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据2016年胶州湾水质自动监测的数据结果,分析了水质变化趋势,并统计和评价其水质超标情况。结果表明:2016-04—11水质自动站海域溶解氧质量浓度和pH 的日均值均达到二类海水水质标准,达标率为100%;活性磷酸盐年均值为0.023mg/L,无机氮年均值为0.154mg/L,以硝酸盐为主(64.9%);无机氮和活性磷酸盐超标率均为16.7%,而且集中在降雨量较大的8月、9月,营养盐指标超标基本与海泊河的淡水输入有关;叶绿素a质量浓度与溶解氧、pH 和浊度呈显著正相关,浮游植物光合作用对该海域表层海水的水质参数影响较大;自动站监测和人工监测的营养盐在年际变化上呈现较一致的趋势,说明运用水质自动站监测该海域的营养盐变化趋势较为准确。  相似文献   

好氧颗粒污泥同时脱氮除磷技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用序批式活性污泥法(SBR)处理新疆油田公司准东石油基地污水,作为生物膜的一种特殊形式,介绍了该工艺的优点,在适宜的运行条件下进行实验。讨论了好氧颗粒污泥脱氮以及除磷的过程,分析了该工艺对氮、磷的去除率及好氧颗粒污泥在好氧、缺氧条件下的吸磷情况,当进水氨氮、磷和乙酸碳浓度分别为38.2 mg/L、27.7 mg/L和134.6 mg/L,MLSS和MLVSS分别为7.0 mg/L、6.4 mg/L时,氨氮、总无机氮、磷、乙酸碳的平均去除率分别达到98.8%、90.2%、98.9%、97.2%.  相似文献   

开展室内模拟实验,探讨芦苇和蓝藻水华混合分解对水质的影响。结果表明:蓝藻藻浆和芦苇混合分解过程中,水质的变化表现出明显的阶段性,0~8天,芦苇和蓝藻分解较快,迅速释放C、N、P元素,第8天水体的TDN、TDP、TOC均达到最大值,分别可达41.88、0.63、294.82 mg/L,8~64天TDN、TDP、TOC总体上呈现下降趋势;混合分解过程中,水体NH~+_4-N浓度在0~32天保持相对较高的水平,第4天L、M、H组最高浓度可达15.6、36.72、41.30 mg/L,32~64天呈现下降趋势;无机氮中NH~+_4-N占有绝对优势,占比大于90%;整个分解过程中,NO~-_3-N和NO~-_2-N都保持较低的浓度。  相似文献   

为提高西部某污水厂出水水质达到地表水准Ⅳ类标准,对该水厂进行工程改造及优化运行。通过采用投加耐冷微生物、好氧池投加填料,改造微生物膜——活性污泥复合工艺,以及调试运行参数以及间歇曝气等措施观察COD、氨氮、TN和TP去除效果的变化,最后辅以高效混凝沉淀池保证出水达标。实验结果表明:好氧池末端DO降到1mg/L时,出水TN浓度减少到17.57mg/L,TP浓度减少到0.48mg/L,氨氮和COD仍去除稳定;TN去除效果随着分点进水量增加而提高,出水TN平均浓度降到14.13mg/L;污泥回流比由100%减少到60%,TN去除率提高,出水TN平均浓度降到13.14mg/L;通过将好氧区改为间歇曝气后,氨氧化菌和反硝化除磷菌成为优势菌种,加强了氮磷的去除,出水TN、TP浓度分别为11.80mg/L和0.35mg/L,TP仍需。经过优化运行后出水水质稳定达到要求,并有效的解决了氧化沟反应池内溶解氧盈余、污泥浓度控制等问题,同时起到很好的节能降耗效果。  相似文献   

近30年鄱阳湖营养盐时空异质性演变趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析鄱阳湖水体的水质变化特征以及预测鄱阳湖水质演变趋势,以鄱阳湖为研究区域,基于1988至2018年长序列野外实测数据,分析了近30年来鄱阳湖营养盐浓度特征。运用重标极差分析法,定量评估了各主要控制点位演变趋势特征;并采用Pearson系数计算各控制点位营养盐负荷的相关性特征。结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖营养盐浓度随时间变化明显,氨氮年均浓度2000年以前小于0.15mg/L,为Ⅰ类水浓度水平,2000年以后浓度呈显著增加趋势,在2014年达到峰值,全湖浓度平均值为0.814 mg/L,2015~2018年期间围绕在一定浓度水平小幅度波动,处于Ⅲ、Ⅳ类水浓度水平;总磷浓度近30年整体呈现出先下降再上升再下降的趋势,近30年呈现出两次最大值,分别在1993年和2014年,年均浓度分别达到0.071 mg/L,0.105 mg/L,为Ⅳ~Ⅴ类水浓度标准。(2)不同湖区空间差异性明显,北部湖区水质相对较好,南部主湖区受5条主要入湖河流携带的污染物影响承纳了大量的污染物,而鄱阳湖主湖体起到了很好的调蓄和净化作用。(3)鄱阳湖各监测站点营养盐时间序列R/S分析Hurst指数均大于0.5,呈现出较强的持续性。  相似文献   

鱼虾贝类立体生态养殖对水质净化作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年在山东无棣的滨州市水产研究所养殖基地,进行了鱼虾贝类立体生态养殖对水质净化作用的试验,结果表明:鱼虾贝类立体生态养殖与单纯贝类生态养殖对水质的净化作用相比较,鱼虾贝类立体混养对CODMn、BOD5、无机氮、活性磷酸盐、硫化物、挥发酚的去除率明显高于贝类单独养殖的去除率,总磷的去除率二者相差不大,唯单纯贝类养殖对总氮的去除率高于鱼虾贝类立体养殖。  相似文献   

含聚合物采出水的有效处理和达标回注是解决油田环保风险和生产压力的关键问题。文章通过对长庆油田陇东区域某试验站的采出水水质进行调研和评价,发现处理后的含聚采出水平均悬浮固体含量高达102.5mg/L,无法达到Q/SY CQ 08011—2019《陇东油田采出水处理水质指标及分析方法》中规定的悬浮物≤50mg/L的回注标准。针对上述问题,分析了聚合物分子量及浓度对悬浮物去除的影响,根据聚合物含量提出不同的采出水处理工艺:针对聚合物浓度≥50mg/L的,形成高含聚合物废水的臭氧气浮处理技术,聚合物降解效率≥60%;针对聚合物浓度<50mg/L的,形成了微涡流絮凝固液分离技术;在最佳搅拌条件和加药量下,处理后聚合物浓度≤10mg/L,悬浮物含量≤25mg/L,可达到 Q/SY CQ 08011—2019的回注标准。研究成果可以为后续开展含聚采出水现场治理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

水解酸化-两级接触氧化工艺在啤酒废水处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
啤酒废水具有有机物含量高、悬浮物浓度高、温度高、 pH 值变化大及可生化性较好等特点,生化处理成为国内外啤酒废水处理的主要工艺。公司采用“水解酸化-两级生物接触氧化”工艺对啤酒废水进行处理,运行结果表明,废水pH在8~9, SS、 CODCr、 NH3-N平均浓度分别为710 mg/L、1910 mg/L、49 mg/L时,处理后出水pH在6.5~8.5, SS、 CODCr、NH3-N平均浓度分别为52 mg/L、70 mg/L、11 mg/L, SS、 CODCr、 NH3-N平均去除率分别为93%、96%、77%,满足啤酒废水排放标准的要求。该工艺对废水具有较好的适应性。  相似文献   

研究了一种处理回用含油污水的新工艺,二期炼油污水深度处理中试研究表明,以炼油企业二级处理达标排放污水为处理对象,在使用该工艺处理水量为0.5m3/h、水力停留时间为1.49h 以及污水中COD、氨氮、石油类的浓度变化分别为44.07~102.13 mg/L、28.37~50.01 mg/L、4.10~6.77 mg/L时,平均去除率分别达到94%、96.1%、91.9%,其排出水质符合循环水补充水的水质要求。对该工艺进行了5.5h抗冲击实验,结果表明其抗冲击能力优良。  相似文献   

针对五里湾采油污水含油量、悬浮物、细菌含量高、成垢离子含量较高的特点,文章通过对pH值、除铁剂、絮凝剂、加药间隔时间进行优选,得出适宜的絮凝条件:pH值为7.5、除铁剂加量为40mg/L,无机絮凝剂加量为40mg/L、有机絮凝剂加量为1.0mg/L、加药间隔时间为30s。分析了处理前后的水质,并进行了与地层水的配伍性实验。结果表明:处理后水质达到《碎屑岩油藏注水水质推荐指标及分析方法》SY/T5329—94中回注水水质标准,并且水质稳定,与地层水配伍性良好。  相似文献   

沱江富顺段水质分析及污染状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘建平 《四川环境》2013,32(2):23-26
为了解沱江富顺段水质情况,采用相应的国家标准方法对沱江水体的氮、磷、化学需氧量、生化需氧量等指标进行监测。3个监测断面TN、TP的平均浓度分别为3.31mg/L、0.247mg/L,其中TN含量超标3倍以上,TP含量超过标准的1.2倍,建议相关部门应在河流平水期和枯水期严格控制氮、磷的排放,可通过调高工业废水、污水处理厂氮、磷排放标准,缓解沱江氮、磷污染程度。  相似文献   

为全面掌握环胶州湾区域生态环境状况,更好地服务于环胶州湾区域经济发展和生态环境保护,根据《近岸海域环境监测规范》(HJ 442-2008),青岛市环境监测中心站对环胶州湾区域进行了综合监测与评价,建立了环胶州湾区域陆海统筹监测评价体系,完善了胶州湾水质监测网络,摸清了环胶州湾区域直排海污染源状况及环胶州湾区域土地利用状况。针对综合监测与评价过程中存在的胶州湾污染源的排放状况掌握不全面、河流入海通量的测算不准确、环境质量的变化趋势预测不能实现的问题,提出了加强入海河流监测、实行陆源污染物总量控制管理、建立自动监测站等对策建议。  相似文献   

山西省某区块煤层气采出水水质均值为COD 170 mg/L,BOD529.7 mg/L,氨氮5.36 mg/L,氟化物6.59 mg/L,4个污染物指标超过GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类水质限值要求。文章针对该地区煤层气采出水的可生化性差(BOD5/COD≤20%)、氯离子含量较高等特点,采用“电絮凝+电氧化”法进行中试试验,处理后水质COD≤17 mg/L,氨氮≤0.1 mg/L,氟化物≤1.0 mg/L,试验结果表明:采用该方法可以有效降低COD、氨氮、氟化物等主要污染物指标,使该区块煤层气采出水达到GB 3838—2002标准Ⅳ类水质要求(COD≤30 mg/L、氨氮≤1 mg/L、氟化物≤1 mg/L)。应用中试试验研究成果,采用“双电+保障(过滤)”工艺在该区块建成了煤层气采出水处理示范工程,水处理站建成投运后出水水质稳定,始终满足GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类水质要求。  相似文献   

Adsorption of arsenic and chromium by mixed magnetite and maghemite nanoparticles from aqueous solution is a promising technology. In the present batch experimental study, a commercially grade nano-size ‘magnetite’, later identified in laboratory characterization to be mixed magnetite–maghemite nanoparticles, was used in the uptake of arsenic and chromium from different water samples. The intent was to identify or develop a practical method for future groundwater remediation. The results of the study showed 96–99% arsenic and chromium uptake under controlled pH conditions. The maximum arsenic adsorption occurred at pH 2 with values of 3.69 mg/g for arsenic(III) and 3.71 mg/g for arsenic(V) when the initial concentration was kept at 1.5 mg/L for both arsenic species, while chromium(VI) concentration was 2.4 mg/g at pH 2 with an initial chromium(VI) concentration of 1 mg/L. Thus magnetite–maghemite nanoparticles can readily adsorb arsenic and chromium in an acidic pH range. Redox potential and pH data helped to infer possible dominating species and oxidation states of arsenic and chromium in solution. The results also showed the limitation of arsenic and chromium uptake by the nano-size magnetite–maghemite mixture in the presence of a competing anion such as phosphate. At a fixed adsorbent concentration of 0.4 g/L, arsenic and chromium uptake decreased with increasing phosphate concentration. Nano-size magnetite–maghemite mixed particles adsorbed less than 50% arsenic from synthetic water containing more than 3 mg/L phosphate and 1.2 mg/L of initial arsenic concentration, and less than 50% chromium from synthetic water containing more than 5 mg/L phosphate and 1.0 mg/L of chromium(VI). In natural groundwater containing more than 5 mg/L phosphate and 1.13 mg/L of arsenic, less than 60% arsenic uptake was achieved. In this case, it is anticipated that an optimum design with magnetite–maghemite nanoparticles may achieve high arsenic uptake in field applications.  相似文献   

The effects of water and fertilizer best management practices (BMPs) have not been quantified for groundwater nitrogen (N) beneath seepage irrigated vegetable fields with shallow water table environments. This effect was evaluated by a 3-yr study conducted in the Flatwoods of south Florida for watermelon ( cv. Mardi Gras and Tri-X 313) and tomato ( cv. BHN 586) using three treatments of water and inorganic fertilizer N (N) rates: (i) high fertilizer and water rates with seepage irrigation (HR), (ii) recommended fertilizer and water rates (BMP) with seepage irrigation (RR); and (iii) RR with subsurface drip irrigation (RR-SD). These treatments were implemented on six hydraulically isolated plots. The N rate treatments for high (HR) and recommended (RR and RR-SD) were based on a grower survey and BMP recommendations, respectively. Water applied, water table depth, and soil moisture content were regularly monitored for each treatment. Plant, soil, and groundwater N sampling and analyses were conducted for each season of the 3-yr study. The average water applied in HR (187 cm) was greater than RR (172 cm) and RR-SD (94 cm). Soil N maintained in crop beds for HR was significantly higher than RR and RR-SD. Soil solution analyses showed that N leached beneath HR (112 mg L) was greater ( = 0.053) than RR (76 mg L) and RR-SD (88 mg L). Shallow groundwater concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NH-N + NO-N) were higher ( = 0.02) in HR (37 mg L) compared with RR (15 mg L) and RR-SD (19 mg L). Decreased N and water table levels can improve groundwater quality by reducing N leachate in shallow water table environments with seepage irrigated vegetable production systems.  相似文献   

通过盘锦海域的海水质量和水文分析,建立盘锦海域潮流场模型。在不同输入条件下,利用潮流场模型对近岸海域的无机氮污染物含量变化响应进行模拟,得出3条河流(辽河、大辽河和大凌河)无机氮削减值,在此条件下可实现近岸海域无机氮达标要求。  相似文献   

彭山岷江大桥国控断面,位于岷江干流,2010年、2011年和2012年,其水质类别分别为IV类、劣V类和劣V类,主要污染物为氨氮和总磷。本文依据其上游府河中黄龙溪断面和南河中董坝子断面水质的例行监测数据来综合分析岷江大桥水质类别变化情况。分别从评价方法、浓度、流量和通量等几方面加以阐述,结果表明,2010—2012年度,岷江大桥氨氮浓度主要受黄龙溪断面水质的影响,岷江大桥总磷的变化受到黄龙溪和董坝子水质的共同作用。  相似文献   

一些常见的沉水草本植物对水质具有较强的净化作用,能够有效控制氮和磷的浓度。本试验通过模拟氮、磷污染的水质条件,采用篦齿眼子菜对氮、磷营养盐的吸附和去除效果进行研究。结果表明:设定模拟废水中的初始总氮(TN)浓度在1~50 mg/L范围内,培养30天后的植株对总氮的去除率最高可达85.4%,随着初始培养环境中总氮浓度的增加,去除效率呈下降的趋势;模拟废水水体中的总磷浓度范围为0.2~10.0 mg/L时,对总磷(TP)去除效率最高为78.3%。使用蓖齿眼子菜对实际的废水进行氮、磷营养盐的去除处理,效果较好。由此可见,水生植物富集废水中高浓度营养盐的能力具有较大的应用前景,本研究可为蓖齿眼子菜应用于废水预处理工艺提供可靠的理论支持。  相似文献   

Phosphorus derived from agricultural practices has been targeted as a leading cause of water quality degradation in Lake Champlain. Mobilization of P from seasonally flooded agricultural soils is a concern. Using 14 soils from a research farm in New York's Champlain Valley, we characterized the available P status, extractable Fe and Al, P sorption capacities, and soluble phosphate release in flooded laboratory microcosms. Quantities of NH4-acetate available P ranged from 3 to 100 mg kg(-1) and fluoride-extractable P from 10 to 211 mg kg(-1). Flooding soils induced significant release of phosphate to the porewater over a 60- to 90-d period in 13 of the 14 soils studied. Porewater phosphate increases ranged from 2.2 to 27.0 times the initial phosphate concentrations. However, floodwater phosphate increases were much lower, with a maximum of 3.6 times the initial concentration. Average porewater phosphate concentrations over the flooding period ranged from 0.046 to 7.0 mg L(-1) and average floodwater P from 0.032 to 3.70 mg L(-1). Ammonium-acetate P and the degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) were highly correlated with the average porewater and floodwater phosphate concentration. Average ratio of porewater to floodwater phosphate concentrations ranged from 1.0 to 3.3. Five soils that were lower in fluoride-extractable P had increasing porewater phosphate accompanied by increasing porewater Fe2+ and decreasing floodwater phosphate. Results suggest that P solubility and mobility were a function of both the available P status and redox cycling.  相似文献   

Measurements were conducted during 2004-2005 and 2009-2010 to characterize atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition to the Jiulong River Estuary - Xiamen Bay area in southeast China. Isotopic analysis and long-term data (1990-2009) for inorganic N extracted from the national acid deposition dataset were used to determine the dominant source of atmospheric nitrate and N component dynamics. The results showed that the mean dissolved total N concentration in rain water for the three coastal area sites was 2.71 ± 1.58 mg N L(-1) (n = 141) in 2004. The mean dissolved inorganic N at the Xiamen site was 1.62 ± 1.19 mg N L(-1) (n = 46) in 2004-2005 and 1.56 ± 1.39 mg N L(-1) (n = 36) in 2009-2010, although the difference is not significant, nitrate turnover dominates the N component in the latter period. Total deposition flux over Xiamen was 30 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1), of which dry and wet deposition contributed 16% and 84%, respectively. Nitrate in wet deposition with low isotopic value (between -3.05 and -7.48‰) was likely to have mostly originated from combustion NO(x) from vehicle exhausts. The inorganic N in acid deposition exhibited a significant increase (mainly for nitrate) since the mid-1990s, which is consistent with the increased gaseous concentrations of NO(x) and expanding number of automobiles in the coastal city (Xiamen). The time series of nitrate anions and ammonium cations as well as pH values during the period 1990-2009 reflected an increasing trend of N emission with potential implication for N-induced acidification.  相似文献   

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