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本文以杭州华电半山发电有限公司3X390MW燃气机组配套的两台大型双曲线自然通风冷却塔噪声治理为例,通过采用隔吸声屏障对冷却塔进行降噪处理,解决了大型双曲线自然通风冷却塔噪声超标的问题。  相似文献   

在高层、超高层和商业综合体建筑内,冷却塔是中央空调制冷系统中的重要组成部分,同时也是制冷系统中噪声和振动的主要贡献者。为了达到空间利用的最大化,冷却塔一般被安置在裙楼、设备层或楼顶,但在一些特殊情况下,冷却塔被安置在地下室,这种下沉式的安装方式,给冷却塔的进排气带来一些特殊要求,同时也给降噪处理带来很大难度。通过具体案例,分析和探讨了下沉式安装的冷却塔的噪声治理问题。  相似文献   

大型机力通风冷却塔广泛应用于电力、钢铁、石油化工等工业企业,其运行时产生的噪声对周边环境的影响较大。文章针对大型机力通风冷却塔的噪声特性,提出了有效的降噪措施,并结合实际案例,利用Cadna/A噪声软件进行定量模拟分析,据此制定科学合理的降噪方案,为大型机力通风冷却塔的噪声控制提供了思路。  相似文献   

针对城市电厂大型机力通风冷却塔的噪声污染,以北京太阳宫燃气热电冷联供工程中应用的机力通风冷却塔噪声控制为例,通过分析研究冷却塔各声源不同的频谱特性和传播特性,并根据厂界噪声控制目标计算声源的超标量和设计降噪量,采取隔声、消声和吸声等综合集成的噪声控制技术,设计开发了大型机力通风冷却塔降噪消声装置,取得了理想效果,使厂界噪声达到I类标准,为低噪声机力通风冷却塔的声学设计提供了工程实践参考。  相似文献   

机力通风冷却塔广泛应用于CBD等大型公共建筑中的中央空调循环冷却水系统,其运行时的噪声对周边环境的影响很大。文章针对机关办公楼使用的3组共7台机力通风冷却塔,通过声学仿真技术,定量分析了冷却塔对周边环境的噪声影响,提出了综合治理方案,并预测评价了治理效果;方案实施后进行了测量,并与预测评价进行对比分析,结果显示,方案设计阶段的仿真预测结果与实测结果基本相吻合,仿真模型准确可靠。  相似文献   

刘圣 《四川环境》2012,31(2):57-60
发电厂闭式循环冷却水系统是采用钢筋混凝土结构自然通风冷却塔,其噪声污染治理是一个难题。本文以攀钢电厂双曲线自然通风冷却塔为例,介绍其噪声特性、控制措施及治理效果。  相似文献   

本文以上海吴泾电厂八期1#、2#机组所用特大型双曲线自然通风冷却塔为例,介绍其噪声特性、控制措施及治理效果。  相似文献   

简介了冷却塔的发展及现状,分析了传统普通电驱动冷却塔存在的缺陷,以及喷雾推进通风冷却塔在节能创新方面的优势。  相似文献   

本文对低温环境模拟试验系统中的循环冷却水子系统的主要部件——冷却塔,进行了设计计算。通过对冷却系统的用水温度和用水量的分析,在对冷却塔热力计算的基础上,确定了冷却塔的冷却数和特性数,进而得到了符合冷却水系统要求的冷却塔的相关技术指标和型号。  相似文献   

<正>由清华大学和河南省沁菱冷却设备有限公司联合开发的防冻降雾节水型冷却塔,适用于石油、石化、煤化工、冶金、纺织、造纸、火力发电及制冷空调等所有使用冷却塔的行业。主要技术内容一、基本原理防冻降雾节水型冷却塔综合了传统湿式冷却塔和空气冷却器的特点,在收水器上方塔体侧壁开设上进风口,在上进风口紧贴内侧设置空气预冷器,与常规湿式冷却塔不同,需要冷却的循环水首先进入各空气预冷器  相似文献   

Trametes versicolor decolorized 2000 mg L(-1) of the mono-azo substituted naphthalenic dye Amaranth with no dye sorption observed visually. The changes in the toxicity were assessed over a period of 30 d for the dye-treated viable culture, control (no dye added), and a boiled culture treated with dye, using the Microtox Acute Toxicity assay. Before dye addition, the culture filtrate had some toxicity, which increased after the dye addition. The toxicity of the dye-treated culture decreased during the treatment. The loss of toxicity occurred at the same time, with the loss of color suggesting that detoxification is associated with decoloration. The change in pH was due to natural metabolic processes and had a small effect on detoxification. Because the toxicity of the treatment was similar to that of the control at the end of the treatment, the effluent seems to be safe for release into the environment, potentially rendering this treatment suitable for industrial application.  相似文献   

城镇化是推动我国经济社会发展的重要动力,在高速发展的同时,带来大量污染排放,威胁乡村环境质量与可持续发展。在对乡村生态环境问题剖析的基础上,从战略、实施、方式等层面探索解决思路,围绕科学规划、发展方式、基础建设、管理机制、宣传教育等方面分析关键点,加强乡村环境保护,保障城镇化建设健康发展,为促进农村农业持续发展提供持久动力。  相似文献   

环境保护与经济发展相协调,是人类社会持续发展的必由之路.环境经济系统是由环境子系统和经济子系统耦合而成的复合大系统.在用系统论对环境经济系统进行结构分析的基础上,采用主成分分析法和加法合成原理,对山东省17地市环境经济系统进行综合分析和类型划分,并从地域差异角度提出了分区特点及今后的发展建议,以期为山东省环境经济系统高水平协调发展提供决策依据.  相似文献   

泵站树状给水管网流量具有随机性,而这种随机性变化会直接影响管网的建设费用和动力费用.针对这-特点,应用随机规划原理,建立泵站树状给水管网机会约束模型,编写基于随机模拟的遗传算法程序求解该模型.机会约束模型能较客观地反映该管网的实际工况,使优化设计结果更符合实际.  相似文献   


Estimation of State of Health (SoH) of Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is essential to predict the lifespan of batteries of an electric vehicle (EV). The efficient prediction of battery health indicates to the effective and safe operation of EV. However, delivering an effective and accurate method for the estimation of SoH in the real condition is truly a challenging task. The present study proposed a holistic procedure of combining both experimental and numerical investigations to conduct the fundamental study on coupled mechanical-electrochemical behavior of Li-ion battery. The proposed investigation highlighted the effect of stress on the capacity of the battery, considering capacity fade as an equivalent parameter to its health for real-time estimation of SoH. Finally, a simple model of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is provided, which shows the linear dependency of stress with the SoH. The results obtained from the ANN model are validated with a Linear Regression (LR) model for a better understanding of the inspection. The predicted value of mean Square Error (MSE) and R square error in the ANN training model are found to be 0.000309 and 0.849687, respectively. Whereas for the test model, these predicted values are found to be 0.000438 and 0.819347, respectively.  相似文献   

以中国地质大学开发的MMPGIS通用型地理信息系统软件为基础,以山东龙口市2004土地利用现状为例,介绍了龙口市土地利用信息系统建设的方法与步骤,包括影像数据的纠正,矢量数据、属性数据的采集,以及数据入库方法,最后提出了在建库过程中遇到的一些问题.  相似文献   

A previous study using respondents in a London regional audience appreciation diary panel showed that links existed between overall amounts of the viewing of television recorded across one week and levels of perception of risk of three hazards to life, namely lightning, flooding and terrorist bomb attacks. With a fourth hazard, cancer, there was an inverted U-shaped relationship between perceived risk level and amount of viewing. At the same time there were no relationships between amounts of viewing of news and documentary material and perceived risks of any of 12 hazards. Two new surveys were done, nearly three years after the previous one, asking people in widely different regions about their perceptions of nine various hazards, and linking these results with measures of attitudes towards certain adaptations of new technology (which could prove hazardous or beneficial according to points of view) and to patterns of television viewing. The two surveys agreed on a wide number of points with each other; they agreed with the previous study in finding no steady relationships between information programme viewing and hazard perception. Lightning and flooding were again related, this time more specifically with viewing of particular types of television programming. A new finding is that heavier viewing of television sport is associated with less perceived risk of cancer and of nuclear pollution. Interpretations are generally favoured along the lines of a selective process of viewers with certain predispositions choosing certain kinds of viewing patterns, rather than that programme contents provide an example for formulating perceptions and attitudes.  相似文献   

开发白洋淀旅游资源的制约因素与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者在实地调查研究的基础上,认为制约白洋淀旅游业发展的因素主要有水位不稳、水质受到污染、旅游项目内容贫乏、参与性差、景区文化氛围不和谐,以及管理不到位。作者提出,应努力保持其水位稳定,加强流域内污染治理,理顺管理体制,建立白洋淀湿地保护区,加大旅游资源开发和宣传力度,丰富旅游的文化内涵等来保证白洋淀旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

依据创新型城市的基本内涵,构建出四元城市创新体系模型,形成以四元创新主体为核心,集知识、技术于一体的网络创新体系,说明城市创新体系四元模型中,各主体之间的关系及其伴随社会的不同发展时期四元模型的变化趋势和变化过程中主导驱动元素扮演的角色、作用和地位。  相似文献   

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