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网格化环境管理特征分析及实施建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文对网格化环境管理这一创新的环境管理模式在兰州、河北、河南等地的探索进行了总结,分析了网格化环境管理的特征及对当前环境管理的启示,提出了为切实落实国务院文件要求,在全国全面实施网格化环境管理的构想。  相似文献   

文章对煤层气企业突发环境风险进行了分析,对其涉及的环境风险性物质、环境风险产生的环节、环境风险产生的机理和危害、环境风险的防范措施进行了系统的研究,对环境事件进行了计算与预测。从基础制度完善、现场防控到位、应急准备充分等三方面入手,提出了建立健全环境风险防控管理制度、明确责任机构及人员、落实环境影响评价要求、针对性开展环保培训、现场设置"三废"防控设施以及科学制定应急预案与配备专业应急救援队伍等实用的风险防范措施,以有效减小煤层气企业的环境风险问题。  相似文献   

高原气候环境对装备影响及适应性措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高原地区因地势高而使其自然气候极为特殊复杂,骤变的气候环境易使装备出现“水土不服”的现象,因此高原环境对装备环境适应性提出了更高要求。本文根据高原气候特点以及装备结构组成,从机械系统、动力系统、光学系统、液压系统、电子系统、调温系统、供水系统和装备材料等方面,对高原气候对装备的影响情况进行了分析,有针对性地提出了装备高原环境适应性解决措施,此基础上对加强装备环境适应性提出了建议。  相似文献   

关于环境解说的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王民 《环境教育》2010,(6):36-38
环境解说是推进社会环境教育的重要方法,已经引起越来越多的人的关注。在解说中,解说者要把游客、参观者作为同伴,为他们穿针引线,要把解说当作了解自然的开罐器,更要把解说当作价值澄清的催化剂。环境解说在潜移默化之中,对游客、参观者进行了环境教育。目前,我国的环境保护部、国土资源部、建设部的有关部门都开展了环境与遗产解说的标准制订、培训和研究。以北京师范大学王民教授为首的研究团队对环境与遗产解说进行了全面的研究,分别开展了博物馆环境解说规划(北京自然博物馆、山东天宇自然博物馆)的研究。河南云台山世界地质公园环境解说评价的研究、环境解说解说员专业化与解说词规范化研究、北京市世界文化遗产的环境解说研究(颐和园、十三陵、天坛)等。在这些研究的基础上,进一步对环境与遗产解说进行了理论的建构。本栏目将分期进行介绍。  相似文献   

刘锐  曹茜  谢涛 《青海环境》2013,(4):187-190
环境管理涉及多部门、多地区和多领域,手工管理模式已不能满足环境管理工作对信息资源及处理方法的需要,并由此产生了环境信息服务产业。近年来,环境信息服务产业不断发展,从单一的环保部门信息化机构建设、基础软硬件建设、管理信息系统建设,逐渐发展到以政府、企业、科研机构、公众等为服务对象的多元环境服务模式。文章对我国环境信息服务的发展进行了回顾,重点就环境信息服务平台、技术体系、服务模式进行了归纳总结,提出了环境信息服务建设中的一些认识和问题。  相似文献   

建设项目环境监理的地位和作用初议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对环境监理的现状、存在的问题等进行了论述分析,提出了环境监理应具有作为建设项目环境管理重要制度之一的法律地位的论点,并对建立环境监理制度提出了建议。  相似文献   

结合国内外已有的环境教育与实践,对我国环境教育的概念、历史和现状、基本原理、特点和不足进行了探讨和分析,对我国环境教育法律制度的构建进行了分析和论证,以推动我国环境教育法尽早出台,为环境教育事业的稳定和长远发展创造条件。  相似文献   

蒋克勤 《环境教育》2001,(1):17-18,21
为了解上海市中等职业学校环境教育的现状,对上海市11所中等职业学校共1495名学生进行了环境意识、环境知识、环境态度、环境技能和环境参与等五个方面的问卷调查,通过对问卷调查结果的分析,指出了目前中等职业学校环境教育存在的不足之处,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

阐述了环境统计在环境保护工作中的地位和作用。对环境统计质量的保证提出了一套完整的质量保证工作体系。按照这一工作方法进行环境统计,能够确保环境统计科学化、规范化、法制化,环境统计资料客观实际,真实性、可信度、时效性都能得以保证。  相似文献   

作为一种新兴的环境污染物,环境中的雌激素存在于各种介质中,并且已经被证实对生物存在危害。结合国内外的研究成果,综述了不同种类的环境雌激素在我国天然水体中污染现状以及环境雌激素对人类、水生生物和微生物的生态效应。在此基础上,对我国未来开展环境雌激素相关研究和如何应对环境雌激素污染问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

The character of the current controversy over geneticallymodified (GM) agriculture, typified by protesters' use of emotivesymbolism, has been largely inspired by the Green movement'snon-governmental organizations and political parties. This articleexplores the deeper philosophical and spiritual motivations of the Greenmovement, to inquire why it is implacably opposed to GM agriculture. TheGreen movement's anti-capitalism, exemplified by the hate-symbol statusof Monsanto as the company pioneering GM crops, is viewed within thewider context of alienation in the modern era. A complex of meanings isseen in Frankenstein as the focal symbol of GM protests, includingperceptions of risk, fears of the remixing of living identities seen ingenetic engineering, and resentment at the spiritual nihilism of thereduction of life to the digital code of DNA. By contrast, RobertGoodin's Green Theory of Value, which postulates the deep psychologicalimportance of nature in locating the self in a meaningful context largerthan ourselves, can explain the power of the Green symbol of thethreatened environment, Gaia. The advent of GM agriculture seems toimply that capitalism and technology can now enframe nature itself,leaving a world devoid of natural myth or meaning, with no escape fromthe alienation and nihilism of modernity. The central question posed forprotagonists of the GM debate is whether their agenda is based on thesepowerful but mythical conceptions of the environment, or whetherpreservation of the real environment is their primary ethic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water-based outdoor recreation constitutes an important benefit in many multiple-use projects. One problem frequently encountered, however, is the fluctuation of the water-level in a reservoir, especially if draw-downs occur during the summer recreation season. The Trent Canal in Ontario, Canada, forms a unique recreation waterway of some 240 miles of canal and navigable lakes and rivers. For the control of the water in the canal, the Canadian Federal government manages 44 reservoir-lakes as water-storage sites to augment the flows in the canal. While most disputes in water allocation for recreation generally involve recreation uses versus other, non-recreation uses, in the case of the Trent Canal and its reservoir-lakes the dispute in water allocation exists between two competing recreation-uses: for recreation boating on the Canal and its waterway, and for recreation use of the reservoir-lakes. Each use has its own duty-of-water in terms of requirements, or water conditions, for its optimum use. On the reservoir-lakes, by far the largest recreation user-group, is made up of the owners of private shoreline summer cottages (cabins). Draw-downs on the reservoir-lakes, in some cases as much as 13 feet, hence constitute a negative externality imposed by the canal, especially since water-level lowering takes place continuously throughout the summer. In-depth interviews conducted with over 100 cottage-owners indicate four main conclusions. First, the previous user assumptions of the extent of the negative effect of water-level fluctuation on recreation had been exaggerated. Only in extreme draw-downs during infrequent dry years would draw-down constitute a serious imposition. Second, water-level fluctuation does constitute a form of inconvenience to the private riparian recreation property owners, but it does not generally reduce the quantity of recreation use of the reservoir-lakes. Third, there is evidence that reservoir-lake users have learned to adapt successfully to water-level draw-downs. Fourth, the shoreline physiography of the location of a riparian owner strongly influences the way in which draw-down affects attitudes and opinions. The complex jurisdictional split of the land and water resources of the region points to the need to establish a Trent Canal Authority, to oversee the proper use and development of the canal, its waterway, and the reservoir-lakes.  相似文献   

Thermoacoustic refrigeration is an emerging technology that makes use of acoustic power to pump heat. The resonance frequency is important for the performance of thermoacoustic refrigerators, as it affects the temperature difference across the stack. This paper aims to optimize the performance of thermoacoustic refrigerators by experimentally investigating the effect of the stack geometric parameters (i.e. stack position, stack length, and the stack size) on the resonance frequency of a standing wave loudspeaker driven thermoacoustic refrigerator. Celcor Ceramic stacks of normalized positions of 0.764, 1.05, 1.43, and 1.72, normalized lengths of 0.076, 0.114, 0.153, and 0.191, and two porosities of 0.8 and 0.85 are used. The clarification of the relationship between the stack geometric parameters and the resonance frequency of the thermoacoustic refrigerator is presented. Moreover, the coefficient of performance of the thermoacoustic refrigerator is observed to increase at the resonance frequency of each stack configuration.  相似文献   

After ten years of post-communist transformation, the current Bulgarian Government has only recently initiated the task of wholesale reform of the communist-era structures extant within the forestry sector. This is an unavoidably complex process, involving the reorganisation of tenure over forest resources (restitution to pre-communist era owners), the privatisation and decentralisation of commercial and related activities in the woods, the redefinition of the role of the State in oversight, management and planning, and the development of a supportive institutional context for the growth of small and medium private enterprise throughout the forestry production process. This paper discusses the legal, institutional, economic and environmental implications of forest restitution. The author argues that the particular Bulgarian solution to the reform of forestry tenure structures, based on a mix of private and public ownership, arises out of the crucible of Bulgarian historical geography and the requirements of contemporary neoliberal models of transition. On the basis of the analysis, a number of important implications for Bulgarian, and indeed all post-communist forestry sectors, are raised for major related processes, such as the development of a robust private forestry sector, the limitation of the role of the State to conservation, management and oversight, and the reconfiguration of timber as a resource for local economic development.  相似文献   

底泥的氮、磷释放及其微生物影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张恒军  吴群河 《环境技术》2003,41(Z1):20-23
氮和磷在自然界的循环已经引起了人们的关注,一方面因为氮和磷是生态系统中必不可少的营养元素,另一方面过剩的氮和磷会导致水域的富营养化 ,从而使生态平衡遭受破坏.本文综述了水体沉积物中氮和磷受微生物作用进行释放的影响,以及国内外的研究历史和现状.总结了氮磷微生物代谢的特点,并阐述了与传统认识相区别的最新发现和思想.本文试图从理论上说明微生物的氮磷释放机理,通过生物化学和分子动力的角度解释了细菌对氮磷的吸收和释放,即质子动势理论和Pho调控理论.目前,这一领域研究的热点是为了特殊的使用用途对于高效微生物的分离鉴别和组合培养,和对氮磷代谢的影响因素.  相似文献   

在研究"多规合一"发展演变历程的基础上,深入剖析"多规合一"的内涵:"多规合一"是各类规划的统筹,是系统的空间管理,是简政放权的手段。从市级、省级两个层面,论述了广州、厦门、海南等试点城市"多规合一"开展的现状,比较各试点城市牵头部门、规划体系、发展步骤等发展模式的不同,总结"多规合一"开展以来在解决规划打架、盘活土地资源、缩短审批时间、实现资源共享、加强生态管控等方面取得的成效,梳理出开展过程中遇到的难点和问题,并展望下一步工作。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The environmental setting of the Red River of the North basin within the United States is diverse in ways that could significantly control the areal distribution and flow of water and, therefore, the distribution and concentration of constituents that affect water quality. Continental glaciers shaped a landscape of very flat lake plains near the center of the basin, and gently rolling uplands, lakes, and wetlands along the basin margins. The fertile, black, fine-grained soils and landscape are conducive to agriculture. Productive cropland covers 66 percent of the land area. The principal crops are wheat, barley, soybeans, sunflowers, corn, and hay. Pasture, forests, open water, and wetlands comprise most of the remaining land area. About one-third of the 1990 population (511,000) lives in the cities of Fargo and Grand Forks, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota. The climate of the Red River of the North basin is continental and ranges from dry subhumid in the western part of the basin to subhumid in the eastern part. From its origin, the Red River of the North meanders northward for 394 miles to the Canadian border, a path that is nearly double the straight-line distance. The Red River of the North normally receives over 75 percent of its annual flow from the eastern tributaries as a result of regional patterns of precipitation, evapotranspiration, soils, and topography. Most runoff occurs in spring and early summer as a result of rains falling on melting snow or heavy rains falling on saturated soils. Lakes, prairie potholes, and wetlands are abundant in most physiographic areas outside of the Red River Valley Lake Plain. Dams, drainage ditches, and wetlands alter the residence time of water, thereby affecting the amount of sediment, biota, and dissolved constituents carried by the water. Ground water available to wells, streams, and springs primarily comes from sand and gravel aquifers near land surface or buried within 100 to 300 feet of glacial drift that mantles the entire Red River of the North basin. Water moves through the system of bedrock and glacial-drift aquifers in a regional flow system generally toward the Red River of the North and in complex local flow systems controlled by local topography. Many of the bedrock and glacial-drift aquifers are hydraulically connected to streams in the region. The total water use in 1990, about 196 million gallons per day, was mostly for public supply and irrigation. Slightly more than one half of the water used comes from ground-water sources compared to surface-water sources. Most municipalities obtain their water from ground-water sources. However, the largest cities (Fargo, Grand Forks and Moorhead) obtain most of their water from the Red River of the North. The types and relative amounts of various habitats change among the five primary ecological regions within the Red River of the North basin. Headwater tributaries are more diverse and tend to be similar to middle-reach tributaries in character rather than the lower reaches of these tributaries for the Red River of the North. Concentrations of dissolved chemical constituents in surface waters are normally low during spring runoff and after thunderstorms. The Red River of the North generally has a dissolved-solids concentration less than 600 milligrams per liter with mean values ranging from 347 milligrams per liter near the headwaters to 406 milligrams per liter at the Canadian border near Emerson, Manitoba. Calcium and magnesium are the principal cations and bicarbonate is the principal anion along most of the reach of the Red River of the North. Dissolved-solids concentrations generally are lower in the eastern tributaries than in the tributaries draining the western part of the basin. At times of low flow, when water in streams is largely from ground-water seepage, the water quality more reflects the chemistry of the glacial-drift aquifer system. Ground water in the surficial aquifers commonly is a calcium bicarbonate type with dissolved-solids concentration generally between 300 and 700 milligrams per liter. As the ground water moves down gradient, dissolved-solids concentration increases, and magnesium and sulfate are predominant ions. Water in sedimentary bedrock aquifers is predominantly sodium and chloride and is characterized by dissolved-solids concentrations in excess of 1,000 milligrams per liter. Sediment erosion by wind and water can be increased by cultivation practices and by livestock that trample streambanks. Nitrate-nitrogen concentrations also can increase locally in surficial aquifers beneath cropland that is fertilized, particularly where irrigated. Nitrogen and phosphorous in surface runoff from cropland fertilizers and nitrogen from manure can contribute nutrients to lakes, reservoirs, and streams. Some of the more persistent pesticides, such as atrazine, have been detected in the Red River of the North. Few data are available to conclusively define the presence or absence of pesticides and their break-down products in Red River of the North basin aquifers or streams. Urban runoff and treated effluent from municipalities are discharged into streams. These point discharges contain some quantity of organic compounds from storm runoff, turf-applied pesticides, and trace metals. The largest releases of treated-municipal wastes are from the population centers along the Red River of the North and its larger tributaries. Sugar-beet refining, potato processing, poultry and meat packing, and milk, cheese, and cream processing are among the major food processes from which treated wastes are released to streams, mostly in or near the Red River of the North.  相似文献   

Future technological developmentsconcerning food, agriculture, and theenvironment face a gulf of social legitimationfrom a skeptical public and media, in the wakeof the crises of BSE, GM food, and foot andmouth disease in the UK (House of Lords, 2000). Keyethical issues were ignored by the bioindustry,regulators, and the Government, leaving alegacy of distrust. The paper examinesagricultural biotechnology in terms of a socialcontract, whose conditions would have to be fulfilled togain acceptance of novel applications. Variouscurrent and future GM applications areevaluated against these conditions. Successwould depend critically on how far a sharedvision can be found with the public. Tore-establish trust, significant changes areidentified in the planning and pursuit ofbiotechnology.  相似文献   

The fishing industry is responsible for generating large amounts of organic waste rich in compounds of commercial interest. This review aimed to present the state of the art about the possibilities of using solid waste to obtain value-added products. Skins, fins, and scales have been used to obtain gelatin and collagen, a promising compound for use as an additive in yogurts and creams, as well as for the synthesis of biodegradable packaging that, if applicable, can reduce the environmental impact caused by petroleum packaging. Other parts, such as the head and the viscera, contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and other fat-soluble vitamins that have been studied for the production of omega-3 capsules for the pharmaceutical industry, but when the extracted oil does not fit the feeding parameters, it can be applied for the production of biodiesel. Furthermore, fishes are a promising source of astaxanthin, a carotenoid with high antioxidant properties. The use of combined techniques such as chemical and enzymatic methods can increase the extraction yield and favor the obtaining of more purified compounds, in addition to promoting the reduction of chemicals that are aggressive to the environment. In general, conscious production in the fishing industry through the valorization of waste generated for use as inputs for other value chains encompasses aspects of the circular economy, which can positively impact several Sustainable Development Goals.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with changing social representations of the ``wild,' in particular wild animals. We argue that within a contemporary Western context the old agricultural perception of wild animals as adversarial and as a threat to domestication, is being replaced by an essentially urban fascination with certain emblematic wild animals, who are seen to embody symbols of naturalness and freedom. On closer examination that carefully mediatized ``naturalness' may be but another form of domestication. After an historical overview of the human-animal, domestic-wild construction, an anthropological approach is used to interpret the social representation of wild animals held by different social actors – farmers, hunters, and tourists – within the context of an inhabited National Park, that of the Cévennes in south east France. Within the Park, the domestic and the wild, along with agriculture, hunting, conservation, re-introduced wild animals, and tourists co-habit. It is argued that changes in the representation of ``wildness' may well be an important indicator ofchanges in the social representation of nature.  相似文献   

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