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通过调查石油企业机械加工废水55套处理设施的运行情况及处理效果,介绍了机械加工废水的来源、性质和目前机械加工废水处理采用的工艺方法。目前,石油企业投入了大量的资金用于机械加工废水处理,基本解决了机加工废水污染问题。但是,石油企业机加工废水处理率低于国家平均水平,处理运行费高于国家同期水平,现行处理技术基本能满足废水处理的要求,处理设施尚有潜力可挖。建议加强对现有处理设施的管理,推广“清洁生产”技术保证废水经处理后达标排放或回用。  相似文献   

邓鹂 《新疆环境保护》2011,33(3):35-36,49
医院污水来源及成分复杂,含有病原性微生物、有毒、有害的物理化学污染物和放射性污染等,需建设配套的废水治理设施.为检验治理效果,加强监管,需对治理设施进行验收监测和监督性监测.在排除废水治理过程一系列问题后即可做到,监测科学合理顺利开展,废水治理设施处理的废水稳定达标排放.  相似文献   

目前,医用的放射性核素、放射源、标记化合物及放射性药物的应用越来越多,使用量平均每年增加20~30%。放射性核素的利用对医学科学的发展无疑是重要的,但目前对放射性核素的使用,尤其是对放射性核素实验室的管理和废水的处理存在一些问题,造成一定程度的水质污染。有的单位虽有同位素实验中心和较好的处理废水的设施,但多数基层科室却为工作方便,仍在非同位素实验室里用放射性核素进行实验研究。多数医疗、科研单位,尚未建立专一的设有处理废物、废水设施的同位素室。实验中的废水和刷洗被同位素污染的器械、试剂瓶的废水,不经任何处理,随意排入下水。这不但影响到同位素工作者或非同位  相似文献   

石油钻杆刷镀铜废水处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油田钻杆刷镀铜废水的铜离子严重超标,为解决这一问题,应用硫化钠(Na2S·9H2O)化学沉淀法处理工艺及设备处理废水。经监测,处理后的废水符合国家排放标准,具有处理设施一次性投资少,操作方便,处理效果好,处理成本适当等优点。硫化钠化学沉淀法处理刷镀铜废水达到了国家排放标准。  相似文献   

徐晓林 《四川环境》2002,21(1):58-60
本文通过使用物理化学絮弟法处理棉浆造纸废水设施的建设和运行管理过程,方法,分析了化学絮凝法在处理棉浆造纸废水中所产生的环境效益和经济效益,提出了自己在参与其建设,运行管理中的见解,对今后的工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

吹脱法应用于低浓度废水处理,可有效去除水中的溶解性气体和挥发性油类,同时还可增加水中的溶解氧,为进一步的生物处理创造有利条件。利用现场动态实验对影响除油的因素进行了试验研究,确定最佳处理条件为:气水比5∶1、淋水密度5.0m3/(m2·h),实验表明在最佳运行状态下,吹脱法对地下水中油类物质的去除率能够达到50%,还能去除水中的铁、氨氮等污染物质,是一种非常有效的预处理方法。为了弄清目前炼油厂废水的处理水平,通过对三个典型炼油废水处理厂的调查,分别对其处理流程、处理效果、采用的主要处理药剂及处理工艺进行了介绍,分析了每套处理设施的长处以及与先进设施对比存在的不足。  相似文献   

综合性医院建设项目环境影响评价要点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合性医院的医疗废水要分一般废水和特殊废水,在坚持全过程控制原则、减量化原则、就地处理等原则的同时,根据需要进行一级处理和二级处理;按要求将医疗垃圾分类、包装、存放、处理;对水处理污泥应按危险废物进行处理。建设项目的水环境影响评价应进行详细的预测评价、一般专项评价或一般性分析;在医疗废物处理设施的环境影响评价中,医疗废物焚烧应作为评价重点,做到社会效益、环境效益和经济效益相统一。  相似文献   

针对石化企业生产过程中所产生的不同来源含盐废水的特点,重点阐述了碱渣废水和循环冷却排污水的工业化分质处理方法。碱渣废水经WAO、QBR等技术预处理后,能够满足污水厂进水要求。循环冷却排污水通过以电渗析、反渗透为主体的工艺处理后,可以直接回用于循环冷却水补水或锅炉用水。同时总结了目前污水处理厂含盐废水处理工艺,并对生化单元运行中存在的问题进行分析,提出了提高进水可生化性、选择合适处理工艺、优化处理设施、驯化培养适宜微生物以及稳定进水水质的建议。  相似文献   

加油站在运营过程中,产生含油废水、烃类排放物、危险固体废物,导致水体、大气和土壤污染.文章系统介绍了加油站存在的安全隐患,加油站环境污染危害控制工艺设施:油气回收系统、撬装加油设施,并阐述了对加油站危险废物处理方法的认识思考.国家有关部门应尽快出台针对加油站的相关法律、法规及标准,明确含油废物的收集和处理办法,并制定相应扶持政策,鼓励企业主动分类收集及回收危险废物,对其进行专业处理或综合利用.  相似文献   

石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫(FGD)工艺是目前运用最普遍的火力发电厂脱硫工艺,在脱硫过程中会产生一定量的脱硫废水,由于其水质特殊,必须设置单独的处理设施。文章简要介绍了脱硫废水产生原因,对脱硫废水水质、水量特点进行阐述,结合工程实例介绍脱硫废水处理工艺,从设计和运营方面分析脱硫废水处理工艺存在的问题并给出优化建议与措施。  相似文献   

本文较为详细地介绍了几种典型的国内外埋地式小型生活污水处理装置,分析了其技术原理和比较了各自的特点。对国内近年来开发出的新型地理式无电耗生活污水处理装置,讨论了其适宜的应用范围,并提出了其技术发展方向和革新建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Aquatic communities in the Boise River were examined from October 1987 to March 1988 to determine whether they were adversely affected by trace elements in effluents from two Boise wastewater treatment facilities. Trace-element concentrations in the Boise River were less than or near analytical-detection levels and were less than chronic toxicity criteria when detectable. Insect communities colonizing artificial substrates upstream and downstream from the wastewater treatment facilities were strongly associated, and coefficients of community loss indicated that effluents had benign enriching effects. The distributions of trace-element-intolerant mayflies indicated that trace-element concentrations in effluents did not adversely affect intolerant organisms in the Boise River. Condition factor of whitefish was significantly increased downstream from the Lander Street wastewater treatment facility and was significantly decreased downstream from the West Boise wastewater treatment facility.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted into the treatment of effluents produced during manufacturing processes at both a chemicals production facility and a paint manufacturing facility. A comparison of costs of wastewater treatment at both facilities was also performed. The untreated effluents from both facilities were high in biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total dissolved solids (TDS). In addition, the effluents from the two facilities deviated significantly in dissolved oxygen (DO) content and pH levels. However, both facilities ultimately released treated wastewater with allowable amounts or levels of BOD, COD, TDS, DO, and pH as permitted by the Department of the Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh (DOE). The effluent treatment plants (ETP) at both facilities contained combinations of chemical and biological treatment processes. The treatment processes used at the chemicals production facility and at the paint manufacturing facility were continuous and semi‐batch processes, respectively. The biological treatment section of the ETP at the chemicals production facility has both anaerobic and aerobic units, while the paint manufacturing facility has only an aerobic unit. Annual installation and operation costs of the ETP at the chemicals production facility was Bangladeshi Taka (Tk) 1,300,000 ($16,667 US dollars) and Tk 800,000 ($10,257), respectively. The annual installation and operation costs of the ETP at the paint manufacturing facility were Tk 3,050,000 ($39,103) and Tk 6,200,000 ($79,488), respectively.  相似文献   

兰州炼油化工总厂添加剂分厂规模增大,原处理设施己不能满足要求,因此必须对添加剂分厂酸性水进行预处理。对添加剂厂酸性水处理设施进行改造。优选方案Ⅰ、Ⅱ,选取方案Ⅱ。采用含酸污水集水池,提升泵,中和池,除油器,碱罐及储油罐等设施,对添加剂厂酸性水处理设施进行必要改造。采用方案Ⅱ,既经济、高效,又可减小劳动强度,改善环境条件,达到预处理效果。  相似文献   

Nervous system active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), including anti-depressants and opioids, are important clinically administered pharmaceuticals within healthcare facilities. This study provides source characterization data describing the composition and magnitude of nervous system APIs present in healthcare facility wastewaters. Concentrations and mass loadings of ten nervous system APIs and three nervous system API metabolites are reported for wastewaters from a hospital, nursing, assisted living, and independent living facility within a single municipality. Concentrations of nervous system APIs ranged from non-detectable levels for alprazolam in all four facility wastewaters to a high of 290 ng/L amitriptyline in nursing facility wastewater. The summed mean concentration of all thirteen analytes ranged from 402 ng/L in independent living facility wastewater to 624 ng/L in assisted living facility wastewater. Wastewater flow rates from each facility were combined with concentration data to estimate the daily mass loading of nervous system APIs leaving each facility through wastewater discharge to the municipal sewer system. The total mass loading of all thirteen analytes for the hospital, nursing, assisted living, and independent living facility was 228, 44, 29.5, and 28.1 mg/day, respectively. The total mass loading of nervous system APIs contributed to the municipality's wastewater from all four facilities was 330 mg/day.  相似文献   

The current study reports on operational and performance aspects of a land treatment facility for managing oily wastes generated from heavy vehicle maintenance over a 5-year period. Samples of soil and groundwater from the land treatment plots were analyzed for a range of contaminants and microorganisms over this period. The soil analyses indicated that the process has been operating efficiently even at high wastewater loadings with maximum degradation rates of 250 mg/kg per day (year 1) and average rates of 10–35 mg/kg per day (years 2–5). Hydrocarbon degraders comprised more than 80% of the total (measured) soil heterotrophic population and were present at 106–108 (per gram soil) once the process was optimized. The facility was capable of treating 140 kl of oily wastewater per day (average petroleum hydrocarbon content of 2% w/v) over the entire period. During this time there was no evidence of accumulation of any major metals or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds in the soil. Groundwater sampling and analysis indicated that the land treatment facility was not leading to contamination of any groundwater taken from bores in the vicinity of the facility. The land treatment process continues to be effective for treatment of non-volatile waste oils at this remote and high evaporation (arid) site.  相似文献   

由于该公司排污标准的提高和部分排放指标的削减,必须搞好建设和生产全过程的总量控制,提高排污达标水平。主要措施为:清洁生产,水污染物回收利用,深度净化污水,污水设施运行稳定可靠。经过实施,取得了十分可观的环境效益和经济效益  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a modelling method which simplifies the evaluation of water quality policies for nonserial (branching) river systems. The method introduces dummy facilities at the junctions of the major tributary branches with the mainstream as replacements for the facilities and activities on the tributaries. The cost functions for the dummy facilities and the DO and BOD concentrations at the junctions as determined for each tributary are introduced into the mainstream serial system model which is then solved for the optimal values of the mainstream treatment plant efficiencies, the dummy facility effeciencies, and the tributary system DO and BOD concentrations using nonlinear programming. Given the optimum values for the dummy facility efficiencies and the values for the tributary system DO and BOD concentrations, the optimum values for the tributary treatment plant efficiencies are found using nonlinear programming. The method is applied to a river system with a mainstream and one major tributary which contain industrial and municipal organic and thermal polluters and their associated wastewater treatment plants.  相似文献   

臭氧氧化法处理印染废水   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本实验通过印染废水处理装置的建立,研究了臭氧处理印染废水的消耗量与废水COD值变化、废水色度去除率的关系,,以及不同pH值的印染废水和臭氧处理时间的关系。实验结果表明:经过处理后废水的COD却除率为339%,色度去除率为999%。  相似文献   

A conventional activated sludge treatment facility was the subject of this study. The assessment was directed at determining the characteristics of the raw wastewater, the quality of the treated effluent and the efficiency of the various treatment units. Furthermore, the water quality along the effluent irrigation canal was monitored. The assessment of the quality of the treated effluent for irrigation is based on the guidelines established by the World Health Organization and the Egyptian decree 9/89 for the use of wastewater in agriculture. The results of the study indicated that the concentration of the raw wastewater was considered moderate. The mean values of the COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) and total suspended solids (TSS) were around 250, 102 and 142 mg l–1, respectively. This was attributed to the high quantities of wastewater from industrial sources. The overall efficiency of the treatment facility was good. The mean residual COD, BOD and TSS were 25, 8 and 21 mg l–1 and the corresponding percentage removal values were 90, 92 and 85%, respectively. The maximum percentage removal of oil and grease was 84% with a mean residual concentration of 24 mg l–1. The total viable count (22°C and 37°C), faecal coliform and aecal streptococci were reduced by 99.9% compared to only 99.5% for Salmonella. Bacteriological examination of the dried sludge indicated a reduction of nine logs of faecal coliform and faecal streptococci, as compared to thickened sludge. Analysis of the Ni, Cu, Pb and Cr in the dried sludge indicated that their concentrations are within the permissible limits. Zinc exceeded the consent standards by 50%. The results of the analyses of samples collected at the beginning of the irrigation canal indicated insignificant changes from the characteristics of the final effluent. Samples collected at a distance of 2km along the irrigation canal showed mean reductions in the COD and BOD of 28.6 and 47%, respectively, which could be attributed to sedimentation and/or a self-purification effect. An increase in the total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total viable count was also recorded, which could be due to seepage from the agricultural land. From the data available it is evident that the treated wastewater could be used for restricted irrigation. The design and implementation of a monitoring programme is recommended.  相似文献   

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