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湖泊水环境预测及污染的综合治理措施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
湖泊水环境污染问题是世界性的环境问题,本文根据湖泊水的特点及水污染的现状,主要论述了湖泊水体的污染评价方法,及水环境预测方法在湖泊水体治理中的重要作用,并综合分析了富营养化的湖泊水治理措施。  相似文献   

为评价西南地区高尔夫球场人工湖的营养状态,并探讨影响球场湖泊富营养化的原因,2010年1月至12月,以成都麓山高尔夫球场为例,对球场的4个球道人工湖(12号球道、13号球道、14号球道和16号球道)水体的水体理化性质进行监测。结果显示:人工湖的富营养化程度呈季节性变化,其在试验期内综合营养状态已达到轻度富营养的状态。水体营养盐主要来自于球场草坪的施肥,氮、磷等营养物质随降水输入人工湖,从而引起的湖泊富营养化,尤其体现在多雨的夏季。  相似文献   

张智  杨骏骅 《四川环境》2005,24(6):83-86
城市水景水体的修复和保持是水资源保护与可持续利用研究中的热点之一,重庆市双龙湖是典型的城市水景水体,治理前富营养化状况严重。双龙湖治理采取了综合整治的方案,包括污水截流工程、雨水截流及净化工程、湖水复氧循环工程、湖水的生态治理工程和污泥固化工程等。截断外源污染,抑制内源污染,有效的控制了水体的富营养化。经过治理,双龙湖水体水质明显提高,由治理前的劣Ⅴ类水质恢复到Ⅳ类水质,满足景观水要求。双龙湖水环境综合整治为我国,特别是三峡库区众多的城市水体的修复和保持积累经验,为城市水景水体富营养化的防治提供技术和方法上的借鉴。  相似文献   

在人工湖设计研究中考虑湖泊流场分析,通过优化调整湖泊形态以改善人工湖水动力条件,维持水体水质情况。以临漳新城区人工湖为例,利用MIKE21模型对初步湖泊形态的流场情况进行模拟,并对调整后的湖泊形态进行验证分析。基于流场模拟结果和周边土地利用类型提出人工湖驳岸建设方案,为城市新区人工湖设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

王朝  柴夏  万陆军  周超  赵兵  杨坤 《四川环境》2023,(5):128-134
近年来,以生物方法为核的水生态修复技术已经越来越多的被应用到城市湖泊治理工作之中。为了评价兴隆湖水生态综合提升工程对湖区水体水质的修复治理效果,本研究对湖区3个点位开展了持续的水质监测,分析工程实施前后水体中总氮、总磷等指标浓度变化情况,采用富营养化状态指数法对比分析湖区富营养化程度变化情况,并对采样点位和水质指标间的关系开展相关性分析。结果如下:相比于治理前,治理后1号点和3号点的TP、NH3-N、COD浓度值均降至Ⅰ类标准,TN浓度值从Ⅲ类标准降至Ⅱ类,治理效果显著。营养状态评价结果表明,治理后三个点位的营养化等级仍处于“中营养”水平,营养指数变化率分别为15.5%、12.53%、17.01%。相关性分析结果表明,各点位间的水质指标表现出一定的相似性。根据数据分析结果,本工程的实施可显著改善水体水质,治理后的水质指标较治理前基本上都得到了较大的提升,为大型城市人工湖全湖开展水生态修复建立了工程示范,并为日后相关工程的建设提供了经验参考。  相似文献   

魏星  易杨柳 《四川环境》2008,27(5):31-34
对武汉市某小型浅水人工湖泊水质进行一年的理化监测并分析,结果显示:COD、BOD5均有季节性变化的规律;气温的变化影响湖水及底泥中微生物的活性;天然降水量不同对湖水稀释程度不同;底泥的污染物释放量受温度影响;该水体可生化性差。据此,提出保护湖水的措施。  相似文献   

在综合科学考察的基础上,经过大量的水质化学数据的测试,阐明了可可西里地区湖泊的水化学基本特征。包括分析了流域盆地内天然降水、水系及湖泊的水质展布趋向,运用离子域随机图式聚类阐明了湖水物质来源条件,还对典型湖泊的水温、分异、相变等进行了介绍和讨论;采用难溶盐法对本区水体进行水化学分类,阐明了湖泊水化学类型的地域性及其与区域地质环境条件的关系。  相似文献   

曲晴 《环境教育》2009,(2):55-56
由于湖泊流域社会经济快速发展,而污染治理设施滞后,氮,磷等污染负荷削减不力,致使我国众多湖泊水库长期接纳过量营养盐,湖泊水库富营养化程度普遍较高,湖泊水库水体处于“水华”频发的高生态风险状态之下,我国大中型湖泊水库的富营养化不仅导致水生生态系统及其服务多功能的退化,其引起的频率水华暴发现状已直接影响到湖泊水库周边及下游城镇,  相似文献   

城市景观湖泊质量的好坏对城市居民的生活和城市形象有着重要影响。目前,由于人为原因,城市景观湖泊受到不同程度的污染,如氮、磷含量上升导致的富营养化、重金属污染等。针对湖泊污染的日益严重性,生态修复技术用于受污染的城市湖泊是目前的热点领域。文章分析总结了城市景观湖泊的污染现状和当下的生态修复技术,为污染湖泊修复和治理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条为防治湟水流域水污染,保护和改善生活环境与生态环境,保证水资源的有效利用,根据《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》和有关法律、法规的规定,结合本省实际,制定本条例。第二条本条例适用于湟水干流、支流及流域内水库、渠道等地表水体、地下水体的污染防治。第三条湟水流域水污染防治工作,贯彻预防为主、综合治理的方针,全面规划,分期治理,分级负责,分段管理。第四条省人民政府和湟水流域各级人民政府必须把水环境的保护和改善纳入国民经济和社会发展规划及年度计划,建立目标责任制,采取有效措施搞好老污染源治理,严格控制新污染源的产生。第五条湟水流域的排污单位应按照谁污染谁治理的原则,制定治理措施,排放各种有害物质必须遵守有关规定和标准。第六条任何单位和个人都有义务保护水环境,有权对污染损害湟水流域水环境的行为进行监督、检举和控告。对检举、控告的单位和个人,不得打击报复。  相似文献   

邛海是四川省第二大天然淡水湖,具有饮用水源、栖息地、水产品供给、人文景观等多种生态功能。长期以来由于不合理的开发和利用,邛海生态环境遭到污染和破坏,出现了面源污染严重、区域水质恶化、泥沙淤积、湿地萎缩、面积减少等环境问题,发展与保护矛盾突出,生态环境保护的压力加重。本文针对流域主要环境问题,探讨并提出了邛海生态环境保护以湖泊生态安全保障为目标,以饮用水源水质安全保障和生态保育为核心,实施生态调控、污染防治与生态恢复并举的科学对策。  相似文献   

Eutrophication of Lake Waters in China: Cost, Causes, and Control   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Lake water eutrophication has become one of the most important factors impeding sustainable economic development in China. Knowledge of the current status of lake water eutrophicatoin and determination of its mechanism are prerequisites to devising a sound solution to the problem. Based on reviewing the literature, this paper elaborates on the evolutional process and current state of shallow inland lake water eutrophication in China. The mechanism of lake water eutrophication is explored from nutrient sources. In light of the identified mechanism strategies are proposed to control and tackle lake water eutrophication. This review reveals that water eutrophication in most lakes was initiated in the 1980s when the national economy underwent rapid development. At present, the problem of water eutrophication is still serious, with frequent occurrence of damaging algal blooms, which have disrupted the normal supply of drinking water in shore cities. Each destructive bloom caused a direct economic loss valued at billions of yuan. Nonpoint pollution sources, namely, waste discharge from agricultural fields and nutrients released from floor deposits, are identified as the two major sources of nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, all control and rehabilitation measures of lake water eutrophication should target these nutrient sources. Biological measures are recommended to rehabilitate eutrophied lake waters and restore the lake ecosystem in order to bring the problem under control.  相似文献   

Regional Representativeness of Swedish Reference Lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
/ Recent focus has been placed on ecoregion delineations for providing an appropriate framework for monitoring and assessment of region-specific attainable water/habitat quality. Using an ecoregion approach to stratify variance, this study was conducted to determine whether earlier (subjectively) selected Swedish reference lakes may be considered as regionally representative reference sites when compared with a randomly selected lake population. Predictive modeling by discriminant function analysis with lakes classified by ecoregion and lake surface area and six physicochemical variables showed that the greater majority of reference lakes may be considered as regionally representative. The highest proportion of lake "misclassifications" occurred in the boreonemoral ecoregion, a relatively diverse ecoregion of southern Sweden. This apparent bias may be in part be due to the criteria used in selecting regional reference lakes. In the earlier selection of reference lakes emphasis was placed on lakes not being adversely affected by land usage or pollutant discharges, consequently forest lakes were often overrepresented and sites in agricultural areas underrepresented in the selected reference sites. As a complement to predictive modeling, PCA ordination showed the placement of reference lakes within the random lake population and indicated where reference sites might be missing along potentially important ecological gradients. KEY WORDS: Regionalization; Ecoregion; Representativeness; Reference; Ordination; Modeling; Temperate lakes  相似文献   

重庆市应用湖库水水源热泵系统条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对重庆市气候条件、湖库水水资源状况以及湖库水水温和水质分析,结果显示:重庆地区采用传统空气源热泵系统已不适宜,而采用水源热泵系统具有较高的节能优势。丰富的湖库水水资源量以及重庆市建筑沿湖库水而建特点,为在重庆市开展湖库水水源热泵系统创造便利条件;湖库水水温和水质基本能满足地表水水源热泵系统的水源要求;湖库水藻类易爆发,因此发展湖库水水源热泵主要解决的水质问题是藻类的堵塞问题。  相似文献   

Assessment of lake impairment status and identification of threats’ type and source is essential for protection of intact, enhancement of modified, and restoration of impaired lakes. For regions in which large numbers of lakes occur, such assessment has usually been done for only small fractions of lakes due to resource and time limitation. This study describes a process for assessing lake impairment status and identifying which human disturbances have the greatest impact on each lake for all lakes that are 2 ha or larger in the state of Michigan using readily available, georeferenced natural and human disturbance databases. In-lake indicators of impairment are available for only a small subset of lakes in Michigan. Using statistical relationships between the in-lake indicators and landscape natural and human-induced measures from the subset lakes, we assessed the likely human impairment condition of lakes for which in-lake indicator data were unavailable using landscape natural and human disturbance measures. Approximately 92% of lakes in Michigan were identified as being least to marginally impacted and about 8% were moderately to heavily impacted by landscape human disturbances. Among lakes that were heavily impacted, more inline lakes (92%) were impacted by human disturbances than disconnected (6%) or headwater lakes (2%). More small lakes were impacted than medium to large lakes. For inline lakes, 90% of the heavily impacted lakes were less than 40 ha, 10% were between 40 and 405 ha, and 1% was greater than 405 ha. For disconnected and headwater lakes, all of the heavily impacted lakes were less than 40 ha. Among the anthropogenic disturbances that contributed the most to lake disturbance index scores, nutrient yields and farm animal density affected the highest number of lakes, agricultural land use affected a moderate number of lakes, and point-source pollution and road measures affected least number of lakes. Our process for assessing lake condition represents a significant advantage over other routinely used methods. It permits the evaluation of lake condition across large regions and yields an overall disturbance index that is a physicochemical and biological indicator weighted sum of multiple disturbance factors. The robustness of our approach can be improved with increased availability of high-resolution disturbance datasets.  相似文献   

采用大气污染物超标指数、水污染物浓度超标指数、污染物浓度综合超标指数等3个指标,针对汶川地震极重灾区10个县市,评价了区域环境系统对社会经济系统的支撑能力。结果表明:10个县市中,环境承载力超载的县市有7个,接近超载的县市有3个。其中,9个县市的大气存在环境质量问题,4个县市的水环境质量存在问题,整个区域大气环境质量改善形式更为严峻。10县市的大气污染物中,O3、PM2.5、PM10普遍超标或接近超标,是影响区域大气质量的主要因素。在3指标中,又以PM10和PM2.5超标情况最为严重。大气污染在10个县市中具有明显的区域特征。都江堰市、彭州市、安县、绵竹市、什邡市等环成都城市圈的5县市大气污染物浓度超标指数普遍高于远离成都经济中心的5县市。根据影响水质的水污染物性质,及水环境影响因子排序分析,彭州市、什邡市在CODCr、P、N-NH3上有较高载荷,平武县在CODMn、DO两因子上载荷较大;汶川县的主要水环境影响因子是BOD5。根据在水污染因子上的载荷,10县市水污染特征归为集中污染型和面源污染型,以及混合污染三种类型。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of an artificial lake system upon the runoff hydrology of a small watershed have been determined by comparing the quantity and quality of runoff with that of an adjacent and similar watershed containing no lakes. Lake storage reduced peak discharge and slowed flood recession rate downstream. Water stored within the lakes is generally of different quality than downstream surface runoff. Salt stored in the lakes from winter deicing is released during periods of surface runoff throughout the rest of the year. During summer or fall runoff events, lake outflow dominates the salt load of the outlet stream, generating double-peaked load hydrographs in which the second, or lake-induced, crest is many times larger than the peak which corresponds to maximum flow. On the other hand, the lakes cause a reduction of salt loads and concentration in winter runoff. The concentration and loads of ions which are not related to road salt are generally less affected by the lakes, although they are increased substantially in the fall.  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,秦皇岛市环境质量总体趋于好转。环境空气质量Ⅱ级以上天数始终保持在350天以上,综合污染指数明显下降;城市集中式饮用水源地水质达标率100%;地表水河流Ⅲ类断面比例提高了43.8%;劣Ⅴ类断面比例降低了35.7%。近岸海域海水水质达标率100%,海水浴场水质良好。但存在局部空气污染严重、部分河段水质恶化等主要环境问题,针对上述问题提出了总量减排、污染物联控等对策建议。  相似文献   

Regionalization frameworks cluster geographic data to create contiguous regions of similar climate, geology and hydrology by delineating land into discrete regions, such as ecoregions or watersheds, often at several spatial scales. Although most regionalization schemes were not originally designed for aquatic ecosystem classification or management, they are often used for such purposes, with surprisingly few explicit tests of the relative ability of different regionalization frameworks to group lakes for water quality monitoring and assessment. We examined which of 11 different lake grouping schemes at two spatial scales best captures the maximum amount of variation in water quality among regions for total nutrients, water clarity, chlorophyll, overall trophic state, and alkalinity in 479 lakes in Michigan (USA). We conducted analyses on two data sets: one that included all lakes and one that included only minimally disturbed lakes. Using hierarchical linear models that partitioned total variance into within-region and among-region components, we found that ecological drainage units and 8-digit hydrologic units most consistently captured among-region heterogeneity at their respective spatial scales using all lakes (variation among lake groups = 3% to 50% and 12% to 52%, respectively). However, regionalization schemes capture less among-region variance for minimally disturbed lakes. Diagnostics of spatial autocorrelation provided insight into the relative performance of regionalization frameworks but also demonstrated that region size is only partly responsible for capturing variation among lakes. These results suggest that regionalization schemes can provide useful frameworks for lake water quality assessment and monitoring but that we must identify the appropriate spatial scale for the questions being asked, the type of management applied, and the metrics being assessed.  相似文献   

山东省探索开展了空气质量监测"转让-经营"模式改革,在体制上科学划分监测事权,实行"谁考核、谁监测",省级环保部门负责17个设区城市环境质量的监督监测,污染源监督监测下放到市、县级环保部门;在机制上实行政府购买服务,对全省空气质量自动监测站实行"监测设备有偿转让,专业队伍运营维护,专业机构移动比对,环保部门质控考核,政府购买合格数据"的"转让-经营"模式。通过改革,监测数据质量和监测公信力得到进一步提高,有效避免了可能的行政干预,降低了监测成本,引导了环保服务业的发展,可以为其他省、市贯彻落实生态环境监测体制改革和地方监测事权上收工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

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