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大力发展循环经济积极探索科学发展的新路子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济是中国实现可持续发展战略的一种新的经济形态。发展循环经济是落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会的重要内容之一,具有缓解资源约束矛盾的作用,能从根本上减轻环境污染。因此,要从企业、产业、区域层面积极推进循环经济的发展,确保循环经济发展取得实效。  相似文献   

发展循环经济是汉中市实施科学发展、突破发展的重要战略.当前,由于政府、企业的重视,汉中工业循环经济发展取得一定成绩,但也存在部分企业认识不到位、缺乏金融体系支持、工业结构不合理等问题.针对目前存在的问题,提出必须加大对发展循环经济的宣传力度,树立企业的循环经济社会责任观,加大政府政策支持力度,建立绿色GDP核算体系,依...  相似文献   

大力发展循环经济,建设工业生态园区是我国经济和社会真正走上可持续发展道路的战略选择,本文结合鲁北化工集团创建工业生态园的实践,较全面的概述了企业发展循环经济的模式及其重大意义.  相似文献   

钟科  谷声文  杨蓉  杨敏 《四川环境》2012,(5):128-133
循环经济建设是从根本上缓解资源环境短缺与经济快速发展之间的尖锐矛盾的有效模式。本文对四川省发展循环经济建设成效较显著的试点企业——川化股份有限公司进行基于循环经济的企业竞争力评估。通过建立企业循环经济竞争力评估指标体系,采用数学模糊评估模型,系统分析了企业的基于循环经济的竞争力水平。报告的评估成果显示,经5年的企业循环经济建设,截止2009年,川化股份有限公司基于循环经济的企业竞争力总体处于“强”的水平。  相似文献   

循环经济作为一种经济发展模式的革命,其发展水平的科学定量评价一直是循环经济基础理论问题之一。本文根据资源流转平衡原理,以企业资源的物质流转路线为基础,通过描绘和追踪其生产流程过程的资源投入、消耗、产出及废弃的价值信息,从投入、消耗与循环、输出三环节构建循环经济评价指标体系,采用AHP&MLR综合评价方法对电解铝企业循环经济的发展状况作了实证研究,从而为其及相关企业资源流转价值的时空转移、循环经济的发展提供一种有效的评价手段。  相似文献   

循环经济是以科学发展观为统领,以先进的科学技术为基础,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为特征的集约化、内涵式经济增长模式。为了促使我国走上循环经济发展之路,就必须建立循环经济科技支撑体系,即以政府为主导、企业为主体、社会化服务机构健全的循环经济科技创新体系和完善的循环经济科技政策体系、法律法规体系以及绿色文化与教育体系。  相似文献   

本论文以产业生态学的角度和循环经济的理念,剖析了苏州高新区电子信息业的现状及问题。继而分别从企业、行业、社会这三个层面重点提出了苏州高新区电子信息业发展循环经济的对策。为其按循环经济的规律运行作了有益的探索,也为其循环经济的顺利开展提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

河北省日前发布《关于组织推荐循环经济示范市县、园区(企业)和项目的通知》,决定在全省组织实施循环经济示范工程。  相似文献   

通过分析循环经济在国内外发展的基本状况,提出了株洲市要大力推进和发展循环经济以缓解资源约束矛盾、提高企业效益和从根本上减轻环境污染。  相似文献   

发展循环经济是实施可持续发展战略的必然选择   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
阐述循环经济的基本概念、原则,及发展循环经济是实施可持续发展战略的必然选择,并提出了建议  相似文献   

This article examines what tools can be used to analyze and improve the environmental performance of a product. It discusses how companies can upgrade the environmental performance of products in a cost-effective way and enhance their competitive position in the market through product innovation. Based on current examples, it is concluded that a complete toolbox is available to assist companies in developing more eco-efficient products. Which combination of practices can best be applied depends on various factors, particularly the type of external demand(s) the company is facing, its available resources, its time horizon, and its environmental strategy. Experience shows that it is better for companies to be ahead of external criticism and act more proactively. This article shows how companies can follow four main strategies in which eco-efficient product development goes hand in hand with a better competitive position in the market: (1) an efficiency improvement strategy; (2) a market share improvement strategy; (3) a market development strategy; and (4) a product diversification strategy. Finally, the importance of product innovation is stressed in order to implement the eco-efficiency strategies mentioned above.  相似文献   

Local Agenda 21: Substance or Spin?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Local Agenda 21 has become well embedded as a mechanism for promoting sustainable development strategies at the municipal level. Quantitative studies indicate an impressive rate of progress on strategy production and adoption. This paper reports on qualitative research focused mainly on four innovative UK case studies, and explores the reality of experiences as revealed by participantsin Local Agenda 21. It considers the nature of claims made in relation to sustainability networks, the role of local government and stakeholder characteristics. The paper concludes that, whilst many of the claims about LA 21 are intractable to test, there is some evidence of genuine attainment. This relates mainly to processes of strategy production, stimulation of environmental citizenship, inclusion of various sectors, challenging traditional assumptions and actions, and assisting local democracy.  相似文献   

Indicators are commonly used as tools to identify and highlight socio‐economic and ecological trends and to assess progress towards sustainability. Different quality criteria can be considered for indicators. This paper focuses on the timeliness of indicators used in the evaluation of sustainable development strategies. The analysis is based on indicators included in four assessment reports of the sustainable development strategy of the European Union and three assessment reports of the national strategy of Finland. Furthermore, a web‐based national level indicator portal is analysed. The results show that the timeliness of indicators has generally not improved during the past decade and that indicators used in strategy evaluations have a time lag of approximately two years. It is suggested that more attention should be given to efforts to improve the timeliness of indicators in order to increase the effectiveness of the evaluations. More generally, it is suggested that greater emphasis should be put on the empirical research on actual use of indicators.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In developing strategies for nonpoint pollution control in designated 208 areas, one of the issues facing planners is the relative emphasis which should be placed upon urban versus agricultural non-point control. Five criteria which should be considered in designing an appropriate BMP strategy mix are discussed: 1) BMP cost effectiveness; 2) information and administrative cost; 3) flexibility, which relates to the cost of reversibility given substantial uncertainties; 4) associated effects, both direct and indirect; and 5) acceptability to local jurisdictions and groups. Whatever an evaluation on the basis of the first four criteria may suggest, acceptance of agricultural BMPs will be difficult to achieve, thus favoring urban oriented strategies, unless local revenue sources are developed to offer payments to farmers for BMP adoption.  相似文献   

To garner support for biodiversity from the World’s human population, conservation biologists need an open-minded, integrated conservation strategy. We suggest that this strategy should include efforts to (1) preserve existing high quality, diverse ecosystems, (2) remediate impaired systems, (3) balance the needs of people and ecological resources, and (4) engender appreciation of nature and its services. We refer to these four key tenets as reservation, restoration, reconciliation, and reconnection. We illustrate these concepts by presenting the debate surrounding the management of exotic species from an unusual perspective, the benefits of exotic species. By this example we hope to encourage an integrated approach to conservation in which management strategies can be flexible, adjusting to society’s needs and the overall goals of conservation.  相似文献   

煤炭在未来相当长的时间内仍是我国的基本能源。构建了中央—地区二元结构的煤炭城市可持续发展战略匹配集,根据煤炭资源的开采程度将煤炭城市分成幼年期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期四个阶段,基于三维综合判断对不同阶段的煤炭城市提出了不同的战略选择,明晰了不同发展战略的战略目标及发展的支持性政策措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents a cross-disciplinary framework for assessment of climate change adaptation to increased precipitation extremes considering pluvial flood risk as well as additional environmental services provided by some of the adaptation options. The ability of adaptation alternatives to cope with extreme rainfalls is evaluated using a quantitative flood risk approach based on urban inundation modeling and socio-economic analysis of corresponding costs and benefits. A hedonic valuation model is applied to capture the local economic gains or losses from more water bodies in green areas. The framework was applied to the northern part of the city of Aarhus, Denmark. We investigated four adaptation strategies that encompassed laissez-faire, larger sewer pipes, local infiltration units, and open drainage system in the urban green structure. We found that when taking into account environmental amenity effects, an integration of open drainage basins in urban recreational areas is likely the best adaptation strategy, followed by pipe enlargement and local infiltration strategies. All three were improvements compared to the fourth strategy of no measures taken.  相似文献   

This paper applies an attribute-based stated choice experiment approach to estimate the value that society places on changes to the size of the badger population in England and Wales. The study was undertaken in the context of a rising incidence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle and the government's review of current bTB control policy. This review includes consideration of culling badgers to reduce bTB in cattle, since badgers are thought to be an important wildlife reservoir for the disease. The design of the CE involved four attributes (size of badger population, cattle slaughtered due to bTB, badger management strategy and household tax) at four levels with eight choice sets of two alternatives presented to respondents. Telephone interviews were undertaken with over 400 respondents, which elicited their attitudes and preferences concerning badgers, bTB in cattle and badger management strategies. The study estimated a willingness to pay of £0.10 per household per year per 100,000 badgers and £1.52 per household per year per 10,000 cattle slaughtered due to bTB which aggregated to £22 per badger and £3298 per bTB slaughtered animal for all households in England and Wales. Management strategy toward badgers had a very high valuation, highlighting the emotive issue of badger culling for respondents and the importance of government policy towards badgers.  相似文献   

通过四明山红色旅游目的地开发建设的优势、机遇及劣势与挑战的分析,提出了开发与建设四明山红色旅游目的地的六大策略,即政府主导与市场运作相结合的开发策略、社会效益和经济效益兼顾的开发策略、红色旅游目的地品牌策略、"红绿结合"的开发策略、区域合作策略、基于和谐旅游发展的开发策略。  相似文献   

In Europe, sustainable development (SD) is pursued with not one but two overarching strategies, i.e., the so-called Lisbon and SD strategies. While the Lisbon Strategy is a genuinely European response to global economic and social pressures, SD strategies are national efforts corresponding with international (mainly United Nations) guidance to better coordinate and integrate economic, social and, in particular, environmental policies. The present paper explores the vertical coordination and coherence of the two pan-European strategies. After reviewing the international background of SD strategies and the EU origins of the Lisbon strategy, the paper characterizes and compares the governance architectures of the two strategies. With a solid background on how vertical policy integration functions in the two processes, the paper then shows how this affects the coherence of respective strategy structures and monitoring indicators. Based on an extensive empirical stocktaking study of the objectives and indicators in Lisbon and SD strategies across Europe it is shown that, despite the stronger European coordination through the Open Method of Coordination, the Lisbon process entailed only slightly more coherent national strategies than international guidance did in the context of SD strategies. Thus, the paper concludes that the influence international organizations such as the UN and the OECD have on national policy-making must not be underestimated.  相似文献   

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