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贾滨洋  刘宜 《四川环境》2008,27(1):81-86
人工湿地法处理废水的技术是目前国际污水处理研究领域的热点,该方法利用生态系统中物质循环的原理,使用生物方法去除污染物质.本文对人工湿地处理污水的机理研究现状进行了总结,并讨论了人工湿地处理污水应用的适应性.  相似文献   

综述了石菖蒲在人工湿地水质净化中发挥的重要作用,植物通过吸附吸收、促进微生物的硝化反硝化作用等来实现氮、磷和有机污染物等的去除.分析了植物特性、植物搭配、环境因子以及水力负荷等对石菖蒲净化水质效率的影响.归纳了石菖蒲的生态习性和人工湿地设计时需要综合考虑的因素,对今后石菖蒲在人工湿地水污染控制等领域的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

人工湿地对污染物去除的研究现状及发展前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人工湿地是近年兴起的高效、经济、环保型的污水处理方式。在前人研究的基础上本文对人工湿地去除非点源污染物中的总氮、总磷、总悬浮物的研究现状及设计湿地的植物和填料对去除污染物影响方面进行了概述,并对其今后研究发展的趋势作了探讨。  相似文献   

通过将强化混凝引入到垂直流人工湿地水质净化系统,从而提高了人工湿地的处理效率。试验证明,该预处理装置的设置降低了湿地负荷,提高了人工湿地对污水的净化效率,特别是对有机污染物有较好的去除效果。改良后的湿地系统对生活污水污染物净化具有良好效果,且运行成本低,适用于土地资源比较丰富、资金紧张的地区。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理系统工艺设计研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
赵桂瑜  杨永兴  杨长明 《四川环境》2005,24(6):24-27,35
本文阐述了人工湿地污水处理系统工艺设计的主要内容及存在的若干问题,提出了开展人工湿地工艺设计研究的一些设想。人工湿地工艺设计研究包括人工湿地基质构建、植物群落构建和人工湿地构造与工程参数三个方面。目前,由于在污染物净化机理、系统水力学和污染物降解动力学等方面认识不足,制约了人工湿地工艺设计水平的提高,因此,深入研究污染物净化机理、开展人工湿地基质与植物筛选与组合研究、创建适合植物生长的人工生境、优化水力学模型和污染物降解动力学模型.将有利于提高人工湿地工艺设计水平。  相似文献   

从潜流式人工湿地设计谈提高氮去除率方法的途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从相关文献与实际工程来看,潜流式人工湿地对含氮污染物的去除效果与含碳污染物的去除比相对较弱。参考国内外大量文献资料,根据潜流式人工湿地的常规工艺和脱氮机理,本文总结并提出了一些提高污水氮去除率的方法。指出应根据具体的情况选择合适的植物和基质、通过工程措施和工艺组合、优化工艺设计及其他一些方法来创造脱氮所需环境,从而达到提高潜流式人工湿地氮去除率的目的。  相似文献   

表面流人工湿地磷循环生态动力学模型及实现方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
张军  周琪 《四川环境》2004,23(1):88-91
人工湿地做为一种高效低耗的新型污水处理工艺日益为人们所关注,特别是表面流人工湿地所特有的区域生态效益和脱氮除磷效果,但其污染物去除的内在机制并不为人们所完全掌握。本文详细地介绍了表面流人工湿地磷循环生态动力学模型的设计思想、具体结构、数学模式和实现方法,并对生物生长、死亡和土壤作用模块的各种不同实现方法傲了深入细致地分析探讨。结果表明人工湿地生态动力学模型由于假设歧义、实现方法不统一、模型参数测定手段的缺乏等因素的影响,导致其模拟结果的误差偏大,在表面流人工湿地多介质环境条件下多形态磷循环机理和多学科交叉研究方面还需要进行更深入、细致的工作,来对模型不断完善以推动对人工湿地污水处理工艺的完全掌握和科学应用。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理系统脱氮机理研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了近年来人工湿地污水处理系统脱氮机理的研究情况,阐述了人工湿地脱氮的三种途径:植物和其它生物的吸收作用、微生物的生物转化作用及氨气的挥发作用,其中微生物的生物转化作用是人工湿地主要的脱氮方式.同时对影响人工湿地脱氮效率的主要因素:温度、pH值、氧化还原电位、溶解氧、微生物可利用有机碳与硝态氮、停留时间等都作了比较详细的介绍,为进一步开展人工湿地脱氮机理的研究和优化人工湿地污水处理系统设计提供参考.  相似文献   

采用组合人工湿地中试试验对工业园区污水厂尾水进行处理,研究了3种不同的水力负荷(10cm/d,20cm/d和25cm/d)下COD的去除,并用一级动力学模型对组合人工湿地及其各个湿地单元的COD的去除进行了模拟。结果表明组合人工湿地对COD的去除受水力负荷影响有限,去除率基本都在60%以上,系统出水COD浓度在40mg/L以下,并且夏季的去除效果最佳。对数学模拟的结果进行分析,发现一、二级潜流湿地对COD去除贡献较大,另外组合人工湿地系统对COD的去除效果也优于单个的湿地。系统最终出水中的COD模拟结果和实测值相接近,说明基于一级动力学模型的组合人工湿地数学模拟对实际运行有指导意义。  相似文献   

人工湿地基质除磷研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
基质除磷被认为是人工湿地磷去除的主要方式,除磷效果不仅受基质自身物理化学性质的影响,还受水力条件、磷负荷、pH值、季节、温度、有机负荷、溶解氧、干湿交替等因素的影响。本文较系统分析了湿地基质除磷的作用机理和基质除磷效率的影响因素,最后对今后研究的方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

人工湿地控制非点源污染的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
何少林  周琪 《四川环境》2004,23(6):71-74,97
随着点源污染的有效管理和控制,非点源污染已成为水环境污染的主要原因。人工湿地作为一种控制水环境非点源污染的有效工具,已被世界上很多国家所认可。本文首先简述了非点源污染的危害,其次对人工湿地的概念和类型进行了介绍,论述了人工湿地对非点源污染中氮、磷、重金属和农药等主要污染物的去除机理,最后对人工湿地处理系统的附属设施、水力因素、表土层以及植物收割等应用问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

张晗  董秉直 《四川环境》2011,30(3):104-108
如何有效去除水中内分泌干扰物、医药活性化合物等有机微污染物的研究逐渐增加,其中,纳滤膜由于其较高的去除率得到了广泛关注。但由于纳滤膜去除这些物质的分离机理较为复杂,有时并不明确,给实验带来较大困难。文章总结了纳滤膜去除水中内分泌干扰物/医药活性化合物的典型应用及其三种分离机理——筛分作用、电荷作用、吸附作用,并对去除过程中所产生的问题和解决方案加以总结。为今后纳滤膜去除内分泌干扰物/医药活性化合物的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

农村家园污水人工湿地处理示范工程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来国内农村家园和乡镇建设了不少人工湿地,但常出现渗漏、堵塞、短流、恶臭、去除效率低、管理粗放、资源未综合利用等问题,能长期正常运行的少,缺乏可靠运行的范例。为此,我们开展了农村家因污水、雨水人工湿地处理及综合利用研究,取得了一定的进展并在四川省成都市安德镇安龙村建设了示范工程。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The successful design of constructed wetlands requires a continuous supply of water or vegetation that can withstand drought conditions. Having a constant water source is the best alternative to insure species diversity throughout the season. Consequently, detention structure designs should be based on times between events as well as on hydrologic return periods, since between events is when most evaporation and infiltration losses are likely to occur. In arid or semi-arid environments, this is a difficult process because of long interevent times and seasonal changes in precipitation patterns. This discussion is predicated on the assumption that phytoplankton, epiphytic algae, and emergent vegetation require moist conditions to be effective at removing nutrients, metals and other pollutants. There are drought tolerant species of vegetation that can be used in constructed wetlands but it may take several days to re-establish the attached bacteria communities necessary for optimum pollutant removal. This paper examines a stochastic framework to examine the probability of extended dry periods based on historic rainfall data. The number of consecutive dry days is selected for a specified level of assurance. By multiplying this value by the sum of daily system losses, an overall pond volume can be determined that ensures a minimum depth of water. To illustrate the utility of the approach, the method is applied to a site in Spokane, Washington.  相似文献   

植物在人工湿地中的作用及物种选择   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
傅伟军  唐亚 《四川环境》2005,24(6):45-49
本文主要阐述了植物在人工湿地中的作用和选取植物的一些原则,并分析了今后所研究的重点。植物在人工湿地中起着非常重要的作用,不但可以去除污染物质,而且具有生态美学和经济价值;选择植物应考虑植物的净化能力、适应性等因素。最后提出了植物研究需要加强的地方。  相似文献   

Improved understanding of the importance of different surfaces in supporting attached nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria is essential if we are to optimize the N removal capacity of treatment wetlands. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the nitrifying and denitrifying capacity of different surfaces in a constructed treatment wetland and to assess the relative importance of these surfaces for overall N removal in the wetland. Intact sediment cores, old pine and spruce twigs, shoots of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.), and filamentous macro-algae were collected in July and November 1999 in two basins of the wetland system. One of the basins had been constructed on land that contained lots of wood debris, particularly twigs of coniferous trees. Potential nitrification was measured using the isotope-dilution technique, and potential denitrification was determined using the acetylene-inhibition technique in laboratory microcosm incubations. Nitrification rates were highest on the twigs. These rates were three and 100 times higher than in the sediment and on Eurasian watermilfoil, respectively. Potential denitrification rates were highest in the sediment. These rates were three times higher than on the twigs and 40 times higher than on Eurasian watermilfoil. The distribution of denitrifying bacteria was most likely due to the availability of organic material, with higher denitrification rates in the sediment than on surfaces in the water column. Our results indicate that denitrification, and particularly nitrification, in treatment wetlands could be significantly increased by addition of surfaces such as twigs.  相似文献   

Constructed treatment wetlands are a relatively low-cost alternative used for tertiary treatment of wastewater. Phosphorus (P) removal capacity of these wetlands may decline, however, as P is released from the accrued organic soils. Little research has been done on methods to restore the treatment capacity of aging constructed wetlands. One possibility is the seasonal addition of alum during periods of low productivity and nutrient removal. Our 3-mo mesocosm study investigated the effectiveness of alum in immobilizing P during periods of reduced treatment efficiency, as well as the effects on soil biogeochemistry. Eighteen mesocosms were established, triplicate experimental and control units for Typha sp., Schoenoplectus californicus, and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) (Najas guadalupensis dominated). Alum was slowly dripped to the water column of the experimental units at a rate of 0.91 g Al m(-2) d(-1) and water quality parameters were monitored. Soil cores were collected at experiment initiation and completion and sectioned into 0- to 5- and 5- to 10-cm intervals for characterization. The alum floc remained in the 0- to 5-cm surface soil, however, soil pH and microbial parameters were impacted throughout the upper 10 cm with the lowest pH found in the Typha treatment. Plant type did not impact most biogeochemical parameters; however, data were more variable in the SAV mesocosms. Amorphous Al was greater in the surface soil of alum-treated mesocosms, inversely correlated with soil pH and microbial biomass P in both soil layers. Microbial activity was also suppressed in the surface soil of alum-treated mesocosms. This research suggests alum may significantly affect the biogeochemistry of treatment wetlands and needs further investigation.  相似文献   

In Ireland, no database detailing the design, influent loading rates or performance of constructed wetlands (CWs) exists. On account of this, they are designed without any protocol based on empirical data. The aim of this paper was to provide the first published data on the performance of free-water surface flow (FWSF) CWs treating primary and secondary-treated municipal wastewater, and agricultural dairy soiled water (DSW) in Ireland. In total, the performance of thirty-four FWSF CWs, comprising fourteen CWs treating primary-treated municipal wastewater, thirteen CWs treating secondary-treated municipal wastewater, and seven CWs treating DSW, were examined. In most CWs, good organic, suspended solids (SS) and nutrient removal was measured. At an average organic loading rate (OLR) of 10 and 9 g biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) m(-2) d(-1), CWs treating primary and secondary wastewater removed 95 and 84% of influent BOD. Constructed wetlands treating DSW had an average BOD removal of 98%. At average SS loading rates of 6 and 14 g m(-2) d(-1), CWs treating primary and secondary wastewater had a 96 and an 82% reduction, and produced a final effluent with a concentration of 14 and 13 mg L(-1). Constructed wetlands treating DSW produced a final effluent of 34 mg L(-1) (94% reduction). Similar to other studies, all CWs examined had variable performance in ammonium-N (NH(4)(+)-N) removal, with average removals varying between 37% (for CWs treating secondary wastewater) and 88% (for CWs treating DSW). Variable ortho-phosphorus (PO(4)(3-)-P) removal was attributable to different durations of operation, media types and loading rates.  相似文献   

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