water management practices on an area-wide basis.  相似文献   

在高锰酸盐指数的测定中,干扰最为严重且难以消除的是氯离子(Cl-)的影响。高浓度氯离子的干扰会导致测定结果偏差大,无法界定高锰酸盐指数是否达标。对高含氯水样高锰酸盐指数测定新方法(改进的高锰酸盐指数法)的实验研究结果表明,在采用标准高锰酸钾法对高含氯水样进行的高锰酸盐指数测定中,利用稀释方法,在碱性条件下用硫酸锰作催化剂,可以避免氯离子的干扰,提高了高锰酸钾对有机物的氧化率,能真实地反映水样中有机物的污染程度。  相似文献   

采用微波消解-光度法处理钻井液废水中的总铬。该方法克服了常规消解方法的缺点,测定步骤简单、快速,准确性高。通过实验探讨了微波功率、加热时间、样品体积对样品消解的影响。与常压的硫酸-硝酸消解法进行比较的结果表明,用微波消解-光度法处理泥浆废水可将消解时间由原来的6h缩短为20min,加标回收率由60%提高到92%,降低了工作强度,改善了工作环境。  相似文献   

油气田污泥无害化处理途径探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
我国污泥处理和处置研究起步较晚,大部分为农田堆肥处置,这对环境保护有不良的影响。在室内进行了油田污泥固化试验研究。研究结果表明:水泥固化污泥可用于制作筑路材料,以水泥、石灰、水玻璃为主要固化剂的污泥可进行填埋处理,含油污泥可制成煤球,可将含油污泥焚烧处理,可以用污泥焚烧灰制砖。这些方法都是污泥后续无害化、资源化处理的有效手段。  相似文献   

The study of a method of regional environmental risk assessment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Regional environmental risk assessment can be defined as risk assessment which deals with a spatial scale that contains multiple habitats with multiple sources of many stressors affecting multiple endpoints. The characteristics of the landscape also affect the estimated risk. In this paper, an information diffusion method based on a grid system is proposed to assess regional environmental risk. The risk information on a single environmental risk source can be diffused effectively by using fuzzy set theory. Regional environmental risk values obtained from information diffusion can be clustered on classification criteria and different environmental risk levels can be depicted in a spatial partition map. Huangge Town and Nansha Town located in the Nansha Area of Guangzhou City in China were selected as model cases. The results derived from this information diffusion method will help the local government to optimize the distribution of industrial areas and establish risk prevention measurements and emergency management procedures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Environmental protection dictates that effluents of desired quality should be dischargd from dredged material confinement facilities. In general, this can be accomplished by supplementing the solid-liquid separation obtained by simple sedimentation with appropriate filter systems which provide additional clarification. A methodology to estimate the sedimentation required in a disposal area was developed on the basis of classical sedimentation theories and compared favorably with field data. A procedure was then advanced and documented whereby effluents from dredged material confinement facilities can be successfully modeled for laboratory filtration tests. For these purposes inorganic suspended solids can be simulted reasonably well by adjusting the concentration of commercially available clays, and fresh or saline water environments can be simulated satisfactorily by tap water or sodium chloride solutions, respectively.  相似文献   

This article addresses the use of critical loads in optimized emission abatement strategies. Critical loads represent the maximum tolerable deposition possible without adverse impacts, a limit that is highly spatially variable. As deposition targets, critical loads cannot be satisfied at all receptors in Europe. Consequently, there is a need for alternative criteria that still relate to ecological indicators, yet that are feasible, consistent, and equitable. Two criteria are suggested: the relative critical load coverage and the relative deposition reduction. Deposition goals based on these criteria will guarantee that a specified fraction of ecosystems will attain target loads and thus will be protected from adverse environmental impacts. In areas that cannot achieve target loads with the best available control measures, deposition can be reduced to a specified fraction of the unabated level. Examples are presented that demonstrate their derivation and application of the two criteria. The criteria have been implemented in the European-scale Regional Acidification Information and Simulation (RAINS) model. Results obtained indicate that optimized emission strategies based on critical loads may be similar to emission strategies based on deposition reductions at certain levels of the two criteria. This suggests that it may not be necessary to utilize critical loads to formulate deposition targets. A second example shows the effect of excluding countries from European cost minimization. A country's participation can save costs with moderate deposition targets; however, significant costs can be imposed with low (stringent) deposition targets. These preliminary results have significant implications for multilateral negotiations.  相似文献   

基于废旧轮胎再利用及研发简易且低廉的施工方法与维护成本,本研究以规则波水工模型试验研究提出应用于港口码头的多孔隙弹性帷幕的初步理念。利用模型车轮胎以模块化方式组装成弹性帷幕后安装于码头前壁,研究多种周期波浪作用及不同消波室纵深对波浪反射率的影响。实验结果表明,简单的单一消波室多孔隙弹性帷幕对短周期波浪的消波效果较显著,消波室纵深较大者反射率较低,但可能引致水体振荡,后续可再强化消波室的消能效果。未来如能妥善研究废旧轮胎应用于多孔隙弹性帷幕消波结构物的施工与维修方法,除可缓解废旧轮胎处理给环境带来的压力外,也提供一种可用于简易渔港的施工简单、维修容易且资源再利用的消能结构物,该工程技术亦可输出至发展中国家,符合可持续发展观。  相似文献   

Incorporating environmental and natural resource impacts into the benefit-cost analysis of projects in the developing world now relies on a solid body of theory and recommended techniques, but there remain concerns with how this is done in practice. One aspect arises when time and resource constraints make highly sophisticated analysis difficult or impossible. This paper discusses situations where analyses can be improved using relatively simple ‘short cut’ techniques that substitute for more formal analysis that cannot be undertaken realistically or provide an added perspective on project viability. Case studies are employed to illustrate the techniques, based upon the author's experience with appraisals at the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). It is shown that short cut techniques can dramatically alter the outcome of an appraisal at relatively little cost. However, caution is advised since such techniques can be misused, so that the development of suitable protocols is desirable.  相似文献   

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