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环境影响评价制度改革应着力回归环评本质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
环评倍受关注,主要因为其作为环保部门的最大权力,不仅没有起到预防污染发生的作用,反而成了一些不正当利益输送的通道。本文从回顾环评在中国的发展历程和剖析环保部门、建设单位或规划编制机关、环评机构在环评中的相互关系入手,试图回答“作为环保部门最大权力为什么预防不住环境污染”的问题。研究认为,应以促进环评回归其本质作为环评制度改革的目标,按“环评脱钩→环评审批→环境违法严惩→维护公众环境权益”优先顺序,全面推进环评制度改革;环评脱钩是环评制度改革的切入点或起点;环评制度改革须抓住“如何防止环评及干预环评的任性权力”这一关键点,即环评制度改革的“牛鼻子”应是环评审批;以信息公开、社会监督确保事中有效监督,确保公众环境权益、强化污染者的损害担责,倒逼环评回归其本质;以法治和社会监督防止环评及干预环评的权力任性。  相似文献   

正中国环境保护产业协会环境影响评价行业分会(以下简称中环评分会)2014年会员代表大会日前在西安隆重召开。环境保护部环评司、中国环境保护产业协会、中环评分会、陕西省环保厅相关负责人以及环评分会会员单位的代表出席了会议。大会以环评公众参与为主题,对美国、日韩、中国以及中国台湾地区、香港地区环评公众参与及信息公开制度情况及案例进行了研讨交流,通过案例交流我国环评公众参与实践经验,分析目前存在的问题和挑战,比  相似文献   

环境影响评价制度和社会稳定风险评估制度作为预防和控制环境影响、创新社会风险管理的重要制度,实施以来发挥了重要作用,但也出现了工作边界和内容范围交叉的问题。尤其是近年来,环境污染焦虑引发社会风险事件的建设项目不断增多,导致两者的"天然联系"愈发紧密,工作存在模糊地带的问题愈发凸显,致使建设项目行政审批繁复、执行力差。在梳理环评、稳评的发展历程和存在问题的基础上,深入分析了环评和稳评的法律地位、适用范围、评价目标、评价内容、实施主体和程序上的异同,剖析了两者在制度设计和内容衔接方面的关系,并从理清工作边界职责、环境社会风险评估结果共享、强化稳评公众参与等方面提出了环评和稳评政策衔接的建议,为政府有效实施建设项目环境、社会监管提供决策参考。  相似文献   

近年来,两岸交流越来越密切,投资也越来越多,2012年对台投资已达3亿美元,因此了解我国台湾地区环境影响评价制度对于大陆投资者显得尤为重要。就两岸环评差异较大的4个方面做主要阐述,介绍了我国台湾地区环境影响评价在发展历程、评估流程、书件内容以及公众参与方面的主要内容,并对两岸进行了异同分析。最后总结了台湾环评制度对大陆环评在替代方案和公众参与方面的启示。  相似文献   

本研究采用文件分析和文献研究的方法对英国环评制度的历史演进进行剖析,并从环评产生背景与使用目的、制度基本特征、相关制度间衔接、制度演进方式、灵活多样性五个方面与中国进行了比较分析。研究建议,中国要把握生态文明建设契机推动环评制度改革,推动环评去审批化回归环评本质,构建内嵌式和结合式环评制度,推动环评制度与规划体系融合,完善反馈路径和机制,加强环评导则和指导文件编制。  相似文献   

《生态文明体制改革总体方案》提出要编制统一的空间规划,空间规划的提出是升级现行规划制度,用制度保护生态环境的体现。规划环评作为一项政策评价工具,可以引导和约束规划决策的生态性和可持续性。现行规划环评制度无论是在评价对象上,还是在功能、层次、内容、程序和强制性上,都已经无法满足规划制度的未来发展需求。因此,本文提出应同步升级规划环评制度,以响应规划制度改革的发展需求。在此基础上,本文重点分析了升级规划环评制度的六个要点:促进形成不同规划环评之间的制度合力,加强规划环评与项目环评的联动与互动,强调三级规划环评之间的衔接,落实规划环评制度与规划制度的协同,注重多元主体参与式的规划环评架构建设以及提升规划环评制度的严肃性和强制性。  相似文献   

环境影响评价(以下简称“环评”)制度作为生态环境源头预防的重要手段,有力支撑生态文明建设、推进生态环境治理能力现代化。当前,我国已建立了包括生态环境分区管控,项目环评、规划环评,以及区域发展战略(政策)评估的环评体系和排污许可管理制度体系,但是全链条环评管理在制度联动、衔接融合和管理闭环等方面仍存在薄弱环节。为进一步健全生态环境源头预防制度体系,须加快构建功能定位明确、责任边界清晰、衔接关系顺畅的全链条环评体系;建立生态环境分区管控与环评管理、排污许可等制度之间“四联动、三融合、两闭环”的基本模式。建议进一步完善全链条管理制度顶层设计,推动重点领域科技攻关,深化政策创新试点,强化能力建设,为推进美丽中国建设提供支撑保障。  相似文献   

中国环境影响评价制度历经30年之完善发展,已成为构建和谐社会不可或缺之法律制度。然而近年来开发活动中由环境问题引发的诸多社会问题,暴露出环评对社会因素考虑之不足。本文在分析社会影响评价对环评辅助作用的基础上,提出在环境影响评价制度中引入社会影响评价机制的政策建议。并借鉴国外经验,进一步提出完善公众参与,为社会影响评价立法,制定相关规范、标准的构想。从技术层面,着重探讨了社会影响评价程序、方法和指标体系等。  相似文献   

当前我国的环评工作取得了长足进步,不管是在基础建设项目方面,还是技术改造项目方面,都发挥了重要作用。而我国正面临越来越严峻的环境形势,但现行的环评制度还存在诸多缺失,无法完全适应国家发展的需要。如何提高环评的地位和作用、促进环境影响评价法的修改和完善、增强环评工作的操作性和实效性,是当前我国开展环评工作所面临的重点问题。本文就这一问题提出完善我国环境影响评价制度,提高其有效性的对策建议和建设性意见。  相似文献   

1979年5月.国家计委、建委和原国务院环境保护领导小组转发的《全国环境保护工作会议情况的报告》中提出了我国环境影响评价制度的概念、同年9月在《中华人民共和国环境保护法(试行)》中规定了环境影响评价制度。“六五”期间,大中型项目环评编报率达76%,“七五”期间,环评编报率基本达到了100%。环评制度的推行,为有效地减少新污染源和环境破坏起到了很大作用。但是.随着市场经济的发展,环评制度的某些方面已显出一些不适应,并已在一定程度上制约和影响了环评制度的执行。1992年全国建设项目环境影响评价制度执行率为60.4%.199…  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures have been in existence in the People's Republic of China over the last decade. The impetus for China's introduction of EIA was provided by the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted by the Fifth National People's Congress in 1979. The EIA process, which is administrative and not statutorily mandated, has been applied primarily to construction projects. Four stages are typically involved in an EIA investigation: design of the investigation, evaluation of background environmental quality, prediction of environmental impacts, and an assessment and analysis of the environmental impacts. A variety of approaches is used for predicting and analyzing environmental impacts, ranging from ad hoc methods to fairly sophisticated mathematical models. The results of the EIA investigation are compiled in an environmental impact statement, which is used as the basis for decision making by personnel in environmental protection departments. The EIA process does not include provisions for citizen notification or involvement. Views differ concerning the effectiveness of the EIA program in protecting China's natural, social, and cultural environments. Some hold that the EIA program has brought about improvement in environmental protection, while critics contend that the program has had little effect in the prevention of pollution. However, most, if not all, observers seem to feel that the program should be continued and improved. A major avenue for improvement is to place the evaluation of a particular project in a regional context. An earlier version of this paper was distributed at a workshop on Environmental Assessment Development Planning held in conjunction with the VII Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Brisbane, Australia, July 5–8, 1988.  相似文献   

China's EIA Law came into effect in 2003 and formally requires road transport infrastructure development actions to be subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). EIAs (including project EIA and plan EIA, or strategic environmental impact assessment, SEA) have been being widely applied in the expressway infrastructure planning field. Among those applications, SEA is applied to provincial level expressway network (PLEI) plans, and project EIA is applied to expressway infrastructure development 'projects' under PLEI plans. Three case studies (one expressway project EIA and two PLEI plan SEAs) were examined to understand currently how EIAs are applied to expressway infrastructure development planning. Through the studies, a number of problems that significantly influence the quality of EIA application in the field were identified. The reasons causing those problems are analyzed and possible solutions are suggested aimed at enhancing EIA practice, helping deliver better decision-making and ultimately improving the environmental performance of expressway infrastructure.  相似文献   

In this paper the existing body of theory is reviewed to highlight the need for further attention to be paid to the EIA/management relationship. In particular it is shown that the majority of the literature to date has concentrated on the influence of EIA leading up to and including the decision to proceed or not with the proposed action. Less attention has been paid to the extension of the influence of EIA beyond this point to inform the process of ongoing environmental management. This relationship is then explored by reference to the Western Australian EIA system. One of the strengths of this system is its focus upon the implementation and management of proposed developments. The outcome of EIA is generally an approval to proceed with the development subject to meeting a suite of environmental design and management objectives.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been promoted as an instrument for preventive environmental management in construction projects, but its performance in safeguarding the environment through influencing project decision-making is questioned. This paper probes the underlying reasons from a governance perspective as an important supplement to the regulatory and technical perspectives. A framework, with process integration, professional governance, and public engagement being its key components, is proposed to analyze the governance arrangements that enable or inhibit the effective functioning of EIA, based on which a comparative study of three infrastructure projects in China, the United States and Finland was conducted. The results reveal that, while the level of process integration and public engagement of EIA determines the degree to which EIA influences project decisions, it is the professional governance that controls the accountability of EIA. The paper has implications on institutionally where efforts should be directed to improve the performance of EIA.  相似文献   

Cross-city analysis in environmental regulation within non-democratic political systems is a neglected area. Taking policy convergence and styles of regulation as the focus, this paper has taken an initial step to compare the environmental impact assessment (EIA) regulation in Hong Kong and Shanghai. In this comparative exercise, it is identified that policy convergence occurs more explicitly in policy ideology and policy consequences, whereas divergence takes place in policy content, regulatory process and public consultation. Convergence, however, is only superficial whereas divergence is substantial. Indeed EIA systems of these two jurisdictions have displayed contrasting styles of regulation. The formal EIA system in Shanghai is dominated by the environmental agency, which regulates informal politics in the EIA process within a legal format. The informal EIA system in Hong Kong is co-ordinated by the environmental agency, which seeks active co-operation with the clients in a consultative EIA process in an informal and discretionary manner. What makes the Hong Kong system superior to the Shanghai system is the existence of institutional channels for public consultation. Within a non-democratic political setting, the EIA process in Hong Kong is more transparent and the EIA system is more accountable to the public, whereas the EIA process in Shanghai is lacking in transparency and the EIA system is under tight bureaucratic control.  相似文献   

As an aid to decision making Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is seen as a rational and systematic process which is often held to be holistic and proactive in its approach to environmental protection (Glasson et al., 1999). The roots of EIA are firmly located within the 1960s' demand for a more systematic and objective approach to environmental decision making and hence within the rationalist model of decision making theory. This paper examines the key stages of the EIA process to assess how far EIA conforms to the rationalist model today. Most research in EIA decision making has focused on the project authorization process and not the crucial decisions made at the earlier stages of screening and scoping. This study examines those early stages within the context of UK EIA practice. From this examination the paper attempts to locate EIA within decision-making theory.  相似文献   

鱼红霞 《四川环境》2008,27(6):63-67
衔接土地利用规划和建设项目的土地一级开发伴随着土地政策的改革而出现。目前土地一级开发环境影响评价处于起步阶段,缺乏对这项工作系统的研究。本文结合工作中的实践经验,从土地一级开发环境影响评价实施的意义、作用和评价目的等方面对土地一级开发的环境影响评价进行了论述,分析了其环境影响评价存在的问题,总结了土地一级开发环境影响评价的技术要点,并对完善土地一级开发环境影响评价制度提出建议。  相似文献   

以河南某化工企业为例,从厂区功能区划分、主要污染源分布、排水路线制定、卫生和安全防护等方面对其进行厂区平面布置合理性分析,通过分析评价各关键因素对周围环境及敏感点的影响程度大小对厂区平面布置进行适当调整和优化。由案例可知,项目环评不仅能够有效削减工业污染物排放对厂区人员和附近敏感点的影响,而且能够有效反馈厂区平面设计中存在的不足,通过优化调整降低铁路、高压线、环境敏感点跨辖区搬迁等限制条件对项目主要生产功能区布置的影响,提高企业生产中的卫生安全和风险防护水平,降低企业环保投入,实现经济和环保效益协调发展。  相似文献   

Experiences with environmental impact assessment (EIA) in a number of countries are discussed in the light of both explicit and implicit goals and objectives. Adequate environmental information is not always available to decision makers because of failure to apply EIA to all relevant decisions, the continuing inadequacies of prediction and evaluation techniques, the failure to consider alternatives adequately, and the bias of some EISs. EIA frequently results in changes to proposals and may result in stricter environmental management conditions in some cases, but some people regard it as a failure because it has not stopped development. Generally, EIA leads to better integration of environmental factors into project planning. Open procedures and freedom of information encourage responsiveness to EIA procedures, which can be weakened by discretionary powers and lack of access to the courts by public interest groups. However, legal standing may have side effects that offset its advantages. EIA can encourage cooperation and coordination between agencies but does not ensure them. Similarly, it can have a limited role in coordinating interstate and international policies. In the long term, the success of EIA depends on adequate monitoring, reassessment, and enforcement over the life of the project. EIA has generally opened up new opportunities for public participation, and may help to reduce conflict. EIA procedures need to be integrated with other environmental protection and development control programs, and various means exist for reducing its cost to developers and the public.  相似文献   

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