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判决反馈自适应滤波应用于CDMA系统中的单频干扰抑制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对扩频接收机中窄带干扰抑制中已有结构和算法的优缺点,提出一种在滤波器输入和权值修正中均利用判决值的判决反馈方案,并对常规、采用软判决和采用硬判决三种情况的单边预测型结构和常规最小均方误差(LMS)算法、可变步长LMS(VSS)算法和变步长变动量因子LMS(VSVMS)算法三种算法进行了计算机模拟。结果表明,此判决反馈方案对抑制单频干扰在性能上比已有结构有明显改进,且软判决比硬判决性能略优,算法以  相似文献   

杜丽冰 《环境技术》1998,16(3):30-34
提出一种三值滤波器输入和权值修正中均采用判决值的非线性判决反馈干扰抑制器,用于抑制CADM中的单频干扰。  相似文献   

语言是人类用来表达情感和交流思想的工具。在体育教学过程中,教师若能讲究语言的科学性和艺术性,既能使学生产生良好的心理定势和情感变化,又能激发学生的学习兴趣。本文通过对体育教师在体育教学过程中进行不同的讲解方式进行分析,进而阐明在体育教学中如何运动理论讲解使教学达到最佳效果。  相似文献   

针对斛算机文化基础》课程教学中的授课形式单调,授课内容不实用,不能激发学生的想象力,没有照顾到学生的个体学习差异以及不注重学习效果的调查反馈等问题,结合项目驱动教学理论,提出斛算机文化基础》课程的七步教学法,包括上好第一堂课,制定项目任务,学生尝试完成任务,教师重点讲解,学生二次尝试,一对一考核和效果反馈。实践证明,学生学习积极性提高了,不同进度学生的学习效果得到了保证,培养了学生一定的实践能力,效果良好。  相似文献   

《环境教育》2006年2月号(《地球的孩子》)出刊之后,本刊编辑部的编辑、记者带着杂志来到北京市府学小学,在娆峰老师的帮助下,组织了该校五年级(3) 班的同学对本刊进行了点评和讨论。由于版面有限,我们摘录了6名同学的读后感言,他们的批评意见,是对我们的鞭策和鼓励。希望有更多关心本刊成长的读者寄来你的意见、建议或感言。——编者  相似文献   

运用系统动力学构建了西递、宏村旅游地发展的系统动态模型,分析了西递、宏村游客市场结构,同时分析了模型建立下的西递、宏村近程观光市场和远程观光市场的发展机制反馈,并针对西递、宏村古村落目前旅游发展中存在的问题提出了调控对策和建议。  相似文献   

通过对教学环境的系统分析(自然环境、社会环境),发现在体育教学中,社会环境因素对体育教学质量、效果的影响以及相互关系。提出了科学掌握和利用教学环境,顺应社会环境的变化发展而自我完善,促进提高体育教学质量。  相似文献   

《盖娅:地球生命的新视野》(英)詹姆斯·拉伍洛克著,肖显静、范祥东译,上海人民出版社2007年6月第一版,21.00元在这本具有灵感的经典著作中,詹姆斯·拉伍洛克提出了他的理论:把生命的进化和地球的进化看作一个简单的、紧密联系的过程,在这个过程中,环境的自我调控显  相似文献   

全面推动素质教育,已成为我国21世纪体育教学改革的主要内容。体育美学作为体育教学的一个重要组成部分,在素质教育的改革大潮中应对体育教师提出什么样的要求呢?本文将从体育美学和中国传统哲学范畴——“形神论”的角度,对在体育教学中起主导作用的体育教师进行分析,进而阐明21世纪体育教师应具备什么样的素质。  相似文献   

根据区域生态文明建设的特征、内容和目标,通过系统分析,将其动态过程、因果反馈、评价系统及优化调控等归结为多目标非线性动态规划问题,将其运行空间表示成一个三维结构,用数学与电脑相结合的方法进行系统建模与动态仿真。结果表明,该研究对形成区域生态文明建设的科学决策和调控机制、透视发展前景、加强能力建设等具有现实意义,也充实和完善了有关区域生态文明评价的理论和方法。  相似文献   

近年来我国突发环境事件频发,给经济社会带来了严重影响。对突发环境事件的应对,暴露出信息公开不及时、不充分,对谣言回应不及时等不足。此外,谣言的广泛存在与传播,使得突发环境事件应对效果难以实现最大化。产生这种情况是因为突发环境事件应对中,信息公开法律规定与实践不足、信息传播不对称与集体行为等。对此,体系化的信息公开法律制度建设与完善显得尤为重要。为减少突发环境事件中因信息公开不足及谣言产生的危害,我们一方面需要通过扩大信息公开主体范围、明确信息公开程序、对象等措施强化信息公开制度建设,另一方面需要开展谣言与集体行为方面的研究,为突发环境事件的应对提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

Considerations of virtue and character appear from time to time in the agricultural biotechnology literature. Critics of the technologies often suggest that they are contrary to some virtue (usually humility) or do not fit with the image of ourselves and the human place in the world that we ought to embrace. In this article, I consider the aretaic or virtue-based objection that to engage in agricultural biotechnology is to exhibit arrogance, hubris, and disaffection. In section one, I discuss Gary Comstock's treatment of this objection. In section two, I provide an alternative interpretation of the objection that more accurately reflects the concerns of those who offer the criticism than does Comstock's standard interpretation. In sections three and four, I assess the objection. I argue that despite its merits, the objection does not justify global opposition to agricultural biotechnology. Instead, it favors a limited endorsement position not unlike the one defended by Comstock.  相似文献   

This article is the first in a series of three. These articles were prepared to document the growth management process undertaken in Teller County, Colorado, USA. In this article, an 11-step method for landscape planning is proposed. In step 1, an issue, or set of related issues, is identified as posing a problem and/or opportunity to people and/or the environment. In step 2, a goal, or several goals, is established to address the problem or opportunity. In steps 3 and 4, inventories and analyses of biophysical and sociocultural processes are conducted, first at the regional level and then at the local level. Step 5 involves detailed studies (such as suitability analyses) that link the inventory and analysis information to the problems or opportunities and goals. Detailed studies link regional and local information to specific sites. Thus, this method involves a regional-local-specific site hierarchy. In step 6, concepts are developed that lead to a landscape plan in step 7. During step 8, the plan is explained through a systematic educational and citizen involvement effort to the affected public. In step 9, detailed designs are developed that again are explained to the specific individuals who will be impacted by the designs. It is in step 10 when the plan and designs are implemented. Step 11 involves the administration of the plan. The method is illustrated through an example of growth management planning for Teller County and the city of Woodland Park, Colorado. Paper 1 in a series of 3.  相似文献   

A four-stage method of providing conditions for improving the stability of a landscape sector is presented. In the first stage, structure and function of the landscape system is examined, predominantly based on the results of monitoring. In the second stage, a method is suggested for applying monitoring data to a dynamic structure with complex functions of the territory under examination. In the third stage, the territory is optimized as to the function of particular components within it. The optimization consists in controlling the dynamics of the flows of material, energy, and population within the sector. In the fourth stage, the holistic function of the landscape strip should be monitored with respect to representative key factors. The entire concept is based on assuming the existence of destabilizing processes leading to ecocritical situations and determining mitigating factors using heuristic methods of optimization.  相似文献   

In many river floodplains in the UK, there has been a long history of flood defence, land reclamation and water regime management for farming. In recent years, however, changing European and national policies with respect to farming, environment and flood management are encouraging a re-appraisal of land use in rural areas. In particular, there is scope to develop, through the use of appropriate promotional mechanisms, washland areas, which will simultaneously accommodate winter inundation, support extensive farming methods, deliver environmental benefits, and do this in a way which can underpin the rural economy. This paper explores the likely economic impacts of the development of flood storage and washland creation. In doing so, consideration is given to feasibility of this type of development, the environmental implications for a variety of habitats and species, and the financial and institutional mechanisms required to achieve implementation.  相似文献   

/ The objectives of nature area management are often twofold: To protect the natural environment and to facilitate recreational use. In order to maintain the natural setting, it is sometimes necessary to regulate the recreational use of an area. In deciding on a management action, one problem can be the lack of knowledge about the effects of management actions on visitors. In order to enhance the knowledge base for future management practices, this study empirically evaluates the effects of management regulations in a Norwegian nature area. In this area camping outside commercial campgrounds was restricted in 1992. The management regulations seems to have influenced the use of Sjodalen for camping in several ways. The number of campers using the area has decreased. The user composition seems to have changed, with new campers in the area after the regulation being more tolerant of human influence on the natural environment than the campers before the regulations. In addition, a considerable proportion of the existing users ceased to stay overnight in Sjodalen, totally or partly due to the regulations. The behavioral response among existing users is related both to environmental preferences and place attachment. Implications for management and future research studies on impact assessment in general, and displacement specifically, are discussed.KEY WORDS: Outdoor recreation; Management regulations; Behavioral response; Displacement, Place attachment  相似文献   

为了给员工提供安全、环保、健康的工作环境,半导体制造企业必须建立环境管理和职业健康安全管理体系(EHSMS).为此,评价EHSMS运行的有效性、完整性以及合法性就显得十分重要.本文在分析半导体企业污染物影响环境和健康基础上,建立了EHSMS评估体系.为了实施EHSM评估系统,方便半导体企业用户使用,提出了一套EHSM评价系统的计算机软件解决方案.  相似文献   

In 1995 the authors spent a considerable amount of time conducting audits and audit training classes all over the world. In rolling out Colgate-Palmolive's reengineered environmental audit program, they coupled a two-day training program with a three-day audit. Whether in Asia-Pacific, South America, Europe, or the United States, auditors, especially those newly trained, always seemed to fall into the same traps time and again. In order to facilitate the learning process, the authors prepared a list of 20 tips to use at the beginning and end of all training programs and audits. In this article, the authors share the 20 “golden rules” to help all auditors improve the quality of their audits.  相似文献   

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