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Based on a study of Little Saigon, an ethnic enclave in Westminster, California, this paper examines the physical, social, symbolic and emotional significance of such places in the lives of immigrants. We focus on three specific aspects of the ethnic enclave: architectural elements, everyday social interaction within the enclave, and public ritual events. We highlight how the built architectural environment and the immigrants' social, commercial, and ritual activities interact to create and sustain a sense of place, foster community identity, and structure social relations. We conclude that ethnic enclaves constitute an important aspect of an immigrant's place identity enabling him/her to simultaneously remain connected to the places left behind and yet appropriating and forging significant new place ties.  相似文献   

By 2009, Ghana was the second-ranked African producer after South Africa, and had become the world's ninth largest producer of gold, at some 3.8% of global production, up from 2.6% five years earlier. Gold production volumes and revenues rose significantly over the decade from 2000. Yet gold mining tends to be perceived negatively in Ghana, and is seen as providing far less than it should in terms of public revenue, employment, skills development and spillovers, and localised economic development. Gold mining is often depicted as having an enclave status, disconnected and isolated from the rest of the economy. In contrast, the research findings here demonstrate that after a period of strong investment and growth, gold mining can no longer be viewed as an enclave activity: it is in fact more deeply linked into the Ghanaian economy than hitherto understood, through a set of as yet under-researched but promising economic linkages, notably backward linkages, which can potentially be strengthened by policy and support measures.  相似文献   

Sustainable development requires that the goals of economic development, environmental protection and social justice are considered collectively when formulating development strategies. In the context of planning sustainable transport systems, trade-offs between the economy and the environment, and between the economy and social justice have received considerable attention. In contrast, much less attention has been paid to environmental equity, the trade-off between environmental and social justice goals, a significant omission given the growing attention to environmental justice by policy makers in the EU and elsewhere. In many countries, considerable effort has been made to develop clean transport systems by using, for example, technical, economic and planning instruments. However, little effort has been made to understand the distributive and environmental justice implications of these measures. This paper investigates the relationship between urban air quality (as NO2) and social deprivation for the city of Leeds, UK. Through application of a series of linked dynamic models of traffic simulation and assignment, vehicle emission, and pollutant dispersion, the environmental equity implications of a series of urban transport strategies, including road user cordon and distance-based charging, road network development, and emission control are assessed. Results indicate a significant degree of environmental inequity exists in Leeds. Analysis of the transport strategies indicates that this inequity will be reduced through natural fleet renewal, and, perhaps contrary to expectations, road user charging is also capable of promoting environmental equity. The environmental equity response is, however, sensitive to road pricing scheme design.  相似文献   

我国实施循环经济的制度初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济是在资源与环境约束下追求有效经济增长的一种新的经济发展模式。循环经济本质上是一种生态经济,以资源利用的生态性、技术基础的复杂性、经济运行的社会性等为根本特征。制度与循环经济相互依存、相互制约,发展循环经济离不开制度的规范和引导。论述了我国当前在市场经济条件下发展循环经济中遇到的制度障碍,如市场机制障碍、产权制度障碍和政策法规障碍等,并提出解决循环经济发展的制度障碍需要建立一个完整的、相互补充的制度体系。  相似文献   

区域低碳经济发展是可持续发展的重要选择,成渝经济区是中国经济增长的第四极,是拉动中国西部经济社会发展,缩小地区经济社会差异的重要地区。从SD模型的原理与方法人手,基于成渝经济区低碳经济发展现状,利用SD模型对成渝经济区的能源总量与能源缺口、能源消耗量构成、工业增加值能耗、废气废水废物排放量等方面进行模拟预测,并提出区域发展低碳经济的对策:发展低碳产业,走低碳经济发展道路;积极合理开发新技术利用新能源;鼓励促进优势特色产业的发展。  相似文献   

宁西铁路的建成与开通对加强我国东西部地区之间的联系和促进沿线地区的资源开发、经济发展将产生重要的影响,沿线经济带正在逐步形成.从区域经济的角度,运用点-轴理论探讨了宁西铁路线与沿线经济发展区域一体化和形成经济带应注意的几个问题:加快沿线城镇建设,完善综合交通通道,强化铁路为地方经济服务功能,建立沿线区域经济协作体系.  相似文献   

我国城市周边规划建设用地利用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈子玉 《四川环境》2004,23(3):68-70,74
随着我国城市面积的不断扩大,大量的郊区耕地成为或即将成为城市的建设用地,同时与城市建设相伴相随的建筑渣土的堆放已成为城市的一大问题,本文按照循环经济原则,提出利用规划期内即将建设的城市周边耕地资源建立供应城市建筑的制砖企业,同时利用取土坑填埋建筑渣土,建立城市物质的有效循环,实现城市建筑的循环经济。并对此物质循环方式做了生态经济的分析,也对此物质循环中存在的障碍提出了解决的方法。  相似文献   


A local sustainable development initiative to establish a temporary pedestrian zone within a Canadian urban community served as a research study into the efficacy of social capital in the development of a network for community action. This community-based initiative used social capital to overcome campaign obstacles and the campaign itself generated new social capital within the neighbourhood through the creation of adaptive networks of participants. The campaign succeeded in creating a part-time pedestrian-only space that serves as an educational example of change for sustainable community development that is replicable in other communities, and provides an example of alternative occupation of community space. Contrary to other literature, little evidence of “core burnout” was found although the network does continue to expend a large amount of effort and time on fundraising. While social capital is a powerful tool for local grassroots action, the availability of a critical source of economic capital may prove vital to the long-term success and sustainability of the network.  相似文献   

根据对西安市临潼区自然状况与社会经济状况分析,在充分了解区域生态环境特征、地区差异及存在的主要生态问题的基础上,结合社会经济发展有利条件、制约因素,将该区划分为四个经济分区,对不同类型区域采取不同的社会经济发展和生态环境建设措施。  相似文献   

上海市要建成现代化港口城市,必须具备发达的港口经济与和谐的港城关系。从实现上海市港城经济联动发展的目的出发,将港城经济系统划分为城市经济子系统和港口经济子系统,选取具有代表性的指标,对2001—2010年间的数据进行灰色关联度分析。结果表明,保险业、信息业对港口经济的联动性较强,城市基础设施、集疏运体系和金融业对港口经济的支撑不足,且港口经济的外贸依存度不高,因此上海市需加快基础设施、金融业和现代物流业的配套建设。  相似文献   

循环经济的理念就是经济发展与环境保护“双赢”的理论.以新疆为例阐述了发展循环经济与环境保护的关系,认为发展循环经济是新疆环境保护的重要途径,提出了新疆发展循环经济的建议.  相似文献   

海洋经济是辽宁经济新的增长点,在经济中占有越来越大的比例,是各地区经济竞争的重要领域.海洋产业是决定沿海城市和地区发展前途与命运的朝阳产业.辽宁省所处的独特区位条件决定了有条件加快发展海洋经济.确定主导产业能促进经济更快更好发展,采用灰色关联法、皮尔模型和波士顿矩阵法确定产业产值占经济总产值的比重与速度,进一步确定该地区的主导产业.  相似文献   

发展循环经济是农村城镇化环境保护的必然抉择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村城镇化在给农村经济带来繁荣和发展的同时,也带来了外部不经济问题。伴随着农村城镇化进程的加快,农村及城镇环境污染越来越严重。要协调好城镇发展与环境保护问题就必须发展循环经济,在城镇建立起企业内部清洁生产、企业间生态工业园区、工农业的多级生态链接、社会循环利用四个层次的循环模式,实现经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的统一。  相似文献   

蚌埠市发展低碳经济的对策与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球气候变暖的大背景下,切实改变经济发展方式,积极推进低碳经济是遏制气候变暖、实现经济社会发展与生态环境保护双赢的一种经济发展模式。在重点分析蚌埠市工农业发展的碳源消耗、区域经济发展现状及存在的问题的基础上,结合蚌埠市经济发展与产业结构调整计划,从观念创新、优化结构、科技先导、碳汇农林、园区平台等不同层面提出适合蚌埠市低碳经济发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

试论低碳经济背景下的政府职能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着经济与社会的进步,能源短缺与环境污染正愈演愈烈,迫切需要由高碳经济转向低碳经济。中国目前的发展模式与消费结构仍处于高碳状态,因此发展低碳经济势在必行。政府作为经济活动的有机组成部分,应当在发展低碳经济的过程中履行好其对外交流、对内调控的政府职能。  相似文献   

Immigrant integration models in rural communities are limited because they do not acknowledge the context of illegality that exists within communities that have a high concentration of unauthorised immigrants. In this in-depth case study of Postville, Iowa (the site of an infamous US immigration raid), I examine current rural immigrant community integration strategies under a shadow context of illegality and unauthorised immigrant labour. I find that underground and informal relationships within the towns' employers, immigrants, civic leaders, and native townspeople sustain a shadow context of exploitation and community instability. My research demonstrates that communities with large unauthorised immigrant populations rely on both formal and informal immigrant integration strategies to create “welcoming” immigrant communities. The formal strategies are multicultural approaches that rely on “diversity champions” to instil a climate of inclusion but do not tackle structural issues that place unauthorised communities at risk. The informal strategies rely on tacit understandings of community behaviour that just perpetuate the structural conditions of exploitation present in rural towns. These two forms of immigrant integration strategies support a shadow context that breeds vulnerability and risk for unauthorised immigrants, even in an immigrant “welcoming” environment.  相似文献   

Urban policymakers and sustainable food activists have identified urban agriculture as an important strategy for confronting a host of urban problems, including food insecurity, health disparities, access to urban green space and community economic revitalisation. Much recent work on urban agriculture has examined community and school gardens, but little research has been undertaken on home gardens as a solution to urban problems. This article examines a home-gardening programme in San Jose, California, La Mesa Verde, asking whether some of the benefits found in community gardens can be found in home gardens. Specifically, we look at financial, health and community benefits, examining the potential of home gardens to become forces for broader social change. We ask whether gardens can become agents of cultural preservation, self-determination, particularly for recent immigrants who use these spaces to build identities and work towards collective action and self-determination.  相似文献   

中型城市发展循环经济研究初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以山东沿海城市日照为例,从转变发展思路、实践科学发展观,破解发展瓶颈、促进经济社会可持续发展,保持资源环境优势、增强区域持续竞争力三个方面分析了日照市发展循环经济的必要性和重要性。提出抓好“小循环”,构筑循环经济微观基础;搞好“中循环”,构筑循环经济示范基地;推进“大循环”,努力建设循环型社会是在当前中小城市经济欠发达、面临环境保护和发展经济双重压力下,实现经济社会又快又好发展的一条好路。  相似文献   

实施循环经济推动大型煤炭企业可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济发展与环境保护之间的矛盾,一直是困扰国有大型煤炭企业发展的大问题,循环经济模式能够从根本上解决这一矛盾.本文以龙口矿业集团公司为例,论述了发展循环经济是实现煤炭企业可持续展的必由之路.  相似文献   

分析了当前海洋经济现状,以秦皇岛为例建立了海洋经济预警模型宏观与微观指标体系,利用3S技术(全球定位系统GPS、地理信息系统GIS和遥感RS)在海洋资源调查、海洋经济预警、海洋灾害预测等可持续发展核心问题中的应用,提出海洋经济预警的系统模型及对策,以期为海洋经济的发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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