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从磷酸盐化学沉淀和藻类吸收两个方面探讨了高效藻类塘中磷酸盐的去除机理。首先通过化学沉淀及其解析解释了高效藻类塘中pH与磷酸盐浓度昼夜变化规律;其次测定了pH=7.5时藻类对磷酸盐的日均吸收速率;最后对高效藻类塘中磷酸盐浓度的变化规律进行了总结。  相似文献   

氧化塘技术是处理工业废水常用的方法之一。对桩西采油厂的氧化塘设置了5个监测点位,每月监测4~8次。由监测数据可知,氧化塘温度决定藻类、细菌和其他水生物优势种属的演替;COD的去除效果受季节影响较小;塘内水流受风向影响较大;对石油类物质的去除效果比较稳定;挥发酚的去除与季节有较大关联;硫化物的去除率很高。分析结果表明,该氧化塘运转状况良好,但应注意来水状况。  相似文献   

笔者从稳定塘结构与净化机理研究,结合厌氧生物膜法、吸附过滤法和稳定塘技术,提出稳定塘工艺改良技术—生物滤塘。本文通过对生物滤塘与传统稳定塘进行对比试验分析,结果表明:当水力停留时间相同时,生物滤塘较传统稳定塘具有较高的COD、NH3-N和TP去除效率,有机负荷调试试验中,当COD浓度达800mg/L时,生物滤塘仍然保持较好的运行状态,COD平均去除率较稳定塘提高了28.8%。  相似文献   

人工湿地-氧化塘工艺组合对氮和磷去除效果研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文在小试规模上,研究了下行流湿地、推流床湿地、氧化塘和兼性塘四种处理单元的四种工艺组合对氮、磷的去除效果,研究结果表明:下行流湿地 氧化塘工艺组合具有较好的充氧效果,推流床湿地后置也可以提高出水的溶解氧。四种工艺组合对离子和TP、IP的去除无显著差异。人工湿地中硝化作用的发生有利于NH^ 4f-N的去除,增加氧化塘可以提高系统的硝化能力,但同时也会增加出水中的N0^-3-N浓度。  相似文献   

本文讨论了氧化塘的净化污水机理和水质变化特点。提出了用于进行氧化塘水质预测的二维水质模型。探讨了氧化塘水质预测研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

东营污水处理厂采用污水处理与利用相结合的生态塘处理工艺,主要由高效厌氧塘、曝气塘、曝气养鱼塘、养鱼塘、藕塘、芦苇塘等组成。经过应用分析以及10个月的数据统计可以看出:在东营市这样土地资源丰富的地区采用生态塘工艺处理城市污水,具有基建费用低、运行费用省、维护管理方便、处理效果比较稳定的优点。  相似文献   

氧化塘处理污水的全过程与天然水体自净相似,因此具有处理成本低、运行稳定等优点,但由于它所存在的缺点,如负荷低、占地大、恶化周围环境等,限制了它的使用,为解决这些缺点,产生了一些新型塘及塘系统,本文介绍了其中的一种,即高级组合塘系统。  相似文献   

按照经济发展水平、财力及土地环境条件,本着经济、高效、简便、易行的原则选择污水处理工艺, 解决小城镇污水处理设施建设严重滞后于经济发展要求及污水随意排放污染环境的问题.氧化塘+土地法处理小城镇污水是一种投资小、构造简单、运行维护管理方便、净化效果好、节能降耗的污水处理方式,易于在西部小县城推广应用.  相似文献   

固定化藻类去除氮、磷的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了近20年来固定化藻类去除氮、磷的主要研究,归纳分析了相关的研究数据和结果,分别从固定化技术、藻类的生理特征、去除机理、影响因素、生物反应器等方面做了具体介绍.  相似文献   

废水土地处理方法是利用土地的各种净化机能,包括物理、化学、生物等方面,消除污水中的污染物的自然处理方法。广义地说,它包含污水灌溉,污水养殖,地下渗滤和氧化塘等等方法,其中氧化塘日益成为二、三级污水处理的关键项目。氧化塘是利用细菌和藻类完成废水处理任务的低费用废水处理方法。它运用流入塘内的废水中可利用的有机物,由细菌进行生物氧化而降解,而藻类则利用较简单的细菌降解产生的物质和阳光,生产出供好气菌使用的氧气。如果氧化塘的有机负荷很高,以致其需氧量超过光合作用和表面曝气所提供的  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A design procedure to determine optimum size for a sediment detention pond is presented. The procedure is based on simulating the sediment removal efficiency of the pond in conjunction with temporal variations in rainfall and potential land use and/or management options. The simulation procedure is based on a combined probabilistic-deterministic modeling approach. The probabilistic model generates daily rainfall with hourly increments for a selected site. The deterministic model simulates sediment yield and concentration for drainage area (pond inflow) and sediment trapping efficiency of the pond. The sediment yield and concentration in pond effluent is estimated from the difference between sediment inflow to the pond and sediment trapped by the pond. As an example, the procedure is applied to determine optimum design for a sediment detention pond in a surface mined area using several pond design options and alternative mining operation/land reclamation strategies.  相似文献   

大港油田氧化塘生物处理采油废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大港油田采用氧化塘生物处理技术对采油废水进行处理,经过五年的运行实践表明,处理效果显著,去除率逐年提高,运行稳定。COD、石油类、SS去除率2000年至2004年分别由43%、51%、-14%提高到77%、98%、26%。氧化塘生物处理技术投资少、运行费用低,处理成本小于0.2元/m3。  相似文献   

The treatment and reuse of domestic wastewater using an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) followed by a duckweed pond (DWP) were the main theme of the present study. The ABR was fed continuously with domestic wastewater at four HRTs ranging from 8 to 24 h and corresponds to organic loading rates ranging from 0.67 to 2.1 kg COD/m3/day. The ABR effluent was fed to a DWP operating at 10 and 15 days. The performance of the ABR at the four HRTs gave satisfactory results. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was between 68 and 82%. Fecal coliform removal was between 1 to 2 logs. The 12- and 18-h hydraulic retention times (HRTs) gave close results, as indication of the possible selection of the 12-h HRT as the optimum operation for the ABR based on economic advantage. The ABR compartmentalized structure gave results higher than those produced by the one-stage digester and similar to those produced by the two-phase anaerobic digestion process. Duckweed ponds as post-treatment operated at 10 days and 15 days gave the best results at 15-day HRT, where it was possible to remove 73.4% of nitrogen and 65% of phosphorus and produce protein-rich dry duckweed of 105 kg/ha/day on average. The removal of fecal coliform (FC) in duckweed ponds was 3–4 logs. The final treated domestic sewage characteristics proved its compliance with the Egyptian standards for reuse in restricted irrigation.  相似文献   

生态塘技术特点及应用实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用生态塘系统工艺处理石化废水,分析青肯泡石化废水生态处理系统和山东省东营市污水处理与利用生态系统的工程实例。工程运行结果显示:生态塘系统处理石化废水效果显著,出水分别达到GB 18918-2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》二级和1A标准,生态塘系统处理石化废水具有投资少、维护和运行费用低、可改善和恢复生态环境等优点,是一种低成本高效益的生态工程技术。  相似文献   

In the present study, a trapezoidal salt-gradient solar pond (TSGSP) has been investigated experimentally. The top surface of solar pond has been covered with double-glass cover in order to reduce the evaporative and convective losses from the top. This results in increase of temperature even in the top zone of the solar pond and leads to more volume utilization for heat storage in the pond. A reflector made of aluminium sheet has been used to enhance the solar intensity on the solar pond during sunny hours. A procedure, to determine optimum tilt angle of reflector in order to utilize maximum amount of solar energy at noon, has been proposed. The use of reflector enhanced the average solar intensity on the top surface of solar pond by 22%. The maximum average temperature of trapezoidal solar pond with glass cover and reflector has been observed to be 70.5°C. The thermal efficiencies of LCZ, NCZ and UCZ for the trapezoidal solar pond with double-glass cover and reflector have been estimated to be 32.73%, 23.22% and 5.30%, respectively. In addition to experimental investigation, the sunny area ratio of TSGSP has been theoretically computed and compared with the cuboid solar pond having same top surface area and depth in order to see the effect of pond shape on sunny area ratio. The average yearly sunny area ratio of trapezoidal solar pond has been determined to be 11% higher than that of cuboid one.  相似文献   

彭彤 《环境技术》2010,29(4):15-17
目前运用最为广范的加湿方法是利用浅水盘加湿,根据其加湿原理分析,浅水盘加湿方法一般只能控制在常温以上的湿度。本文介绍一种方法,结合湿度原理在不对设备进行改造的情况下实现了低温高湿的试验应力。同时,反应出国外某些先进设备对试验风险的完善考虑。  相似文献   

Water quality and restoration in a coastal subdivision stormwater pond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stormwater ponds are commonly used in residential and commercial areas to control flooding. The accumulation of urban contaminants in stormwater ponds can lead to a number of water quality problems including high nutrient, chemical contaminant, and bacterial levels. This study examined the interaction between land use and coastal pond water quality in a South Carolina residential subdivision pond. Eutrophic levels of chlorophyll and phosphorus were present in all seasons. Harmful cyanobacterial blooms were prevalent during the summer months. Microcystin toxin and fecal coliform bacteria levels were measured that exceeded health and safety standards. Low concentrations of herbicides (atrazine and 2,4-D) were also detected during summer months. Drainage from the stormwater pond may transport contaminants into the adjacent tidal creek and estuary. A survey of residents within the pond's watershed indicated poor pet waste management and frequent use of fertilizers and pesticides as possible contamination sources. Educational and outreach activities were provided to community members to create an awareness of the water quality conditions in the pond. Pond management strategies were then recommended, and selected mitigation actions were implemented. Water quality problems identified in this study have been observed in other coastal stormwater ponds of varying size and salinity, leading this project to serve as a potential model for coastal stormwater pond management.  相似文献   

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