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鼎湖山药用蕨类植物资源与分布   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
鼎湖山蕨类植物资源十分丰富,共有40科78属134种,本文调查了鼎湖山境内现有分布的可药用蕨类植物有34科59属90种,并对其生境分布,药用功效,化学成分作了阐述,它们在鼎湖山植物被的种类成分上占有一定地位,许多常用的民间单,验方中有新用途的药物未开发在科学系统地调查研究的基础上制定出可行的开发利用计划。  相似文献   

黑龙江省大兴安岭地区位于我国最北部,全区总面积83049km2,森林覆盖率7443%,湿地面积45万公顷。区域内河流属黑龙江和嫩江水系,流域面积在1000km2以上的河流有25条。大兴安岭林区是我国最大的国有林区之一,具有丰富的野生动植物资源,现有植物939种,兽类56种,鸟类257种,森林昆虫444种,其中被列为国家Ⅰ类保护的兽类有2种,鸟类有4种。大兴安岭林区做为我国重要的木材生产基地,一直以采伐天然林为主。由于历史的原因和开发初期指导思想的偏差,忽视了森林在维护生态平衡中不可替代的作用,加之森林火灾等原因,使森林资源过度消耗,分布范围缩…  相似文献   

九阜山蕨类植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏开炬 《资源开发与市场》2009,25(7):644-646,589
为合理开发与利用蕨类植物资源,对福建省尤溪县九阜山的蕨类植物资源进行了调查研究.结果表明,该区蕨类植物共有35科58属114种,种数在6种以上的科有鳞毛蕨科、金星蕨科、水龙骨科、蹄盖蕨科、凤尾蕨科、碗蕨科,种数在5种以上的属有复叶耳蕨属、鳞毛蕨属、凤尾蕨属、卷柏属、铁角蕨属和毛蕨属,其中有国家二级重点保护蕨类金毛狗和粗齿桫椤2种.从水平、垂直与生态分布分析了该区的蕨类植物资源分布规律.按其用途、生物学习性及资源特点将该区蕨类植物划分为药用、观赏、食用、指示、化工原料、编织和包装、饲料和绿肥、农药及珍稀濒危与珍贵保护蕨类植物9种类型,并提出合理开发利用建议.  相似文献   

贵州生物质能源树种资源的开发利用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据贵州省生物质能源树种主要分布区线路调查和典型样地调查的结果,介绍了贵州省生物质能源树种的研究现状和存在问题,对贵州的生物质能源树种进行了分类并报道了资源的分布特点。提出了贵州应重点利用现有生物乙醇树种资源,积极稳妥发展生物柴油树种资源,并对开发利用技术和途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

贵州轮胎股份有限公司原称贵州轮胎厂,始建于1958年,1996年上市,主要生产"前进"、"大力士"等品牌汽车斜交轮胎、全钢载重子午线轮胎、工程机械轮胎等,规格品种多达2000多个,是中国驰名商标、中国名牌产品。公司为国家大型一档企业,全国520户重点企业、全国十大轮胎公司和工程机械轮胎配套、出口基地之一,总装备部军用轮胎研发基地。  相似文献   

报道了贵州木本然油植物掌叶木资源量、种实产量和果实性状。首次对掌叶木的果皮和种子中的粗脂肪含量、脂肪酸组成及含量进行了分析。掌叶木是一个适宜综合开发利用的多用途树种,现有种子可满足贵州适宜地区发展掌叶木能源林的基本需要。通过遗传改良,提高掌叶木果实产量,选育丰产稳产高效的掌叶木家系或无性系良种,是今后掌叶木生物柴油产业化研发的关键。  相似文献   

中国盾叶薯蓣资源现状及保护对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
论述了我国盾叶薯蓣的野生资源现状、人工种植生产现状、资源濒危原因及应采取的保护对策.指出:我国现有盾叶薯蓣野生资源蕴藏量估计在200万kg左右,资源数量已大为下降,然而年需求量却高达2亿kg以上,供需矛盾十分突出.造成资源濒危的主要原因是利用过度、生境及种质资源被破坏、家种者皂素含量低且质量差而不能大批量用于皂素生产.建议在采取有效保护野生资源的同时,尽快建立全国性良种繁育基地,按GAP要求建立我国现代化、规模化、规范化的高产优质药材原料生产基地,从根本上解决当前盾叶薯蓣资源保护与利用的矛盾.  相似文献   

重庆三峡库区重楼属药用植物资源调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经调查鉴定,重庆三峡库区有重楼属药用植物6种9变种,其中以巫溪分布的种类最多,华重楼、七叶一枝花分布最广。重点介绍了它们的地理分布、资源状况及其开发前景,为更好地开发利用三峡库区重楼属药用植物资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

凉山杜鹃资源及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全世界有杜鹃属植物800多种,我国约有650种。我国是世界上杜鹃属植物种类最多的国家,主要分布在云南、四川和西藏等省区的高海拔地区;其中四川约有200种,资源非常丰富。杜鹃属植物既是绿化和观赏植物,又是很有价值的药用植物。多年来,经我国广大医药科研人员的努力,从杜鹃属植物中已分离出防治慢性气管炎的有效成分,并  相似文献   

万县地区总面积达4424.26万亩,约有2/3的陆地面积是山地,其地形地貌复杂,气候温和,雨量充沛,日照充足,年平均气温为13.8~18.6℃,年日照数1200~1600h,年降雨量为1050~1300mm。本区分布有丰富的中草药资源。据统计,有常见中草药1600余种,分属182科774属,其中植物药1 474种,动物药106种,矿物药20种,列入收购的商品药材有300余种,具有药效、经济、观赏价值的有300余种,药用动植物中有不少国家濒危保护对象,如金钱豹、杜仲、银杏、荷叶金钱、八角莲、厚朴等40余种。该区是全省药材主产区之一,系川广重要药材集散地,栽培中药的历史悠久。道地中药材达20余种,如川  相似文献   

The effectiveness of different conservation policies is debated, but the policies are rarely evaluated quantitatively. A voluntary or 'soft' policy based mainly on education provides information about ecosystems and effects of land use, to encourage conservation action. Swedish forestry relies mainly on soft policy, with substantial resources for education and advice to more than 200,000 forest owners, while legal regulation is weak. Increased retention of broadleaved trees at clear-cutting, with environmental benefits in the conifer-dominated forestry, is important in the policy. We used the Swedish National Forest Inventory to analyse this policy for young forests in southern Sweden. Between 1983-1987 and 1998-2002 the policy had no positive effect on saplings (1.3m tall to 4.9 cm dbh) of birch, oak, beech and other species that mostly decreased in density, due to planting of conifers and browsing by ungulates. However, broadleaved conservation trees (>or=15 cm dbh) increased in density, e.g. to about one oak and six birches per ha in young coniferous forest in 1998-2002. The relative increase in density was higher for large (>or=20 cm dbh) than for small trees (15-20 cm dbh). The density of conservation trees was higher on forestland of high than of low productivity. Thus, the soft conservation policy did not influence regeneration of saplings in this type of forestry system, but large broadleaved trees were increasingly saved at 'clear-cuttings'. Advice and educational programmes probably contributed to this result. A continued increase in conservation trees at harvest may require economical support to forest owners.  相似文献   

Little information is available concerning the contamination risk caused by forest seedling nurseries to local surface and ground waters compared with agricultural and horticultural production. Leaching of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) through peat growing medium in containers and nutrient uptake of seedlings were monitored in production of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst], and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings. About half of the applied nutrients (total amount applied = 149 to 260 kg N ha(-1) and 60 to 108 kg P ha(-1)) was premixed into the peat medium, as is usual in Finnish nursery practice, and the other half was applied to seedlings in liquid form with mobile booms. Depending on tree species, 11 to 19% of the applied N was recovered in leachates and 15 to 63% in seedlings. The undiscovered proportion varied from 19 to 71%. The amounts of leached N were 19 to 41 kg ha(-1). Only 5 to 31% of the applied P was recovered in seedlings; 16 to 64% (11 to 56 kg ha(-1)) was found in leachates. Total N and P load to the environment may increase substantially if nutrients applied in liquid fertilization outside container trays are included. Consequently, it is important to determine the sources of nutrient load in container seedling production to mitigate the risk of environment contamination.  相似文献   

浙江丽水生态示范区生物资源及其开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丽水生态示范区的生物资源十分丰富,计有苔藓植物58科132属295种,蕨类植物41科88属325种,种子植物165科852属2550种,脊椎动物5纲38目110科304属505种,还有许多珍稀濒危动植物。但在山地生物资源的开发利用中,存在着较多问题,如:掠夺式的经营,林业经营内容单调、路子窄,经营管理粗放等。开发利用生物资源应因地制宜,发挥资源优势,着重抓好用材林、经济林、竹林和食用菌等四大项目建设,科学、合理、有效地利用生物资源。  相似文献   

高莲凤  张振国 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(12):1151-1152,1150,F0004
山西省地质旅游资源丰富,不同地域分布着各具特征的地质景观。地质旅游资源特征明显、种类繁多,蕴藏着巨大的旅游潜力。在认真探讨各类地质景观分布特征的基础上,针对这些资源的开发现状和保护程度,提出了该省地质旅游线路规划、资源开发规划及地质旅游区的环境治理和保护规划方案。  相似文献   

Comparison of forest protection between regions in Europe is extremely difficult, because there is such wide variation of strategies, procedures and constraints; the way forests have been used historically and their present closeness to nature also varies, and furthermore so does the definition of what constitutes a forest. For the European Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) in 2003, forest protection has been harmonised into three categories for the sake of comparison: protection to safeguard biodiversity, protection of landscape and specific natural features, and protective forest functions.There is no single, uniform and universal model and no internationally agreed target with respect to the percentage of forests which should be protected. What is more important than a fixed percentage level of forested area (e.g. 5 or 10%) is that the protection network should be biogeographically and ecologically representative and accordingly distributed on a regional basis. Long-term practical experience and research have proved that conservation of different species of organisms can be assured by appropriate silvicultural management of multifunctional production forests. Consequently, the focus of debate in Europe appears to shift more and more from total protection in segregated areas to 'precision protection' and to combining protection and timber production in the holistic, integrated concept of modern management of forest areas.Advances in regional ecological planning and the growing adoption of naturalistic forest management practices have slowed the decline of the biological diversity in the multifunctional production forests. However, this fact is not yet widely and sufficiently acknowledged and appreciated. There is consequently a political and scientific need for continued study of the effects of naturalistic silvicultural management on the biodiversity of forests. Information from such research is crucially needed before new and additional protection networks and schemes are set up on a large-scale. Protection by voluntary contracts between parties is a workable model concept for European forestry based on private forest ownership. In small private forests, patches of forest worth protecting are often small and located within production forests.Forest certification can contribute to the efforts of maintaining biodiversity in multifunctional production forests and offers an instrument of independently monitoring and verifying that forests are managed according to the agreed criteria. Forest certification is not an alternative or a means of increasing forest protection, because as a voluntary process it cannot guarantee the permanence of protected areas or deal with issues of finance and compensation.  相似文献   

An evaluation was conducted to establish the feasibility of a Natural Food Resources Bank (NFRB), in the form of forestry or grassland, to achieve both continuous food production and an accumulation of primary nutrients in living perennial plants. The development of an NFRB protects our living environment from deterioration (especially soil erosion) by increasing the surface coverage of the world's land, even in mountainous areas. Additionally a functioning NFRB enhances food sustainably and security, representing a tangible and renewable food resource production system. Research has identified the prospects of cultivating the NFRB in the form of forestry and also grassland. The review investigated the distinct differences of an NFRB from a range of approaches and discusses the environmental advantage and feasibility of cultivating NFRB. The ability of the NFRB to realize sustainable food resources production for ensuring food security is evaluated in terms of environmental and economical feasibility. A NFRB can attenuate climatic change by increasing CO2 absorption and fixation. It is worth considering the replacement of the annual food production system by the NFRB (especially in steeplands) in environmental law, and replacing the policy of maintaining annual food reserves by the NFRB in food security policy.  相似文献   

2005年5,8,10月份对黄河三角洲无棣岔尖、东营市五号桩、小清河口米草分布区与土著植物芦苇分布区的昆虫作了调查,并辅以2003年同期调查资料,结果表明:米草分布区共鉴定出昆虫9种,芦苇分布区鉴定出49种,是米草分布区昆虫种数的5.4倍,米草分布区昆虫种数明显少于芦苇分布区,且优势类群存在很大差异,米草入侵对昆虫的结构、组成与多样性产生了影响。  相似文献   

Even after 30 years of strict de jure protection, today's de facto extraction of products from Nepal's Royal Chitwan National Park (RCNP) and their great economic importance to local households suggests that this reality should be explicitly internalised in managing this world heritage park. Several studies have quantified local people's use of protected areas and estimated the value of such areas to them. However, few studies incorporate economic analyses to investigate the effect of management interventions on local communities' resource use and collection behaviour. In Nepal, buffer zones and especially buffer zone community forestry are seen as means to define and demarcate places, where local people may legally extract goods that are either identical to or relevant substitutes for products that are collected in protected areas. The intention is to resolve park-people conflicts over resource use. This article presents the findings of an in-depth study of the importance of natural resources to the livelihoods of 18 households. One village was located inside RCNP with no realistic alternatives to Park resources, while the other is located in the buffer zone with equal distance to the Park, a national forest and their community forest. For each household, the collection of products, allocation of time, and purchase and sale of goods were recorded daily through 12 consecutive months and economic values were calculated on the basis of local market prices and recorded quantities. The study shows that products from RCNP are of great importance to the livelihoods of local people. Furthermore, we find that products collected in the national forest substitute products from the Park, while the substitution effect of the community forest is small. Accordingly, the study illustrates that, irrespective of buffer zone community forestry, there is still a gap between local people's need for supplementing natural resources and their rights to satisfy them on a legal basis, which is likely to be unsustainable in the longer term. This calls for a thorough evaluation of actual park-people relations and how these may be improved through local participation that goes beyond the current form of buffer zone community forestry and the admitted 7-14 annual days of open access grass cutting within the park.  相似文献   

Ji L  Wang Z  Wang X  An L 《Environmental management》2011,48(6):1107-1121
According to the Seventh National Forest Inventory (2004–2008), China’s forests cover an area of 195.45 million ha, or 20.36% of the total land area. China has the most rapidly increasing forest resources in the world. However, China is also a country with serious forest pest problems. There are more than 8,000 species of potential forest pests in China, including insects, plant diseases, rodents and lagomorphs, and hazardous plants. Among them, 300 species are considered as economically or ecologically important, and half of these are serious pests, including 86 species of insects. Forest management and utilization have a considerable influence on the stability and sustainability of forest ecosystems. At the national level, forestry policies always play a major role in forest resource management and forest health protection. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of both achievements and challenges in forest management and insect pest control in China. First, we summarize the current status of forest resources and their pests in China. Second, we address the theories, policies, practices and major national actions on forestry and forest insect pest management, including the Engineering Pest Management of China, the National Key Forestry Programs, the Classified Forest Management system, and the Collective Forest Tenure Reform. We analyze and discuss three representative plantations—Eucalyptus, poplar and Masson pine plantations—with respect to their insect diversity, pest problems and pest management measures.  相似文献   

Stakeholders in plantation forestry are increasingly aware of the importance of the ecosystem services and non-market values associated with forests. In New Zealand, there is significant interest in establishing species other than Pinus radiata D. Don (the dominant plantation species) in the belief that alternative species are better suited to deliver these services. Significant risk is associated with this position as there is little objective data to support these views. To identify which species were likely to be planted to deliver ecosystem services, a survey was distributed to examine stakeholder perceptions. Stakeholders were asked which of 15 tree attributes contributed to the provision of five ecosystem services (amenity value, bioenergy production, carbon capture, the diversity of native habitat, and erosion control/water quality) and to identify which of 22 candidate tree species possessed those attributes. These data were combined to identify the species perceived most suitable for the delivery of each ecosystem service. Sequoia sempervirens (D.Don) Endl. closely matched the stakeholder derived ideotypes associated with all five ecosystem services. Comparisons to data from growth, physiological and ecological studies demonstrated that many of the opinions held by stakeholders were inaccurate, leading to erroneous assumptions regarding the suitability of most candidate species. Stakeholder perceptions substantially influence tree species selection, and plantations established on the basis of inaccurate opinions are unlikely to deliver the desired outcomes. Attitudinal surveys associated with engagement campaigns are essential to improve stakeholder knowledge, advancing the development of fit-for-purpose forest management that provides the required ecosystem services.  相似文献   

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