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运用现代科学技术开发中药资源陈宪昇(广西药用植物园,南宁530023)科学技术是发展生产力的重要动力,是人类社会进步的重要标志。现代科学技术的发展同时带动了中药材资源开发技术的发展.使中药材资源的开发技术从古老迈向现代化。中药是我国重要的传统药物,主...  相似文献   

经调查统计,黄山风景区有荨麻科植物9属21种2变种,均可供药用。苎麻属种类为优质纤维植物,提出了在开发利用方面以保护为主的建议。  相似文献   

由江苏霞客环保色纺股份有限公司开发、江苏省环境保护局推荐的废弃聚酯资源的回收与利用技术适用于纺织、建筑材料、工业原料、化工领域。主要技术内容一、基本原理:在全国范围内建立回收网络回收废弃聚酯资源,经先进的工艺技术开发生产高吸水、抗菌防臭差别化纤维,通过纺纱工艺生产有色纱,从而达到削减白色污染、变废为宝、保护环境、资源再生利用的目的。二、技术关键:回收资源加工处理工艺技术、产品深加工环保工艺技术。典型规模年处理废弃聚酯6万吨,经济效益2100万元。主要技术指标年回收能力6万吨,清洗能力1.5万吨,…  相似文献   

本文介绍了浙江大学膜分离工程联合公司研制的聚烯烃中空纤维膜的性能,应用和开发前景。  相似文献   

桑蚕蛹资源及其综合开发前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国有桑蚕蛹资源50万t/a,干蛹蛋白质高达48.98%.氨基酸种类齐全,8种必需氨基酸占41%。目前大部分蚕蛹仅作为饲料使用,高蛋白资源的浪费极大。蚕蛹可开发20多种保健食品、纺织、轻化工产品.综合开发经济效益高.具有广阔的开发前景。  相似文献   

国内外市场展望变性淀粉有待开发国内外淀粉的应用十分广泛,淀粉业发展也较快。我国淀粉资源丰富,但目前仅限于药用和食用,用于工业的变性淀粉很少。变性淀粉用途极其广泛,它不但可用于医药、食品,而且在工业生产上,氧化淀粉可代替硅酸钠粘合剂,广泛用于造纸、纺织...  相似文献   

研究页岩气的开发利用对缓解我国的能源危机,降低能源对外依存度具有重要意义。文章集中分析了页岩气勘探开发的重要性、我国近年来页岩气勘探开发的现状及政策,指出:开发利用页岩气主要存在未经证实的资源储备风险、开发技术方面的风险、自然环境风险、企业资金风险。分析认为,页岩气勘探开发需建立长期科学可行、可持续的规划;在环境风险管理监督方面、体制方面还需进一步完善。  相似文献   

由北京创源基业自动化控制技术研究所开发的秸秆清洁制浆及综合利用新技术,主要是对稻麦草等农作物秸秆进行综合加工利用,纤维部分制作包装用纸,营养富集的颗粒部分制作蛋白饲料或复合生物肥料。  相似文献   

10种面包具有良好的市场开发前景:①麦麸面包。此类面包麦麸含量高达50%~90%,酥松、易贮存、热量低,含有较多纤维氛②纤维面包。此类面包的纤维含量为30%~40%,热量比普通面包低。③糙米面包。该面包含有60%的糙米,特别适合于患有糖尿病、动脉硬化和心脏病的老年人食用。④棉籽面包。该面包是利用特殊工艺将棉籽蛋白无毒化,然后添加到生面团中制成的,脂肪含量低,对降低血脂和胆固醇有一定效果.⑤胚芽面包.该面包含有小麦胚芽、玉米胚芽、玉米胚芽油等,是一种营养丰富的理想良品、⑥绿色面包。该面包是将30%~5%的小球超等的…  相似文献   

介绍了国内聚苯硫醚纤维生产的发展历程及现状;通过对国内外产品性能对比,指出超细、异形、复合型、改性等产品的开发应用,是高性能聚苯硫醚纤维的发展方向;介绍了几种具有代表性的聚苯硫醚纤维产品。  相似文献   

综述了2013年我国袋式除尘行业的发展概况;介绍了袋式除尘行业的生产经营状况、技术进展以及主要企业的经营和发展情况;分析了行业在发展中存在的主要问题;针对袋式除尘器的主机设备、纤维滤料、滤袋,以及配件、自动控制的研发和投资方向提出了建议;对行业的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

超滤技术在废水处理中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
文章对超滤原理、超滤膜种类、国内外超滤技术发展现状等做了较详尽的阐述,同时着重介绍了超滤技术在油田含油废水、石化含油废水、金属加工用乳化废液、纤维加工油剂废水及羊毛精制废水中回收羊毛脂的应用实例。  相似文献   

环境友好新型聚乳酸复合材料的研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛敏刚  张金花  李延红 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(11):1012-1014,1028
聚乳酸(PLA)复合材料是一类重要的环境友好新型可降解材料。该材料通常是以PLA高分子为基体,以无机钙质成分(如羟基磷灰石、磷酸钙、珊瑚、珍珠层)、碳纤维、生物活性成分、有机物等为增强材料复合而成。概述了近年来国内外通过共聚、共混、复合等改性方法获得PLA复合材料的研究进展;论述了PLA复合材料的制备方法、生物相容性、力学性能、开发现状及应用等;指出使用新型的复合工艺、采用超细的无机粒子或纳米增强材料或加入特殊填料,同时开发新型增强物质是PLA复合材料的发展趋势;展望了PLA复合材料的应用前景。  相似文献   

The environmental performance of hemp based natural fiber mat thermoplastic (NMT) has been evaluated in this study by quantifying carbon storage potential and CO2 emissions and comparing the results with commercially available glass fiber composites. Non-woven mats of hemp fiber and polypropylene matrix were used to make NMT samples by film-stacking method without using any binder aid. The results showed that hemp based NMT have compatible or even better strength properties as compared to conventional flax based thermoplastics. A value of 63 MPa for flexural strength is achieved at 64% fiber content by weight. Similarly, impact energy values (84–154 J/m) are also promising. The carbon sequestration and storage by hemp crop through photosynthesis is estimated by quantifying dry biomass of fibers based on one metric ton of NMT. A value of 325 kg carbon per metric ton of hemp based composite is estimated which can be stored by the product during its useful life. An extra 22% carbon storage can be achieved by increasing the compression ratio by 13% while maintaining same flexural strength. Further, net carbon sequestration by industrial hemp crop is estimated as 0.67 ton/h/year, which is compatible to all USA urban trees and very close to naturally, regenerated forests. A comparative life cycle analysis focused on non-renewable energy consumption of natural and glass fiber composites shows that a net saving of 50 000 MJ (3 ton CO2 emissions) per ton of thermoplastic can be achieved by replacing 30% glass fiber reinforcement with 65% hemp fiber. It is further estimated that 3.07 million ton CO2 emissions (4.3% of total USA industrial emissions) and 1.19 million m3 crude oil (1.0% of total Canadian oil consumption) can be saved by substituting 50% fiber glass plastics with natural fiber composites in North American auto applications. However, to compete with glass fiber effectively, further research is needed to improve natural fiber processing, interfacial bonding and control moisture sensitivity in longer run.  相似文献   

Insists of polymer matrix composite is prepared by using natural fiber facilitates high tensile, flexural, and impact toughness properties. The natural fiber utilization in the polymer matrix can overcome the synthetic fiber demerits of poor compatibility, high moisture absorption, and high cost. The present research investigates developing a low-cost, environmentally eco-friendly epoxy hybrid composite using different volume percentages of chopped natural waste banana (0Vol%, 5Vol%, 10Vol%, and 15Vol%) and sisal fiber (0Vol%, 15Vol%, 10Vol%, and 5Vol%) through hand mould hot compression technique. The presence of natural waste banana and sisal fiber on tensile strength, flexural strength, and thermal adsorption properties of the epoxy hybrid composite are evaluated by ASTM test standards. The ASTM standard measured test results of epoxy hybrid composite with and without natural waste banana and sisal fiber were compared and sample three was identified by good tensile strength, flexural strength, and better thermal adsorption properties compared to all others. The sample three epoxy hybrid sample is recommended for automotive roof application.  相似文献   

Use of solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has become commonplace in studies of humic substances in soils and sediments, but when modern high-field spectrometers are employed, care must be taken to ensure that the data obtained accurately reflect the chemical composition of these complex materials in environmental systems. In an effort to evaluate the quality of solid-state 13C NMR spectra obtained with modern high-field spectrometers, we conducted a series of experiments to examine spectra of various humic acids taken under a variety of conditions. We evaluate conditions for obtaining semiquantitative cross polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) 13C NMR spectra of humic acids at high magnetic field and spinning frequency. We examine the cross polarization (CP) dynamics under both traditional and ramp CP conditions on Cedar Creek humic acid. Fitted equilibrium intensities from these CP dynamic studies compare to within 3.4% of the intensities determined from a Bloch decay spectrum of the same sample. With a 1-ms contact time, ramp CP and traditional CP spectra were acquired on this sample and were found to compare to within 5.4% of the Bloch decay spectrum; however, the signal-to-noise ratio per hour of data acquisition was found to double under ramp CP conditions. These results demonstrate the power of applying modern solid-state NMR techniques at high magnetic field strengths. With these techniques, high-quality, semiquantitative spectra can be quickly produced, allowing the application of solid-state NMR techniques to more environmentally relevant samples, especially those where the quantity is limited.  相似文献   

In many intensive agroecosystems continued inputs of phosphorus (P) over many years can significantly increase soil P concentrations and the risk of P loss to surface waters. For this study we used solid-state 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, high-power decoupling with magic angle spinning (HPDec-MAS) NMR, and cross polarization with magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) NMR to determine the chemical nature of potentially mobile P associated with aluminum (Al) and calcium (Ca) in selected arable soils. Three soils with a range of bicarbonate-extractable Olsen P concentrations (40-102 mg P kg(-1)) were obtained from a long-term field experiment on continuous root crops at Rothamsted, UK, established in 1843 (sampled 1958). This soil has a threshold or change point at 59 mg Olsen P kg(-1), above which potentially mobile P (as determined by extraction with water or 0.01 M CaCl2) increases much more per unit increase in Olsen P than below this point. Results showed that CaCl2 and water preferentially extracted Al-P and Ca-P forms, respectively, from the soils. Comparison among the different soils also indicated that potentially mobile P above the threshold was largely present as a combination of soluble and loosely adsorbed (protonated-cross polarized) P forms largely associated with Ca, such as monetite (CaHPO4) and dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (CaHPO4-2H2O), and some Al-associated P as wavellite. The findings of this study demonstrate that solid-state NMR has the potential to provide accurate information on the chemical nature of soil P species and their potential mobility.  相似文献   

中部六省区制造业地理集中度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中部六省区在我国经济社会发展格局中占据重要地位.采用Eillison和Glaser设计的公式计算了中部六省区制造业17个行业从2007-2010年间的地理集中指数.通过对地理集中指数的分析发现,中部六省区制造业存在“小范围小幅度集中,大范围大幅度扩散”现象,且集中主要存在于化学纤维制造业、化学原料及化学制品制造业和专用设备制造业这些技术和资本密集型行业.从制造业17个行业扩散大于集中的现象可见,中部六省区目前还处于聚集效应的下降阶段.  相似文献   

分析了我国干法腈纶废水的来源、特点,介绍了干法腈纶废水处理技术的研究进展,并就其未来的研究方向提出了建议.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外在常温下处理硫化氢等恶臭气体的炭基催化剂的研究进展情况,分析了炭基催化剂中活性炭、活性炭纤维、超级活性炭的特性及国内外应用现状,从工艺技术、成本、环保等几方面总结了此类常温脱硫催化剂的应用情况和优缺点,并对炭基脱硫催化剂未来的应用空间和发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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