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通过对新疆工业产业结构、规模、资源配置优化程度、工业发展区域等工业现状及其发展趋势分析,从宏观的角度以实例对新疆工业的清洁生产水平及新疆工业重点行业清洁生产潜力进行分析,提出新疆清洁生产总体发展思路,为新疆经济管理部门、环境管理部门贯彻《清洁生产促进法》,制定相应的清洁生产政策和法规提供参考。  相似文献   

第 1期开展清洁生产是协调新疆工业经济发展与环境保护的必由之路张 鹏 温玉彪 陈 平等 (0 1)……………新疆和田河绿色走廊演变机制及生态环境保护初析高素芳 李志忠 刘自强等 (0 6 )…………………………阜康绿洲景观空间格局分析刘卫国 程维民 潘晓玲等 (0 9)………  相似文献   

关于清洁生产的法律思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来.西方发达国家在总结了防治工业污染的经验教训之后.明确地提出了清洁生产的概念,采取了清洁生产的策略,清洁生产已为世界大多数国家所接受.并于1992年在联合国环发大会上写进了《21世纪议程》。一、作为我国法律概念的清洁生产在我国,清洁生产作为一种观念以及反映清洁生产要求的法律规范田来已久。1973年8月第一次全国环境保护会议提出保护环境的“32字”方针.其中的“综合利用·化害为利”就体现了此种观念1977年4月14回国家计划委员会、国家基本建设委员会、财政部、国务院环境保护领导小组联合发布了《关于治理工业“三废…  相似文献   

从可持续发展战略出发,阐述了目前我国在工业生产发展中面临的问题。为解决工业发展与保护环境的矛盾,实现社会与自然的协调发展,提出了以清洁生产为主,末端处理为辅,从根本上消除污染,节约原料与能源走发展工业的新路。  相似文献   

何光俊 《环境技术》2003,(Z1):13-15
本文对番禺区目前工业企业的大量发展与环境保护的不协调关系这一问题,论述了清洁生产的概念和清洁生产的优越性,通过工作实例探索了清洁生产在环境影响评价和环境管理中的可行性.从而明确,工业和经济的可持续发展,推行清洁生产是必由之路.  相似文献   

正新疆环科院编制的地方标准《清洁生产标准番茄制品工业(番茄酱)》(DB 65/T 4129-2018)于2018年8月3日由自治区质量技术监督局批准发布实施。编制组依托新疆环科院自治区级新疆清洁生产工程技术研究中心为平台,针对新疆番茄制品工业在清洁生产审核过程中遇到的"如何判断一个企业或者一个项目是否达到清洁生产要求"等一些难题,  相似文献   

ThePreciseConceptofCleanManufacture许多人认为,清洁生产不过是打扫卫生、擦洗设备,做一些“清洁”之类的事,没有把清洁生产与环境保护、节约能源和降低成本联系起来,这是一个观念上的谬误。1992年10月,联合国“环境与发展”大会把“清洁生产”纳入了会议的主要文件——二十一世纪议程。“清洁生产”一经提出就预示了环境保护和工业污染防治将发生深刻的战略性转变。清洁生产包括清洁的能源和原辅材料;清洁的产品、清洁的生产过程。企业通过改进产品的设计与制造技术及严格管理,辅之以严格的排污审计,从污染物产生的点、源上进…  相似文献   

在对当前国际国内环境保护大背景分析的基础上,阐述了构建现代产业体系与环境保护的关系,以及生态文明、科学发展观、可持续发展战略、循环经济、清洁生产等与环境保护相关的关键词,提出构建现代产业体系,必须与环境保护体系建设同步进行,将最新的环保理念和思想纳入到现代产业体系的构建之中,并从环保政策上给与支持。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市发展生态工业的思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌鲁木齐是一座新兴的综合性工业城市,也是新疆最主要的工业基地,当前处在走新型工业化道路的历史阶段。生态工业园是现阶段产业集群、循环经济有效结合的最好形式,可以有效地缓解工业发展与资源、环境的矛盾。介绍了生态工业理论与实践,分析了乌鲁木齐发展生态工业的必要性,提出乌鲁木齐建设生态工业园的对策措施。  相似文献   

2004年6月22日~24日,由新疆生态学会牵头,新疆土壤肥料学会、新疆水利学会、新疆林学会、新疆草原学会及新疆植物学会6个学会在乌鲁木齐市召开了“新疆生态环境保护与建设学术讨论会”,各学会共有50多位专家参会并提交了66篇论文,出版了会议专集《新疆生态环境保护与建设学术讨论会论文集》。会议在回顾新疆生态环境建设成绩和教训的基础上,为使今后新疆生态环境保护和建设工作走上科学的符合生态学规律和可持续发展的道路,特提出如下建议,供政府各级领导部门参考。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to contribute to debates on the potential for conservation planning to engage actively with conflict. Current research in conservation planning generally approaches conflict by concentrating on the challenges of securing agreement and consensus. Recent planning literature advocates approaches that are more open to conflict. In the analysis of a Norwegian regional planning process for wild reindeer conservation, we examine how planning authorities handled conflict, and in particular how planning documents portrayed conflicts expressed during the planning process. Findings show that the aim of reaching regional consensus limited the scope of planning, and led to the exclusion of difficult issues and opposing views. Instead of engaging actively with conflict, the planning authority framed opposing positions as unplannable, and failed to recognise them as legitimate. This contributed to weakening of the legitimacy of the regional plan when put to the test.  相似文献   

A long history of human–nature interactions mediated by agriculture, resulted in high biodiversity in Japanese rural landscapes. This diversity faces drastic decline due to the changes following the socioeconomic circumstances regarding agriculture. Rural conservation will require cooperation among major stakeholders, and knowing how preferences for and perceptions of rural landscapes differ among them can help crafting and implementing effective conservation measures. This study investigated how perceptions of rural landscapes in the Arai-Keinan region, Niigata, Japan differ among people having very different relationships to them. In a photograph-based semantic differential survey, farmers and naturalists, major stakeholders in rural conservation, rated both rice paddy and woodland landscapes. In determining preferences for rice paddy landscapes, perceptions of stewardship and openness were significantly more important for farmers, whereas those of naturalness and biodiversity were significantly more important for naturalists. Such group differences were not found for woodland landscapes. Analysis of perceptions for landscape changes suggested that farmers may have higher normative criteria for rural landscapes than naturalists. Group preferences for intensified rice paddies on sloped topography may conflict, and any rural conservation planning effort should carefully consider that farmers and naturalists consider different aspects of landscapes as important.  相似文献   

The specter of environmental calamity calls for the best efforts of an involved public. Ironically, the way people understand the issues all too often serves to discourage and frustrate rather than motivate them to action. This article draws from problem-solving perspectives offered by cognitive psychology and conflict management to examine a framework for thinking about environmental problems that promises to help rather than hinder efforts to address them. Problem-framing emphasizes focusing on the problem definition. Since how one defines a problem determines one's understanding of and approach to that problem, being able to redefine or reframe a problem and to explore the “problem space” can help broaden the range of alternatives and solutions examined. Problem-framing incorporates a cognitive perspective on how people respond to information. It explains why an emphasis on problem definition is not part of people's typical approach to problems. It recognizes the importance of structure and of having ways to organize that information on one's problem-solving effort. Finally, problem-framing draws on both cognitive psychology and conflict management for strategies to manage information and to create a problem-solving environment that not only encourages participation but can yield better approaches to our environmental problems.  相似文献   

Mining companies operating in Latin America are giving Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) more attention than before, in part because of the rise in mining-related conflicts and criticism about the industry's social and environmental impacts. Companies propose that CSR could play an important role in mitigating conflict or lessening its risk. This article argues that the opposite may also be the case. As the mining conflict in El Pangui, Southeast Ecuador transforms social territorial dynamics, CSR also has a function in those transformations by contributing to the polarisation of conflict. The paper provides a brief ethnographic account of the ongoing conflict in El Pangui, and critically examines the moves made by the company, Corriente Resources Inc., to illustrate how CSR discourses and programmes may play an adverse role in social conflict.  相似文献   

We employed qualitative methods to explore how conflict over water collection and use impacts women, and the role that women play in water management and conflict resolution in Marsabit, Kenya. Conflicts between domestic and livestock water led to insufficient water for domestic use and intra-household conflict. Women’s contributions to water management were valued, especially through informal initiatives, though involvement in statutory water management committees was not culturally appropriate. Promoting culturally appropriate ways to involve women in water management, rather than merely increasing the percentage of women on water committee, may reduce conflicts and increase women’s access to domestic water supplies.  相似文献   

The growing importance of the environment and its management has simultaneously emphasized the benefits of hydroelectric power and its environmental costs. In a changing policy climate, giving importance to renewable energy development and environmental protection, conflict potential between stakeholders is considerable. Navigation of conflict determines the scheme constructed, making sustainable hydropower a function of human choice. To meet the needs of practitioners, greater understanding of stakeholder conflict is needed. This paper presents an approach to illustrate the challenges that face small-scale hydropower development as perceived by the stakeholders involved, and how they influence decision-making. Using Gordleton Mill, Hampshire (UK), as an illustrative case, soft systems methodology, a systems modeling approach, was adopted. Through individual interviews, a range of problems were identified and conceptually modeled. Stakeholder bias towards favoring economic appraisal over intangible social and environmental aspects was identified; costs appeared more influential than profit. Conceptual evaluation of the requirements to meet a stakeholder-approved solution suggested a complex linear systems approach, considerably different from the real-life situation. The stakeholders introduced bias to problem definition by transferring self-perceived issues onto the project owner. Application of soft systems methodology caused a shift in project goals away from further investigation towards consideration of project suitability. The challenge of sustainable hydropower is global, with a need to balance environmental, economic, and social concerns. It is clear that in this type of conflict, an individual can significantly influence outcomes; highlighting the need for more structured approaches to deal with stakeholder conflicts in sustainable hydropower development.  相似文献   

This research investigates how trust plays a role in environmental management in North Lebanon, which has suffered repeated episodes of armed conflict in recent times. Previous studies have shown that environmental problems have increased and that the government has been unable to address these, even during periods of relative peace. We examined trust as a factor that contributes to, or hampers, environmental management. Our analysis drew on a survey in 2011 involving 499 citizens. The results demonstrated that, according to citizens, the lack of trust between citizens, and between citizens and the public sector, is a key factor obstructing effective environmental management. The results indicate the level of correlation between how trusting people are; how citizens participate; and how people perceive government legitimacy.  相似文献   

We examined whether value differences between various recreation interest/activity groups are created and sustained by the textual information presented to their readers in magazines. Using a two-stage qualitative approach, our research sought to explore the exact nature of the dialogue in the magazines. We sought detailed, intimate information on a selected number of magazines to assess how the popular press socially constructs knowledge about recreation groups, and we sought to better understand how various recreation group members assign meaning to their activities and interpret the interests of other groups. Findings revealed limited negativity of activity users towards one another; most of the conflict found in the text of the articles in recreational magazines was characterized as macrodispositional. Accordingly, in the articles most of the antipathy was directed towards government because of stricter regulation of activity or towards commercial consumers whose exploitation of resources is perceived to threaten groups' activities. Moreover, such conflict crosscuts various groups whose issues and concerns are often similar. Since environmental battles are no longer any one group's issue, many have coalesced and engaged in conflict with lawmakers and commercial consumers. It is clear that the recreational magazines do play a role in shaping readers' attitudes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent and the nature of how the urban planning literature has addressed climate change adaptation. It presents a longitudinal study of 157 peer-reviewed articles published from 2000 to 2013 in the leading urban planning and design journals whose selection considered earlier empirical studies that ranked them these journals. The findings reveal that the years 2006–07 represent a turning point, after which climate change studies appear more prominently and consistently in the urban planning and design literature; however, the majority of these studies address climate change mitigation rather than adaptation. Most adaptation studies deal with governance, social learning, and vulnerability assessments, while paying little attention to physical planning and urban design interventions. This paper identifies four gaps that pertain to the lack of interdisciplinary linkages, the absence of knowledge transfer, the presence of scale conflict, and the dearth of participatory research methods. It then advocates for the advancement of participatory and collaborative action research to meet the multifaceted challenges of climate change.  相似文献   

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