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中国石油冀东油田公司(以下简称冀东油田)是中国石油天然气集团公司下属地区公司,主营业务包括油气勘探开发与生产、油气集输处理与销售以及建筑施工、机械制造、物资供应、化工延伸加工等为油工程技术服务业务。自成立以来,冀东油田已发现并投入开发了高尚堡、柳赞、老爷庙、唐海、南堡5个油田,2010年生产原油173.34万吨,生产天然气4.32亿立方米,累计生产油气当量2132.67  相似文献   

采用室内溶液培养法研究了Pb^2+、Cr^6+、Cd^2+单一及其复合污染对白蝴蝶叶片过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性的影响。结果表明在处理浓度范围内,处理后白蝴蝶叶片CAT活性明显高于对照,随着各处理浓度的增加,表现先升高后降低最后再上升的趋势。经Cd^2+及复合污染处理后,白蝴蝶叶片内POD活性变化趋势与CAT活性相似;但是经Pb^2+、Cr^6+处理后,其POD活性变化趋势与CAT不同,即在高浓度处理下,POD活性明显低于对照。当处理浓度为100mg/L时,POD活性随着处理时间的延长表现出先升高再降低的趋势。可以认为,酶活性升高是由于白蝴蝶对Pb^2+、Cr^6+、Cd^2+单一及其复合胁迫做出的应激反应。  相似文献   

油气站场分散于偏远地区,驻站人员少,站场生活污水量一般低于1.5m3/d,目前尚无可靠的处理途径。文章分析了土地处理技术的影响因素及生活污水土地处理的可行性,并在此基础上概括介绍了渗井处理系统在此类站场的适用性。由分析得知:渗井土地处理系统具有投资低、无耗能、高效率、出水水质稳定及维护方便等特点,对油气站场生活污水处理是可行的。  相似文献   

环境风险评价是油气处理终端环境影响评价工作的重要组成部分。根据HJ 169—2018《建设项目环境风险评价技术导则》的要求,文章对油气处理终端潜在的环境风险进行评估,进行了环境风险识别、风险事故情形分析,确定了油气终端环境风险管理的薄弱环节,选择原油储罐、液化石油气储罐全破裂和陆地混输管线全管径泄漏为最大可信事故。并针对性地提出了环境风险防范措施,提高工程设计安全系数,实现本质环保;构建地表水环境风险防控体系,完善事故水封堵系统;做好分区防渗措施,实现污染物源头控制等;为油气终端环境风险评估及风险防控提供了理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

炼化企业油气回收作为一种清洁生产工艺,具有较好的应用前景。2006年5月,哈尔滨石化公司建成应用膜分离技术的油气回收装置,并将该技术应用于汽油装车系统。经过现场评价,装置处理能力为650m~3/h时,油气排放浓度为14 g/m~3,油气处理效率达97%,均满足《储油库大气污染物排放标准》(GB 20950 -2007)的要求。  相似文献   

山东固德化工有限公司(以下简称固德化工)成立于2004年,以煤焦油深加工为主业,年可加工煤焦油30万吨、洗油3万吨。建厂九年来,公司始终坚持"环保治厂、绿色工厂"的发展理念,高度重视环境保护和节能降耗,通过科技创新和管理创新,在节能环保方面取得了优异成绩,公司先后通过ISO9001、ISO14001和OHSAS1 8001三项国际体系认证,  相似文献   

厦门市污水林地生态处理工程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了厦门市狐尾山原生生活污水林地生态处理工程依循“污水-土壤-植物”资源再生机制,提出了“截流井+氧化塘(调节池)+污水动力输送、管网投配+林地+城市景观林地”的基本模式。  相似文献   

泄漏检测与修复(LDAR)技术在石油炼制与石油化学企业得以广泛应用,但在油气开采、处理等 上游企业应用案例较少。采用LDAR技术对国内某天然气处理厂生产装置开展动静设备密封点的泄漏检测和 统计分析工作,共发现泄漏密封点23个,总泄漏率为0.47%;初次修复成功率为26.1%,修复后挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放量为1.8648t/a。通过开展LDAR工作,减少了VOCs的排放,为油气开采、处理等油气生产上 游企业治理VOCs无组织排放提供应用参考。  相似文献   

赵丹 《四川环境》2012,(5):76-80
官地水电站竹子坝砂石生产系统生产废水处理采用“细砂回收+絮凝沉淀+清水回用+泥浆(石粉)脱水”的分级处理与循环利用工艺和陶瓷过滤机作为生产废水中石粉终端脱水设备,在系统运行过程中,根据监测成果进行分析和改进,不仅解决了大坝碾压混凝土石粉需求,同时解决了砂石加工系统生产废水处理难题,使处理成本大幅降低,值得类似工程和Ⅱ类及以上水域功能的建设项目借鉴。  相似文献   

页岩气非常规油气开发中产生油基钻屑,属于《国家危险废物名录》(2016)中的HW08类危险废物,是影响非常规油气开发的环保难题。油基钻屑中含有大量的矿物油,通过热脱附技术能够实现油基钻屑的安全处理,既能保证处理后残渣满足环保要求,又能回收矿物油。利用室内实验装置进行了加热温度和停留时间对油基钻屑的热脱附过程影响的实验研究,并分析了处理后固相残渣和回收油的基本属性。结果表明采用热脱附技术对于油基钻屑具有良好的处理效果,经检测,处理后残渣的含油率低于1%,回收油可以重新用于配置油基泥浆,性能满足使用要求,实现了回收油的资源化再利用。  相似文献   

荀鹏 《四川环境》2013,(6):93-96
介绍了一种新型催化法烟气脱硫技术的技术原理和技术特点,它是一种低温催化氧化技术,能将SO2转化为可直接利用或用于生产其他产品的硫酸,不产生二次污染并具有一定经济效益。该技术目前在硫酸行业和冶炼行业已有一定的推广和应用,针对冶炼尾气的特点,分析该技术在尾气治理工程中的设计要点、运行情况和改进措施等。  相似文献   

本文介绍了煤粉制备系统含尘废气的特性及治理技术的发展与应用,并从袋除尘器类型的确定、处理风量的确定、过滤风速的选取、过滤面积的计算和除尘器规格的选取等方面介绍了煤磨袋除尘器的选型,以及FGM(M)型气箱脉冲防爆袋除尘器、MMC型脉冲喷吹防爆袋除尘器和LPMC型低阻高效防爆袋除尘器在煤粉制备系统除尘中的应用推广情况。  相似文献   

基于现阶段烟气汞的排放情况,介绍当前燃煤电站的几种烟气脱汞技术。主要是先将零价汞氧化为二价汞,再进行脱除。其中利用现有烟气控制设备,活性炭吸附及添加改性物质,有比较好的脱汞效率,电催化、光催化以及等离子体脱汞等新技术处于研发阶段,而烟气中多种污染物协同脱除有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The present study shows a new approach in modelling the hard coal fired Oxyfuel Cycle on the whole. The static process model comprises an Oxyfuel combustion principle applied to an existing state-of-the-art hard coal power plant located in Rostock, Germany. It includes the air separation unit and the flue gas liquefaction unit, which are modelled in detail. As one of the main advances to previous work, the closed simulation of all components in one model delivers a coherent solution with a significantly reduced number of assumptions. The model needs no interfaces between different stand alone simulation tools or manual iteration and transfer of internal variables. Results from a thermodynamic and economic feasibility study on this process are shown and areas relevant for future research are identified.

The present study shows the feasibility and prospective key figures of the technology under realistic, comparable and reproducible assumptions and boundary conditions. The basic engineering of the process with a detailed study of the necessary gas separation and flue gas handling technologies is undertaken in the effort to a first stage optimisation of the process.

The flowsheet tool Aspen Plus (TM) was used to simulate the overall process. This particular tool was chosen because it offers an advanced data library on chemical substances and allows the calculation of phase equilibria and real gas behaviour during air separation and flue gas liquefaction. Emissions, coal consumption and investment costs of the Oxyfuel power plant are compared to those of the original state-of-the-art hard coal power plant which is used as the reference case.  相似文献   

Coalbed methane is an important resource of energy. Meanwhile CO2 sequestration in coal is a potential management option for greenhouse gas emissions. An attractive aspect to this process is that CO2 is adsorbed to the coal, reducing the risk of CO2 migration to the surface. Another aspect to this is that the injected CO2 could displace adsorbed methane leading to enhanced coalbed methane recovery. Therefore, in order to understand gas migration within the reservoir, mixed-gas adsorption models are required. Moreover, coal reservoir permeability will be significantly affected by adsorption-induced coal swelling during CO2 injection. Coal swelling is directly related to reservoir pressure and gas content which is calculated by adsorption models in reservoir simulation. Various models have been studied to describe the pure- and mixed-gas adsorption on coal. Nevertheless, only the Langmuir and Extended Langmuir models are usually applied in coal reservoir simulations. This paper presents simulation work using several approaches to representing gas adsorption, implemented into the coal seam gas reservoir simulator SIMED II. The adsorption models are the Extended Langmuir model (ELM), the Ideal Adsorbed Solution (IAS) model and the Two-Dimensional Equation of State (2D EOS). The simulations based on one Australian and one American coal sample demonstrated that (1) the Ideal Adsorbed Solution model, in conjunction with Langmuir model as single-component isotherm, shows similar simulation results as the ELM for both coals, with the IAS model representing the experimental adsorption data more accurately than the ELM for one coal and identically with the ELM for the other coal; (2) simulation results using the 2D EOS, however, are significantly different to the ELM or IAS model for both coal samples. The magnitude of the difference is also dependent on coal swelling and the well operating conditions, such as injection pressure.  相似文献   

陈俩  石洪  张莹 《四川环境》2013,(5):108-112
本文分析了烟气循环流化床工艺的运行调节原理,针对电厂自身的特点,对吸收塔进出口烟温差及床层压降参数进行调整,提高了烟气循环流化床系统运行的经济性.最后根据此实践提出了系统运行中优化调整的可行性.  相似文献   

李颖 《油气田环境保护》2012,22(6):27-30,87
由于炼油化工污水中恶臭物质的嗅阈值较低,所以污水处理场无组织废气产生的异味一直是影响区域环境质量的重要因素。针对炼油污水处理场异味扩散影响周边环境质量的现象,采用生物氧化技术处理无组织废气,从项目实施的必要性、采用工艺、原理进行论述,对运行效果进行总结分析,经过对炼油污水处理场无组织废气治理,区域环境质量明显改善。  相似文献   

利用粉煤灰处理采油废水的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用电厂粉煤灰及灰场氧化塘对现河首站采油废水中的污染物进行吸附和生化处理试验。试验结果表明:粉煤灰具有类似活性炭的结构和比表面积,对废水中的石油类、COD、氨氮、挥发酚等污染物具有较强的吸附、沉降和过滤作用。  相似文献   


This article describes a novel flat plate heat-pipe solar collector, namely, the hybrid heat-pipe solar collector. An analytical model has been developed to calculate the collector efficiency as well as simulate the heat transfer processes occurring in the collector. The effects of heat pipes/absorber, top cover, flue gas channel geometry, and flue gas temperature and flow rate, on the collector efficiency were investigated based on three modes of operation, i.e., solar only operation, solar/exhaust gas combined, and solar, exhaust gas and boiler combined. Experimental testing of the collector was also carried out for each of these modes of operation under real climatic conditions. The results were used to estimate the efficiency of the collector and determine the relation between the efficiency and general external parameter. The modeling and experimental results were compared and a correlation factor was used to modify the theoretical predictions. It was found that the efficiency of the collector was increased by about 20–30% compared to a conventional flat-plate heat pipe solar collector.  相似文献   

挥发性有机废气净化技术研究进展   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
樊奇  羌宁 《四川环境》2005,24(4):40-44,49
本文对生物净化技术、等离子体净化技术、吸附和催化氧化技术在控制废气中挥发性有机物的研究进展及应用进行了综述。气体生物净化技术在VOCs混合物和改进设备工艺方面开展的研究工作较多,等离子体净化技术与催化技术的组合越来越受到关注。吸附和催化氧化方面则着重在吸附剂(活性炭和沸石)吸附性能的进一步研究和新型催化剂的研制。  相似文献   

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