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化学工业园区规划环评指标体系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以某化工园区规划环评为例,根据化工区的行业特点,在总结国内外相关研究的基础上,探讨了化工园区规划环评指标体系设置原则和基本程序。在充分考虑了发展循环经济和生态工业、实现区域可持续发展、持续推进清洁生产等方面的基础上,通过基础指标初步筛选、多角度指标分析和专家咨询、公众参与等三个步骤的筛选,最终形成了一套适合于该化工园区规划环评指标体系。  相似文献   

化工园区突发环境事件应急预案编制的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
我国的化工园区为促进经济和社会发展做出了重要贡献。由于化工园区内危险化学品种类多、有毒有害物质数量大、环境风险等级高,存在着发生重特大事故的现实性和可能性。但是,我国至今尚未制定化工园区突发环境事件应急预案编制技术规范,相关研究也未见报道。在当前化工园区安全生产事件高发并严重影响周边环境的情况下,研究化工园区突发环境事件应急预案编制方法,提高应对安全生产事故以及次生突发环境事件的能力尤为重要。通过分析化工园区环境风险物质、环境风险工艺和环境风险受体三个方面的环境风险的特性,初步拟定了化工园区突发环境事件应急预案编制调查评估、建章立制、预案编写三个阶段的技术路线,明确了开展环境风险评估、加强应急能力建设、完善环境风险防范措施和环境应急处置措施的四项编制要点,在此基础上提出了化工园区突发环境事件应急预案由综合预案、现场处置预案、专项预案、环境风险评估报告、环境应急资源调查报告六部分组成的结构框架。  相似文献   

以三峡库区某化工园区为例,分析园区特点及危险性,提出了三峡库区内化工园区环境风险防控体系规划建设内容,化工园区应从信息体系、管理体系、工程体系、在线监测体系、应急和保障体系等五大方面着手,建立标准化的环境风险防控规划体系,实现化工园区的规范化管理,提高化工园区环境风险管理水平和环境风险防控能力,保障三峡库区环境安全。  相似文献   

通过分析国内外化工园区大气环境风险评估与预警平台构建技术的现状、研究进展,提出了化工园区大气环境风险评估与监控预警体系,选取典型示范研究区长寿经济技术开发区,以"平战结合"的化工园区大气环境风险评估与预警平台的总体设计思路,构建化工园区大气环境风险评估与预警平台,为中小尺度的化工园区突发大气环境风险防范及应急管理提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

近年来化工园区安全环保事故多发,园区生存发展面临极大挑战。深入推进绿色发展,是破解化工园区乃至整个行业发展瓶颈的唯一出路。本文以国内典型的精细化工园区——杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区为例,梳理该园区建设以来在产业发展、安全生产、污染整治方面的创新实践及成效,凝练出具有启示意义的管理与规划特点,以期为其他精细化工园区提供借鉴。实践显示,发展较成熟的化工园区向非化工园区转型难度大且代价高,而化工产业是国民经济的重要支柱,产业向园区集聚发展是趋势所在,科学地实施规划管理,是化工园区绿色发展的首要。化工园区推进绿色发展,宜在充分摸清园区"家底"基础上,强化顶层设计,即:以重点行业清洁生产、循环经济关键技术突破带动全产业链绿色发展;以大企业为核心,构建产品间、企业间协作的动-静脉耦合产业链接和共生网络;建设清洁化、多功能、集中与分散相结合的基础设施组团;构建全过程环境和安全管理体系,提高本质安全;资源环境要素约束倒逼产业结构调整及准入控制。2006-2015年,上虞园区整体实现了经济发展与资源能源消耗及污染物排放的相对脱钩,产生了积极的经济环境效益。其绿色发展实践对其他化工园区具有积极借鉴意义。  相似文献   

油气长输管道工程环境影响评价特点浅析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
文章介绍了长输管道工程建设内容,重点论述长输管道工程特点以及对环境影响的特点,提出环境影响评价的重点和评价方法,并对目前该类建设项目环境影响评价中存在的问题提出改进建议。  相似文献   

行业规划环境影响评价工作目前处于试点阶段,技术要求还在探索中。为推动与规范石油化工行业规划环境影响评价工作,作者从规划环境影响评价目的着手,尝试性地论述了石油化工行业发展规划环境影响评价的基本技术要求,内容包括工作重点、指导思想和工作原则,以及环境影响报告书应包括的主要章节等。  相似文献   

浅论环境影响评价在油田环境管理中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新疆地区的环境较为敏感,油气田开发对环境的影响较大,围绕着油气田开发所开展的各项活动必须严格执行环境影响评价。文章介绍油气田开发环境影响特点,环境影响评价工作中存在的问题。加强油田环境管理的措施为:实施战略和区域环境影响评价,在可行性研究报告审查前提出环境保护建议,在设计阶段严格执行环评中提出的环境保护措施,严格执行HSE环境管理体系,建立和完善回顾性环境影响评价制度,制定新疆油田建设项目环境保护管理方面的规定。  相似文献   

化工园区污水处理厂污水处理工艺研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘静  毛竞 《青海环境》2012,23(2):96-100
本文针对睢宁县桃岚化工园区污水的水质特点,对化工废水污水处理工艺进行了研究及应用,采用改进型的具有生物脱氮除磷功能的二级强化生物处理工艺,确保了园区污水处理厂出水满足城镇污水处理厂污水排放一级A标准。  相似文献   

2006年11月22日原化工部副部长林殷才考察宁波化工区时曾这样评价:“宁波化工区在开发建设中,高度重视环保工作,充分考虑区域环境容量,基础设施建设超前,做到了经济发展和环境保护“双赢”,已经成为全国为数不多的一流化工园区。”一个化工专家用其挑剔的眼光审视一个化工园区后,也给予了高度肯定。这说明宁波化工区在环境保护方面,规划先导,基础先行,按照科学发展观的要求,构建循环经济产业链的做法已经取得了成效。  相似文献   

针对朝阳开发区造纸工业园控制性详细规划,采用层次分析法构建规划环境影响评价指标体系,在此基础上,分析朝阳开发区造纸工业园建设的可持续发展水平,为朝阳开发区造纸工业园建设环境决策的科学性提供技术依据。朝阳开发区造纸工业园区域发展规划实施后,规划各期区域整体可持续发展水平基本保持稳定,均为Ⅲ级,即可持续发展水平为中等。经济子系统和社会子系统可持续发展水平各期逐渐下降,而环境子系统可持续发展水平各期呈上升趋势。这说明,随着园区的进一步发展,其环境效益日益明显。  相似文献   

本文对生态工业园的概念及其建设的重要作用作了介绍。以大连经济技术开发区生态工业园的建设为例,探讨了生态工业园的建设方法,并分析了生态工业园建设所带来的经济效益,从而阐明了生态工业园建设对于发展循环经济的重要战略意义。生态工业园建设是我国发展循环经济、实现经济社会可持续发展的战略选择。生态工业园建设应围绕主导产业构建生态工业产业链,实现区内资源循环利用并运用产业生态管理。  相似文献   

通过对河北省秦皇岛市耀华玻璃工业园有限公司地下300m,储油罐煤焦油逸出废油气进行实验室模拟实验,现场实际工程设计、制造、安装、调试、检验等实践研究,采用“冷凝+自激吸收器+吸收+活性炭吸附”油气处理回收技术,并独创了自激吸收器新技术,处理后的煤焦油逸出废气完全达到了国家《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》(GB16171—2012)的相关要求。  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, pollutants in air, water and as solids which stem from the paper industry are discussed, and pollution abatement measures are suggested. The Pulp and Paper Industry is highly capital, material and energy intensive and return on investment is very low. This paper reviews some emerging international principles which are effective in reducing both effluent treatment costs per tonne of paper and the mill discharges, to levels where their environmental impacts become far less significant than at present.Mr Avijit Dey is a graduate in Chemical Engineering from Jadavpur University and at present is Design Engineer in the Paper and Process Cell of Development Consultants Ltd, 24-B Park Street, Calcutta 70016, India. Dr B. Sen Gupta is Reader in the Chemical Engineering Department of Jadavpur University, Calcutta. He obtained his BChE and PhD in Chemical Engineering from Jadavpur University and an ME in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. His research interests involve pulp and paper technology, water conservation and management, and pollution control.  相似文献   

This study explored the public perceptions of mobile telecommunications development – new landscape elements installed to deliver new technology – in a protected area. It examined: (1) the perceived landscape impacts of such development; (2) the importance attached to the socio-economic value of mobile telecommunications; and (3) the factors underlying the perceived landscape impacts of mobile telecommunications development. A postal questionnaire survey was conducted in the Peak District National Park, England with 420 respondents drawn from National Park residents and visitors, urban dwellers and members of environmental organisations. The study suggests that: (1) there was a prevailing antipathy towards the landscape impacts of mobile telecommunications development in the National Park; (2) apart from emergency uses, the other socio-economic benefits of mobile telecommunications technology were thought to be relatively unimportant in the National Park; and (3) rather than socio-demographic characteristics, it was respondents' understandings of protected areas' needs for the technology and potential health risks that had significant effects on the perceived landscape impacts. Overall, this study suggests that the significance of National Park landscapes is respected by the public, even when setalongside the convenience of modern technology, which has substantial implications for landscape planning and management in protected areas.  相似文献   

Trail erosion patterns in Great Smoky Mountains National Park   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
All the maintained trails in Great Smoky Mountains National Park were surveyed for width, depth, and a variety of types of erosion. Trail erosion is related to a number of environmental variables, including vegetation type, elevation, trail slope, and section of the park. Open grass balds and spruce-fir forest are the most erosion-sensitive plant communities, and the xeric oak and pine types are the least sensitive. Trails in virgin or mature forest tend to be in poorer condition than those in successional areas. The most important physical factor is the slope of the trail.Trails in the Tennessee district are in slightly poorer condition, on the average, than those in the North Carolina district, but the Appalachian Trail is more eroded than either. A poor section of the park may have ten times the erosion of a good section. On an allpark basis, water erosion is the most important problem, with 15% of the trail surface affected.A comparison of visitation patterns with trail condition indicates that redistribution of use would help to mitigate some erosion problems. Because trail condition is correlated to physical environmental factors, however, some sites will require intensive maintenance, even if visitation is low.The data from this survey have already been used in environmental analysis of proposed developments within the park and can be applied to long-range planning for the park trail system as a whole.  相似文献   

工业是当前中国经济绿色转型升级的关键行业,而工业园区作为工业集聚化发展的主要载体,工业园区生态化发展是解决资源环境问题、实现经济可持续发展的有效途径。本文关注工业园区生态化发展的中长期发展战略和具体方案,致力于通过仿真模拟的方法提出工业园区生态化发展的方向和优化路径,实现研究方法的创新。研究以3E系统(经济—环境—能源)为基础,综合分析工业园区经济发展与能源环境之间的耦合关系,并结合动态投入产出模型和系统动力学模型构建生态化发展决策模型,通过最优化动态模拟方法开展趋势预测和路径研究。通过辛集工业园区的实证和案例研究,对其生态化发展路径进行深入研究,验证了研究方法的科学性和可靠性,能够为工业园区生态化发展提供实践指导。本文为工业园区生态化发展规划提供新的研究方法,为制定合理有效的工业园区综合战略和实施路径提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Ecological planning proposal for Kruger National Park   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article discusses an application of the ecological planning model proposed by Van Riet and Cooks. The various steps outlined in this model have been applied to Kruger National Park in South Africa. The natural features of Kruger National Park, which form the basis of such an ecological planning exercise and from which the various land use categories, values, and zoning classes can be determined, are discussed in detail. The suitability of each of the various features is analyzed and a final zoning proposal for Kruger National Park is suggested. Furthermore a method for selecting a site for a new camp is illustrated by referring to the site for the new Mopane rest camp which is now under construction in the Kruger National Park. The conclusion is reached that the proposed ecological planning model can be used successfully in planning conservation areas such as Kruger National Park and for the selection of the most desirable sites for the establishment of new rest camps. Its suitability as a practical model in such planning exercises is proven by the fact that the siting proposals of two new camps based on this model have been accepted by the National Parks Board, the controlling body of Kruger National Park.  相似文献   

运用循环经济、工业生态学等原理,针对成都高新区创建国家生态工业示范园区存在的问题,提出由规划入手,包括企业内部、企业之间和园区三个层面的创建措施,并为近期重点建设工程指明了方向。企业内部,抓节能减排,推广清洁生产;企业之间,抓住绿色招商的契机,启动"补链"战略,提高产业关联度,构建工业生态链(网),提高园区的生态效率;园区层面,加强人才建设,健全信息网络系统。  相似文献   

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