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燃煤烟气多环芳烃的生成及控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡春玲 《青海环境》2009,19(3):139-141,150
燃煤产生的污染物中含有多环芳烃的有机污染物,它们对生态环境的潜在危害使得对其生成迁移及控制规律的研究受到人们日益广泛的关注,多环芳烃的排放控制已经成为一个新热点,也越来越在环保领域里得到高度重视。文章分析了燃煤过程多环芳烃生成的内在影响因素和外在影响因素,讨论了湿法除尘器和电除尘器对多环芳烃的脱除效果。  相似文献   

环境中多环芳烃的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章对环境中的多环芳烃,尤其是大气、土壤、水体中的多环芳烃研究进展进行综述,包括了室内室外多环芳烃的浓度,以及几十年来的变迁,简述了多环芳烃的检测标准及其适用性、多环芳烃的分离与富集、迁移和转化方式,并对环境样品中多环芳烃的富集做了描述。  相似文献   

环境中的多环芳烃结构及其危害   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作为一类环境污染有机化合物,多环芳烃具有数量庞大、结构独特、机理复杂的特点。文章从其芳香性分类开始,阐述多环芳烃的结构(环数、支链和杂环等)和毒性的构效关系。多环芳烃存在各种毒性和致癌活性,自然界很多微生物能够降解多环芳烃。多环芳烃的生物降解仍需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

介绍了大港油田大气颗粒物和多环芳烃的污染现状,并对大港油田地区大气特征构成及大气颗粒物中多环芳烃的污染特征作了初步分析,得出大港油田地区大气颗粒物中多环芳烃污染类型为燃油型,并据此提出了防治多环芳烃污染的相应对策。  相似文献   

利用高效液相色谱联合荧光检测器分析宝鸡市PM2. 5中16种EPA优控多环芳烃。研究结果表明PM2. 5中高环多环芳烃浓度高于低环多环芳烃,SPSS分析得出PM2. 5的浓度与多环芳烃浓度呈正相关。用比值分析得到宝鸡市多环芳烃的主要来源是煤炭燃烧和汽车尾气。计算多环芳烃的毒性当量(TEQ)和致癌风险评价,结果显示宝鸡市除了婴儿外其他年龄段的人群都存在不同的潜在致癌风险。  相似文献   

为指导正确评价多环芳烃污染农田土壤生态修复效果及环境风险,根据辽宁省农田土壤多环芳烃污染状况、多环芳烃污染农田土壤生态修复技术特点,参考国内外相关标准,应用生态风险模型,建立辽宁省地方标准(DB 21/T 2274-2014)——多环芳烃污染农田土壤生态修复标准,提出了生态修复完成后农田土壤中总多环芳烃浓度和苯并[a]芘环境当量总浓度限值。主要内容为:生态修复完成后农田土壤中总多环芳烃浓度低于2 mg/kg,生态修复完成后农田土壤中苯并[a]芘环境当量总浓度低于0.53 mg/kg。  相似文献   

报道了应用气相色谱和气相色谱。质谱联用法对东营市大气颗粒物中正构烷烃和多环芳烃的分析结果,实际分析中共鉴定出正构烷烃21种,多环芳烃63种。定量测定结果表明,东营市冬季大气颗粒物中的总正构烷烃浓度和苯并(a)芘浓度均低于国内其他大城市。  相似文献   

随着生活垃圾焚烧处理方式的不断推广,焚烧底渣的产生量也不断增加。按照我国的固体废物分类方法,底渣属于一般固体废物,无需进一步处置而可直接进入环境。实验结果表明,底渣中的重金属和多环芳烃可以被浸出而迁移进入环境。重金属的浸出浓度受到水相pH值和底渣粒度的影响,初期的浸出浓度最大。在底渣浸出液中,可以检测到8种环数≤4的多环芳烃,其中菲的浸出浓度最大(超过10ng/mL)。实验结果显示,底渣中的多环芳烃对环境造成的二次污染比较严重。  相似文献   

成都市大气颗粒物中多环芳烃分布规律的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
前言随着现代生产的发展,人类的生活环境发生了很大的变化,进入环境的化学物质日益增多。目前已发现环境中存在着许多致癌物,其中最主要的一类化学物质是多环芳烃简称PAH,PAH化合物一般具有致癌性和致突变性.或具有诱发癌症的作用,PAH  相似文献   

土壤和沉积物对多环芳烃吸附作用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙亚平  石辉 《四川环境》2007,26(5):102-106
多环芳烃在土壤和沉积物上的吸附作用是影响其持留、分布、迁移转化及最终归趋的关键过程。本文阐述了土壤和沉积物对多环芳烃的吸附作用机理,分析了其影响因素及吸附作用对其他降解过程的影响,并探讨了所存在的主要问题及发展趋势。土壤/沉积物是一个复杂的多介质多界面体系,具有复杂的吸附活性中心,多环芳烃在其上的吸附是矿物成分和有机物质共同作用的结果而非单一的表面吸附过程或分配过程,因此形成了各式各样的吸附等温线。在吸附过程中,土壤和沉积物的粒度、有机质含量与组成、温度、pH以及被吸附多环芳烃的性质均是重要的影响因素。在多环芳烃吸附过程中,如何结合其定量结构性质、有机无机复合体的界面结构以及环境化学特征认识吸附机理是今后研究的一个趋势。  相似文献   

重质燃料油中主要芳烃在自然条件下的风化规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章在自然环境条件下对重质燃料油进行了风化模拟实验,采用气质(GC/MS)联用仪分析了重质燃料油中主要芳烃组分及其变化。结果表明:该重质燃料油中主要芳烃为苯类(C_nB)、萘(C_nN)类、菲(C_nP)类、二苯并噻吩(C_nD)类;在自然条件下,经过1周的风化,C_nB和C_0N完全损失;经过6周风化,C_1N完全损失;经过12周的风化,C_2N完全损失,3环的PAHs无明显变化。同时指出C_2D/C_2P和C_3D/C_3P的比值以及烷基化二苯并噻吩的同分异构体分布可用于区别其它油品,并且风化后变化不大,仍可较好地用于油品的鉴定。  相似文献   

浅析含油污泥处理中石油烃控制指标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油烃含量是含油污泥处理中必不可少的重要控制指标。文章分析了含油污泥中石油烃组成及主要污染控制要求,介绍了国内外含油污泥处置对石油烃含量的控制现状;依据危险废物鉴别标准的相关规定,以及对原油中芳香族化合物及其多环芳烃含量的研究成果,对采用石油烃指标进行危险废物鉴别做了推论计算。结果认为:含油污泥等固体废物及其处理残余物的石油烃含量≤0.25%,不属于危险废物;石油烃含量介于0.25%~1.7%时,其是否属于危险废物,最终需要进行危险废物鉴别而确定;石油烃含量1.7%,则属于危险废物。  相似文献   

镇江东部地区土壤中多环芳烃的污染特征及来源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王琳  董铮  曹旭静  梅雯 《四川环境》2009,28(6):15-17
分析了镇江东部扬中地区土壤中16种优先控制的多环芳烃(PAHs)污染物的含量特征及污染水平。结果表明,该地区土壤的多环芳烃总量为2.4~49.9μg/Kg,其中荧蒽的含量最高,同我国其他地区相比,其污染水平比较低。5个采样点PAHs含量表明有两个点受工业企业影响,其他3个点具有类似的面源污染即地质成因来源。  相似文献   

The Patagonian coast is considered a relatively pristine environment. However, studies conducted along coastal Patagonia have showed hydrocarbon pollution mostly concentrated at ports that have fishing, oil loading, general merchant, and/or tourist activities. A high value of total aliphatic hydrocarbons (TAH) was found at the Rawson fishing port (741 μg/g dw). In other ports with and without petroleum-related activities, hydrocarbon values were approximately 100 μg/g dw. The highest values for TAH and total aromatic hydrocarbons (TArH) were found in Faro Aristizábal, north of San Jorge gulf (1304 and 737 μg/g dw, respectively). This is very likely the result of petroleum-related activities at the Comodoro Rivadavia, Caleta Cordova, and Caleta Olivia ports located within this gulf. In other coastal areas away from potential anthropogenic sources, hydrocarbon values were less than 2 and 3 μg/g dw for TAH and TArH, respectively. This review of published and unpublished information suggests that ports are important oil pollution sources in the Patagonian coast. More detailed studies are needed to evaluate the area affected by port activities, to understand the mechanisms of hydrocarbon distribution in surrounding environments, and to assess bioaccumulation in marine organisms. Despite that some regulations exist to control oil pollution derived from port and docked vessel activities, new and stricter management guidelines should be implemented.  相似文献   

Waste plastics in the form of two examples of real world municipal solid waste plastics and a simulated mixture of municipal waste plastics were pyrolysed and liquefied under moderate temperature and pressure in a batch autoclave reactor. In addition, the five main polymers which constitute the majority of plastics occurring in European municipal solid waste comprising, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate and polyvinyl chloride were also reacted. The plastics were reacted under both a nitrogen (pyrolysis) and hydrogen pressure (liquefaction) and the yield and composition of products are reported. The hydrocarbon gases produced were mainly methane, ethane, propane and lower concentrations of alkene gases. A mainly oil product was produced with the mixed plastic waste with significant concentrations of aromatic compounds, including single ring aromatic compounds. The composition of the oils and gases suggested that there was significant interaction of the plastics when they were pyrolysed and liquefied as a mixture compared to the results expected from reactions of the single plastics.  相似文献   

大庆地区总悬浮微粒中苯溶物及多环芳烃的测定与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对大庆地区总悬浮微粒(TSP)中主要化学组成──苯溶物、多环芳烃的测定分析得知:苯溶物占TSP的百分含量,年均值为10.31%,在空气中的平均浓度为12.5μg/m3。与北京燕山地区1983~1984年3个生活区(迎风、东风、东炼)苯溶物年平均值比较,大庆地区苯溶物含量较低。而对总悬浮微粒中多环芳烃的测定结果可明显看出各点采暖期苯并(a)芘、多环芳烃总量的浓度虽都明显高于非采暖期,但其致癌强度和浓度都比北京市、太原市及兰州市弱、低。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to optimize butanol solvent shake extraction, dichloromethane soxtec extraction, and methanolic saponification extraction for the selective extraction of aged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil. Extraction kinetics for these methods was established to determine the optimal time necessary to achieve exhaustive compound extraction. This resulted in times of 12, 6, and 5 h, respectively, for butanol, dichloromethane, and saponification, to extract polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from previously spiked, then aged soil. Increasing the soil mass to butanol volume ratio reduced the proportion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon extracted by butanol, highlighting the importance of determining and maintaining a constant soil to solvent ratio for comparative purposes. Drying soil samples before dichloromethane soxtec extraction reduced by 30 to 76% the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons extracted. The effect of sample drying is discussed with relevance to enhancing the formation of nonextractable compounds in soil and compound losses previously assumed by volatilization. The optimized extraction procedures provided low variability with relative standard deviations < or = 5.2% for analysis of multiple replicates. The results obtained by the optimized procedures provided equivalent or improved reproducibility to those obtained by other methods reported in the literature.  相似文献   

To determine whether the soil Mycobacterium isolate KMS would mineralize pyrene under rhizosphere conditions, a microcosm system was established to collect radioactive carbon dioxide released from the labeled polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. Microcosms were designed as sealed, flow-through systems that allowed the growth of plants. Experiments were conducted to evaluate mineralization of 14C-labeled pyrene in a sand amended with the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degrading Mycobacterium isolate KMS, barley plants, or barley plants with roots colonized by isolate KMS. Mineralization was quantified by collecting the 14CO2 produced from 14C-labeled pyrene at intervals during the 10-d incubation period. Roots and foliar tissues were examined for 14C incorporation. Mass balances for microcosms were determined through combustion of sand samples and collection and quantification of 14CO2 evolved from radiolabeled pyrene. No pyrene mineralization was observed in the sterile control systems. Greater release of 14CO2 was observed in the system with barley colonized by KMS than in microcosms containing just the bacterium inoculum or sterile barley plants. These findings suggest that phytostimulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons mineralization could be applied in remediation schemes.  相似文献   

Soil ingestion is an important exposure route by which immobile soil contaminants enter the human body. We assessed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) release from a contaminated soil, containing 49 mg PAH kg(-1), using a SHIME (Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem) reactor comprising the stomach, duodenal, and colon compartments. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon release was defined as that fraction remaining in the digest supernatant after centrifugation for 5 min at 1500 x g. The PAH release in the stomach digest was only 0.44% of the total PAH present in soil, resulting in PAH concentrations of 23 micrograms PAH L(-1) chyme. The lower PAH releases in duodenum (0.13%) and colon (0.30%) digests, compared with the stomach digest, were thought to be attributed to combined complexation and precipitation with bile salts, dissolved organic matter, or colon microbiota. We studied these complexation processes in an intestinal suspension more in depth by preparing mixtures of 9-anthracenepropionic acid, a Bacillus subtilis culture, and cholin as model compounds for PAHs, organic matter, and bile salts, respectively. Bile salts or organic matter in the aqueous phase initially enhance PAH desorption from soil. However, desorbed PAHs may form large aggregates with bile and organic matter, lowering the freely dissolved PAH fraction in the supernatant. Using the model compounds, mathematical equations were developed and validated to predict PAH complexation processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Contaminant release and subsequent complexation in the gut is an important prerequisite to intestinal absorption and thus bioavailability of that contaminant. The data from this research may help in understanding the processes to which PAHs are subjected in the gastrointestinal tract, before intestinal absorption.  相似文献   

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