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立足于创新创业和精准扶贫这一时代背景,在"两山"理论的指导下,贫困地区农民实施生态创业策略可拓展农民增收渠道,增加农民经营性收入,促进该地区生态—社会—经济的复合式发展,有效实现脱贫与生态环境保护的耦合,而生态创业如何帮助农民脱贫是当前有待研究的问题。利用利益相关者理论和参与式扶贫理论,从角色和支持内容两方面对农民生态创业减贫活动中的要素进行分析。基于机制设计理论并结合环京津贫困带的区域特点,对农民生态创业减贫机制进行设计和总结,研究发现:孵化协调机制、市场对接机制、项目引导机制、支撑服务机制和区域协同治理机制的相互协调有助于减轻政府扶贫压力。从提供孵化培育平台、打通市场通道、加强参与式项目引导、完善支撑服务链和进一步推动区域协同治理方面提出建议。  相似文献   

中国西部贫困地区与生态脆弱地区在地理分布上高度重叠,且贫困加剧了生态退化。绿色化引领扶贫攻坚有利于增强生态环境价值与收入提高的相关性、提高贫困人群拥有的生存资本存量和质量、发挥贫困和弱势群众比较优势促进就业。建议构建绿色减贫体制机制、强化绿色减贫资本积累、塑造绿色减贫理念意识、发展绿色减贫特色产业、拓展绿色减贫金融渠道。  相似文献   

以河北省62个扶贫开发重点县为研究区域,分析了国家和河北省生态扶贫相关的政策,并利用Arc GIS对河北省土地利用类型、自然保护区分布状况、生态功能重要区、生态脆弱性以及生物多样性优先区等要素进行聚类分析,按照研究区域生态环境特点和贫困现状将贫困区域划分为生态移民、生态工程、生态旅游、生态产业和生态种植五类,分别叙述了五类区域的分区状况和生态扶贫方向。  相似文献   

减贫脱贫具有地理上的溢出效应,贫困空间特征逐渐成为制定区域减贫政策的重要依据,但目前学术界对减贫脱贫空间模式或空间规律的研究较少。采用空间统计方法和GIS可视化技术,以贵州省为例,对省域减贫脱贫的空间模式进行了动态统计分析和可视化表达。研究发现,贵州省具有从核心到边缘扩散的空间减贫规律,贫困县致富格局与减贫摘帽过程呈现空间扩张趋势,充分揭示了以贵阳、遵义为核心的黔中经济区的辐射带动作用。基于研究结果,提出省域空间发展和减贫脱贫可充分利用以经济集聚为导向的空间减贫模式,加强扶贫开发横向布局和区域扶贫开发合作,加快全省脱贫致富,与全国融为一体的现代化进程。  相似文献   

生态补偿助力脱贫攻坚:协同、拮抗与对接   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
中央政府提出的“生态补偿脱贫一批”标志着生态补偿扶贫正逐步成为我国打赢脱贫攻坚战的重要途径之一。2020年是脱贫攻坚战的决胜之年,生态补偿如何有效助力脱贫攻坚成为研究的热点。本文以实践与政策为导向,运用文献研究法和逻辑分析法,在厘清生态补偿扶贫理念形成与发展的基础上,解析生态补偿与脱贫攻坚之间存在的协同效应和拮抗效应。研究发现生态补偿与脱贫攻坚在地理空间位置、实施主客体、标准、方式和途径等方面相耦合容易产生协同效应,在价值诉求、农户资源禀赋、政府部门工作等方面矛盾产生拮抗效应。生态补偿有效助力脱贫攻坚的关键在于构建对接机制以强化协同效应、弱化或去除拮抗效应。为此,通过建立精准的瞄准制度、稳定脱贫的长效机制、政府部门内部生态补偿扶贫协调机制等举措,构建生态补偿与脱贫攻坚的对接机制,以促进二者高效协同发展。  相似文献   

以重庆市渝东南地区为研究对象,从经济、资源、人口和社会四大子系统构建贫困度测度指标体系,基于旅游资源数量和质量构建旅游资源评价体系,对渝东南地区旅游资源禀赋进行测度,利用象限法将渝东南各区县贫困度与旅游资源禀赋分为四种耦合类型,分别为高资高贫型、高资低贫型、低资高贫型和低资低贫型。针对不同的耦合类型,结合渝东南地区区县的实际情况,提出以民族风情为特色的景区带动型旅游扶贫模式、自然资源旅游观光与休闲旅游扶贫模式、观光度假型与特色农业旅游扶贫模式、特色农业旅游与乡村体验扶贫模式。  相似文献   

基于运行机制的旅游扶贫支持系统和开发模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
旅游扶贫作为一种特殊性的开发扶贫形式,核心目标是以发展旅游业带动经济欠发达地区脱贫致富,但目前我国国内旅游扶贫工作仍然存在很多问题.在分析旅游扶贫特性和运行机制的基础上,提出了基于运行机制的旅游扶贫支持系统,阐述了该系统的构建基础及其要素组合,并分别从旅游资源相对优势、资源特性、区域经济、城乡关系及开发时序方面探讨了相应的开发模式,以此关注贫困人口和贫困社区利益这一核心问题.  相似文献   

旅游产业融合在扶贫工作中具有经济带动效应强、辐射范围大、受益面广等优势,对革命老区减贫作用显著,是革命老区可持续旅游扶贫的新途径。在评价革命老区旅游扶贫主要成就和突出问题的基础上,分析了旅游产业内部融合、旅游产业外部融合和旅游产业引导融合三种类型对革命老区减贫的作用机制,从"旅游业+第一、二、三产业"的维度总结了革命老区几种常见的旅游产业融合业态,从政府、企业、民间组织、当地居民、游客等方面提出了革命老区旅游产业融合发展对策。  相似文献   

旅游扶贫是我国开发贫困地区,帮助少数民族摆脱贫困、打开致富大门的好途径,但目前在旅游扶贫工作中存在着扶贫模式僵化、企业扶贫目的不明确、责任缺失等问题。从企业社会责任视角研究企业在民族地区旅游扶贫工作中的作用,可为新形势下开展民族地区旅游扶贫工作提供新思路。采用单案例研究方法,选取湖南怀化花瑶聚集区为案例,借用企业公民理论研究企业参与型旅游扶贫模式基础上,分析提出"经济人、社会人、道德人、文化人"四个企业旅游扶贫的实现路径。该研究对企业责任与民族地区旅游扶贫研究具有一定启发,对当前背景下旅游企业参与民族地区旅游扶贫工作具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于"人—业—地"综合减贫分析框架,构建了"人—业—地"综合减贫的精准扶贫政策评价指标体系,以两个集中连片特困区典型贫困村为个案进行了对比分析。结果表明:不同贫困村在"人、业、地"各维度扶贫政策实施差异会导致扶贫政策实施成效差异;贫困村村民对扶贫政策实施整体认同度较好,且感知面向"人、地"的政策好于面向"业"的政策,符合精准扶贫"以人为本"的理念;扶贫政策实施成效方面,贫困户的生计资本、产业包容性、社会排斥等方面得到了实质性改善,而在可行能力、产业脆弱性方面改善较小。根据研究结果,提出了今后扶贫政策制定与实施中的优化建议。  相似文献   

10多年来,四川苍溪县结合实际,立足资源优势,因地制宜,不断实践、探索、总结,走出了一条适合山区农村生态脱贫致富的道路,形成了生态脱贫的“苍溪模式”。本文旨在采用生态经济学理论,运用生态工程分析方法,对该模式生态经济的结构、功能进行分析,以探索适合山区农业县生态脱贫的有效途径。  相似文献   

我国碳交易制度巩固脱贫攻坚成果的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文从我国碳达峰和碳中和的目标愿景、碳交易体系中的CCER抵消交易、建立巩固脱贫攻坚成果的长效机制等方面对我国碳交易制度巩固脱贫攻坚成果的宏观形势做出研判,系统梳理了我国利用碳交易制度巩固脱贫攻坚成果的主要问题。提出了完善我国碳交易制度巩固脱贫攻坚成果的建议:一是重启CCER项目申请备案,协调国内国际碳交易,增加碳交易的脱贫攻坚资源;二是统筹项目签发与碳抵消规则,调整项目类型和地域限制,提高碳交易的脱贫攻坚效率;三是建立低碳交易数据共享平台,提升项目交易活跃度,保障碳交易的脱贫攻坚质量。  相似文献   

The Water Poverty Index: Development and application at the community scale   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
The article details the development and uses of the water poverty index (WPI). The index was developed as a holistic tool to measure water stress at the household and community levels, designed to aid national decision makers, at community and central government level, as well as donor agencies, to determine priority needs for interventions in the water sector. The index combines into a single number a cluster of data directly and indirectly relevant to water stress. Subcomponents of the index include measures of: access to water; water quantity, quality and variability; water uses (domestic, food, productive purposes); capacity for water management; and environmental aspects.
The WPI methodology was developed through pilot projects in South Africa, Tanzania and Sri Lanka and involved intensive participation and consultation with all stakeholders, including water users, politicians, water sector professionals, aid agency personnel and others. The article discusses approaches for the further implementation of the water poverty index, including the possibilities of acquiring the necessary data through existing national surveys or by establishing interdisciplinary water modules in school curricula. The article argues that the WPI fills the need for a simple, open and transparent tool, one that will appeal to politicians and decision makers, and at the same time can empower poor people to participate in the better targeting of water sector interventions and development budgets in general.  相似文献   

This study presents an integrated framework for the analysis of options of agricultural development and natural resource management at the ecosystem level. Pujiang County in Zhejiang Province, China, is used as a case-study area. The IMGLP model is applied to maximize regional agricultural economic surplus and labor market conditions in Pujiang. The consequences of four poverty reduction strategies (intensification of production, diversification toward livestock production, land expansion, and exit from agriculture) are determined for a set of regional poverty and biodiversity indicators. Diversification seems to be the most promising poverty reduction strategy, but requires an efficient use of animal manure in cropping systems to avoid environmental problems. Improved nutrient management in cropping systems is effective in reducing the regional nitrogen surplus, but less effective in increasing per capita income. The exit strategy is beneficial for reducing poverty and achieving biodiversity, but may have important social consequences that are not addressed in this study. Further reduction of rural poverty is hampered by labor constraints during the harvesting period for high-value crops such as vegetables and fruits. These constraints can be overcome by intensive research and development in the field of agricultural mechanization.  相似文献   

大骨节病防治和扶贫开发试点工作涉及阿坝州的经济、社会、生态等各方面,且州内各县、乡、村情况各异,众多具体措施关系复杂。为了提高决策质量,使试点工作取得“优化举措、重点突破”的效果,应用AHP方法建立了定量模型。  相似文献   

娱乐文化功能是生态系统向人类提供的重要服务功能之一。研究生态系统娱乐文化价值是研究生态系统服务功能的一个重要方面。了解娱乐文化价值的重要性对我国生态系统脆弱但旅游资源丰富的贫困地区的发展具有重要意义。阐述了生态系统娱乐文化价值的内涵与构成,利用国内外有关娱乐文化价值评估的数据资料,总结得出了娱乐文化价值量的重要性,并说明了其评估方法。最后提出了解决我国生态脆弱但旅游资源丰富的贫困地区的可持续发展之路——发展生态旅游,以及生态旅游管理的措施和建议。  相似文献   

可持续发展水平时空解构表明,木垒县可持续发展能力很弱,资源问题成为限制其经济发展、社会发展及环境保护的主要因素。近8年来,木垒县可持续发展水平虽然呈良性上升状态,但其上升主要归功于社会发展因素,经济发展指数、资源指数等对其上升的推动性并不强。仅以提高经济发展水平为目的的掠夺式开发,使得资源匮乏的木垒县因此出现较为严重的资源性环境问题,并制约经济水平的提高。上述分析表明,资源指数成为新疆北疆地区少数民族贫困县可持续发展的基础,少数民族贫困县的贫困现状与其可持续发展能力弱是密切联系的。消除贫困的前提条件是实现可持续发展,因此,提高新疆少数民族贫困县的可持续发展水平这项任务迫切而重要。  相似文献   

This paper highlights an innovative model of waste management combined with poverty reduction, which has been developed by the organisation Waste for Life (wasteforlife.org) - a network of academics, students, practitioners and on the ground cooperative partners in low income communities. The Waste for Life teams work with local cooperatives to create waste-based composites, which may be sold in local markets, thereby creating an income stream. The application of this model to the context of cartoneros (waste picker) cooperatives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, reveals that viable products can be made from paper and plastic waste, with low-impact material preparation that circumvents the need for chemically intensive, polluting and mechanically degrading procedures, preserving recycled fibre integrity. Tests on material samples indicate mechanical properties comparable to products made with more complex processing. The production model is based on the philosophy that not only the waste materials, but also the production equipment should be locally sourced and manufactured and products created to suit local markets. A simple reproducible model has been developed for the local manufacture of composites from waste, which can provide an income source for waste pickers as well as providing an innovative waste management solution.  相似文献   

Water shortage is a common problem around the world, especially in developing countries. Water shortage is closely linked to natural and social conditions, but the linkages between these natural and social conditions and their underlying temporal and spatial variation are less well explored. This paper details an application of the Driving‐Force‐Pressure‐State‐Impact‐Response (DPSIR) model, a holistic and sustainable tool for resources planning and management, and uses comprehensive weights to evaluate the water poverty (wp) in China from 1997 to 2014. This study applies the Kernel density estimation model to analyze the temporal variation trend and uses the least square error model to analyze the spatial pattern of wp. The results show the level of wp is gradually declining over time and the improvements in the coastal and inland wp situation are not spatially harmonious, and there are four primary types of wp in China based on drivers and causal mechanisms: D‐P‐I, D‐P‐I‐R, D‐P‐S‐I, and D‐P‐S‐I‐R. Furthermore, we analyze the main causes of spatial difference of wp and put forward corresponding countermeasures. The research findings are intended to provide a new insight for the evaluation of wp in the context of sustainable development, breaking past limitations that arise in simplified analyses using a single method, and to provide a strategy for regional water resources management to relieve wp.  相似文献   

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