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为了综合测度新型城镇化发展水平,在分析新型城镇化内涵的基础上,运用熵值法构建了新型城镇化的三级评价指标体系,并采用2005-2012年数据对河南省新型城镇化综合发展程度、发展度、协调度和持续度进行了定量评价.结果表明,河南省新型城镇化发展态势良好,综合发展程度和发展度一直保持稳定的上升趋势;新型城镇化协调度总体上呈增长趋势,局部存在一定波动;持续度在研究期间内呈稳定态势.  相似文献   

基于吉林省中部地区2005—2014年城镇化相关数据,从经济、人口、土地三个维度构建以县域为研究单元的城镇化水平综合评价指标体系,采用熵值法计算各县市城镇化综合水平。在此基础上,采用ESDA与变异系数等方法分析研究区近十年城镇化水平空间差异的演化过程,探究空间差异的形成原因,旨在为吉林中部城市群发展提供参考。结果表明:1吉中地区城镇化水平总体空间差异整体呈缩小趋势,研究末期略有扩大;2研究区中心区域与外围区域相比,城镇化水平高且空间差异较大;3城镇化发展整体关联性差,偏南和偏北区域的关联性高于中间区域;4非农人口规模、国内生产总值、土地城镇化指标是城镇化水平空间差异的主要原因;5城镇化低水平县市比例过大,中高水平县市比例过小,不利于吉林中部城市群的构建。  相似文献   

为分析连片特困地区物流经济对城镇化的影响,从人口城镇化、土地城镇化、经济城镇化和社会城镇化四个方面构建城镇化水平评估体系,采用熵权法对连片特困地区的城镇化水平进行评估,构建物流经济发展水平评价体系,建立城镇化与物流经济的多重线性回归模型和空间耦合模型,并以滇西连片特困山区的56个县为例,深入分析连片特困地区物流经济对城镇化的影响机制。研究发现:(1)整体空间上,滇西边境山区的综合城镇化水平由中部的芒市、隆阳区、施甸县和祥云县等向外围逐渐降低,与研究区域的人口、土地和社会的城镇化空间分异特征大体吻合,经济城镇化水平呈现波动状态,由西北部向东南递减。(2)公路通车里程在人口城镇化发展中的作用显著;土地城镇化受到社会固定资产投资的影响,系数为0. 005;社会消费品零售总额与货物运输总量对社会城镇化的影响显著,系数分别为0. 008和0. 007,对社会城镇化有明显的正效应;货物运输总量在经济城镇化中的回归系数为0. 017,相关性较强。(3)滇西边境山区物流经济与城镇化的空间耦合程度整体处于较低水平,且区域差异显著,整体空间协调程度呈现中部高外围低的态势。  相似文献   

城镇化发展问题是当前政府、学术界等各方面关注的焦点。在此背景下,基于城镇化的发展内涵,构建了城镇化综合评价指标体系,并运用熵权法对各个指标赋予权重,得出2011年中国31个省区综合城镇化水平的得分和排名。运用探索性空间数据分析,分析了中国省域综合城镇化发展水平的全局和局部空间自相关性。研究发现,中国省域城镇化发展空间集聚特征显著,但空间溢出效应有限。从空间布局的角度提出中国城镇化发展的政策建议,以期为中国城镇化发展的宏观规划布局提供借鉴。  相似文献   

城镇化是社会发展的结果,也是衡量区域经济社会发展水平的重要标志.以河北省50个省级重点镇为研究对象,利用模糊数学综合评价法测算出不同区域的城镇化水平.在总结重点镇的城镇化速度慢、地区差异性大等特点的基础上,提出了城镇化建设的具体优化措施,以期为合理发展城镇经济、正确选择发展道路提供参考.  相似文献   

为了探索河南省新型城镇化发展水平在空间上的分布特征,选用18个城市的统计数据,构建新型城镇化发展水平的三级评价指标体系,并运用因子分析法和层次分析法对2013年河南省18个市的经济、社会、生态、科技及综合指标进行分析。结果表明,市域间新型城镇化发展空间分异特征极其明显,整体表现为"西北高、东南低"的态势。其中,经济发展指数表现出典型的"西北高、东南低、中部突出"的特征;社会发展指数则呈现典型的"众星拱月"特征;生态环境指数呈现两个高值中心和一片"C"字形低值中心;科技创新指数的高值与经济发展指数的高值空间布局相吻合,中部、北部和西部各有一个低值中心。  相似文献   

讨论了乡村旅游与乡村新型城镇化之间的相互作用机理,认为乡村旅游是乡村新型城镇化的重要路径,而乡村新型城镇化是乡村旅游的有效助力。乡村旅游新型城镇化水平是在新型城镇化发展过程中,乡村旅游作为实践乡村新型城镇化的现实路径,在其自身遵从旅游业基本发展规律的同时,有效推进乡村旅游目的地新型城镇化建设水平的能力与程度。在此基础上,定义了乡村旅游新型城镇化度的概念,构建了乡村旅游新型城镇化度评价指标体系,基于TOPSIS法构建了乡村旅游新型城镇化度测算模型,并以江苏省句容市的白兔、后白两镇为案例进行了实证评价和分析。  相似文献   

基于SFA模型,测算了我国2005—2014年省级面板数据的能源效率,利用PCA方法合成新型城镇化发展水平综合指标,联合构建空间自相关模型和空间误差模型,分析了新型城镇化与能源效率之间的关系。研究表明:1新型城镇化与能源效率呈负相关。在其他条件不变的情况下,新型城镇化水平每提高1%,引起能源效率平均降低0.041%。2新型城镇化对能源效率的影响表现为中部较强,西部次之,东部较弱。3相邻省份能源效率空间上呈正相关,相关性自西向东逐渐减弱。城镇化与能源效率的协调问题亟待解决,应根据区域发展差异区别对待,充分发挥集聚效应。  相似文献   

基于2006—2016年省级层面的相关统计数据,构建城镇化与物流业发展水平的评价指标体系,采用熵值法对两者的发展水平进行动态评估,利用耦合协调度模型定量测度城镇化与物流业发展的耦合协调水平。结果表明:(1)2006—2016年,我国城镇化发展水平提升了12.8%,物流业发展水平提高了10.6%,呈现出东高西低的梯度型发展格局。(2)城镇化发展起点较高地区的发展速率相对缓慢,城镇化发展水平较低地区则经历了起点低和速度快的发展历程,物流业发展水平较高和较低地区具有较大的发展潜力。(3)城镇化与物流业发展的耦合协调度逐渐提高,初级协调水平以上的省市区占比提高了约16%,耦合协调水平的空间收敛效应显著,空间关联性不断增强。  相似文献   

张蕊  白永平  马卫 《资源开发与市场》2015,31(2):204-206,244
在充分理解新型城镇化内涵的基础上,从人口、土地、经济、基础设施、公共服务、生态环境城镇化6个方面建立指标体系,利用熵值法对"新丝绸之路"经济带铁路沿线城市的新型城镇化质量进行测算。结果显示:1"新丝绸之路"经济带沿线城市新型城镇化质量普遍较低,且空间差异较明显;2有1/3的城市处于中等城镇化水平;3通过计算得到的系统内部协调性也同样存在明显的空间差异。因此,在今后的发展过程中应注重统筹协调,全面发展,努力提高各城市新型城镇化的质量和协调性。  相似文献   

何艳梅 《中国环境管理》2021,13(2):110-118,9
为了更好地贯彻黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的国家重大战略,弥补分散立法的不足,实施流域综合管理,解决黄河流域面临的特殊生态问题,有必要制定黄河法作为黄河流域管理的基本法和综合法。本文利用数据分析法、实证分析法和文献研究法,以解决黄河流域面临的主要生态问题为目标和导向,依据有关政策文件、法律法规和改革成果,分析了黄河法需要建立健全的生态保护制度,包括全流域节水制度、水源涵养制度、水土保持制度和水污染综合治理制度、自然湿地生态修复制度等。  相似文献   

针对东江流域的地区特点,以目前社会和经济发展水平为基础,确立水资源安全分级标准,采用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,用多级模糊综合评判法对东江流域水资源安全进行评价,最后得出从2000年到2007年东江流域各行政区的水资源安全度呈下降的趋势。  相似文献   

通过构建知识创新能力与城市化、工业化进程的评价指标体系,对长三角地区2000-2011年25个地级以上城市的知识创新能力指数及城市化与工业化进程系数进行测算,并利用协调度模型综合分析评价了知识创新能力与城市化、工业化进程的协调关系.结果显示:①知识创新能力与城市化整体协调度优于其与工业化的协调度;②知识创新能力与城市化协调度逐步磨合到相对理想状态;③知识创新能力与工业化协调度呈现出先上升后下降又上升的较大波动性.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The hydrologic modeling of streamflow in the Waterford River Basin has been conducted as part of comprehensive investigations of the effects of urbanization on water resources in the basin. Using a detailed input data base, continuous simulation of streamflow in the study area has been done by means of the HSPF model, which has been calibrated for the existing conditions and then applied to several future land use scenarios. The basin climate and geology contribute to high conversion of precipitation into streamflow under the existing conditions. Consequently, future urban development in the study basin should not increase the annual streamflow, but would contribute to increases in peak flows and the incidence of flooding because of the increased speed of runoff. If the impervious area in the basin is doubled, the peak flows may increase by about 20 percent.  相似文献   

In the Heihe River Basin in the arid inland area of northwest China, the distribution of water resources in vegetation landscape zones controls the ecosystems. The carbon sequestration capacity of vegetation is analyzed in relation to water resources and vegetation growing conditions. During the last 20 years, the vegetation ecosystems have degenerated in the Heihe River Basin. Simulation using the C-FIX model indicates that, at present, the total amount of NPP of vegetation accounts for about 18.16 TgC, and the average value is 106 gC/m(2)/yr over the whole basin. NPP has generally the highest value in the upperstream mountain area, middlestream artificial oases area, downstream river bank area, alluvial fan and the terminal lake depression where vegetation grows relatively well. The lowest value is found in the vast downstream desert and Gobi area. Protection of vegetation ecosystems and enhancement of carbon sequestration require such inland river basins as the Heihe River Basin to be brought under management in a comprehensive way, taking water as a key, to carry out a rational and efficient allocation and utilization of water resources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper reports on the development of a mathematical model for forecasting energy development in the Yellowstone study area for the years 1985 and 2000, and determining the associated economic demands for water, land, labor, capital, and mineral resources. The study was prepared for use by the Missouri River Basin Commission in conducting a comprehensive, “Level B” planning study of the water and related land resources in the Yellowstone River Basin. The study results indicate that the amount of coal development in the Yellowstone study area will depend primarily upon state and federal energy policies and regulations. Policies related to slurry pipeline transportation of coal will be particularly important in determining the level and pattern of future energy development in the area. Coal production under the “most probable” scenario is expected to increase from about 40 million tons in 1976 to 163 million tons per year by 1985, and 513 million tons in the year 2000. Consumptive water use for energy development in the study area could be as much as 556,000 acre-feet per year by the year 2000 (under the high scenario). A parametric analysis was conducted on the 1985 most probably scenario to determine the influence on the study results of variations in the delivered price of water. Water requirements were reduced by nearly one-fourth as water costs increased from zero to over $750 per acre-foot.  相似文献   

黄河流域是我国重要的生态功能区,是实现国家粮食安全的重点区域。本文梳理了近期黄河流域的相关研究,从粮食安全视角下分析了黄河流域现阶段在流域水效率、流域水管理机制、流域水生态文明三方面的问题,并提出了关于黄河流域大保护与高质量发展的两方面建议。一是创新流域水管理机制,服务国家粮食安全。积极改进水资源管理方式,加大节水宣传教育力度,加强黄河流域水土流失综合治理,合理调控水价,完善黄河流域水权市场建设。二是践行"两山"理论,提升流域水生态文明。建设"四大体系"和"七大区域",推进生态廊道建设;转变经济发展方式;提前布局水生态文明建设。  相似文献   

淮河流域水资源环境与可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于经济的快速发展和人口的过快增加,加上以往的环境治理不到位,使淮河流域水环境问题始终未得到有效的控制和解决。从淮河流域水资源的概况、特点、存在问题和对策等方面对淮河流域水环境问题进行了简要的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

The Elbow River watershed in Alberta covers an area of 1,238 km2 and represents an important source of water for irrigation and municipal use. In addition to being located within the driest area of southern Canada, it is also subjected to considerable pressure for land development due to the rapid population growth in the City of Calgary. In this study, a comprehensive modeling system was developed to investigate the impact of past and future land-use changes on hydrological processes considering the complex surface–groundwater interactions existing in the watershed. Specifically, a spatially explicit land-use change model was coupled with MIKE SHE/MIKE 11, a distributed physically based catchment and channel flow model. Following a rigorous sensitivity analysis along with the calibration and validation of these models, four land-use change scenarios were simulated from 2010 to 2031: business as usual (BAU), new development concentrated within the Rocky View County (RV-LUC) and in Bragg Creek (BC-LUC), respectively, and development based on projected population growth (P-LUC). The simulation results reveal that the rapid urbanization and deforestation create an increase in overland flow, and a decrease in evapotranspiration (ET), baseflow, and infiltration mainly in the east sub-catchment of the watershed. The land-use scenarios affect the hydrology of the watershed differently. This study is the most comprehensive investigation of its nature done so far in the Elbow River watershed. The results obtained are in accordance with similar studies conducted in Canadian contexts. The proposed modeling system represents a unique and flexible framework for investigating a variety of water related sustainability issues.  相似文献   

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