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秸秆处置方式会对种植系统的能源消耗和温室气体排放造成显著影响。采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,通过随机抽样方法对江苏省溧阳市有限的(70户)农户不同秸秆处置方式下,"水稻-小麦"轮作系统全生命周期能源消耗和温室气体排放开展了比较分析。结果表明:相比与焚烧和移除,秸秆还田的能耗量处于中间水平,温室气体排放最少,但会造成病虫害增多,增加农药投入。相比其他秸秆处置方式,秸秆还田既能缓解秸秆焚烧带来的季节性空气污染问题,又有较小的全球增温潜势,是较好的秸秆处置方式,但应改进秸秆还田方式,减少病虫害发生。  相似文献   

为了应对全球气候变化,各国均以减少二氧化碳排放为目标,积极发展低碳技术。中国作为农业大国,秸秆资源丰富且农作物秸秆开发利用技术已经得到一定的发展,秸秆综合利用可避免因秸秆露天焚烧造成的环境问题,有利于农田生态系统的稳定,有利于节能减排、防治污染、保护环境,促进循环经济发展与社会主义新农村建设。本文从农作物秸秆利用技术的3个主要方面入手,分析低碳技术在其中的应用,同时大力倡导开发农作物秸秆利用技术,减少温室气体排放,实现农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》确定的实现温室气体减排目标的3种灵活机制之一。简要介绍了清洁发展机制的产生背景、核心内容、操作程序以及国内外CDM项目开发现状,进而从可持续发展战略的实施、外资利用、技术引进三个方面阐述了清洁发展机制对促进我国可持续发展的作用与意义,并对促进四川CDM项目开发提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制,就是碳排放交易机制(CDM)其实也是一种类似排污权交易的减排形式。CDM(Clean Development Mechanism),是《京都议定书》中引入的三个灵活履约机制之一。已完成工业革命的发达国家应对全球变暖承担更多的历史责任,因此,《京都议定书》只给工业化国家制定了减排任务,但没有对发展中国家作这个要求。发达国家通过在发展中国家实施具有温室气体减排效果的项目,把项目所产生的温室气体减少的排放量作为履行京都议定书所规定的一部分义务。  相似文献   

随着世界经济的进一步发展,能源的需求量持续增加,CO2的排放量还将持续增长.温室气体排放带来的气候变暖问题会进一步加剧。清洁发展机制(CDM)是在《京都议定书》框架下,发达国家与发展中国家就碳减排进行合作的重要机制.发展中国家通过CDM可以获得实现节能减排的资金援助和先进技术,促进国家的经济发展和环境的可持续发展。就新疆CDM项目的发展状况、国际碳市场的前景,以及新疆CDM项目开发存在的问题和解决方法方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

新西兰政府认为,牛羊排放出的臭气中含有大量甲烷,而甲烷会损害地球臭氧层.由此可加速地球升温.该国能源部指出.家畜在消化饲料过程中所排放的甲烷和一氧化二氮是其排放的二氧化碳的21~310倍,其温室效应强烈。家畜排放的温室气体占该国内温室气体排放总量的55%。开征此税是为了减少温室气体排放.以及用于牲畜气体排放及减少温室气体排放的研究等。新西兰政府为出台这项税收政策在全国广泛征求了意见,  相似文献   

我国炼化企业是高耗能高污染企业,温室气体排放量大而分散,减排潜力巨大。目前我国炼化企业比较重视废气的治理,如SOx,对于温室气体减排工作的研究投入力度相对较小,CDM项目很少且主要集中于N2O减排CDM项目。考虑到第一承诺期结束以后我国可能需要承担减排任务,单纯N2O减排将不能满足我国的温室气体减排需求。因此,我国炼化企业需要开展CO2减排技术研究。同时从节能减排及CO2资源化利用等方面对我国炼化企业进行分析,提出我国炼化企业节能减排措施,为我国炼化企业CO2减排提供理论依据。  相似文献   

2008中国CDM核证减排量占全球53.8%;2100年海平面上升将超1米;欧盟愿出百亿助穷国减排;欧盟温室气体排放连续4年减少;全球变暖导致更多降雨 撒哈拉正在“变绿”;  相似文献   

CDM是《京都议定书》确定的实现温室气体排放控制目标的一种灵活机制,为实现可持续发展提供了重要思路。借鉴CDM设计基本原理,从广东省生态环境建设成就与存在问题出发,在现行区域生态补偿方式基础上融入CDM思想,探讨适用于广东省经济社会发展情况的生态补偿机制,构建了单边补偿、双边补偿和多边补偿三种生态补偿模式,并对健全与完善广东省生态补偿机制提出政策建议。  相似文献   

近100年来,由于大气中温室气体排放量的增加,全球气温持续增高,这不但引起了全球生态失衡,而且将威胁人类社会的生存与发展,为此,1992年,在联合国环发大会上,包括中国在内的160多个国家签署了《气候变化框架公约》;1997年,在《公约》缔约国第3次大会上,制定了限制发达国家排放温室气体的《京都议定书》,并于2005年2月16日生效。清洁发展机制(CDM)是在京都议定书中建立的一个国际合作机制,通过该机制工业化国家政府以及商业组织可对发展中国家进行环境友好项目/技术的投资,从而帮助发展中国家实现可持续发展,将所合作的CDM项目产生的温室…  相似文献   

Transaction costs and the clean development mechanism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The emissions trading provisions of the Kyoto Protocol and its clean development mechanism (CDM) are designed to permit greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions at the lowest cost globally. However, to ensure climate integrity, these reductions must pass through vigilant approval, monitoring and evaluation procedures that create additional transaction costs unrelated to the physical process of eliminating GHGs. Moreover, the CDM's additionality criterion creates constraints that magnify the influence of these transaction costs on project viability. If these costs are extreme, they could undermine the success of the CDM, and possibly of the Kyoto Protocol itself. This article describes the trading provisions of the treaty, creates a working definition of transaction costs, and discusses their effects. It then analyzes the process of creating a CDM project to identify the sources of transaction costs, illustrated by an example of a fuel substitution project in Ghana. The conditions for project profitability are analyzed and compared with recent GHG emission credit prices in Europe. The specific Ghanaian results are not generalizable to all CDM projects, but the model does suggest a template that can be used to analyze the effects of project and transaction costs in other contexts.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》提出的三种灵活的温室气体减排机制之一,允许通过发达国家与发展中国家合作使发达国家实现其减排目标的同时促进发展中国家的可持续发展。建筑节能是节能减排的重点领域,是CDM开发重点之一。但建筑节能CDM项目在推广力度、缺少具体方法学以及实施方面存在困难。通过对建筑节能CDM的障碍进行分析,认为应加强政策支持、宣传体系以及技术支持,以促进国内建筑行业充分利用CDM,促进建筑行业节能减排的发展。  相似文献   

Emerging attention has been given to the use of biomass in local areas for its contribution to reducing fossil fuel dependence and mitigating global warming. The objective of the present study is to develop a method that quantitatively assesses the effects of local biomass projects on fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. A practical method based on a life cycle approach is proposed and applied to a case of bioethanol project in Miyako Islands of Japan. The project is aiming to produce bioethanol from molasses within the islands, and to replace the entire gasoline consumed in the islands to E3 fuel (i.e., a mixture of 3% ethanol and 97% gasoline by volume). The assessment using the developed method revealed that, first, the complete shift from gasoline to E3 fuel allows for decreases in fossil fuel consumption and GHG emission. Second, the performance of the project is improved by the integration of the ethanol plant and the sugar factory. Moreover, the assessment found that, in small-scale bioethanol projects, the contribution of capital goods to life cycle fuel consumption and GHG emission is not negligible.  相似文献   

Based on a recognition of the essence of climate change and the pressure on China to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, this paper interprets the important role that the Chinese iron and steel industry may play in managing emissions. Through an investigation of the key sources of GHG emissions in the Chinese iron and steel industry, a comparison of the current Chinese and international situations, and a survey of the technology and methods available for reducing GHG emissions, and their application in China, the authors analyze the major issues currently faced by the Chinese iron and steel industry, and propose the following four approaches through which the industry might reduce its GHG emissions: (1) encouragement of clean development mechanism (CDM) projects, mainly involving secondary energy reuse, to provide capital and technology for GHG reduction activities in China; (2) stimulation of the social responsibility-based voluntary carbon market (VCM) to increase the long-term benefits for the Chinese iron and steel industry from emission reductions; (3) undertaking of strict energy auditing to help enterprises establish appropriate emission reduction targets and formulate reasonable plans; (4) promotion of emission reduction-oriented investment within the industry to obtain profits from project operation, while at the same time gaining extra compensation for emission reductions. More specifically, the design of each of these approaches should take into consideration the related economic factors and incentive mechanisms.  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is considered a key instrument to encourage developing countries' participation in the mitigation of global climate change. Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the energy supply and demand side activities are the main options to be implemented under the CDM. This paper analyses the general equilibrium effects of a supply side GHG mitigation option-the substitution of thermal power with hydropower--in Thailand under the CDM. A static multi-sector general equilibrium model has been developed for the purpose of this study. The key finding of the study is that the substitution of electricity generation from thermal power plants with that from hydropower plants would increase economic welfare in Thailand. The supply side option would, however, adversely affect the gross domestic product (GDP) and the trade balance. The percentage changes in economic welfare, GDP and trade balance increase with the level of substitution and the price of certified emission reduction (CER) units.  相似文献   

华东电网超超临界CDM项目CO2减排量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了燃煤电厂超超临界CDM类型项目CO2减排量的理论计算过程,说明各参数的取值方法,并结合华东电网超超临界CDM项目案例给予演示,最后就减排问题对CDM项目的开发提出了建议。  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) emerged under the Kyoto Protocol to facilitate collaboration between developed and developing countries in order to mitigate greenhouse gases. The CDM allows developed countries to receive credits towards meeting their obligatory targets by investing in emission reduction projects in developing countries. The countries are required to set up a Designated National Authority (DNA) to approve the CDM projects. This paper examines the role of the DNA in ensuring sustainable development, using the empirical case of China and India. Three aspects of the DNA's role are examined: the institutional structure, the policy context and the CDM project market. All three aspects highlight the important role of the DNA in meeting the countries' sustainable development priorities.  相似文献   

The Kyoto Protocol provides for the involvement of developing countries in an atmospheric greenhouse gas reduction regime under its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Carbon credits are gained from reforestation and afforestation activities in developing countries. Bangladesh, a densely populated tropical country in South Asia, has a huge degraded forestland which can be reforested by CDM projects. To realize the potential of the forestry sector in developing countries for full-scale emission mitigation, the carbon sequestration potential of different species in different types of plantations should be integrated with the carbon trading system under the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol. This paper discusses the prospects and problems of carbon trading in Bangladesh, in relation to the CDM, in the context of global warming and the potential associated consequences. The paper analyzes the effects of reforestation projects on carbon sequestration in Bangladesh, in general, and in the hilly Chittagong region, in particular, and concludes by demonstrating the carbon trading opportunities. Results showed that tree tissue in the forests of Bangladesh stored 92tons of carbon per hectare (tC/ha), on average. The results also revealed a gross stock of 190tC/ha in the plantations of 13 tree species, ranging in age from 6 to 23 years. The paper confirms the huge atmospheric CO(2) offset by the forests if the degraded forestlands are reforested by CDM projects, indicating the potential of Bangladesh to participate in carbon trading for both its economic and environmental benefit. Within the forestry sector itself, some constraints are identified; nevertheless, the results of the study can expedite policy decisions regarding Bangladesh's participation in carbon trading through the CDM.  相似文献   

China is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the world, with potentially about two thirds of total Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) for Asia on the world carbon market (). Since 68% of its primary energy is from coal, China's average energy intensity is 7.5 times higher than the EU and 4.3 times higher than the US (EU, 2003 The European Union on-line. (2003). (http://europa.eu.int/index_ns_en.htm accessed Oct 2003  [Google Scholar]). Therefore, introducing advanced clean technologies and management to China represents opportunities for Annex I countries to obtain low-cost CERs through CDM projects, and access to one of the largest potential energy conservation markets in the world.

CDM can provide a win-win solution for both China and Annex I countries, and the Chinese government considers that the introduction of CDM projects can bring advanced energy technologies and foreign investment to China, thereby helping China's sustainable economy and generating CERs. As energy efficiency is generally low and carbon intensity is high in both China's energy supply and demand sectors, numerous options exist for cost-effective energy conservation and GHG mitigation with CDM.

This paper reviews current Chinese policies and administrative and institutional settings for CDM cooperation, and discusses existing policy, institutional and other barriers in the energy market by drawing on observations and experience from previous initiatives such as Cleaner Production and energy efficiency. Some options to remove these barriers are addressed. In order to make CDM projects feasible, China's government needs to promote awareness, streamline administrative systems, and be more active in building a competitive edge in the world carbon market.  相似文献   

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