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Wellbore integrity is one of the key performance criteria in the geological storage of CO2. It is significant in any proposed storage site but may be critical to the suitability of depleted oil and gas reservoirs that may have 10’s to 1000’s of abandoned wells. Much previous work has focused on Portland cement which is the primary material used to seal wellbore systems. This work has emphasized the potential dissolution of Portland cement. However, an increasing number of field studies (e.g., Carey et al., 2007), experimental studies (e.g., Kutchko et al., 2006) and theoretical considerations indicate that the most significant leakage mechanism is likely to be flow of CO2 along the casing–cement microannulus, cement–cement fractures, or the cement–caprock interface.In this study, we investigate the casing–cement microannulus through core-flood experiments. The experiments were conducted on a synthetic wellbore system consisting of a 5-cm diameter sample of cement that was cured with an embedded rectangular length of steel casing that had grooves to accommodate fluid flow. The experiments were conducted at 40 ° C and 14 MPa pore pressure for 394 h. During the experiment, 6.2 l of a 50:50 mixture of supercritical CO2 and 30,000 ppm NaCl-rich brine flowed through 10-cm of limestone before flowing through the 6-cm length cement–casing wellbore system. Approximately 59,000 pore volumes of fluid moved through the casing–cement grooves. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the CO2–brine mixture impacted both the casing and the cement. The Portland cement was carbonated to depths of 50–250 μm by a diffusion-dominated process. There was very little evidence for mass loss or erosion of the Portland cement. By contrast, the steel casing reacted to form abundant precipitates of mixed calcium and iron carbonate that lined the channels and in one case almost completely filled a channel. The depth of steel corroded was estimated at 25– 30μm and was similar in value to results obtained with a simplified corrosion model.The experimental results were applied to field observations of carbonated wellbore cement by Carey et al. (2007) and Crow et al. (2009) to show that carbonation of the field samples was not accompanied by significant CO2–brine flow at the casing–cement interface. The sensitivity of standard-grade steel casing to corrosion suggests that relatively straight-forward wireline logging of external casing corrosion could be used as a useful indicator of flow behind casing. These experiments also reinforce other studies that indicate rates of Portland cement deterioration are slow, even in the high-flux CO2–brine experiments reported here.  相似文献   

本装置包括密封的吸收液容器、空气压缩机等 ,用于温室作物增施CO2 气肥。本装置利用空气压缩机在吸收液容器内形成负压 ,吸入待净化燃体 ,在气液两相反应中对有害成分同时进行化学吸收和物理吸收 ,具有结构简单、体积小、成本低优点 ,适合我国广大农村使用。 (ZL 972 5 0  相似文献   

有色金属行业CO2排放估算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对国内外有色金属行业温室气体排放估算方法研究现状的分析,将联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)温室气体排放清单指南、国际有色行业协会和环境科学研究中的一些常用算法,总结归纳应用于有色金属行业温室气体的排放量估算,从估算方法和结果上分析各种方法的优缺点和使用条件。以原铝生产CO2排放估算为例,对有色金属温室气体排放进行实证分析,为有色金属行业温室气体排放估算提供参选方法,促进有色金属工业的节能减排。  相似文献   

管道输送作为所捕集的CO_2与利用封存场地的纽带,在碳捕集、驱油与封存项目中起着重要的作用。鉴于我国CO_2长输管道的设计标准和规范处于空白,文章对挪威船级社于2006年和2010年的管道泄漏实验进行归纳总结,介绍了工业规模泄放实验的研究目的、实验装置、恒压及泄压释放的操作流程、管道内对压力和温度的监测布点以及大气中对CO_2浓度监测的布点方式等。这为我国研究人员开展CO_2管道泄放的实验设计及研究方法提供了参考借鉴,有助于加快我国CO_2管道输送安全性研究的步伐。  相似文献   

宋爽  周定 《四川环境》1997,16(3):40-43
:以Pt/C作电极,石棉作电池隔膜,组装成去除CO2用电池,试验了各种工作条件对电池性能的影响。实验结果证明了电化学方法去除空气中CO2的可行性。  相似文献   

为保障天然气脱碳后有效开发,对产生的CO_2资源进行处理,减少外排造成的污染,在CO_2驱油的基础上,拓展应用领域,开展CO_2吞吐技术研究,通过实验评价,应用于吞吐增产机理主要有解膨胀、降低原油黏度及回流返排等三个方面,利用数模与物模等方式对注入量、注入压力及闷井时间等参数进行优化设计。技术研究成功,在吉林油田规模应用100井次/年均,增产原油0.7万t,投入产出比1:1.5,可达到减排目的。  相似文献   

沼气是清洁的可再生能源,但含碳量较高,不满足管输要求。通过HYSYS软件应用SRK方程对碳酸丙烯酯脱碳流程进行模拟分析,考察吸收气液比、吸收压力、气提气液比、碳酸丙烯酯贫液进料温度、预处理沼气的进料温度、吸收塔板数对脱碳效果的影响:净化气中CO2的含量随着吸收气液比的增大逐渐增大,脱碳率随之减小,但吸收气液比在10~30时,净化气中的CO2含量变化不大;随着吸收塔板数的增加,净化气中的CO2摩尔含量逐渐减小,脱碳率逐渐上升,当塔板数小于10时,脱碳效果明显,当塔板数超过10时,对脱碳效果影响较小。  相似文献   

CO2回收和捕集技术新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内外CO2回收和捕集新技术的研究进展。  相似文献   

CO2固定化及资源化的技术进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文简述了CO2的固定与回收方法及CO2在生物合成、工业、农业、能源及环保中的应用,指出CO2资源化下控制温室效应的有效手段。  相似文献   

For almost 50 years, the Council of Europe through a series of documents has been helping to build up a set of rules, principles, and strategies related to culture, environment, ethics, and sustainable development. At the moment, one of the most important aims of the Council of Europe’s agenda deals with the elaboration of the General Principles for the Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development, as raised in document CO-DBP (2003)2 related to the environmental subject. The intention of the Council of Europe is to encourage national authorities to implement these General Principles into their national environmental policies. These principles should have an important effect, especially in those countries which are new members of the European Union. The primary target of this paper is the study of these principles and the setting of their entailed implications in order to establish a relation between values and policy making. Quite often, the conclusions adopted by the agreements generated within the framework of the European Union are controversial. Therefore, a study aiming to lay the foundations of these principles will make the exchange of ideas easier, providing a wider and more detailed scope in the European environmental policy.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to examine issues and problemsraised by agricultural biotechnology by drawing on the richnessof contemporary ideas in ethical theory and thereby contribute tothe project of establishing new approaches to these problems. Thefundamental argument is that many of the negative aspects ofagricultural biotechnology are generated at the level of theunderlying conceptual frameworks that shape the technology'sinternal modes of organization, rather than the unintendedeffects of the application of an inherently benevolent set oftechniques. If ``food ethics' is to address the adverse impacts ofagricultural biotechnology, it must ultimately challenge theseconceptual frames, which, I argue, emerge from Enlightenment,liberal, political, and economic theory.The translation of traditional bioethics (focusing on principlessuch as autonomy and rights, justice, and well being) into foodethics does not produce the critical tools that are ableadequately to challenge the harmful legacy of Enlightenmentthinking. What is needed are reorientations of ethics that arecapable of formulating concepts and approaches that to someextent break with the presuppositions that underpin biotechnologyat its foundation. This paper suggests that narrative andfeminist critiques of medical bioethics are a good place to startin this project.  相似文献   

由全球175个国家和地区的1530个以上机场加盟的国际机场评议会(ACI)所属的欧洲小组委员会近日在英国曼彻斯特召开了年度大会,会议提出了将对欧洲各机场CO2排放管理及减排对策实行评价认定的“机场碳认定”制度,对象为欧洲各地的所有机场,最终目标为CO2零排放,即实现碳中立化。  相似文献   

The pulp and paper industry is placed in a unique position as biomass used as feedstock is now in increasingly high demand from the energy sector. Increased demand for biomass increases pressure on the availability of this resource, which might strengthen the need for recycling of paper. In this study, we calculate the energy use and carbon dioxide emissions for paper production from three pulp types. Increased recycling enables an increase in biomass availability and reduces life-cycle energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. Recovered paper as feedstock leads to lowest energy use (22 GJ/t) and CO2 emissions (−1100 kg CO2/t) when biomass not used for paper production is assumed to be converted into bio-energy. Large differences exist between paper grades in e.g. electricity and heat use during production, fibre furnish, filler content and recyclability. We found large variation in energy use over the life-cycle of different grades. However, in all paper grades, life-cycle energy use decreases with increased recycling rates and increased use of recovered fibres. The average life-cycle energy use of the paper mix produced in The Netherlands, where the recycling rate is approximately 75%, is about 14 GJ/t. This equals CO2 savings of about 1 t CO2/t paper if no recycled fibres would be used.  相似文献   

大多数天然气藏CO2含量为10%~98%,CO2在不同的温度、压力条件下腐蚀极其严重。文章主要针对高含CO2天然气运输管道腐蚀的问题,开展缓蚀剂的筛选,重点开展CO2腐蚀规律研究与实验,评价环境温度、CO2分压、流动速度对腐蚀规律的影响,明确缓蚀剂的影响因素,结合管材的材质,优选评价不同类型的缓蚀剂,缓蚀效率分别为90.53%和92.64%,在管道凝液介质的气相及液相中都有较高的缓蚀效率。通过设计现场加药工艺及制度,监测评价缓蚀剂缓释效果和腐蚀情况,可防止管道运输过程中CO2腐蚀的侵害,长输管线内腐蚀控制良好。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度不断增加将以两种方式影响作物的代谢、生长发育和产量的形成:一是通过温室效应“加热”气候,改变降水类型,进而影响作物;二是浓度变化本身对作物生理过程的影响。介绍了国内外近年来在与CO2浓度有关的作物生理实验方面取得的进展及其主要结果。  相似文献   

采用显示性比较优势理论,对2005-2010年我国华北地区5个省市人均CO2净排放和单位GDP CO2净排放的显示性比较优势做了分析;同时采用变异系数差异分析,结合空间自相关分析方法,对其空间格局和演变规律做了深入研究.研究发现,华北地区5省市人均CO2净排放高于全国平均水平.北京、天津、河北、山西4个省市出现下滑势头,而内蒙古自治区呈现大幅上升势头.山西单位GDP CO2净排放在全国最高,天津和北京低于全国平均水平.华北地区人均CO2净排放和单位GDP CO2净排放比较优势空间分别呈现负相关和正相关特性.  相似文献   

Summary In part one of this paper (The Environmentalist,1990, pp.301–309) it was shown that conventional economic accounting does not reveal the actual damage to the natural environment, although an ever-increasing share of the Gross National Product is being spent for environmental protection activities. In this, part two of the paper, on the basis of acceptable conventions, the results of an empiric research on defensive expenditures in the GNP are presented, again taking the Federal Republic of Germany as an example. The authors would like to see more research of this type in order to understand better the environmental impacts and the structural deficiencies of modern industrial society. Dr Christian Leipert and Professor Udo E. Simonis have contributed frequently toThe Environmentalist (see 1989, pp.171–183; 1990, pp.25–38; 1990, pp.301–309). Dr Leipert is research fellow, Dr Simonis is research professor at the environmental policy unit of the Science Center Berlin.  相似文献   

中国国际贸易中的内涵CO2排放及其空间特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国际贸易中的内涵CO2排放成为全球气候变化谈判关注的热点.中国进出口贸易产品中的内涵CO2排放是导致中国温室气体排放总量显著增长的一个重要原因.研究表明,中国国际贸易中的内涵碳排放凸现"国外消费,国内污染"的典型特征;美、日、欧盟等OECD国家是中国国际贸易中内涵CO2净排放的主要集中区;非OECD中的亚洲国家是中国国际贸易中内涵CO2净排放的次集中区.据此提出:①应对全球气候变化应当考虑国际贸易导致的内涵碳排放;②中国出口产品的消费国应对中国的碳排放增长负有一定的责任;③构建消费型温室气体排放核算体系更能体现出减排的公平性;④发展低碳经济是中国从根本上减少温室气体排放的最有效措施.这一研究为重新界定中国温室气体排放和在国际气候谈判中充分争取公平性提供有利的佐证.  相似文献   

研究了华北地区5省(市、自治区)汽车拥有量和人均CO2排放量现状.采用变异系数分析方法对汽车拥有量和入均CO2排放量各地区差异大小变化趋势进行了分析,采用一元线性回归模型对华北地区未来10年汽车拥有量和人均CO2排放趋势及其地区差异大小变化趋势进行了预测,提出了相关建议,以期为该地区乃至全国经济和环境的和谐发展提供参考.  相似文献   

水泥是重要的建筑材料,水泥工业的快速发展有力地支撑了我国经济的高速增长。但水泥生产过程中石灰石分解产生的CO2已成为重要的CO2排放源。根据2006年IPCC提供的水泥生产过程碳排放估算方法,采用全国吨水泥熟料比推算河南水泥熟料产量,对1990--2010年河南水泥生产过程CO2的排放量进行了估算,其结果可为河南省节能减排政策的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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