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张生杰 《青海环境》2008,18(1):13-15
全省环境保护工作会议,经过与会同志的共同努力,完成了各项议程,现在就要结束了。这次会议是一个十分重要的会议。会上,大家聆听了马建堂副省长的重要讲话和赵浩明局长对去年工作的总结和对今年工作的安排部署,签定了2008年目标责任书,并进行了座谈讨论。会议时间虽短,但安排紧凑,开得十分成功,达到了预期的效果。一是提高了认识,增强了信心;二是明确了方向,理清了思路;三是确定了目标,落实了责任。大家一致认为,马建堂副省长的讲话指导思想明确,统筹了经济社会发展与环保工作全局,讲得很全面、很透彻,要求很严格、很具体,对“十一五”环保工作具有十分重要的指导意义;赵浩明局长的工作报告对去年工作的总结客观公正、实事求是,对今年的工作安排全面明确、措施具体。这次参加会议收获很大,认识比以往有了明显提高,工作信心比以往有了较大提升。共同认为,通过学习领导讲话和会议材料,强烈地感到,环境保护迎来了一个崭新的发展时期,纷纷表示,回去后一定学习好、贯彻好、落实好会议精神,扎扎实实地做好工作。同志们在讨论中,提出了一些很好的工作建议,我们将认真采纳。  相似文献   

尹文 《环境教育》2008,(1):80-81
自绍兴县百福园社区创建国家级绿色社区成功以来,百福园社区依然秉着“人文绿色”的理念,继续致力于“绿色”,环保事业的发展,一年多来,百福园的面积扩大了,居民人数增加了,管理难度加大了,但同时,我们也看到,百福园的绿化面积增多了,居民的环保意识增强了,小区的生活更和谐了。  相似文献   

卢发艺 《环境教育》2004,(12):58-59
一、研究目的确 由于人类排放的污染物,使水的物理,化学性质发生变化或生物群落组成发生变化,从而降低了使用价值的现象叫做水污染。我的家乡在一个偏僻的小山村,本来这里是山清水秀,但近几年,随着经济的发展,偏僻的小山村也热闹起来,运木头的车子来来往往,采金的机器日夜轰鸣。农农的饭桌上丰富了,衣着光鲜了,笑容灿烂了。可是原本清澈见底的小河,变浑浊了,河水变小了,干涸了。  相似文献   

我是一匹野马, 一匹久违了草原的野马。 当我还是马驹时, 我在草原上飞驰。 用我的前蹄, 越过柔软的草丛, 跨过清漱的小澳。 和我的同伴们一起, 接受风雨雷电的洗礼, 享受来自大自然的气息。 后来,我长大了, 可革原失去了以前的美丽, 那是因为一种生物入侵, 它们毁了草地, 它们污染了小澳, 它们让我颠沛流离, 可我却无能为力…… 我开始为命运叹J忽, 生命里没有了精彩的演蜂, 没有了快活的路戏, 没有了伴我的鸟善虫鱼。 孤独的我,象个幽灵, 在记忆中搜寻肴逝去的涟漪。 再后来,我老了, 最后,我将死去, 一匹没有草原…  相似文献   

童年,如果说乡村是个摇篮,那么蛙声就是眠歌了。夜晚,你忽听得断续的蛙鸣替代了隐隐的犬吠,立即感到一身的轻松和温暖——冬已去了。在千万的生灵中,最先感到春风柔和的就是那冬眠的蛙了,它就像熟睡的婴儿能感应轻手轻脚的妈妈来到摇篮的旁边,突然伸一个懒腰睁开了眼。蛙鼓一敲,算是春天开始了绿色的竞赛,尖红的小草绿了,鹅黄的柳叶绿了,麦苗的海更是把女儿绿任意泼洒,汩汩滔滔,涌向天际与绿云相拥。薄雾飘了起来,露珠在苇叶上挂着,牧童坐在水牛背上,沿着小河缓缓地走过去。这时青蛙勾肩搭背,隐在苇叶下,呱呱—呱呱——谈…  相似文献   

记述了唐古拉山东段高寒灌丛的分布,组成,结构,生长,演替,主要类型及其与当地畜牧业的关系,探讨了生态特征,稳定原因和价值,提出了经营利用建议。  相似文献   

文章针对黄冈市矿业经济发展的需要,在充分考虑黄冈市地区经济发展,矿产资源分布,矿业经济合理布局的必要性的基础上,对黄冈市矿业经济布局作了详细深入研究,提出了“一个中心,四个矿业规划区,五类开发矿种,十个矿业基地”的布局构架,为该市矿业经济发展提供了明确的发展思路,并指出了发展重点,也为政府宏观调控和矿政管理提供了依据。  相似文献   

镇江市不断深化农业经营机制改革,大力发展产加销一条龙,贸工农一体化经营,把一家一户农民家庭小生产同国内外大市场有机联系起来,提高了农民的组织程度和专业化生产水平,协调了一二三产业间经济利益,建立了新的经济关系的优质,高产,高效,高创汇的市场产农业及新型组织管理体系,加快了农业生产社会化,产业化,市场化,现代化进程,使农业产业走向市场迈出了可喜的一步。  相似文献   

本文分析评价了温州市农业资源,农业开发条件与潜力,提出了农业区域开发的指导思想,总体目标与主要任务,确定了农业商品生产基地,划分了农业开发区,阐述了农业区域开发的对策与措施。  相似文献   

群贤齐聚大会堂,高朋满座听报告。齐心协力谋发展,又是五年春光好。2007年10月15日,中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会隆重召开,全国振奋、世界瞩目。十七大报告从5个方面、15处论述了环境保护,并将建设生态文明作为全面建设小康社会奋斗目标新要求之一,这在历届党的政治报告中是第一次,充分表明我们党把环境保护工作融入了科学发展的全局,放到了十分重要的战略位置,是我们党关于环境保护理论认识一次新的飞跃,充分体现了环境保护工作进入了党和国家发展大局,进入了经济社会建设主战场,进入了重要战略机遇期,环境保护的责任加重了。  相似文献   

废电池的潜在环境污染已日益受到广泛的社会关注。但是,目前废旧电池却还一直存在日常生活中,这将会对环境造成极大的潜在威胁。针对废电池中主要污染物的环境污染途径及主要污染危害进行了实验及分析。通过具体的实验,研究废旧电池中有毒有害物质在自然环境中泄露、传递过程,由此,为相关部门和相关行业提供实现生活垃圾分类收集以及固体废弃垃圾资源化的依据。  相似文献   

As a proactive step towards understanding future waste management challenges, this paper presents a future oriented material flow analysis (MFA) used to estimate the volume of lithium-ion battery (LIB) wastes to be potentially generated in the United States due to electric vehicle (EV) deployment in the near and long term future. Because future adoption of LIB and EV technology is uncertain, a set of scenarios was developed to bound the parameters most influential to the MFA model and to forecast “low,” “baseline,” and “high” projections of future end-of-life battery outflows from years 2015 to 2040. These models were implemented using technology forecasts, technical literature, and bench-scale data characterizing battery material composition. Considering the range from the most conservative to most extreme estimates, a cumulative outflow between 0.33 million metric tons and 4 million metric tons of lithium-ion cells could be generated between 2015 and 2040. Of this waste stream, only 42% of the expected materials (by weight) is currently recycled in the U.S., including metals such as aluminum, cobalt, copper, nickel, and steel. Another 10% of the projected EV battery waste stream (by weight) includes two high value materials that are currently not recycled at a significant rate: lithium and manganese. The remaining fraction of this waste stream will include materials with low recycling potential, for which safe disposal routes must be identified. Results also indicate that because of the potential “lifespan mismatch” between battery packs and the vehicles in which they are used, batteries with high reuse potential may also be entering the waste stream. As such, a robust end-of-life battery management system must include an increase in reuse avenues, expanded recycling capacity, and ultimate disposal routes that minimize risk to human and environmental health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Numerical simulation of ground water solute transport is combined with linear programming to optimize waste disposal. A discretized form of the equation governing solute transport is included as a set of constraints in a linear program. Two problems are described. First, the management model is used to maximize ground water waste disposal. The model constrains disposal activities so that the quality of local ground water supplies is protected. Parametric programming is shown to be important in evaluating waste disposal tradeoffs at the various facilities. Changes in the velocity field induced by waste water injection cause a nonlinearity in the solute transport equation which is dealt with by employing an iterative procedure. The second problem is aimed at identifying all sites which are suitable for waste disposal in the subsurface. The management model is manipulated so that the optimal value of the dual variables are “unit source impact indicators.” This physical interpretation is valuable in identifying feasible disposal sites. The joint simulation and optimization approach permits the management of complex ground water systems where the aquifer is used simultaneously for waste disposal and water supply.  相似文献   

In Mauritius, solid waste disposal has been a cause for concern since the 1980s. Currently, there is no segregation of waste and some 1200 tonnes of solid waste are generated daily by the 1.24 million inhabitants of the island. As processes such as recycling and composting are still in their infancy stage, most of the waste generated have to be disposed of at the sole landfill. The solid waste management practices of 1980s and early 1990s are no longer compatible with the changing composition and quantity of wastes now generated. As a result, there is an urgency to review the whole waste management system and come forward with sustainable solutions.This paper presents an overview of the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste in Mauritius and provides recommendations for improving the current disposal system.  相似文献   

通过分析各种医疗废物处理技术的特点,指出医疗废物集中焚烧处置技术能够有效处理医疗废物、满足国家对医疗废物处理的要求,适宜在医疗废物集中处置项目中广泛应用。但该技术在实际工程应用中,还存在如处理成本高、设备使用寿命短和二英排放不易控制等问题,尚需进一步研究加以克服。  相似文献   

我国废铅酸蓄电池污染防治技术及政策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
废铅酸蓄电池回收环节产生的废渣、铅酸污泥等属于危险废物,必须按照危险废物进行管理;而废铅酸蓄电池铅回收过程也会产生二次污染,其生产过程和管理不当会产生严重的环境污染。本文在分析我国再生铅生产工艺技术现状、废铅酸蓄电池资源再生过程污染源的基础上,对废铅酸蓄电池资源再生过程污染源治理和污染预防措施以及目前废铅酸蓄电池铅回收相关政策和管理要求进行了较为系统的分析和总结。  相似文献   

我国危险废物处置收费政策在十多年的发展历程中逐步建立健全,促进了危险废物处置行业的发展壮大。本文基于对我国各省份危险废物处置收费政策的定价主体、分档方式、收费标准、调整情况等制定和执行状况的梳理分析发现,各省份以不同形式出台了危险废物处置收费政策,然而,重要内容缺失、动态调整滞后、有效监管不足等问题较为普遍。针对这些问题,文章提出了因地制宜健全收费政策、科学开展处置价格核算、加快建立动态调整机制、实施部门联动管理监督等建议,可为完善我国危险废物处置收费政策提供参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Management of Quarries as Waste Disposal Facilities   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Problems associated with the disposal of municipal solid waste have become a source of public concern worldwide as awareness of potential adverse environmental impacts and health threats from solid waste has increased. Communities are concerned about the generation and management of solid waste to the extent of refusing to allow new disposal facilities near their homes, often after witnessing the legacy of existing facilities. Under these conditions, the development of national policies for the management of solid waste becomes highly political, all while requiring appropriate technical solutions that ensure environmental protection and proper management plans that support an acceptable solution for the disposal of municipal solid waste. In some locations, the conversion of old quarries into well-engineered and controlled landfills appears as a promising solution to a continuously increasing problem, at least for many decades to come. This paper describes the environmental impacts associated with solid waste disposal in a converted quarry site and the mitigation measures that can be adopted to alleviate potential adverse impacts. Environmental management and monitoring plans are also discussed in the context of ensuring adequate environmental protection during and after the conversion process.  相似文献   

Waste legislation in the United Kingdom (UK) implements European Union (EU) Directives and Regulations. However, the term used to refer to hazardous waste generated in household or municipal situations, household hazardous waste (HHW), does not occur in UK, or EU, legislation. The EU's Hazardous Waste Directive and European Waste Catalogue are the principal legislation influencing HHW, although the waste categories described are difficult to interpret. Other legislation also have impacts on HHW definition and disposal, some of which will alter current HHW disposal practices, leading to a variety of potential consequences. This paper discusses the issues affecting the management of HHW in the UK, including the apparent absence of a HHW-specific regulatory structure. Policy and regulatory measures that influence HHW management before disposal and after disposal are considered, with particular emphasis placed on disposal to landfill.  相似文献   

浅析成都市农村生活垃圾分类收运处理的试点经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严勃  蒋宇 《四川环境》2014,(6):130-134
为实现成都市农村生活垃圾分类收运处理,本文通过对成都市农村生活垃圾分类收运处理试点区域的实地调研,分析了农村生活垃圾的组分,详细介绍了试点区域垃圾分类方式、收运流程、分类成效和保障措施等,提出一些农村生活垃圾分类收运处理的重要的实践经验。  相似文献   

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