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We demonstrate an approach for evaluating the level of protection attained using a variety of forms and levels of past, current, and proposed Air Quality Standards (AQSs). The U.S. Clean Air Act requires the establishment of ambient air quality standards to protect health and public welfare. However, determination of attainment of these standards is based on ambient pollutant concentrations rather than prevention of adverse effects. To determine if a given AQS protected against adverse effects on vegetation, hourly ozone concentrations were adjusted to create exposure levels that “just attain” a given standard. These exposures were used in combination with a physiologically-based tree growth model to account for the interactions of climate and ozone. In the evaluation, we used ozone concentrations from two 6-year time periods from the San Bernardino Mountains in California. There were clear differences in the level of vegetation protection achieved with the various AQSs. Based on modeled plant growth, the most effective standards were the California 8-hr average maximum of 70 ppb and a seasonal, cumulative, concentration-weighted index (SUM06), which if attained, resulted in annual growth reductions of 1% or less. Least effective was the 1-hr maximum of 120 ppb which resulted in a 7% annual reduction. We conclude that combining climate, exposure scenarios, and a process-based plant growth simulator was a useful approach for evaluating effectiveness of current or proposed air quality standards, or evaluating the form and/or level of a standard based on preventing adverse growth effects.  相似文献   

《大气污染防治法》授权国家环境保护主管部门制定大气污染物排放标准,但关于标准的法律规则还不够全面,在一定程度上影响了排放标准的功能发挥,也给标准限值确定带来了困难。当前国家正在对《大气污染防治法》进行修订,为完善相关标准条款,本文在对我国大气污染物排放标准立法现状分析的基础上,借鉴国外相关标准的立法规则和我国标准实践经验,提出了适用于我国的大气污染物排放标准制定的主要法律原则和程序建议。研究认为,制定大气污染物排放标准应考虑污染物对公众健康、空气质量和生态环境的影响,以及可采取的污染控制技术措施等情况,通过技术经济论证确定排放限值和相关技术要求,做到技术可行、经济合理、减排效益突出。标准制定过程要充分听取各方意见,经标准评审委员会审查通过后方可按照部门规章批准发布。  相似文献   

山东省探索开展了空气质量监测"转让-经营"模式改革,在体制上科学划分监测事权,实行"谁考核、谁监测",省级环保部门负责17个设区城市环境质量的监督监测,污染源监督监测下放到市、县级环保部门;在机制上实行政府购买服务,对全省空气质量自动监测站实行"监测设备有偿转让,专业队伍运营维护,专业机构移动比对,环保部门质控考核,政府购买合格数据"的"转让-经营"模式。通过改革,监测数据质量和监测公信力得到进一步提高,有效避免了可能的行政干预,降低了监测成本,引导了环保服务业的发展,可以为其他省、市贯彻落实生态环境监测体制改革和地方监测事权上收工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

水质基准与标准是国家环境保护工作的根本,是进行环境管理的重要技术依据。随着我国水环境形势的变化和管理目标的改变,为准确、客观地反映我国当前的地表水环境状况,强化水污染防治,有效引导水环境质量改善的方向,提高水环境管理的效率,要求基于水质基准研究开展《地表水环境质量标准》的修订工作,以满足新的管理需求。预测表明,"十三五"期间我国环保投资将达到约6.8万亿,为达到修订《标准》后的目标,我国水污染防治至少需投资2.04万亿。另外,修订《标准》,将带动工业和城镇水污染防治投资超过一万亿元,能够加快环保产业的技术成果转化与应用推广。水质基准与标准对环保产业创新和社会经济发展具有积极促进作用,将在我国水环境质量改善和科技进步促进方面产生重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   

《环境保护税法(草案)》已经初次审议并公布草案全文征求意见,本文对草案中有关问题进行了探讨,期望这些建议能为修改法律草案条文提供参考。关于水污染物环境保护税的纳税人,建议按照直接向环境排放污水的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者、城镇污水集中处理设施、园区污水集中处理设施等三类区分;关于大气污染物、水污染物的征税范围与方法,建议近期将大气污染物中的重金属项目也纳入应税污染物,与水污染物征税范围保持一致,远期考虑与排放标准脱钩,重新审视、确定应税污染物的范围、筛选原则与当量值;关于综合利用固体废物征收环境保护税问题,建议对综合利用过程在满足环保标准要求条件下,免征环境保护税,而综合利用形成的原材料或产品则不适用本法。另外本文还提出了未来环境保护税应覆盖产品全生命周期的生产、使用、废弃等环节的观点。  相似文献   

2016年,中国国务院印发《土壤污染防治行动计划》(简称《土十条》),明确提出对农用地土壤实施分类管理,按照污染程度划分为优先保护类、安全利用类和严格管控类;对建设用地要防范新增污染,针对疑似污染地块,开展土壤环境状况调查评估,保障地块安全再利用;以影响农产品质量和人居环境安全的突出环境问题为重点,制定土壤污染治理与修复规划,组织开展治理与修复。实施严格的土壤环境质量保护、污染土壤的风险管控、高风险污染土壤的治理与修复是落实《土十条》的重要任务,也是建设我国土壤环境监管制度的重要内容。土壤环境标准是实施土壤环境管理的重要依据。本文基于《土十条》重要任务以及当前及今后一段时期国家土壤环境管理需求,以土壤环境管理需求为导向,探讨提出了包括土壤环境质量保护标准值、土壤环境风险管控标准值、污染土壤修复标准值的土壤环境标准值体系,可望为国家土壤环境标准体系的建立和标准制修订方法的发展提供技术参考。  相似文献   

环保投资是环保工程项目实施的重要保障,为打好污染防治攻坚战、推进美丽中国和生态文明建设提供了有力支撑。本文回顾了近40多年来中国环保投资政策演进历程,将其划分为企业主体阶段(1979—2003年)、政企并重阶段(2004—2012年)、多元投资阶段(2013年至今)。从规模加大、构成丰富、渠道拓展及强化效益四个方面,总结了环保投资主要进展与成效。基于高质量发展不足、回报机制不健全、投资绩效待提高三个角度,识别当前环保投资存在的关键瓶颈。从强化气候投融资、鼓励投资机制创新、加大财政支出力度、促进多元投资、提高投资效益等五个方面,对未来环保投资政策优化方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between government spending and environmental quality using panel data for 94 countries for the period 1970–2008. We identify and estimate three distinct channels that comprise the total direct effect of government expenditure on air pollution, namely a marginal effect, an effect conditional on economic growth and an effect conditional on institutional quality. Since adjustment rate of emissions to their equilibrium level is slow due to technological and institutional reasons, we explicitly take into account dynamics by applying appropriate econometric methods. The results demonstrate that there is a significant alleviating direct effect of government expenditure on SO2 and NOx emissions, which increases with the level of economic growth and democracy. However, there is no evidence of a significant effect on pollutants with more global impact on the environment and human health, like N2O and CO2, implying that the adoption of international environmental treaties is required in this case.  相似文献   

为应对当前环境保护工作所处的新阶段、新形势、新任务,在分析美国联邦财政环保支出特征的基础上,从加大环保专项资金投入、提高环境科技支出占比、强化重点领域环保支出、注重建立环保基金等方面,提出优化我国中央财政环保支出可供借鉴的四点经验。  相似文献   

Environmental Agencies require Decision Support Systems, in order to plan Air Quality Policies considering the cost of emission reduction measures and the human health effects (with related social costs). The use of Decision Support Systems is also useful to spread information to general public, explaining the effectiveness of proposed air quality plans. In this paper, a multi-objective approach to control PM10 concentration at a regional level is presented. The problem considers both the internal costs (due to the implementation of emission reduction measures) and the external costs (due to population exposure to high PM10 concentrations). To model PM10 concentrations, a single surrogate model is used for the entire domain, allowing the implementation of a very efficient optimization procedure. The surrogate model is derived through a set of 10 simulations, performed using a Chemistry Transport Model fed with different emission reduction scenarios. The methodology is applied to Northern Italy, a region affected by very high PM10 concentrations that exceed the limit values specified by the EU legislation.  相似文献   

本文基于财政"节能环保"支出科目,整合散落在其他科目里的生态环境保护支出,分析中央财政(含本级投入与专项转移支付)近五年(2012—2016年)的生态环境保护支出现状,发现:中央用于生态建设和保护方面的支出最多,五年支出均值为933.1亿元;其次是环境污染治理支出,五年支出平均值为773.4亿元。同时,基于现状分析及工作实践发现中央财政生态环境保护支出存在规模偏小、比重偏低、增长的稳定性不足等问题,中央财政需进一步优化支出方向和结构,加强绩效评价和结果应用。  相似文献   

China's top legislature amended a law that “sets environmental protection as the country's basic policy”, which planned to force regulators to make improvements in air quality. Limited studies have attempted to estimate separate values for attributes of air quality improvements from the perspective of how residents value the reduction of haze and health benefits. We apply a discrete choice experiment to estimate the economic benefits involved in these changes. The analysis demonstrates that residents from urban areas are positively willing to pay for air quality improvement. We further employ a mixed logit model and a latent class model to investigate potential heterogeneity in preferences. The preference heterogeneity is significantly related to individuals' exposure to health risks relating to air quality, which is represented by whether the residence location of the respondent is covered by haze/smog on the interview day.  相似文献   

近年来我国的环境问题日益引人注目,大气污染问题显得尤为突出。空气质量预测技术方法能够提前预测区域空间内的大气污染物浓度,其发展十分迅速。本文介绍了一些国内外常用的空气质量预测技术方法的原理及案例,对其结果与局限性进行归纳总结,并对其未来发展提出展望。空气质量预测技术方法分为两类:数值模拟和统计学习,数值模拟通常可以分为第一代、第二代和第三代空气质量模型,统计学习可以分为简单经验统计和机器学习。两类方法的目的都是尽可能真实、准确地实现特定时间、特定区域范围内大气污染物浓度的预测,但两类方法的原理算法差异较大。该研究系统梳理了空气质量预测技术方法演变的历程和发展的现状,展望了其发展趋势,分析了建立、健全空气质量预测技术标准规范体系的重要性,提出了相关参考建议。  相似文献   

尹强  崔琼  庞勇 《四川环境》2007,26(4):69-71,118
在室内空气质量各单项评价指标的基础上,应用运筹学的决策理论,建立室内空气质量评价模型。并通过实例应用此模型对室内空气品质进行了评价研究,取得了满意的结果。与其他评价方法相比,该评价模型结构严谨、计算简便、结果合理、分辨率高。为室内空气质量评价提供了一种简单而适用的评价方法。  相似文献   

本文系统回顾了新中国成立70年以来生态环境财税政策的历史变迁,以时间为主线,分析其在不同阶段的措施手段,对于制定完善生态环境财税政策,全面推进美丽中国建设具有重大意义。生态环境财税政策大致经历了萌芽发展、探索发展、开拓发展和快速发展四个阶段,从无到有,逐步演化,已形成种类齐全,内容丰富的政策体系,但同时也存在着支出力度和支出效率不足、事权与支出责任相适应的制度不明确、税收政策体系尚不完善等问题。本文提出了增加财政"211节能环保"科目支出规模、健全事权与支出责任相匹配的财政制度、完善环境保护税和税收优惠政策、建立基于绩效的资金分配机制等优化新时期生态环境财税政策的建议。  相似文献   

通过系统调研对比国内外环境空气质量评价标准,本文对2013—2018年全国主要城市的空气PM2.5浓度及气象数据进行分析,得到如下结论:采用环境空气中污染物浓度三年滑动均值作为空气质量评价标准是国际通行做法;2013—2018年我国大部分城市PM2.5浓度受气象等相关因素影响,年均值波动较大,采用PM2.5浓度三年滑动均值变化曲线更为平滑,且采用前两年及当年的年均值进行计算更切合实际需求;采用EMI指数法量化分析气象因素对环境空气质量的影响,表明大气污染气象条件的年际变化具有波动性且各重点区域变化趋势也有所不同。建议引进三年滑动均值作为PM2.5长期变化的考核依据之一,使空气质量评价考核方式更为公平合理。  相似文献   

From 1996 to 1997, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) conducted an air quality study known as the Lower Rio Grande Valley Transboundary Air Pollution Project (TAPP). The study was a US–Mexico Border XXI program project and was developed in response to local community requests on a need for more air quality measurements and concerns about the health impact of local air pollutants; this included concerns about emissions from border-dependent industries in Mexico, known as maquiladoras. The TAPP was a follow-up study to environmental monitoring done by EPA in this area in 1993 and incorporated scientific and community participation in development, review of results, and public presentation of findings. In spite of this, critical remarks were leveled by community activists against the study's preliminary “good news” findings regarding local air quality and the influence of transboundary air pollution. To resolve these criticisms and to refine the findings to address these concerns, analyses included comparisons of daily and near real-time measurements to TNRCC effects screening levels and data from other studies along with wind sector analyses. Reassessment of the data suggested that although regional source emissions occurred and outliers of elevated pollutant levels were found, movement of air pollution across the border did not appear to cause noticeable deterioration of air quality. In spite of limitations stated to the community, the TAPP was presented as establishing a benchmark to assess current and future transboundary air quality in the Valley. The study has application in Border XXI Program or other air quality studies where transboundary transport is a concern since it involved interagency coordination, public involvement, and communication of scientifically sound results for local environmental protection efforts.  相似文献   

我国城乡居民饮用水安全现状不容乐观,饮用水源污染已经成为较突出的社会问题,其中地下水饮用水源污染更为突出.饮用水源保护区划分是保证水质安全的重要措施,饮用水源保护区划分方法较多,其中数值模拟法能客观并详细地描述含水层结构与水文地质条件,适用于各种背景的地下水水源研究.本文以崇州市城区饮用水源为例,采用MODFLOW软件建立地下水渗流场,应用MODPATH对水源地抽水井进行粒子逆向示踪模拟,根据不同的时间标准确定一、二级保护区范围,并结合区域水文地质条件和地标、地界特点确定各级保护区的界线.  相似文献   

运用模糊综合评判的方法,选取二氧化硫、二氧化氮和可吸入颗粒物作为评价因子,参照我国环境空气质量标准,通过建立各污染物的隶属函数和权重集,计算出各污染物的隶属度和权重分配系数,进而对达州市空气质量进行模糊综合评判。并将模糊综合评判法与空气污染指数分析所得结果进行比较。  相似文献   

在对伊宁市农村大气环境监测数据分析的基础上,评价伊宁市农村大气环境质量现状。对比分析伊宁市城市市区、远郊、近郊农村大气环境质量,冬季、夏季污染物变化情况,以期为伊宁市城市规划和今后的环保工作提供相关依据。  相似文献   

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