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旅游环境承载力是有一定限度的,尤其是像稻城亚丁这样生态环境脆弱的地域,生态环境一旦遭到破坏就难以恢复,客观上必然要求在进行旅游资源开发规划设计时对旅游开发强度及其可能引起的环境负荷做慎重考虑.在对稻城亚丁旅游资源进行介绍的基础上,运用科学的方法从环境生态承载量、资源空间承载量、心理承载量和经济承载量对其旅游环境承载量进行测量,针对测算结果提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

人口、经济与资源环境是区域中主要的系统要素,各要素之间的相互协调和相互配合将对区域的可持续发展起到决定性的作用.人口、经济与资源环境的协调发展状况可采用指标体系法来进行综合评价.人口包括人口与经济发展评价指标和人口与资源环境评价指标.通过<云南统计年鉴>资料得到相关的二级指标数据,确立每个指标的权重,再根据相关公式计算出云南省各市州人口与经济和资源环境协调发展状况.根据评价结果,云南省各市州协调状况不一,差异较大.  相似文献   

在世界人口、资源和环境矛盾日益尖锐的今天,如何寻求资源开发利用和人口增长之间的合理关系,使人口、资源与环境协调发展,已成为人类面临的紧迫问题.特别是土地资源既是人类的生存基础。也是人类的劳动对象.其到底能承载多少人口,如何制定合理的土地利用和保护政策,协调人口增长与土地资源生产力之间的关系。愈来愈引起人们的重视.1982年联合国粮农组织(FAO)在国际应用系统分析研究所的协助下,对发展中国家的土地潜在人口支持能力进行  相似文献   

生态旅游资源空间承载力是发展生态旅游的评价前提,对生态旅游规划具有重要的作用和意义。为了实现生态旅游地可持续发展的目标,必须科学合理地确定其旅游资源空间承载力,以此对景区生态旅游资源的开发利用和游客管理进行有效调控。采用实地调查法,以旅游资源空间数量、游道长度等作为衡量指标,利用面积法、线路法分别对对森林型生态旅游风景区——武陵源杨家界景区的生态旅游资源瞬时空间承载量、日空间承载量和不同季节空间承载量进行了测算。结果表明,景区旅游空间承载力夏半年为15000人/d,冬半年为10240人/d,年均承载量为468.6万人次。以上结果可为杨家界景区生态旅游规划及景区管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

选择美国、德国和日本3国域资源环境承载力评价的实践案例,从评价方法、评价指标、评价流程等方面提炼国外区域资源环境承载力评价的一些成功经验:基于能值分析法,从资源支撑能力与废物消纳能力两个层面选择净能值产出率、环境负载率、能值利用强度等6个指标评价美国新泽西州环境承载力;基于生态足迹法,选择耕地、草地、林地等6种生态类型,从区域人均面积、足迹需求与足迹供给3个指标评价德国萨克森州生态承载力;基于向量模法,选择人均GDP、城镇化率、人均可支配收入等8个指标评价日本东北地方水环境承载力。  相似文献   

正从环境视角看中国各省的国际贸易差距《资源、保护与重复利用》Resource,conser vation and recycling在经济繁荣的背后,国际贸易也出现了环境和资源利用的问题。在中国,国际贸易存在明显的省级差异,进一步影响了各省的可持续发展水平,而不是缩小区域差距。文章尝试采用能值计量的方法研究1993—2012年,一个省份在多大程度上获得其贸易优势和对应的环境资源流。文章采用三个能值贸易指标(能值交换率、能值收益率和机会比率)和传统的货币指标一起来描述研  相似文献   

四川是长江流域生态安全的重要保障。随着人口的增长,工业化、城镇化和农业现代化进程的日益加快,发展与保护的矛盾日益突出。严重影响和制约四川省经济社会的可持续发展和"长江经济带"地区的生态平衡与稳定。对四川省资源环境承载力状况进行监测预警,是四川省社会经济可持续发展的需要,也是长江经济带生态环境保护的需要。研究认为,资源环境承载力预警可分为现状预警和趋势预警两种类型。基于此假设,针对重点开发区和市辖区、农产品主产区、重点生态功能区、扶贫开发区等四类区域,基于线性变换的数学方法,构建了四川省资源环境承载力现状预警模型。模型以生态、环境、经济多指标相结合,进行资源环境承载力综合预警;以具有强烈资源环境优劣指示性的指标,作为限制性指标,进行单指标预警。最后整合多指标综合预警结果和单指标预警结果,作为资源环境承载力现状预警最终预警结果。  相似文献   

南充生态经济系统的能值分析与可持续发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
潘安  李铁松 《四川环境》2006,25(2):57-62,82
本文利用美国生态学家H.T.Odum的能值分析理论和方法对南充生态经济系统的能量流动进行定量的分析。简要介绍了南充自然、社会、经济等方面的概况,结合南充的基础数据,应用能值理论计算出1994~2003年南充生态经济系统的能值评估表及能值指标趋势分析。在计算南充的人均能值使用量(EPC),电力占有率(FEE),环境负荷率(ELR),能值投入率(EIR),净能值产出率(EYR),能值货币比率(EDR),能值使用强度(ED),人口承载力(PCC),废物能值比率(WER),能值自给率(ES),可持续发展指数(ESI)基础上,运用南充的各项指标与其它国家和地区进行了横向和纵向的分析。结果表明:南充的生态经济系统是比较脆弱的,从发展过程来看还没有进入工业积累阶段,仍然属于农业大市。所以加强第二、第三产业的发展是南充经济发展的重要出路。  相似文献   

基于能值分析的苏州市城市生态系统可持续发展评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周婧  王远  陈洁 《四川环境》2010,29(4):72-77
本文利用能值分析的方法,分析了苏州城市生态系统的各种生态流,并建立了苏州城市生态系统可持续发展能值评价指标体系,评估其可持续发展程度,并对其能值指标的发展进行了预测。研究结果显示,2007年苏州市系统利用总能值达到616.71×1021sej,能值自给率仅为35.5%,环境负载率达到61.67。与其他国家和地区能值指标对比得出,苏州市是一个高度外向型生态经济系统,其系统的发展高度依赖于外界资源的输入,面对现在不稳定的世界经济发展和外部环境,苏州市必须加大系统自身的供给能力,提高系统自身的稳定性;发展循环经济,降低系统环境负载率;加强高科技和人才投入,提高系统可持续发展潜力。  相似文献   

在绝大多数工业生产系统的运行过程中,都会不可避免地产生一定量的污染物,它们会对环境造成一定的危害.本文针对目前在工业系统能值分析中对排放废物的环境影响考虑较少的情况,采用传统和改进的能值评价指标对考虑污染物排放前后的硫酸厂系统发展的可持续性进行了分析.分析结果显示,改进后的能值评价指标更能够反映工业生产系统的特点;考虑污染物能值影响后的系统的能值产出率没有变化,但系统的环境负载率升高,同时系统环境可持续发展性降低.  相似文献   

Sustainable development of coastal zones must balance economic development that encourages human visitation from a larger population with desires that differ from the local residents with the need to maintain opportunities for the local resident society and conserve ecological capital, which may serve as the basis for residents.We present a case study in which the sustainability level of a coastal zone (Riviera del Beigua), located along the Ligurian coast of north-western Italy, was assessed through the lens of systems ecology using emergy synthesis to integrate across economic, social and environmental sub-systems.Our purposes were (1) to quantify the environmental sustainability level of this coastal zone, (2) to evaluate the role of tourism in affecting the economy, society and environment, and (3) to compare emergy synthesis to Butler's Tourism Area Life Cycle model (TALC). Results showed that 81% of the total emergy consumption in the coastal zone was derived from external sources, indicating that this tourist-heavy community was not sustainable. Tourism, as the dominant economic sub-system, consumed 42% of the total emergy budget, while local residents used the remaining 58%. The progressive stages of the TALC model were found to parallel the dynamic changes in the ratio of external emergy inputs to local emergy inputs, suggesting that emergy synthesis could be a useful tool for detecting a tourist region's TALC stage. Use of such a quantitative tool could expedite sustainability assessment to allow administrative managers to understand the complex relationship between a region's economy, environment and resident society so sound policies can be developed to improve overall sustainability.  相似文献   

Emergy evaluation perspectives of a multipurpose dam proposal in Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 'emergy' concept was used to evaluate the economy of Korea and the contributions of a multipurpose dam proposal to the real wealth of the Korean economy. Emergy is defined as the available energy of one kind previously used up directly and indirectly to make a product or service. The indices for Korea calculated from the emergy evaluation were close to those of developed countries. Even though its monetary balance of payments was negative in 1997, the economy of Korea showed positive balance in trade when exports and imports were expressed in emergy. The emergy evaluation showed that the Korean economy places a large stress on its environment. Water supply and generation of electricity were the most important contributions of the proposed dam in terms of emergy; 46.5 and 45.1% of the total benefit, respectively. Flood control contributed 8.4% of the total benefit. Major costs associated with the proposed dam were from sediments (33.2% of the total cost), construction services (22.8%), and social disruption of the region (21.6%). In terms of emergy, the ratio of benefits to costs of the proposed dam was 2.78 if sediments are not included, and 1.86 if sediments are included, which result in more benefits than costs in both cases. The benefit to cost ratio of the dam was larger than that of the current system (1.42) without the dam whether sediments are included in the total cost or not. The environmental stress of the proposed dam was considerably lower than that of the Korean economy, but the dam might increase stress on local environment.  相似文献   

能值—生态足迹是运用能值转换率和区域能值密度建立修正的生态足迹模型,能更加精确地反映区域生态经济发展状况。运用改进的能值—生态足迹模型,探讨了2005—2010年大连市动态生态足迹。模型分析得出,2005—2010年大连能值—生态承载力均低于能值—生态足迹,处于生态赤字状态。6年间生态赤字由2005年的1.51hm2增加到了2010年的2.59hm2,且在生态足迹构成中能源足迹所占比重逐年增大。  相似文献   

选取吉林省抚松县为研究区域,采用能值分析方法,从生态安全、经济发展、社会接受方面建立评价指标体系,对吉林省抚松县生态经济系统进行定量和定性评价。研究结果表明:①2005--2009年抚松县生态经济系统能值投入量和能值产出量均呈增加态势,能值投入以本地资源为主,工业产值迅速增加(以林产品为主),而农产品产值持续减少。②抚松县经济发展水平在全国、全省范围内均属于较低水平,工业发展效率很低,居民生活质量不高。③生态环境压力逐年增大,主要原因是自然资源的大规模开发,但是与其他发达地区、我国西部地区相比,抚松县在生态环境承载力方面仍具有相对优势。据此,提出了通过大力发展旅游产业、绿色食品、林产品的深加工等增强系统开放性,深入挖掘优势资源的高价值形态,以达到山区县域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文采用能值分析和数据包络分析方法,构建了城市物质代谢生态效率的度量模型,从代谢流量和生态效率两个角度评价了南京市生态经济系统1990~2010年间的可持续发展情况。结果表明:(1)21年来,南京地区的能值产出率和可持续指标不断降低,环境负载率呈持续增长趋势;(2)南京城市系统生态效率总体呈波动上升趋势,1990~2006年间资源生态效率一直低于环境生态效率,2006年后开始有所提升。虽然南京市生态效率有所提高,但未来的发展面临快速增长的环境压力等阻碍。为此,南京应优化进口能值组成,加大可更新资源开发力度,提高不可更新资源利用率,实现废弃物资源化等。  相似文献   

This research is part of the SPIn-Eco project for the Province of Siena, Italy, and applies an environmental accounting method to a region with reference to its population, human activities, natural cycles, infrastructures and other settings. This study asserts that the consumption of resources due to the human economy is a source of great concern because of the load it places on the biosphere. Environmental resources locally used, whether directly or indirectly, from both renewable energy fluxes and storage of materials and energies, are investigated. In this paper emergy analysis is presented and applied to the Province of Siena and to each of its municipalities, in order to evaluate the main flows of energy and materials that supply the territorial system, including human subsystems, with reference to their actual environmental cost. Therefore, the behaviour of the whole system and the interactions between natural and human agents were studied; in other words, the attitudes of the territorial systems toward resource use as revealed by their patterns of emergy consumption were observed. Once expressed in units of the same form of energy through the emergy evaluation, categories of resource consumption and systems of varying scales and organization are compared. Furthermore, indexes of environmental performance based on emergy are calculated. Flows of energy and materials are assessed, and their intensities, which vary throughout the area of the Province, are then visualized on maps.  相似文献   

资源环境约束下南京城市发展质量评价   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为科学评估城市发展质量,本文界定了城市发展质量内涵,将资源环境纳入城市发展质量分析框架中,构建城市协调发展和绿色发展两套指标体系,定量评估2005—2015年南京城市发展质量。结果显示:在协调发展方面,南京城市发展协调度总体呈升高趋势,经济社会与资源环境关系经历了中度失调衰退(2005—2007)、低度耦合协调(2008—2013)和中度耦合协调(2014—2015)三个阶段,但与高度耦合协调发展阶段还有较大差距;在绿色发展方面,近5年南京绿色发展水平逐年升高,资源消耗和环境损害指标的改善程度明显高于经济发展和生态效益指标,各辖区绿色发展水平空间差异显著。南京城市发展质量变化特征与城市发展方式、城市发展阶段和生态环境建设等因素关系密切。  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of an environmental accounting method, namely emergy evaluation, developed for the monitoring and assessment of environmental resource use by local communities in the Abruzzo Region (Italy). Once quantified and classified according to their origin (renewable or non-renewable, local or external), emergy flows were elaborated through a geographic information system (GIS) that allowed us to represent their spatial distribution throughout the region. Outcomes took the form of patterns in which different emergy intensities, namely empower (unit: seJ yr?1), were represented through a graduated grey-scale and visualized on a cartographic basis. The concentration of emergy flows, depending on the activity of local communities, showed variable levels of environmental load in different areas. In particular, spatial zones with homogeneous values of empower density (unit: seJ yr?1 km?2) – high, medium and low – were detected in order to identify areas with a similar “thermodynamic” nature, emergy being a thermodynamics based function. This allowed for the representation, at a glance, of a kind of geography that mirrors the behavior of a population settled in an area as additional information for investigating the effects of the use of urban structures and functions and improving our understanding of regional systems. A combined use of emergy evaluation and GIS could thus provide a complementary view of a territorial system and inform policy makers for planning specific strategies of future development.  相似文献   

了解我国资源环境领域的研究热点及走向,可为该领域的论文选题、科研立项和学科规划提供参考信息和决策依据。本文采用共词分析法,Excel、SPSS等软件,对CNKI数据库中的相关文献进行统计。通过分析得出高频关键词并建立共词矩阵,进一步对高频词共词矩阵进行聚类分析和战略坐标图分析,得出资源环境领域的研究热点主要集中在人口资源环境与经济可持续发展、城市化与中国资源环境/水资源环境协调发展、资源环境约束或人地关系视角下的产业结构优化和城镇化发展、资源环境承载力评价指标体系与问题对策、经济增长与生态足迹关系、生态文明视角下的资源环境保护与管理等几大主题上。其中,前两个主题处于整个领域的核心地位,得到较深入的研究,后四个主题研究不够深入,仍有许多值得研究的地方。  相似文献   

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